The Weary Generations - Abdullah Hussein - E-Book

The Weary Generations E-Book

Abdullah Hussein



Published ahead of Paul Scott's Raj Quartet and long before Midnight's Children, Abdullah Hussein's ambitious saga of social struggle The Weary Generations was a bestseller in Urdu. Published in 1963 and now beyond its 40th edition, it has never been out of print. A vivid depiction of the widespread disillusionment and seismic upheavals of the Partition era that lead to the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh, there has never been a more opportune time to discover one of the most important writings about the post-colonial trauma in the region. Although it has appeared in translation in several Indian languages as well as Chinese, it wasn't until 1999 that it first appeared in English, when the author's translation was published in hardback in the UK by Peter Owen to major critical acclaim and subsequently by Harper Collins in India. This paperback edition has never been more timely and its significance more apparent. It is an essential text for English language readers seeking to comprehend the historical origins of the tensions in the Indian sub-continent. Beginning with the struggle of the people of India against the British Raj, this story of love and marriage between two people of totally different social backgrounds which crumbles almost as soon as as it takes place mirrors the uneasy 'marriage' between the British and their Indian Empire - both unions ultimately ending in a parting of the ways. Naim, son of a peasant, marries Azra, the daughter of a rich landowner. Fighting for the British during the First World War he loses an arm. Invalided home, he becomes angered at the subjugation of his countrymen under the Raj and aligns himself with the opposition. His ideals are swept away after Independence in 1947 when he realises that, as Muslims, his family is no longer safe in their Indian home and that they must migrate to the newly created Pakistan.

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‘Altogether a brilliant work: one of the great fictional portrayals of the Raj and a sobering, very moving human document.’

— Kirkus Reviews, USA

‘Hussein is a wonderful storyteller … the narrative moves at an exciting pace, with its brief, unusual lives of the socially insignificant. These vignettes also evoke the volatility and violence of the last days of British India … the novel is a grim reminder that little has changed in the Indian sub-continent: tyranny continues to prevail and Naim’s struggle is repeated, generation after generation, by the weary generations, by the inheritors of British India’s troubled legacy.’

— Literary Review

‘His decision to recast himself in English may be an attempt to create a new work, relevant to our times, which universal in its particularity, forces us to look back and remember. The First World war in which Naim loses an arm is powerfully evoked … Hussein’s strength lies in the rich, sombre depiction of war, nationalist upheaval and exodus. The author has the ability to remind us, by turning this century’s raw and agonizing events into moments of collective epiphany, that history and story are in many languages the same thing.’

— Times Literary Supplement


Published ahead of Paul Scott’s Raj Quartet and long before Midnight’s Children, Abdullah Hussein’s ambitious saga of social struggle The Weary Generations was a bestseller in Urdu. Published in 1963 and now beyond its 40th edition, it has never been out of print. A vivid depiction of the widespread disillusionment and seismic upheavals of the Partition era that lead to the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh, there has never been a more opportune time to discover one of the most important writings about the post-colonial trauma in the region.

Although it has appeared in translation in several Indian languages as well as Chinese, it wasn’t until 1999 that it first appeared in English, when the author’s translation was published in hardback in the UK by Peter Owen to major critical acclaim, and subsequently by HarperCollins in India.

Naim, son of a peasant, marries Azra, the daughter of a rich landowner. Fighting for the British during the First World War he loses an arm. Invalided home, he becomes angered at the subjugation of his countrymen under the Raj and aligns himself with the opposition. His ideals are swept away after Independence in 1947 when he realises that, as Muslims, his family is no longer safe in their Indian home and that they must migrate to the newly created Pakistan.

This edition has never been more timely and its significance more apparent. Regarded as one of the half-dozen most influential novels dealing with Partition or post-colonial malaise, it is an immensely powerful novel in its own right and is essential reading for English language readers seeking to comprehend the historical origins of the tensions in the Indian sub-continent.

For my grandsonAli Bahadur

Acknowledgements are due to Dr Amer Sarfraz and Zahoor Ahmad Khan who gave help with computer work in the production of this book.


And [the people] shall look into the earth; and behold trouble and darkness; dimness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness.

– Isaiah


AMAN ON horseback, holding aloft a leaking jar of honey in his hand, had staked out a large tract of land and laid claim to it. In the middle of this expanse he, Roshan Ali Khan, had founded a village and called it Roshan Pur after himself. In all these years, the village had not grown beyond a hundred dwellings, the houses leaning, as if for mutual support, against each other, sharing walls and roofs of grey, uneven mud dug out of the earth. Narrow dirt paths led to the village from several directions, criss-crossing each other at unnatural angles, formed not by deliberate effort but as a result of the natural course of journeys undertaken by the villagers each day between the houses and the land they tilled. A stranger travelling on these paths would often get confused and, bypassing his destination altogether, end up in the wrong village. But the inhabitants of the ‘wrong village’, long used to errant travellers, would cheerfully offer him a pot of lassi and a cot to rest his weary back on before putting him back on the right track. Most of the time the paths lay quietly baking under the harsh sun, their belligerence showing only when an ikka or a bullock-cart passed over them, its wheels crushing the earth, which billowed upwards in the form of a dust cloud that hung forever in the still air, stinging the faces and eyes of men and women like hot needles.

Prior to the laying of the railway line that connected the town of Rani Pur to Delhi on one side and cities to the north on the other in the late sixties, years before even the ‘Mutiny’ that took place in 1857, it was already a crossroads for travellers in these parts thanks to the location it occupied right on the main road, the ancient, wide dirt track that ran for hundreds of miles from the south to the north of the country. Many paths, of different widths and angularity, proceeded from the town, leading to the two hundred outlying villages in the surrounding country. Taking one of these paths, you rode out, or walked, westwards to Roshan Pur. Outside each village that lay on the way, you met with dogs. Regarding every passer-by as an invader, the dogs, ill-fed and ill-tempered, stirred from their slumber and, keeping their distance, uttered barks of terrible ferocity. Some among the travellers would stop and bark back or throw stones at them, making the beasts all the more persistent in their vociferous attack, while others who knew the habits of these animals and wished not to be diverted into erring on the muddled paths ignored the dogs and passed by. Travelling thus for full fourteen miles, you reached Roshan Pur unharmed, although not uncovered by layers of thin dust from head to foot. The population of the village was divided into two communities of roughly equal size: the Muslims and the Sikhs. For purposes of land administration and taxes the village was part of UP, short for the United Provinces, although its actual location was a matter of dispute and folklore. Harnam Singh, head of the Sikhs, claimed that the village in fact lay within the bounds of the province of the Punjab, while Ahmed Din, the oldest resident and chief of the Muslims, maintained that it was indeed part of UP. It was a topic of ongoing argument, frequently contested by the two sides in the village chopal, more by way of passing time of an evening than as a point of principle. It may, however, be safely assumed that the settlement lay at some undefined spot on the very border of the two provinces.

