Twins - Alex Water - E-Book

Twins E-Book

Alex Water

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Alex, kidnapped by the world's most terrifying cult, is an outlandish character. He remembers nothing but the horror in which he has long been trapped and conditioned to live. Everything changes in the aftermath of an explosion, with an unexpected arrival orchestrating his escape, in time leading to him regaining his life, his memories, and his true nature. In an enthralling adventure, he receives help from a series of surreal and amusing characters, each contributing to the mood of the story, by turns jovial and tense: Sarah, a woman of action with tendencies verging on the psychopathic; Indigo, a wise and spontaneous man always shrouded in the fumes of his visionary hallucinogenic potions; and finally Adouh, the bearer of evil who has infected much of the world and who, through manipulation and sex, continues her advance, taking her diabolical plan ever further. The tone of the thriller resonates in the irony, at times somewhat wicked, that permeates the tale. Ensuring that the climaxes of the novel never stay climatic for too long, the "off-screen" narrator, over-the-top and irreverent, acts as your guide, immersing you in a story that will leave you laughing out loud and gasping for breath.

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First Chapter

Second Chapter

Third Chapter

Fourth Chapter

Fifth Chapter

Sixt Chapter

Seventh Chapter

Eighth Chapter

It’s finally over


Title | Twins

Author | Alex Water

ISBN | 9791221477955

© 2023 - All rights reserved to the Author

This work is published directly by the Author through the Youcanprint self-publishing platform and the Author holds all rights to it exclusively. No part of this book can therefore be reproduced without the prior consent of the Author.


Via Marco Biagi 6, 73100 Lecce

Made by humans

Prologue: At the party

The bathroom door closed quickly. Inside, a half-naked woman was waiting for me, her body squeezed into a skimpy Wonder Woman costume. When she had finished sniffing a white line several centimetres long from a pocket mirror beside the sink, she smiled at me; then she held the straw out to me and beckoned me over. I walked over to her and inhaled sharply, feeling my nostril explode and the shock waves reach my brain.

She lowered her corset and, with a flirtatious look on her face, ran her hand over her breasts, at the same time sliding her wet tongue along her lips, which I took to be an invitation. Gripped by a sudden fever I pounced on her and positively devoured the woman. We had intense and violent sex for about thirty minutes, leaving indelible traces of our excitement all over the bathroom. A few slightly-louder-than-normal screams managed to escape through the thick door, but no one seemed to mind, they were all far too immersed in the revelry of the event to care.

Suddenly a guy dressed as the Hulk, with a green face and a muscular body, threw open the door and entered. The woman and I were huddled over the sink, doing our best to pull it from its supports as we lurched backwards and forwards. The Marvel character burst out laughing and, with a cheeky and somewhat stoned expression, said, "Shit, at least put a ‘busy’ sign outside!"

He shut the door clumsily, allowing us to continue in what was perhaps the best phase of the evening. Wonder Woman pulled a test tube from her handbag containing a strange liquid. She opened it and held it up for me to inhale, then she did the same.

Suddenly an intense and uncontrollable fire rose up within me and I felt it detonate like a bomb. Instantly my mind stopped working, reason and reflection were shut down; all that was left was pure instinct, and it was the animal part that had burst into life. I had become a beast, I could have done anything at that moment, from violently fucking her to pinning her by the neck to the floor. I wasn't thinking anymore, I just wanted... what? ... Everything! All of it, right now, all at once. I jumped on my prey with new vigour and tore off the remainder of her costume. She seemed pleased. She let me strip her naked and then we began, in the grip of the drug, to have sex again, but this time we were animals driven by pure instinct. I took the woman's head and bent it downwards violently, so that my cock was right in front of her face; she remained in that position for a while, pleasuring me. Then, with the agility of a skilful gymnast, turning her body and using the wall as a support, she did the same, thrusting her flower right in front of my face. From that moment on we changed position continuously, violently banging each other back and forth, until we broke several objects in the bathroom; we were in the grip of a dance where each of us in turn took control.

Our shouts of pleasure were so loud that at times we drowned out the sound of the DJ's music. Apparently, though, we had generated only a little applause and aroused the curiosity of just a handful of partygoers. We came out of the bathroom dishevelled, exhausted and deeply satisfied with our moment.

I shook her hand and said, "By the way, nice to meet you, I’m Alex."

She smiled at me and replied, 'I know who you are, otherwise nothing would have happened in there.” Then she held out her hand and added ironically, “I'm Wonder Woman.”

"Hello superwoman," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek and walking away from the party.

I said goodbye to my friend Zac, a great guy who, as always, had thrown one of the best parties on the West Coast, and walked, exhausted and slouching, towards the front door of the house. The valet appeared immediately and opened the door of a beautiful supercar convertible, as dark as the night sky. I tried to steady myself against the door and found I was struggling to get in.

"Damn costume!" I exclaimed, trying to adjust the enormous ostrich belly that was tied around my waist and was preventing me from getting in.

I immediately noticed that the very tall pink quiff on my head was just as troublesome. So, displaying the wisdom that comes with being a stoner, I folded down the roof of the car to make myself more comfortable. A few moments later, a jerk dressed as Road Runner with a huge pink quiff sticking out of the car vanished from the car park, zigzagging at walking pace.

I drove down the winding road from Escondido Falls to Interstate 1 towards Malibu, my route home. Suddenly, as I negotiated the final snaking sections before the IS, I found myself laughing like a madman, thinking that if it weren't for the GPS, I’d probably have taken the series of bends in front of me backwards, and ended up with my face buried in the mountainside. I laughed, I laughed because I felt high, because driving at that moment seemed as much of an adventure as making it to Mars safe and sound.

