The Mirror of Formless Mass - Angel Rupert - E-Book

The Mirror of Formless Mass E-Book

Angel Rupert

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I make sure he never thinks I’m in danger of losing control. He’s rather large and has quite a reputation as an unofficial bouncer. He could easily decide to bounce some of our agents right out of there and they would have to go meekly instead of raising suspicions. The three of these people are actually quite well-known here and even put a painting on display occasionally.

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Title Page

The Mirror of Formless Mass


Angel Rupert

The Mirror of Formless Mass / 1st of series: Impenetrable / By Angel Rupert

Published 2023 by Bentockiz

e-book Imprint: Uniochlors

e-book Registration: Stockholm, Sweden

e-book ISBN: 9789198834307

e-book editing: Athens, Greece

Cover Images created via AI art generators

Table of Contents

Title Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two


Through books we come into contact with everything important that has happened in the past, analyzing also current events and putting our thoughts together to predict the future. The book is a window to the world, acquiring valuable knowledge and sparking our vivid imagination. It is a means of entertainment and is generally seen as a best friend, or as a slave that carries together all valuable information for us. The book is a friend who stays together without demands, a friend you call upon at every moment and abandon when you want.

It accompanies us in the hours of boredom and loneliness, while at the same time it entertains us. In general, a book does not ask anything from us, while it waits patiently on a dusty shelf to give us its information, to get us out of dead ends and to travel us to magical worlds.

This may be the travel mission of our books. Abstract narration, weird or unconscious thoughts difficult to be understood, but always genuine and full of life experiences, these are stories of life that can’t be overlooked easily.

This may be the start of something amazing!

Chapter One

Grudgingly, I had to admit he was right. For a man so unconcerned with silly little things like unauthorized wiretapping, B & E, fixed crime scenes, and unofficially sanctioned assassinations, Garnet was fastidious almost to the point of fanaticism in his personal life. I probably knew Garnet better than most and I had to admit, the man did have some scruples...just none that were work-related. The only ones I’d seen were personal, which would explain why no one else would ever believe he possessed any at all.

Of course, as far as I could tell, I was the only one ever privy to any part of his personal life, and I figured that none of his agents—past or present, with the possible exception of Jake—even knew he’d once been married. I wouldn’t have even known if he hadn’t called me Serena the first and only time I’d ever allowed him to kiss me.

Garnet was attractive, in a generic former CIA spy kind of way, and I’d been young and lonely and more than a bit curious about the man.

It had been the one and only time that I’d seen Garnet totally out-of-control as his normally placid, albeit fake, grin disappeared without a trace and he mumbled an extremely terse explanation regarding his wife Serena before abruptly exiting the room. I had no idea if he was widowed or divorced, but I knew one thing for certain...I would never ask him.

The next time we saw each other, I felt awkward, but Garnet had no such problem. In fact, after the disastrous kiss, he began a campaign of mildly suggestive comments and thinly veiled innuendos designed to entice me into his bed and he didn’t seem to mind an audience...for the innuendo part.

I, on the other hand, minded...a lot.

Predictably, within a very short period of time, every member of the Agency thought we were sleeping together.

Garnet knew about the general misconception, but he never bothered to dispel that particular myth. After a while, I decided to follow his lead. I had no idea why Garnet let it ride, but I had my reasons...all of which centered around the fact that most agents behaved more circumspectly with me thinking I was the boss-man’s woman. Of course, there were exceptions, but I quickly and efficiently took care of those.

“Might be a good idea to replace me,” I said as nonchalantly as I could manage. “After all, I’m getting up in years.”

“So you turn thirty-two next’ve still got it.”

“Whatever ‘it’ is,” I muttered. “Okay, then, what gives? Why the urgency?”

Garnet expelled a longsuffering sigh, one that all of Garnet’s agents were more than familiar with and generally ignored, before continuing, “I have a special job for this one so I’m going to need her fully prepped in a way that only you are specifically qualified to accomplish.”

“Oh no, you aren’t trying that again,” I shook my head in disbelief. “Don’t you ever learn? Wright didn’t take it so well last time and I guarantee it won’t be any better this time. Plus the fact that it cost the agency a bundle when he refused to give any of the equipment back. I guarantee he’ll keep any new equipment you send out this time as well.”

“I admit that I made a small error in judgment, but as you are very much aware, that was your fault.”

“My fault...where do you get off blaming me for your failures?”