No more than sixty years having passed since the settlement, and thirty from the time the canal was dug that now irrigated the lands, the old men who came to till the lands as young lads were still alive. Their sons and grandsons now working the land, as share-croppers or farm labourers just as their fathers had done, for Roshan Ali Khan, the owner, known simply as ‘Roshan Agha’, a title he had inherited from his late father, the original Roshan Ali Khan I. Roshan Agha lived in a large house in Delhi and seldom visited the village. The story of the beginnings of the village was thus young and still fresh in the memory of the first tillers of the wilderness. The account of it heard from the mouth of Ahmed Din was accepted by all as true. It went like this: at the time of the ‘Mutiny’, one Roshan Ali was a clerk in the District Collector’s office in Rohtak. Being ‘Middle Pass’, he was considered an educated member of his small community. He lived in an inner mohalla of the old city with his mother, a wife and infant son. As the armed Indian troops rose up against their British officers, the population was seized by a sense of terror. People gathered in their mohallas, keeping their ears pricked all day for rumours coming from the direction of the cantonment. In the evening of that day, Roshan Ali was returning from the street next to his after a visit of condolence to the family of a friend who had been killed in an accident. As he emerged from the house of the deceased, Roshan Ali saw a dark figure running up the street. Suddenly, it stumbled and fell. Roshan Ali went up to look. Night had fallen and all that he could make out was that it was a man who had wrapped himself up in a blanket. Thinking that it was some poor creature come to the end of his tether, Roshan Ali, a strong man of thirty, gathered up the fellow in his arms, flung him on his shoulder and carried him home. As he lowered the man on to a bed, Roshan Ali saw that it was a fair-haired white man in a British officer’s uniform, a revolver in its holster tied to his belt at the waist and his uniform soaked in blood. Roshan Ali’s own clothes, he now saw, were spattered with spots of blood. His mother and wife started weeping. Roshan Ali bade them to be silent and give him help in tending to the wounded man. The women handed him towels and brought tubfulls of water and clean clothes, but beyond that they would do nothing for the ‘farangi’. Indeed they would not show their bare faces near the man, covering themselves with thick cloth with only the eyes showing through slits, although the sick man was unconscious. Roshan Ali had to remove the man’s uniform, clean the long breast wound inflicted with a sharp object, although luckily not too deep, and wrap a sheet of cotton tightly round his chest to stop the bleeding, all on his own. Then he dressed the man in his own suit of white cotton shalwar-kameez. After he was finished, Roshan Ali covered the log-like but still breathing body with a fresh blanket and slipped the revolver under the pillow. He had hardly had the time to change his own clothes and hide them, along with the uniform of the white man, who had not gained consciousness, in a large trunk under many old clothes before Roshan Ali heard a commotion out in the street, followed quickly by a fierce knocking at his door.

What he saw through a crack in a side window made Roshan Ali’s blood run cold. There were a dozen Indian sipahis, armed with rifles and daggers. One of them, who was holding a hurricane lantern in his hand, was pointing to the trail of blood that led to the house. The soldiers were talking of breaking the door down. Roshan Ali could not find the energy even to go and put objects against the door to stop it opening. He stood transfixed, knowing the futility of such efforts in the face of twelve murderous soldiers. At that moment, five men, the oldest in the street – two Muslim, two Hindu and a Sikh – appeared out of their houses and cautiously, fearfully approached the mob, coming within talking distance just as rifle butts began to fall on Roshan Ali’s door. The soldiers stopped. What they told the old men was this: a farangi officer had broken out of the mutineers’ lines and, shooting down four Indian sipahis and suffering a sword wound in return, had managed to escape. He was pursued, and the trail of blood from his wound entered this house. If the farangi officer was not handed over to them, said the soldiers, they would break the door down and set fire to the house. The elders, fearing that the whole street would go up in flames, took their heavy turbans off their heads and, placing them at the angry soldiers’ feet, begged them to stay their hands while they tried to get the culprit out of the house.

From this point on, the story line got snarled; rather, it grew into several different strands. One version was that Roshan Ali, brave man that he was, stood his ground and said he would rather lay down his life than betray a man who had taken refuge in his house; another that Roshan Ali had dug a hole in the ground of the small courtyard in the back of the house while the negotiations were going on outside and ‘buried’ the wounded man in it by covering him loosely with bricks from the courtyard, upon which the door of the house was opened and the soldiers failed to find their quarry. Yet a third version, perhaps the least credible, told how Roshan Ali flung the unconscious white officer on his shoulder once again, took the revolver in his hand and, shooting ahead of him, fought his way out to the safety of the cantonment with his charge. All versions sought, however, to reinforce Roshan Ali’s virtue and provide anew a focus that would take the story forward.

For it so happened that the young British officer was a member of the English aristocracy with ‘high connections’. His rescue thus earned the gratitude of the viceroy, who summoned Roshan Ali to present himself at the Delhi darbar and, in a befitting ceremony, bestowed upon him a khil’at that bore the title of ‘Roshan Agha’, in addition to granting him the right to go and round up as much uncultivated land as he could manage inside of seventy-two hours anywhere in the country. To the question of why and how Roshan Agha came to pick this particular spot for his land, miles away from anywhere and many more from his native town, the teller of the tale had no definite answer. So he hummed and hawed and quickly went over to the more intriguing episode of how Roshan Ali, single-handed and without any material resources, went about setting bounds to the territory he claimed. According to Ahmed Din, he gave his full attention to the problem for many hours before settling on a plan. All he needed was a horse, a large metal jar with a pinhole in its bottom and the purest honey he could find to fill the jar. The problem of money arose. What with his trip to the darbar in Delhi and fancy clothes to be bought for the occasion, Roshan Ali was left with little money for the purpose of putting his plan into action. He had to borrow the money from a colleague of his, a neighbour and good friend, for the horse, the utensil and the substance. Thus equipped, he started off. Holding the jar aloft, transferring it from hand to hand as the arms got tired, Roshan Ali rode for sixty hours, day and night, stopping off only three times during this period for a bite to eat from his bag and a few minutes’ rest. That was all that the horse and the rider could do before the two of them got too exhausted to go on. But enough had been accomplished. The honey, leaking drop by drop through the tiny hole, had attracted ants and other insects of all kinds and sizes wherever it fell. Millions of these creatures not only outlined the surface of the earth, but most of them could not free themselves from the dense stickiness of honey and died there, forming fixed borders to Roshan Ali’s land. Roshan Ali had become Nawab Roshan Agha not just in name but in substance as well.

