25 Poems, Gedichte, Poèmes, Poesie, Poemas. - Thomas Schafferer - E-Book

25 Poems, Gedichte, Poèmes, Poesie, Poemas. E-Book

Thomas Schafferer



25 poems by Thomas Schafferer in English. 25 Gedichte von Thomas Schafferer auf Deutsch. 25 poèmes de Thomas Schafferer en français. 25 poesie di Thomas Schafferer in italiano. 25 poemas de Thomas Schafferer en español. Regardless of how wide the world that surrounds us may be, it exists in all its enormous immensity and magnificence in ourselves as well. Like a mirror of all forms and colours, the inner world of thoughts and emotions is revealed by traveling the exterior. Thomas Schafferer's sensual language of concentrated liveliness makes the diverse landscapes not only walkable but perceptible, even experienceable. His lyrical journey through the world provokes an immersion into undreamt-of inner depths. A perspective related to the philosophy of life opens up and allows the seen and the experienced to be reflected. Ungeachtet dessen, wie weit die Welt, die uns umgibt, auch sein mag, sie existiert in all ihrer enormen Größe und Pracht auch in uns. Wie ein Spiegel aller Formen und Farben offenbart sich die innere Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt im Bereisen des Außen. Thomas Schafferers sinnliche Sprache einer geballten Lebendigkeit macht die vielseitigen Landschaften nicht nur begehbar sondern empfindbar, ja erlebbar. Seine lyrische Reise durch die Welt provoziert ein Abtauchen in ungeahnte innere Tiefen. Eine lebensphilosophische Perspektive tut sich auf und macht Gesehenes und Erfahrenes reflektierbar. Bien que le monde qui nous entoure ait beau être vaste, il existe, également en nous-mêmes, dans toute son énorme grandeur et splendeur. Comme un miroir de toutes les formes et de toutes les couleurs, le monde intérieur des pensées et des sentiments se révèle en parcourant le monde extérieur. Le langage sensuel d'une vitalité concentrée de Thomas Schafferer ne rend pas uniquement accessibles les paysages variés mais également sensibles, voire à en faire l'expérience. Il mondo - pur essendo grande - o per quanto grande voglia essere, esiste in noi con tutta la sua grandezza e il suo splendore. La lingua sensuale di Thomas Schafferer - di una vitalità concentrata - non solo ci fa percorrere paesaggi multiformi, bensì riesce anche a farceli vivere e sentire. No importa lo extenso que sea el mundo que nos rodea, toda su gran inmensidad y esplendor, existe también dentro de nosotros. El lenguaje sensorial de gran vivacidad de Thomas Schafferer hace los variados paisajes, no solo transitables sino también experimentables, vivibles.

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25 Poems


(river) flow of things

out of the dark forest

dreamlike figures

cold house / warm bed

(mood) landscape

millions of years ago

the poetic batteries



stranded goods


olive trees

of freedom

confessions of liveliness

language fetishism

thicket of my words

northern land forests

from one to another

the disillusionment


innocence back

hermit crab in a snail shell

black circle

world (not one’s own)

love this blue planet

Biography of the author

25 Gedichte


flusslauf der dinge

aus dem dunklen wald


kalten haus / warmen bett

lust landschaft

vor millionen von jahren

die poetischen akkus






von freiheit

bekenntnisse der lebendigkeit


dickicht meiner worte


vom einen ins andere

die ernüchterung


unschuld zurück

einsiedlerkrebs im schneckenhaus

schwarzer kreis

welt (nicht die eigene)

liebe diesen blauen planeten

Örtliche bzw. zeitliche Entstehungsdaten der 25 Gedichte

Biographie des Autors

25 Poèmes


(rivière) cours des choses

de la forêt sombre

créatures de rêve

maison froide / lit chaud

envie paysage

il y a des millions d’années

les batteries poétiques






de la liberté

confessions de vie

fétichisme verbal

maquis de mes mots

forêts de pays du nord

de l’un à l’autre

la désillusion


retour à l’innocence

bernard-l’ermite dans sa coquille

cercle noir

monde ( pas le sien propre )