I laughed, shouting, "I fucking love my life!" into the night, caressed by the wind on my face, my forelock quivering as the air swirled around the car.

I tried to make it home without taking too many risks, moderating my speed and aware that the strange spots and shapes that occasionally appeared in my peripheral vision did not really exist; I understood not to give them any weight, allowing them to quietly come and go all the way home.

As I pulled into the driveway to my house, I realized there were a number of local boys on the neighbor’s veranda who had been partying. They had already started giving me a big round of applause as soon as they saw the car approaching in the distance, and the clapping was followed by several bows. I drove past them slowly, looking bedraggled and with a hint of irony on my face, threw them a shaka and shouted, “I've done Wonder Woman tonight!”

Several of them laughed, while others gave a round of applause that accompanied me to the garage door. They watched to see if I made it into the house this time or fell asleep exhausted on the driveway as I sometimes did, but this time I found enough strength and went inside.

I collapsed on the sectional sofa that ran along three sides of the living room overlooking the ocean, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed a little red light flashing on the answering machine. I pressed the button and the recording started, indicating a message had been left. Then: "You dick, you fricking dopehead! Where the hell are you?! I've been waiting for your work for days. You might be famous now, but I can still send you back where you came from, you idiot! I’ve got signed contracts and you’ve given me your word, so stop the benders and get the draft to me, or I’m gonna ruin you!!!" the irate voice yelled.

I thought to myself, "That sucks!"

Then I laughed because I realized that this time I’d really pissed off my poor agent Frank. So I got up lazily from the sofa, where I’d intended to drift off into a deep sleep, wandered around the house looking for a laptop and sat down at my desk. I knew what to write, I just never wanted to. But the time had come. The time to let go even of that dark part of me, the deepest and ugliest memory of my life; that which has scarred my existence and made me live each day as if it were my last.

I moved the ashtray, lit a Bubble Kush, took a puff and, leaning back in the chair, my fingers on the keyboard, I started to tap the keys.


Part One: Almost at the end


The murkiness of the place where I was being kept, together with a few other people, was illuminated for an instant by a flash of light, and a loud bang was unleashed from the back of the room, hitting our ears with all the violence of a shock wave, tearing them apart.

I immediately heard a whistling sound in my head, suppressing all other sensations and leaving me stunned. All around, the dust that had risen made the atmosphere even denser.

What surrounded me for most of the day, apart from the times when the ritual took place, was the darkness of a cold and damp basement, with two sets of prison cells on either side and a corridor running through it. Throughout that horrific imprisonment the air never moved, lights were never turned on. I only remember the smell, sweet at first, then increasingly intense and nauseating, of the blood that occasionally flowed through those walls to interrupt a torture of eternal nothingness – but not in a metaphorical sense, for nothingness was precisely the torture inflicted on the Disobedients, those who refused to follow the orders of Adouh, the one and only, the carrier of the parasite that had now infected almost the entire planet - although, were we to be honest, we should say that she herself had become the parasite. The truth was that, hidden inside its carrier, the creature moved from age to age thanks to the woman who had welcomed it first, and to whom it had given a life that was, to all intents and purposes, eternal.


And I probably belonged to that group, given the condition I was in at that moment. My mind was blank, confused, as if drugged or drowsy from something, and memories often flowed into a pit of darkness, a sign that I had probably been lying there for a long time.

As the dense thickness of soot mixed with dust settled slightly, my ears still unable to hear anything, I noticed that at the end of the room, just at the entrance to the hallway, something was happening. A small light flickered towards the back, and just then a man with an indistinguishable face appeared, walking down the corridor and opening the doors of all the tiny cells. As soon as he reached mine, he stared into my eyes and said something that I couldn't understand; I could only see his lips moving and the frenzied gestures he was making to get me to run away.

I barely made it down the corridor, my legs struggling to support me, when I realized I wasn't the only one running away. The man who had freed mewas trying to get us all to escape. I had no idea how many of us were down there in that forgotten place, but as I looked for the exit, I saw that there were many people in the same state as me. At the end of the corridor, a narrow set of stairs carved into the rock appeared to wind its way towards ground level, and as I walked slowly up those barely discernible steps, I could smell the fresh air coming in from above. I suddenly noticed that I was stumbling over a person on the ground and immediately tried to reach out to him, telling him not to be discouraged, we were almost free. But the man was dead. I saw that he was dressed in a very peculiar manner, different from the guy that was trying to break us out: his garment was a kind of black tunic, with a hood and several unfamiliar patterns embroidered in gold on the chest. He was lying on the ground, lifeless, with a large gash in his neck and a strange blackish liquid all around him, like blood, still dripping.

Still stunned, but not yet at the point of deciding it was better to run without looking back, I raced up the remaining steps in an instant. I arrived at the end of the staircase where the narrow space opened out into a huge circular room, all white. The brightness was so intense my eyes felt like they were being stabbed with pins. It took my mind a few moments to overcome the sense of dizziness I experienced after suddenly finding myself in such a huge area after who knows how long in imprisonment. But I was able to take in the fact that almost the whole group of Disobedients had escaped towards an opening that seemed to lead outside.

I noticed, as I tried to make my own escape, that there were several signs of a struggle in that room as well. In the same state as the man dead on the staircase, three other people were lying there - a stab wound in their necks and, in place of blood, a muddy blackish liquid streaming from the gashes into a pool on the floor. And they were all wearing the same black tunic with hood.