Regardless of the implausibilities of the story, it was considered of no consequence to doubt the veracity of the story, for there was the solid evidence of a landmass of ten thousand acres, now irrigated by the cutting of a canal from the river and covered with living crops, sustaining some hundreds of human and animal lives for all to see. Roshan Agha built himself a brick house in the middle, leaving fifty yards of ground on each side where he planted a garden of mango and citrus trees and banks of scented flowers, in a perfect circle all the way round. It was to be called ‘Gol Bagh’ – the round garden. Beyond the tall garden hedges grew the village on all sides, except for a path on one side that cut through the mud houses to the brick house. Some years later, when the income from the produce of the vast landholding began to materialize, Roshan Agha also built, over many years and at much expense, a grand house in the best part of Delhi and named it ‘Roshan Mahal’, although he never lived there for any length of time, visiting it for increasingly brief periods before returning to his beloved garden.

Roshan Ali, being ‘Middle Pass’, was an educated man in his time and much valued the acquisition of education. He sent his only son, a bright boy, to good schools with private tutors, also briefly to England, although the boy was never to acquire any higher qualifications there except for a facility in spoken English and polite manners. Upon his return, however, the son committed an act of impropriety so serious, that is, he independently married a woman of unsuitable character and class, that the displeased father banished him from his ancestral home in Roshan Pur. Thenceforth the son, Nawab Ghulam Mohyyeddin Khan, made Roshan Mahal his permanent home in Delhi. Roshan Agha did not see his son until the very last few weeks of his life when he was persuaded to forgive his son and accompany him to Delhi for medical treatment. His son’s unsuitable wife had died a few years after the marriage but not before giving birth to a son and a daughter. The arrival of grandchildren greatly pleased Roshan Agha and was said to be the reason for his forgiving his son at the end of his life. The dead wife’s widowed sister was invited to Roshan Mahal to look after the two small children. As Nawab Ghulam Mohyyeddin never remarried, his sister-in-law eventually took permanent residence at Roshan Mahal.

The only other brick house in Roshan Pur was located at one corner of the village and belonged to the family of the Mughals. The story of the Mughals, again from Ahmed Din’s mouth, went thus: Mirza Mohammad Beg was the man from whom Roshan Ali borrowed money to buy the horse he took to round up the land. As Roshan Ali’s transformation into Roshan Agha, with all the attendant riches, took place, he did not forget his old friend and benefactor. Roshan Agha transferred five hundred acres out of his ownership to Mirza Mohammad Beg by legal deed, invited him to come and live in Roshan Pur, built him a pukka house, although smaller than his own, at his own expense and told him to get on with cultivating the land. Mirza Mohammad Beg came from a long line of Mughals whose ancestors came to India with the first Mughal warriors from the north ten generations back, and he had the noble features of pure northern blood about him. Rumour had it that Roshan Agha was greatly enamoured of the unmatched beauty of his friend’s wife and that it was this that had impelled him to show such largesse to Mohammad Beg; and even that Mohammad Beg’s eldest son was the product of this attraction that had translated itself into a liaison in due course of time. But the very nature of rumour is wild, stretching itself to say even that Roshan Agha’s only child, Ghulam Mohyyeddin Khan, who had pale grey eyes and a fair complexion, had come to be as a result of a tryst between Roshan Agha’s beautiful wife and the very same Captain Johnson, later Colonel, whose life was saved by Roshan Agha and who became firm friends with his benefactor, coming to visit and stay, from as far as England, in Roshan Pur, the two going together to hunt wild boar and stag, the white man returning on occasion at odd hours, at times alone to the house, etc. etc. In the absence of solid evidence, however, what price mere rumour! No one, in the event, gave much thought to such gossip, except, in the dark and desolate corners of privacy, to lend some colour to dreary lives.

Mirza Mohammad Beg was a hard-working man and had an interest in metalwork. Besides agriculture, he also started a little workshop, where he was later to make all the tools used in working the land. He was not even forty years of age when bad luck befell him. After a brief illness, Mirza Mohammad Beg died, leaving behind wife and two sons. The eldest, Niaz Beg, grew to be a strong and handsome young man under the tutelage of Roshan Agha, living a comfortable life on the lands. He had inherited his father’s love of working with metal objects and spent much time in the workshop Mohammad Beg had built. His mother married him off to a good-looking girl from a Mughal family she had known from her old town of Rohtak. There was no issue until, fifteen years after the marriage was consummated, a son was born. It was said that the old woman, Mohammad Beg’s widow, was seized with such overwhelming joy at the birth of a grandson that she died on the spot. With the removal of his mother’s iron hand, Niaz Beg felt free to take a second wife, a girl from a lower class and much younger than himself.

Mohammad Beg’s second son, Ayaz Beg, had the love of books. He went to a madrissa in a neighbouring village for some time, but did not like it. He stopped going to the madrissa and began spending most of his days wandering around or helping his older brother make tools in the workshop. After a few years, Ayaz Beg got bored with village life and ran away from home. He joined up with a group of travelling people roaming the vast country and ended up way out in Calcutta. There he joined the East Bengal Railways as a labourer in the yards. After a time, a sudden change came over Ayaz Beg. He started reading pamphlets and magazines of a technical nature, chiefly to do with the railway systems. All the boredom of life went out of his bones and with years of hard work and application, teaching himself to read English, he rose to be a mechanic and kept rising through the ranks thereafter. He did not return home.