aime cette planète bleue

Biographie de l’auteur

25 Poesie


flusso delle cose

dalla selva oscura

figure del sogno

casa fredda / letto caldo

voglia (...) paessaggio

milioni di anni fa

le batterie poetiche



relitti portati a riva



della libertà

confessioni di vitalità

feticcio linguistico

boscaglia delle mie parole

selve di paesi settentrionali

dall’uno all’altro



l’innocenza (ridatemela)

paguro in guscio di lumaca

cerchio nero

mondo (non il proprio)

amo questo pianeta blu

Biografia dell’autore

25 Poemas


el curso de las cosas

del bosque oscuro

de sueños

casa fría / cama caliente

paisaje de en-sueño

hace millones de años

las baterías poéticas



lo que deja el mar



de la libertad

confesiones de vivacidad

fetichismo del lenguaje

maleza de mis palabras

bosques de los países septentrionales

de lo uno a lo otro

la desilusión


la inocencia (devuélvemela)

cangrejo ermitaño en concha de caracol

círculo negro

mundo (no el mío)

amo este planeta azul








Regardless of how wide the world that surrounds us may be, it exists in all its enormous immensity and magnificence in ourselves as well. Like a mirror of all forms and colours, the inner world of thoughts and emotions is revealed by traveling the exterior. Thomas Schafferer’s sensual language of concentrated liveliness makes the diverse landscapes not only walkable but perceptible, even experienceable. His lyrical journey through the world provokes an immersion into undreamt-of inner depths. A perspective related to the philosophy of life opens up and allows the seen and the experienced to be reflected.

On September 9, 1992, the Austrian author Thomas Schafferer wrote his first poems after a warming summer in Liguria (Italy) during a crisis period. Since then, several thousand poems were created, around two thousand of them have already been published in eleven volumes of poetry by various publishing companies.

The texts and their selection, which involved much love and time, are as a whole committed to the beauty, the wounds and the wonders of life. For life never ceases to sway us in the course of events and to lead us on to new paths – be it inner or outer ones.

Maria Schätzer


(river) flow of things

when will i in the dusty dead ends

of discouragement, in the

shivering mortuary of lifelessness

come back to my senses, to

finally calmly beat the

unconsciousness, to let it dry out

to sink the pain, the desolating

dull hours in velvety red sunrises

to let it drown and to ultimately

arise in the river, in the flow

of things

out of the dark forest

during the first third of our life

stepped out of the dark forest

as the night started the new

day, in the shadow of the light

where the monstrous creatures

stared and grinned, laughed at

you or soft-soaped you honey

around your mouth, until your

lips stuck together and you

had nothing more to say, on

the bleak meadows of the

suburb, where the landing

was hard, for you and for us

dreamlike figures

i am that dreamlike figure

that enters the room, when you soundly sleep

already, that snuggles up to you in the warm

bed, that kisses you on the cheek and falls

asleep next to you

you are that dreamlike figure

that gets up early in the morning, that hugs

me, kisses me, that leaves the twilight room

and leaves me briefly behind awake, before

i fall back asleep

cold house / warm bed

cold coffee in a cold house in a cold

countryside, coming to terms with

the past, archiving past words

storing past things, making them

accessible, working the day, the

evening, the night, until morning

pours itself watering over a body

and leaves it behind purified in a

warm bed with a fiery heart in a

hot sun life

(mood) landscape

in the mood to behold the landscape

to imagine where in forests and

why in the lonely wilderness little

walls were built, where the secret

lines of defence have buried

themselves in the ground, where

the underground passageways

from the middle ages run along

where caves and mines hide in

dense coniferous forests, on steep

mountain slopes, where hidden

treasures slumber beneath

the undergrowth

millions of years ago

sharply like shark teeth

the white mountain ribs

bite themselves out of

the juicy springtime

green of the last april

days into the

understanding, that

all this will always be

part of my origin, of

my present future, of

my future present

because it has scraped

deep canyons into me

millions of years ago

the poetic batteries

sometimes it is good to leave

home pastures, to animate

new ground, to tickle the

world with one’s own