THE HEROES OF ASGARD - 9 of the most popular Norse & Viking legends - Anon E. Mouse - E-Book

THE HEROES OF ASGARD - 9 of the most popular Norse & Viking legends E-Book

Anon E. Mouse

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Herein are 9 most popular Myths and Legends from Scandinavian mythology translated and retold by sisters Annie & Eliza Keary and illustrated by Huard of New York. Much has been said and written about the wonder and majesty of Norse mythology. Next to the bible it is the culture most of the peoples of the Northern hemisphere know and identify with. Afterall the Vikings ranged from Greenland in the West, to Byzantium (Turkey) and Egypt in the East and all lands in between. Some Vikings even made it as far as ancient Samarkand and Bactria on the Silk Road. The myths and legends in this volume cover: The Æsir  How Thor Went to Jötunheim  Frey  The Wanderings of Freyja  Idūna's Apples  Baldur  The Binding of Fenrir  The Punishment of Loki; and Ragnarök, or, The Twilight of the Gods This volume was considered to be so groundbreaking at the time that it was published twice and other illustrators also published their own editions with their own artworks. Many of the Viking and Norse mythology books which followed used this volume as a template for the newer works. 10% of the net sale will be donated to charities by the publisher. ============== KEYWORDS/TAGS: Heroes of Asgard, Odin, Thor, Æsir, Loki, earth, Baldur, giant, Freyja, Asgard, Frey, Jötunheim, Idūna, Fenrir, beautiful, Frigga, Tyr, men, golden, Skirnir, deities, Odur, Norse, Viking, Myths, mythology, Legends, , heart, bright, Hermod, sun, Heimdall, elves, Hela, Alfheim, All Father, death, Niörd, Suttung, Miölnir, story, chain, children, sword, Thialfi, Helheim, Bragi, Air, Jörmungand, Gerda, Hymir, son, daughter, apples, Throne, summer, Frigg, King, darkness, Odhærir, Odhaerir, Bifröst, blood, chariot, breath, Ægir, river, Hœnir, wolf, Brisingamen, Gladsheim, Niflheim, Valhalla, maidens, Baugi, mountains, Ragnarök, Utgard, shape, Simrock, serpent, Gunnlöd, Vidar, wicked, Giant, Skadi, Hödur, Idūn, Iduna, Vala, Edda, Svartheim, monster, Norns, Mimer, Garm, Urd, Peacestead, Manheim, Asyniur, purpose, Gerd, Vana, Allfather, Valkyrior, Verdandi, Folkvang, Idūna, , Vanir, Hugin, Munin, Urda, Logi, companion, Yggdrasil, wandering, Sleipnir, Thiassi, Ægir, Aegir, , Fialar, Kvasir, Galar, Skuld, Hugi, Vali, Hall, gathering, Ving-Thor, whetstone, mistletoe, journey, Audhumla, Skrymir, Gilling, Giallar, eagle's, Gerda, Thing, Ting, Queen, honey, Höd, Skidbladnir

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TheHeroes of Asgard

Tales From Scandinavian Mythology By Annie & Eliza Keary

With Illustrations By Huard

Originally Published by

The Macmillan Company, London[1906 & 1909]

Resurrected by

Abela Publishing, London


The Heroes of Asgard

Typographical arrangement of this edition

© Abela Publishing 2018

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Abela Publishing,


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Norse & Viking Myths, Legends, Tales & Stories

Thor approaches the Giant Skrymir to get a better C. E. Brock (1870 –1938)


In preparing the Second Edition of this little volume of tales from the Northern Mythology for the press, the Authors have thought it advisable to omit the conversations at the beginning and end of the chapters, which had been objected to as breaking the course of the narrative. They have carefully revised the whole, corrected many inaccuracies and added fresh information drawn from sources they had not had an opportunity of consulting when the volume first appeared. The writers to whose works the Authors have been most indebted, are Simrock, Mallet, Laing, Thorpe, Howitt and Dasent.



Chapter I - The Æsir

Part I A Giant—A Cow—And A Hero

Part II Air Throne, The Dwarfs, And The Light


Part III Niflheim

Part IV The Children Of Loki

Part V Bifröst, Urda, And The Norns

Part VI Odhærir,

Chapter II - How Thor Went To Jötunheim

Part I From Asgard To Utgard

Part II The Serpent And The Kettle

Chapter III - Frey

Part I On Tiptoe In Air Throne,

Part II The Gift

Part III Fairest Gerd

Part IV The Wood Barri

Chapter IV - The Wanderings Of Freyja

Part I The Necklace Brisingamen

Part II Loki—The Iron Wood—A Boundless Waste

Part III The King Of The Sea And His Daughters

Chapter V - Idūna's Apples

Part I Reflections In The Water

Part II The Winged-Giant

Part III Hela

Part IV Through Flood And Fire

Chapter VI - Baldur

Part I The Dream

Part II The Peacestead

Part III Baldur Dead

Part IV Helheim

Part V Weeping

Chapter VII - The Binding Of Fenrir

Part I The Might Of Asgard

Part II The Secret Of Svartheim

Part III Honour

Chapter VIII - The Punishment Of Loki

Chapter IX - Ragnarök, Or, The Twilight Of The Gods

Index Of Names, With Meanings

More Norse & Viking Sagas, Tales & Stories

List of Illustrations

1. Giant Suttung And The Dwarfs

2. Giant Skrymir And Thor

3. Freyja In The Dwarfs' Cave

4. Iduna Giving The Magic Apples

5. Skadi Choosing Her Husband

6. Tyr Feeding Fenrir

7. The Punishment Of Loki



If we would understand the religion of the ancient Scandinavians, we ought to study at the same time the myths of all Teutonic nations. A drawing together of these, and a comparison of one with another, has been most beautifully effected by Simrock, in his Handbuch der Deutschen Mythologie, where he tells us that whilst the Scandinavian records are richer and more definite, they are also younger than those of Germany, which latter may be compared to ancient half choked-up streams from which the fuller river flows, but which, it is to be remarked, that river has mingled in its flowing. Grimm says that both religions—the German and the Northern—were in the main identical, though in details they varied; and as heathenism lingered longer in Scandinavia than in any other part of Europe, it is not surprising that there, rather than anywhere else, we should find the old world wants and hopes and fears, dark guesses, crude imaginings, childlike poetic expressions, crystallised into a pretty definite system of belief and worship. Yes, we can walk through the glittering ice halls of the old frozen faith, and count its gems and wonder at its fearful images; but the warm heart-reachings from which they alike once flowed, we can only darkly feel, at best but narrowly pry into here and there. Ah! if we could but break up the poem again into the syllables of the far off years.

The little tales which follow, drawn from the most striking and picturesque of the Northern myths, are put together in the simplest possible form, and were written only with a design to make the subject interesting to children. By-and-bye, however, as we through their means become in a slight degree acquainted with the characters belonging to, and the parts played by, the various deities of this mythology, it will not be uninteresting to consider what their meaning may be, and to try if we can trace the connection of one with another. At present it seems best, as an introduction to them—and without it they would be scarcely intelligible—to give a very slight sketch of the Northern mythology, as it is gathered from the earliest Scandinavian sources, as well as a short account of the sources from which it is gathered.

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