Then an incident occurred in the village which radically changed this family’s fortunes. On the charge of having committed a grossly illegal act, Niaz Beg was arrested and sentenced to twelve years of rigorous imprisonment. The authorities did not stop at that; they also confiscated most of the lands belonging to the two brothers in their joint names, leaving only enough for the two wives of Niaz Beg to get by. Ayaz Beg then came to the village for the first time since he had left it and took his brother’s young son with him to Calcutta, where he had by now risen, despite his lack of formal qualifications, to the very considerable position of engineer, educating himself besides in a wide range of general subjects, acquiring a rounded and sophisticated personality all the more remarkable for a man with his background. He never married. Now he had got something to do: to educate his nephew. He sent the boy to good English schools, giving him the best education available at his level.

Roshan Pur has a central position in this story; for the first few days, however, our narrative takes us to Delhi, the capital city of the Indian Empire, where, the old Roshan Agha having died recently in his eighty-sixth year, the title was going to be transferred to his son, Nawab Ghulam Mohyyeddin Roshan Ali Khan, in an elaborate ceremony held at Roshan Mahal. These were also the days when the struggle for the political independence of India had begun to take shape.


THE LARGE HOUSE, set back from the road, stood in vast grounds at the corner of Queen’s and Curzon roads. The two men, one elderly, the other young, got down from the behli a short distance from the main gate. Approaching the house, they could see the bunting strung overhead, the breeze ruffling it gently, and little multicoloured lanterns twinkling in trees and bushes. The light of the day was dying. The surface of the long drive leading from the gate was covered with freshly crushed, bright red gravel, marked on both sides by neat chalk lines defining the borders of the banks of summer flowers going right up to the wide patio. On the veranda were placed two tables, one bearing white napkin cloths, the other bare. Around the bare table were gathered several young people of both sexes, busily making up loose-knotted napkins but in a way that seemed not a job but an entertaining game to pass the time. Chairs and tables were being laid on the lawn by servants. A girl stepped aggressively from the lawn on to the patio. Going up to the veranda, she spotted the two guests and stopped, looking up as if startled.

‘Hello, Uncle,’ she said. ‘Adaab. Papa is in the drawing room. Please go in. We are,’ she laughed, ‘making napkins.’

Taking a quick glance at her wrist watch, she went up the four steps and joined the others. The girl had hazel eyes.

‘Look, Azra,’ a girl in red silk dress said, holding out a jumbled-up white cloth. The first girl took the cloth and, exhibiting the same aggression that was in her step, held it up.

‘Wrong. Absolutely wrong. Look, everybody. Pervez,’ she cried, pointing to the tallest boy in the crowd, ‘makes it like this,’ and rolled up the cloth into a misshapen ball.

Everyone laughed.

‘The maulana ties it like this round his head to lead the namaz,’ a plump boy said from the other side of the table.

With her head thrown back, the girl was laughing, causing the back of her neck to roll up in a tight little rope of young, wheaten flesh, her face, flushed with the rush of blood, stretched in mad hilarity, making her finely ribbed throat tremble ever so slightly, her eyes beginning to water thinly, mockingly fixed on her brother, Pervez, the tall boy.

‘I am not a girl,’ the boy said, embarrassed. ‘It’s a girl’s job. Or a bearer’s.’

In this unfamiliar milieu, Naim’s heart began to beat rapidly. He wanted to go and join this crowd, yet he couldn’t. He followed his uncle, Ayaz Beg, into the house.

Nawab Ghulam Mohyyeddin was sitting on a tall delicate stool in front of a roll-top bureau, writing in a heavy notebook. He had a fair complexion, gold-tinged hair, a high, straight nose and pale-grey eyes. He extended his hand to Ayaz Beg.

‘Come, come. When did you arrive?’

‘Only an hour back,’ replied Ayaz Beg and shook hands, bowing low. Naim had never seen his uncle greet anyone with such deference. ‘I am sorry, couldn’t attend Roshan Agha’s funeral. Job held me down.’

‘Of course, of course, for a conscientious officer like you.’ The nawab turned to Naim. ‘And the young man?’

‘Nephew,’ Ayaz Beg replied.

‘Oh,’ the nawab said. ‘I see.’ He kept his gaze upon the boy for a few seconds. Naim thought that the older man’s powerful face had imperceptibly tensed. ‘I see,’ he repeated. ‘Resembles his father. You know, we grew up together.’ He paused. ‘Is he back?’


‘How long was it?’

‘Twelve years.’

‘Oh!’ The nawab got up from his seat and started pacing the room. Looking at Naim, he asked, ‘Is he at school?’

‘He has just done his senior Cambridge,’ Ayaz Beg informed him.

‘Have you seen your brother?’


‘Will you be seeing him?’

‘No,’ answered Ayaz Beg.

All three sat down on sofas. Ayaz Beg finally broke the brief silence that followed their last exchange. ‘I hope everything is in place for Tajposhi.’

‘Yes, yes. Insha’allah. Plenty of people. You will enjoy meeting them. Gokhle sahib is coming. So is Mrs Besant. I know you are a rank theosophist. Ha, ha!’

Ayaz Beg smiled.

‘You know,’ the nawab continued, ‘I would have liked Niaz Beg to come for this …’ his voice sloped off.

After a pause, Ayaz Beg said quietly, ‘Yes, yes, of course.’

Naim was beginning to feel uncomfortable; never before had he heard of his father being talked about like this. When Ayaz Beg changed the subject and the two men began to talk about the political situation in the country, Naim felt relief. He started looking around. The nawab’s glasses seemed embedded deep into the flesh of his nose. In contrast, his hands were delicate, with perfectly tapered fingers, which he moved prettily as he talked. He was a man of ordinary features, yet appeared imposingly attractive because of the manner in which he conducted himself. The room was opulently furnished. Directly behind Naim’s chair stood a mounted tiger, looking alarmingly alive. The floors were covered with the deepest-pile Kashmiri rugs Naim had ever seen. Tall camel-skin floor lamps stood in four corners of the room. As the two older men conversed, a servant had silently entered to switch on the lamps, their soft light falling on the intricate wine-and-fawn patterns of the carpets. The nawab’s eye-glasses glinted. After a little while, the nawab got up and went to the window that opened on to the veranda and the lawn beyond. After having had a look, he turned to tell his guests that the seating outside was nearly in place. Then he excused himself for having to go inside and change for dinner.

