Uncle Bernac - Arthur Conan Doyle - E-Book

Uncle Bernac E-Book

Arthur Conan Doyle

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At this unexpected announcement Talleyrand and Berthier looked at each other in silence, and for once the trained features of the great diplomatist, who lived behind a mask, betrayed the fact that he was still capable of emotion. The spasm which passed over them was caused, however, rather by mischievous amusement than by consternation, while Berthier--who had an honest affection for both Napoleon and Josephine-- ran frantically to the door as if to bar the Empress from entering.

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Uncle Bernac

Arthur Conan Doyle

 Published by OPU, 2017

Table of Contents
Uncle Bernac
Chapter 1 The Coast of France
Chapter 2 The Salt-Marsh
Chapter 3 The Ruined Cottage
Chapter 4 Men of the Night
Chapter 5 The Law
Chapter 6 The Secret Passage
Chapter 7 The Owner of Grosbois
Chapter 8 Cousin Sibylle
Chapter 9 The Camp of Boulogne
Chapter 10 The Ante-Room
Chapter 11 The Secretary
Chapter 12 The Man of Action
Chapter 13 The Man of Dreams
Chapter 14 Josephine
Chapter 15 The Reception of the Empress
Chapter 16 The Library of Grosbois
Chapter 17 The End

Chapter1 The Coast of France

I dare say that I had already read my uncle's letter a hundred times, and I am sure that I knew it by heart. None the less I took it out of my pocket, and, sitting on the side of the lugger, I went over it again with as much attention as if it were for the first time. It was written in a prim, angular hand, such as one might expect from a man who had begun life as a village attorney, and it was addressed to Louis de Laval, to the care of William Hargreaves, of the Green Man in Ashford, Kent. The landlord had many a hogshead of untaxed French brandy from the Normandy coast, and the letter had found its way by the same hands.

'My dear nephew Louis,' said the letter, 'now that your father is dead, and that you are alone in the world, I am sure that you will not wish to carry on the feud which has existed between the two halves of the family. At the time of the troubles your father was drawn towards the side of the King, and I towards that of the people, and it ended, as you know, by his having to fly from the country, and by my becoming the possessor of the estates of Grosbois. No doubt it is very hard that you should find yourself in a different position to your ancestors, but I am sure that you would rather that the land should be held by a Bernac than by a stranger. From the brother of your mother you will at least always meet with sympathy and consideration.

'And now I have some advice for you. You know that I have always been a Republican, but it has become evident to me that there is no use in fighting against fate, and that Napoleon's power is far too great to be shaken. This being so, I have tried to serve him, for it is well to howl when you are among wolves. I have been able to do so much for him that he has become my very good friend, so that I may ask him what I like in return. He is now, as you are probably aware, with the army at Boulogne, within a few miles of Grosbois. If you will come over at once he will certainly forget the hostility of your father in consideration of the services of your uncle. It is true that your name is still proscribed, but my influence with the Emperor will set that matter right. Come to me, then, come at once, and come with confidence.

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