AMERICAN INDIAN FAIRY TALES - 17 Illustrated Fairy Tales - Anon E. Mouse - E-Book

AMERICAN INDIAN FAIRY TALES - 17 Illustrated Fairy Tales E-Book

Anon E. Mouse

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This is a collection of Native American folklore, retold for children and young adults, compiled over a century ago. Within you will find stories like Snowbird and the Water Tiger, The Coyote or Prairie Wolf, How Mad Buffalo Fought the Thunder-Bird, The Red Swan, The Bended Rocks and many more. You will even find a description of Iagoo the storyteller.

This is the second edition of this book, which was originally published in 1895 and titled Snow Bird and the Water Tiger and other American Indian Tales. The uncredited illustrations are nice examples of children's book art from the period.

The compiler, probably not a Native American herself, drew on authentic lore from a wide variety of culture regions, but sprinkled in stereotypical language and anomalous items from the woodland area like "squaw," "papoose," "wigwam". However, the author was obviously well-intentioned and, for her time, appears to have had a fairly progressive attitude. Notably, she preserves some of the motifs in the stories such as grotesque monsters and cross-dressing, which some other children's book authors of her day (and ours) might have glossed over.

10% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charities.
KEYWORDS/TAGS: Iagoo, Story-Teller Himself, Snowbird, Water-Tiger, Coyote, Prairie Wolf, How Mad Buffalo Fought the Thunder-Bird, Red Swan, Bended Rocks, White Hawk, Lazy, Magic Feather, Star Maiden, Fighting Hare, Great Head, Adventures of Living Statue, Turtle-Dove, Sage-Cock, Witch, Island of Skeletons, Stone-Shirt, One-Two, Great Wizard, White Cloud, Visit, Sun-Prince

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Compiled BY


With numerous illustrations

Originally Published By

Dodd, Mead & Company, New York


Resurrected By

Abela Publishing, London


American Indian Fairy Tales

Typographical arrangement of this edition

© Abela Publishing 2018

This book may not be reproduced in its current format in any manner in any media, or transmitted by any means whatsoever, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, or mechanical ( including photocopy, file or video recording, internet web sites, blogs, wikis, or any other information storage and retrieval system) except as permitted by law without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Abela Publishing,


United Kingdom


ISBN-13: 978-8-827560-28-0


[email protected]







Author's Note

THROUGH the courtesy of the librarian of the Smithsonian Institute, the author has had access to government reports of Indian life. Upon these and the folk-lore contained in the standard works of Schoolcraft, Copway, and Catlin these stories are founded.


The Publisher acknowledges the work

that Margaret Compton did in compiling

this unique collection of American Indian fairy Tales

in a time well before any electronic media was in use.

* * * * * * *

A percentage of the net sale from this book

will be donated to Charities.


The Story-Teller Himself

Snowbird And The Water-Tiger

The Coyote Or Prairie Wolf

How Mad Buffalo Fought The Thunder-Bird

The Red Swan

The Bended Rocks

White Hawk, The Lazy

The Magic Feather

The Star Maiden

The Fighting Hare

The Great Head

The Adventures Of Living Statue

Turtle-Dove, Sage-Cock, And The Witch

The Island Of Skeletons.

Stone-Shirt And The One-Two

The Great Wizard

White Cloud's Visit To The Sun-Prince

The Story-Teller Himself

AGOO, the story-teller of the Indians, is a little, old man with a face as black as the shell of the butternut and a body like a twisted stick. His eyes are twice as large as other men's, so that when a bird flies past him he sees twice as many feathers on it, and all the little colours underneath are bright to him. His ears are twice as large as other men's, so that what seems to them but a tiny sound is to him like the roll of thunder. His legs are supple and his arms are strong, so that he can run faster and further, and can lift and carry twice as much as others.

No one believes him, yet every one is eager to listen to him. He tells of things of which no one else ever saw the like; but the stories are pleasant to hear, and Iagoo says they are true. When the rivers and lakes are frozen so that the Indian cannot fish, and the snow has drifted many feet in thickness so that he cannot hunt, then he goes into his wigwam, cowers under his heaviest bear-skin wrapper or crouches by the fire, and longs for Iagoo to appear. When the Storm-fool dances about the wigwam and throws the snowflakes, hard and dry as sand, in at the doorway, then Iagoo is most likely to visit him.

He vanishes for many moons and comes back with new and wonderful tales. He has met bears with eyes of fire and claws of steel, mosquitoes whose wings were large enough for a sail for his canoe and serpents with manes like horses.

Once he found a water-lily with a leaf so broad that it made a petticoat for his wife. At another time he saw a bush so large that it took him half a day to walk round it.

As he sat in his doorway one summer evening he shot an arrow without taking direct aim. It killed a swan and twenty brace of ducks that were swimming on the river, then passed on and mortally wounded two Mons on the bank, bounded back and, as it touched the water, killed an enormous fish.

He remembers when the oldest oak was an acorn. He says that he will be alive long after the white man has disappeared from the land.

These are his tales written down for the little Pale-faces. They are of the fairies, the giants, the dwarfs, the witches and the magicians of our own land, America.


Snowbird And The Water-Tiger

NOWBIRD was the much-loved wife of Brown Bear, the brave hunter whose home was on the shore of the Great Lake. He kept the wigwam well supplied with food; and Snowbird's moccasins were the finest in the tribe, save only those of the Chief's daughters. Even those owed much of their beauty to the lovely feathers that Snowbird had given them. If you had asked her where she got them she would have answered proudly, "My husband brought them from the chase."

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