Out on the lawn, all the napkins, now properly done, were placed beside the crockery and cutlery, and bearers in starched white uniforms were moving among the tables making the last arrangements. There was no one else. Ayaz Beg sat down in a chair and started fiddling with his camera, which he had brought along especially to take pictures of the evening’s ceremony. Naim was wandering along the edges of the lawn, looking at rows of flowers, when a group of girls and boys came out of the house and scattered over the lawn in twos and threes. The tall boy, after offering a respectful salaam to Ayaz Beg, approached Naim.

‘My name is Pervez,’ he said, extending his hand. ‘You have come from Calcutta, right?’

‘Yes,’ Naim said in reply. He shook hands with the boy and stood quietly looking at him. During a lonely, unthreatened upbringing it had become his natural manner not to feel the compulsion to say something and yet appear anything but impolite.

‘Let’s go and meet others,’ Pervez said.

As they approached the first two people, the rest of the youngsters started joining them. They had all changed into formal dress.

‘This – this is Naim,’ Pervez introduced him. ‘He – he has come from Calcutta. This,’ he pointed to the hazel-eyed girl, ‘is my sister Azra,’ then pointing to the rest, ‘and they, I mean, are all members of family or friends.’

Naim kept silently touching the tassel of his red Turkish cap.

‘Happy to meet you,’ one of them said. ‘Let’s sit down.’

They sat down in chairs.

‘Do you not speak at all?’ asked Azra, her eyes dancing.

‘No – no. I mean, yes,’ Naim said.

‘Nice name,’ a thin boy spoke in English. ‘I like it.’

Although their playfulness was gone, Naim discerned a vaguely mocking manner in them, which they used with each other as well. Only Azra kept talking in that frank and fearless way that could be taken as a shade too assertive. She was wearing a white silk sari.

‘Do you know how to fold a napkin?’ she asked.

‘No,’ Naim said.

‘Actually,’ she said, ‘none of us does. We only discovered this today.’

‘Aw, that isn’t fair, Azra,’ the thin boy said. ‘You might as well say we don’t know how to wrap a sari around us.’

Some of them laughed quietly. Naim felt that they weren’t laughing at what was actually being said, just amusing themselves because they were in a certain mood, as if carrying on a private engagement. There was wilfulness in their exchange.

Ayaz Beg called out to Naim. He wanted help with fixing the camera, of which Naim perhaps knew more than his uncle did. It was a big box camera with a light-bulb flash, and Naim could take it apart and put it together again. It took them several minutes before it was loaded and the shutter working properly. Guests had started arriving. Nawab Ghulam Mohyyeddin stood at the entrance with a handsome middle-aged woman, receiving the guests. Azra stood alongside them. First came the foreigners, most of them British. Some of them wore top hats and long coats, under which they were sweating. They handed their hats and coats to the servants and were led to the best sofa chairs in the seating area, where they sat smoking cigars and talking in low voices, their women in high-neck dresses smoking long cigarettes stuck in equally long holders held aloft. The women laughed loudly, feeling free. The Indian guests arrived a little later. They were in various attires, marked by their area of origin, but chiefly by religion: Muslims in tasselled Turkish caps and long gowns, Hindus in hitched-in-the-middle loose dhotis and turbans, only a few of them in non-denominational sherwanis. They paid scant attention to the servants and went and sat silently on one side, bunched together, not caring to remove their large, loosely wound turbans and holding their canes straight up on the ground in front of them between their legs. They had all come in two- and four-horse behlis, only some foreigners and very few Indians arriving in automobiles. An Indian, in a shiny, gold-worked sherwani and tight turban, with a young man in Western dress trailing him, arrived in a car. The nawab met him, executing a deep bow. Someone said it was the Maharajkumar of Partap Nagar and the young man his secretary. He handed his gold-topped cane to the young man, who hung on to it. The Maharajkumar went and sat with the Britishers. An Englishwoman, sitting three seats away, leaned forward and waved to him. The man waved back.

As Mr Gokhle arrived, all the Indians and two British people stood up to greet him. Ayaz Beg mentioned his name. Naim went and stood close to him. He had heard the name before, but it was the first time he had set eyes on the man. He had on a sherwani-type half-coat, buttoned up to the neck, over pantaloons, both in black, and wore a cap, the kind Naim had seen on Tilak’s head in photographs in Calcutta. A long narrow muffler was thrown freely round his neck. Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, the man might have been considered good-looking were he not so weak, thin and pale. Among the younger people, Naim was the only one who stepped forward and shook hands with him. Mrs Besant was the last to arrive. She wore a bright yellow sari and went and sat with the Indian guests. Upon her arrival, a hesitant conversation began in that group. Some British men stared at her. Servants were offering fruit juices to the guests. Naim stood under a young pomegranate tree, looking up in the subdued glow of a Japanese lantern hung among the branches to the shimmering red buds that had begun to appear. It’s a winter fruit, Naim thought absent-mindedly. What’s it doing here in May?

‘Hello,’ Azra said, emerging from behind the tree. ‘Have you had something to drink?’

‘No,’ Naim replied.

‘Have this.’ Azra proffered a tumbler full of fruit juice. Naim immediately lifted it to his lips.

‘Do you never take off your hat?’

‘No. Oh yes, I do,’ blurted out Naim, taking a quick gulp of the drink.

Azra shone her eyes, which seemed in the half-darkness to have become almost black. ‘Take it off then.’

Naim took his tarboosh off and began to stroke its tassel with his thumb.

‘Here, you look much better without it, don’t you think?’

For the first time, Naim had the presence of mind to answer, ‘I don’t know, I can’t see myself.’

Azra smiled. ‘Undo these,’ she said, pointing to the top buttons of his sherwani.


‘Come on. Open up.’

As Naim undid the top three buttons, Azra suddenly blushed. ‘Don’t you feel hot bundled up like this?’

‘No,’ Naim said.

‘Look, our sweet peas, they are already wilting. Well, I have to go in the house. Go and talk to some people, won’t you? See you later.’

She was still red-faced as she walked away from him. Beautifully wrapped in the sari, she seemed an altogether grown-up, simple young woman after all, and for the first time since stepping into this house Naim felt comfortable. He reached out and plucked a flower that had dried up on its stem. He looked at it for a moment and let it drop to the ground.

