The Holy Night - Selma Lagerlöf - Hörbuch

The Holy Night Hörbuch

Selma Lagerlöf

1,49 €

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As part of her collection "Christ Legends" Selma Lagerlöf wrote the story "The Holy Night," a Christmas-themed tale first published in sometime in the early 1900s but before her death in 1940. It tells the story of the author at five years old who experienced a great sadness when her grandmother passed which made her recall a story the old woman used to tell about the Holy Night. The story the grandmother tells is about a poor man who wanders around the village asking people for a single live coal to light his own fire, but keeps getting met with rejection until he runs into a shepherd who finds compassion in his heart to help, especially after seeing the state of the man's home and wife and child.

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Zeit:0 Std. 8 min

Sprecher:Trevor O'Hare
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