The talk among the guests had now started in earnest. The Englishman with a huge head was talking animatedly, a finger raised above his head as if in admonition, to the man sitting next to him, while two others, leaning forward, listened intently. Next, in a four-seater, damask-covered couch, sat the Maharajkumar, flanked on one side by the Chief Commissioner, on the other by Nawab Ghulam Mohyyeddin and another British gentleman. In his hands the Maharajkumar had a deck of playing cards which he was trying to organize in a certain order.

‘This is not the time or place for a game of cards,’ he was saying, ‘my apologies, nawab sahib. But I want to show you a fantastic trick I learned from a lady on my last trip to Paris.’

The Maharajkumar couldn’t set up the cards as he wished and handed the deck to his secretary, who had stood behind him all along, to do the job.

‘It is not strictly a trick,’ he said to the Chief Commissioner, ‘not a one-off, but a “game” of tricks. I’ll tell you the basic rules …’ An Englishman, sitting on the other side of the Chief Commissioner, was showing great interest in the intricacies of what the Maharajkumar was explaining, while his secretary shuffled and rearranged the cards like a professional. Waiting for the cards, the Maharajkumar began nervously to reminisce. ‘You know, in the hotel in Paris where I was staying, I saw a strange sight. As I came out of my room one morning, a man, stark naked but for a towel thrown across his shoulders, passed me in the corridor. I said, “I am sorry.” The man paid no attention to me. He went down the passage and into his room. Next morning, as I stepped out at the same hour, I was confronted by the very same man, once again in the altogether, coming down the veranda from God knows where. Loud enough for him to hear, I said, “I am sorry,” and withdrew from his path. He appeared not to have seen me at all, much less respond to my apology.’

The Englishwoman blushed. ‘Few of them understand English,’ she said apologetically.

‘Surprising,’ the Maharajkumar said, ‘considering that the French coast is only a few miles from England.’

‘Correct,’ replied the woman. ‘Isn’t it amazing?’

‘But that is not all,’ the Maharajkumar continued. ‘As the man passed me the second day, I turned back to look. And what do I see but a lady coming up from the opposite direction. This lady, would you believe, appeared to notice neither the naked man nor me, and passed us both as if nothing existed in front of her but the ground beneath her feet. Well, after that,’ he paused, ‘I got used to Paris.’

The Chief Commissioner smiled. The Englishman sitting next to the nawab, leaning forward, spoke in a tone of exaggerated importance. ‘Frenchwomen are not like Indian ladies, after all.’

‘No, no,’ the Maharajkumar said, appearing thoughtful. ‘They are hardworking women.’

This induced laughter all round. The secretary handed over the deck of cards, properly arranged. The Maharajkumar started showing the trick to his audience.

Naim moved on. The huge-headed Englishman, now on his feet, paced up and down in front of his listeners, and, most unlike his race of people, still talked on with much animation. On the first of the Indians’ seats, two men in very large and loose turbans and dhotis, who looked like a higher class of trader, sat discussing the prices of commodities and other matters of the market. Outside the main gate the waiting motor cars and polished behlis with their colourfully decorated horses, just visible from the lawn, had attracted the street people and children, who stood around to view them in fascination. The police that had accompanied the British officers, and the Chief Commissioner’s own guards, were busy shooing them away with threatening curses and lathis raised overhead. But the viewers of this finery, with their customary stubbornness, would shift from one spot to another, refusing to go away. The sky was now completely dark, with only the glimmer of stars scattered far into the warm cloudless night. On a sofa, in the Indians’ area, Ayaz Beg was deep in conversation with Annie Besant, as was a man with very pale skin and dark hair.

‘But, Mr Beg, at this point I disagree with Madame Blavatsky,’ Mrs Besant was saying. ‘She contends that beings in the stars are not material but only spirits, and wants to prove their existence by invoking super-naturalism. But the point is that they are indeed material bodies, and can be proved by physical phenomena. The introduction of physical sciences does no harm to theosophy.’

‘I did answer this point in my letter to you last January,’ Ayaz Beg said to her. ‘The time has not yet come that physical sciences may be imposed upon …’

‘There is no question of “imposing”, Mr Beg. The point is …’

Naim stopped listening. He had heard all this from his uncle often enough and had long ago lost interest in it. He kept looking at Annie Besant, though, whose white hair made a kind of close-knit hat on her head and who had one of the most alluring voices Naim had ever heard. The girl who had left him standing under the tree a short while back wasn’t to be seen anywhere. Suddenly, a sense of melancholy, to which he was given on occasion, seized Naim. He wandered on.

Nawab Ghulam Mohyyeddin had shifted to another sofa where he was now sitting beside the handsome woman who had earlier been acting as the hostess at the reception point. There were two Englishmen and an Indian by their side; the five of them formed a group of sorts and were listening to the Indian gentleman who had just been handed, by one of the nawab’s servants, a long-barrelled heavy pistol with a wooden handle. The Indian, a man with a nice, intelligent face who was the last one to arrive by motor car and had entered the house leaning heavily on a walking stick, dragging an obviously gammy leg behind him, had been received warmly by several people, including the Chief Commissioner, and was now sitting with his leg, presumably wooden, straight out in front of him, admiring the handgun, handling it in a way that showed his familiarity with guns. Naim overheard Annie Besant behind him saying to her companion, ‘I would like to speak to Mr Gokhle. He looks so weak …’ Shortly afterwards she got up and walked across, Ayaz Beg and another man following her, to where Gokhle was sitting. People sitting over there made room for the three to sit beside Gokhle. Naim followed them at a short distance. As he passed the lame Indian he heard him say, ‘The Germans, they make such wonderful machines. There isn’t a single screw or even a rivet in the whole piece. A work of art. When I went for the tiger-hunt last year …’

Moving on, Naim came to where Gokhle was sitting and was surprised to see how quickly they had got into the thick of the conversation.

‘This is exactly what I was saying,’ Mrs Besant was telling Ayaz Beg, ‘that my quarrel with Mr Gokhle’s Servants of India Society is only to the extent of its title. But then names and titles matter so much. Why not, for instance, Servants of Humanity Society?’

‘Or Servants of Theosophy Society,’ a man said with an impish smile.

Annie Besant, ignoring the interjection, continued. ‘You will agree that the word India does somewhat limit the movement.’

Gokhle rolled his cane round and round in his fingers. He took off his spectacles, cleaned the glasses and put them on again, fixing them firmly on the bridge of his nose.

‘Theosophy, Mrs Besant,’ he said in a sedate voice, ‘is neither science nor politics. You could possibly call it, if you stretch it, a minor branch of philosophy, although I am not sure that serious philosophers will not challenge the notion. However, politics is the name for winning a few material benefits, such as better food, better clothing and better forms of abode, and the way to go about acquiring them for the populace. Material things have a certain mass and occupy a certain space. They are, by their very nature, finite. We cannot make politics infinite. The principles of Servants of India may not be purely materialistic, in the sense that those who serve them shall have to be prepared to give up many worldly comforts and conveniences. But they serve for the betterment of others, and these others are the people of India. That is how the word India gives a material form to the politics of the Servants.’

Annie Besant paused for a moment, then said, ‘Why are you so fearful of greater targets?’

‘Because your greater targets, by which I dare say you mean higher ideals, are appreciated only by people of your standard of education and sense – say, nawab sahib or Colonel Walcott – but not by the great multitude of common people in my country. They are not cultivated enough to come running for the betterment of the world; they will continue to work their little patches. But they will come for the sake of their brothers, wives and children. They may not understand high principles, but they are far from stupid. That is India.’

At that moment, the nawab, who was passing, stopped to listen. ‘Ah, talk of politics going on all round. Splendid. You are looking a little pale, Gokhle sahib. I hope your diabetes is under control.’

‘I am not bothered about my health, nawab sahib, nor even about dying, but only about love.’

‘Love?’ the nawab asked.

‘The day I was born,’ Gokhle replied, ‘I fell in love with sweet things. Now it has been years since I have tasted any …’

‘Ha, ha! Well said. In love with sweet things! Aren’t we all? But you looked very well at the Congress affair in Bankipur last Christmas.’

‘Did you go to Bankipur?’ asked Annie Besant.

‘Yes, yes. Gokhle sahib was there, and Maharajkumar, and Mr Sinha,’ the nawab replied, indicating with his head the man with a wooden leg.

‘Oh, I wasn’t in India at the time. How did it go?’

‘Very well, very well. Big conference.’

‘Was there a resolution about the partition of Bengal?’

‘Er …’ The nawab halted. Trying to think, he looked up straight at Naim standing behind the sofas.

Gokhle laughed. ‘Fear not, nawab sahib, Bengal united or divided, your tiger-hunts shall go on for ever.’ There was only the slightest hint of irony in his voice.

‘My memory is beginning to falter now,’ the nawab said apologetically and excused himself to go towards the house.

‘What did you think of Bankipur, Gokhle sahib?’ Annie Besant asked.

‘What do I think!’ answered Gokhle sarcastically. ‘It was a party, just like this one. Great people, beautiful, up-to-date people. Gossips all round.’

‘Ah, Mr Gokhle, aren’t you being a bit negative?’

‘It wasn’t that bad,’ the man with pale skin and dark hair said. ‘I was there, reporting for my paper.’

Gokhle turned to him. ‘Was there anyone from your newspaper in South Africa?’

‘Indeed there was. But seriously, you can’t compare South Africa with here.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘In India politics is in the hands of people with a knowledge of history, etc.’

‘And of English? Whole proceedings conducted in a language only a handful of people understand in this country?’

‘Come, come,’ the newspaperman said, ‘does you no harm to do that. After all it’s the leadership that has to lead and …’

Naim, who had been standing at the back crushing his red velvet cap in his hands, could contain himself no longer. He leaned forward and spoke calmly. ‘Is that why less educated people are put in gaols? What about Tilak? He is in confinement.’

Everyone turned to look. The newspaperman’s face became flushed with anger, causing pink stripes to appear on his cheeks. He made an effort to control himself. ‘You call him a politician, young man? Well, about his politics the Chief Commissioner can tell you more. But as a reporter on such matters I can tell you that he is not even a good newspaperman.’

Ayaz Beg had turned pale. Both his legs shook with nerves. A gust of warm wind passed through a lit-up tree and the shadow of leaves, magnified many times, moved across Ayaz Beg’s quivering feet. Almost immediately everyone started getting up for dinner. They had to cross over to another part of the sprawling lawn. Gokhle was still talking to Annie Besant. As they passed, Naim overheard him saying, ‘… although I was impressed by some young men. Motilal’s son was there. Just back from England …’

The newspaperman stood in his place for some time, as if trying to calm himself. The man with the wooden leg passed, talking and laughing, balancing himself expertly on his sturdy walking stick. Naim got his handkerchief out of his pocket, wiped the sweat off his brow and joined the crowd.

There were two very long tables laden with fine china crockery, and enough leather-bound dining chairs were lined up on both sides to accommodate all the guests. Roasted young chicken and partridge, mounted on long thin wooden legs, stood all along the tables. In between them, twelve kinds of cooked food were placed in correct order in covered pots of sterling silver. The last item that was to be brought out later was pulao, although its saliva-inducing smell had already permeated the air, announcing the unlidding of its huge cast-iron degs in yet another part of the lawn concealed from view, the spaces for it being left vacant on the tables. In these spaces also stood little candles in small china saucers. These candles, not the regular smooth wax sticks nor the fat miniature columns of the same shiny stuff, but finger-thick knobbly little bars of an opaque, dark brown lardy substance that looked to have been hastily rolled and squeezed in the fingers of a hand when still warm, stood upright on flattened bottoms, unlit and mute, rather like the cut-off trunks of dwarf trees, as if put there to ward off the effects of the evil eye with their ugliness in the midst of such extravagance of sight and smell. At the top of the table was seated Nawab Ghulam Mohyyeddin. He seemed to have availed of the briefest of intervals to change into a red silk attire comprising a long, tight gown-like coat buttoned up to the neck over a billowy shalwar of many folds made of the same material, a gold satin cummerbund from which hung a long curved sword in a gold scabbard, and gold-wire-spun soft Indian shoes. He sat in a high-backed chair upholstered in red velvet alongside an old man in ordinary sherwani and white cotton shalwar and flanked by Pervez and Azra on either side of the top two chairs. Immediately in front of the nawab was placed a saucer which held the biggest knobbly brown candle, also unlit. A servant had brought and carefully laid down on one side of the candle a tray of black wood holding a tall, soft hat of blue velvet with an intricate design of narrow gold leaf worked in the cloth. Further down the table, on one side, sat the handsome woman, the Chief Commissioner, then other foreign guests, and on the other the Maharajkumar, the lame gentleman and the rest of the British men and women. Around the other table were seated all the Indian guests, including Mr Gokhle, the only foreign face among them being that of Annie Besant. Everyone properly seated, the old man at the top chair stood up. There was silence. The old man started to speak.

‘Today, the thirteenth day of the month of May in the year of 1913, is the last day of the three months that have passed since the passing away of Roshan Agha. The words of the deceased, setting down the tradition, call upon me, as the closest friend and ally of the late lamented, to fulfil my duty and announce the passing of the name bestowed upon him by the grace of God and the British sarkar to Nawab Ghulam Mohyyeddin of Roshan Pur, the rightful heir and henceforth to be the holder in trust for the coming generations of the exalted title “Roshan Agha”. Amen.’

Having come to the end of the speech, he picked up the blue velvet hat and placed it on the nawab’s head. Two or three foreign guests began tentatively to clap but were cut short by the old man raising his hands in a brief prayer, in which all the Indians, Muslim as well as Hindu, and one or two of the foreigners, joined, raising their hands in the air in front of them in a gesture of supplication to their God. At the end of the prayer, they wiped their hands across their faces, signifying successful completion of the ritual. A part of the ceremony still remained to be performed; it was to do with the brown candles. The old man struck a match and handed it to the nawab, who lit the big candle with its help. As the flame rose from the wick and the nawab threw down the burnt-out match, Pervez and Azra cried ‘Roshan Agha’ and hugged and kissed him. Then they took up the brown candles in front of them and lit them from the flame of the big candle, placing them carefully back in their saucers. The handsome woman and the Maharajkumar followed, lighting their candles from the same source and bringing them to their saucers. Then all the foreign men and women, who under the pretence of congratulatory gestures were in fact laughing heartily at the unusual garb of the nawab, took up their candles too and lit them, each one of them in turn, from the big candle in an orderly fashion. Some of them, after lighting their candles, stood there carrying them aloft in their hands, chatting to others, only coming back to their seats when they noticed the Indians from the second table holding back in respect. Once the first table was done, the Indian guests crowded round the top, lighting up and laughing, nodding their heads. An aged Englishman with a booming voice still stood to one side, candle in hand, talking to the journalist.

‘It would have been much more convenient, don’t you think, had the whole rigmarole been written down and copies of it distributed in advance.’

‘No, no,’ whispered the newspaperman, ‘it’s not as if it was an ancient tradition. They are putting down the roots of it now for the first time, strictly according to the instructions.’

‘What, by the dead chap?’ asked the Englishman.

‘Exactly. You see, in order to ensure its status it has to be presented as sacred and confidential. Can’t be printed.’

The Englishman nodded doubtfully, staring sadly into the flame of his candle. All the candles having been lit and put back in place, the dinner began in earnest. Great oval dishes of steaming rice were brought out from the degs. There were four different kinds of cooked rice: three brown pulao, with chicken, partridge and quail, and the fourth a multicoloured biryani of young lamb. The eating was done in silence. The sky of mid-May was half-lit by a misshapen late moon. The wind had stopped in the trees and half the population of the great city had taken to their beds. Tall eucalyptus trees stood like stilled ghosts. A fountain at the other end of the lawn was noiselessly pumping up thin streams of drops, joined together and yet separated along lines curving down with the force of gravity in the regular shape of a fan. Naim looked up from his plate and was struck by the fragrant, dimly lit atmosphere that seemed as if suspended in a magic spell, its silence punctuated only by the sound of masticating jaws, or, at intervals, by the quiet, sated voice of the man with a wooden leg.

‘Hunger,’ he was saying, ‘being the wildest passion of man, makes the act of eating the noblest human activity.’

The man sitting on the left of Naim leaned over. ‘I heard what you said about Tilak,’ he said. It was the same Englishman Naim had seen earlier pacing the ground before his friends. ‘Are you aware of Tilak’s activities against the Muslims? The Society to Ban Cow Slaughter? Permission to play music in front of a mosque and all that?’

Receiving no reply from Naim, the man changed tack. ‘You see these candles? They say this particular wax has been in the family’s possession for a hundred years. I wonder what they will burn when it is finished.’

Naim stopped eating. Putting his spoon down, he asked, ‘How did you know I was a Muslim?’

‘Oh, easy,’ the man said, moving his head, ‘you wore a tarboosh earlier in the evening. Right?’

Naim gave no response to this. It discouraged the Englishman from continuing his conversation. Instead, he was spoken to by another foreign guest sitting on the other side of him.

‘I say, did you say something about this wax? Damn unusual stuff, wonder where it comes from, what?’

‘Came from the beehive from which the honey came,’ answered the Englishman.

‘What honey?’

‘No idea. Apparently there is talk of some honey along the line.’

‘Damn unusual stuff.’

The feast was nearing its end. People were getting up and crossing over to the seating area, to sit in sofas and easy chairs, smoke and sip cardamom-flavoured kahwa brought to them by servants. Nawab Ghulam Mohyyeddin, now ‘become’ Roshan Agha, was finally left alone in his chair at the dining table. He got up. Staring in a grave mood for a long minute at the candle in front of him, he looked, in those clothes, at once graceful and ridiculous. Then he bent low and blew out the flame. Immediately his special servant appeared and began blowing out all the other candles one after the other and collecting them in the black wooden tray. Carrying a cup of kahwa in his hand, Naim wandered into the shade of a low, fat-trunked tree the thick branches of which spread out horizontally into the air without bending downwards. He balanced his cup of kahwa carefully on a branch and looked around. Just then, once again, Azra appeared unseen by his side.

‘Why are you loitering all by yourself?’ she asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Startled, Naim didn’t know what to say. Instead he picked up his cup and drank a mouthful of scalding kahwa.

‘This is my favourite tree,’ said Azra, stroking a branch. ‘I spend whole days in it during our summer holidays. Before we go to Simla.’