Dumbass - Melissa Stevens - E-Book

Dumbass E-Book

Melissa Stevens

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A prospect trying to earn his patch. An ex-hooker rescued by the club. Can she accept the only thing he has to give?

Dumbass had made some mistakes, but planning the club Independence Day party wasn't going to be one of them.
But he'd need some help. When Jailbait stepped up, and took command over the other girls, he noticed her for the first time. But as a prospect, he had no place wanting her.

Jailbait liked being around the club, but she wanted more than to be passed around the brothers. Looking far younger than her age wasn't helping. But when the club 4th of July party puts her working with Dumbass, something develops.

But is he in a position where it could work? Will he be put off by her past? Club rules and customs might just keep them apart, how would they manage?

Read Dumbass today to find out if Dumbass and Jailbait can make things work.

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Melissa Stevens


Copyright © [Year of First Publication] by [Author or Pen Name]

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.



Dumbass stood with his back pressed to the door. Yes, the door behind him was locked, but it was his job to make sure no one who didn’t belong tried to enter, basically that meant no one who wasn’t already in the room. He’d never had a serious challenge while doing this job, but he’d had a couple guys he’d had to make sit and wait for whatever meeting being held behind him to be over. His mind drifted to what might happen if someone was serious about getting inside. How he’d handle it would depend on who it was.

The door behind him opened. Dumbass stepped aside to let his brothers pass.

“Dumbass, I need you in here.” Tuck, the club president’s voice stopped him from taking up his usual position behind the bar. Instead, he waited for the rest of the brothers to leave then stepped into the back room of the clubhouse, one where he was rarely allowed. It was where the club meetings were held and since he was still a prospect, he wasn’t allowed in the meetings. Not yet.

“Yes, sir?” Dumbass stepped up to the table near where his president sat.

“We’ve decided we need to do something for the 4th. Something family friendly so the ol’ ladies can attend, and the kids for those who have them.”

“Yes, sir.” He wondered why this came to him. Usually something like this one of the women would step in and take over.

“Krissi’s busy with Drifters and Amber’s working so it’s going to fall to you to organize the girls and get it put together. Can you handle it?”

Dumbass resisted the urge to sigh and ask why him. If he ever wanted to be made a full patched member, he’d have to suck it up and do what he was asked. The girls Tuck spoke of were the club girls, the hookers and hangers on that hung around the clubhouse hoping for a few minutes or maybe a little longer with one of the brothers. It wouldn’t be easy to get them to do the clean up and work required for a party like this. Most of the work would likely fall to him.

“Of course.” Even if Dumbass had to do it all himself, if it got him a little closer to that patch on his back, it would be worth it. “I assume we actually want to do this on the Fourth, not on the weekend?”

“Of course. I want the kids to be able to watch the fireworks. That means you’ll probably need to set something up on the roof, and make sure there’s a secure area for the younger ones so we don’t have to worry about them getting too close to the edge or falling.”

“Not a problem.” Dumbass’s mind spun with possibilities and ideas. He’d round the girls up and get them busy cleaning this place up first thing. There was only about a week to get everything done. “Anything else?”

“Not off hand. Let me know if you need anything extra and run your budget by Ruger. He’ll also give you whatever you need. If you need help with the girls, let me know.” Tuck turned back to Sadist, dismissing Dumbass.

Dumbass didn’t mind he had a lot to do and not much time. Might as well get started.


“I need all of you girls to meet me in the kitchen.”

Jailbait looked up as Dumbass called out to all the girls in the room, then pushed through the swinging door into the kitchen. No clue what was going on, but she might as well go see. She pushed her way through the door and found Dumbass with his head buried in the freezer.

“Looking for something?” she asked as a couple other girls sauntered in.

“No. I’m getting an idea for what’s on hand and what I’ll need to get.” He closed the door and turned to face the women.

Jailbait was curious what was going on, but it looked like the other two had little interest in why they’d been called in here. Double D popped her bubble gum and twisted her hair around one finger while Linda leaned one hip against the counter and stared at Dumbass with half glazed eyes.

“I’ve been put in charge of getting this place in shape for and planning the club Independence Day party. I’ll need some help from you.”

“What’s in it for us?” Linda asked, her eyes narrowing.

Dumbass was quiet a moment, Jailbait thought he was waiting to see if anyone else asked. Jailbait wouldn’t. She knew it was in her best interest to do what was asked, without argument. She liked life around here. It was far better than it had been when she’d been property of the Devils, another club across town. They’d put her on the street and made her take johns. The Demented Souls didn’t do that. The Souls had offered to send her home, but she liked it here. When she’d asked to stay, they’d let her.

“I’ll give you one beer for every three hours you work for me.” Dumbass’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “And that’s actual work time not looking busy or pretending to work.”

“That’s not very much.” Linda stuck out her lower lip in a put upon pout.

“That’s the offer, take it or leave.”

“You mean take it or leave it.”

“No. Take it or leave. I don’t have time to work around you or put up with your shit. Get your ass busy or get out.” Dumbass turned to the Jailbait and Double D. “What about you two?”

“I’m in. And I don’t care about the beer, not that I’ll turn it down,” Jailbait said.

“Tell me what you need done,” Double D said with a sigh.

“The state of the place isn’t too bad, but we’re going to need a few things done. Can you go through and inventory what’s in the freezer?” Dumbass looked at Double D. “I need to know what we’ve got so I can stock us up for the next week as well as what we need for the party.”

“No problem.”

“You decide to stick around?” He looked at Linda.

“I don’t see that I really have a choice.”

“I’m glad you see it that way. You are to go through the main floor of the clubhouse and give it a good cleaning. Get rid of anything the kids don’t need to see, the panties on the dart board, put the jar of condoms in a cabinet so they’re out of sight. Clean the lost clothes and used condoms from the couches.”

“Yes, sir.” The sarcasm in Linda’s voice was hard to miss, but Dumbass ignored it.

“What about me?”

“I’ve got something else for you. Come with me.”

She followed as Dumbass led her up the stairs to the second floor where most members kept a bedroom, down the hall all the way to the end and opened an unmarked door she didn’t think she’d ever seen anyone use. He opened it and disappeared inside.

Holly, whom the Demented Souls had dubbed Jailbait shortly after her arrival, followed, not sure what she’d find. She discovered a narrow, well lit, at least once Dumbass flipped the light switch, stairway leading up. But there was nothing above this. It must go to the roof. She stared up at his climbing back, noticing for the first time how well his jeans fit and that he had a pretty nice ass. Wondering what he had in mind, she followed.

Dumbass was a prospect, not a full member of the club, she’d had no reason to pay much attention to him, other than he often manned the bar and cooked if someone wanted food. As a prospect, he couldn’t offer her any protection, not that she needed it from anyone in the club, but the idea was there, so she’d never considered him as anything more than a prospect. A try-out. She’d had enough rough handling when she’d been Devils’ property she’d been watching for someone with a little more power.

When she’d first arrived, Holly had spent time with Crash, it had been fun, but nothing serious and now that Crash had Amber, it was completely over. And Holly knew better than to even hint to Amber that she felt anything for Crash now. Crash was nice enough, but there was no spark of anything more than physical between them. Amber was good for him and Crash was pure gone over her. Holly didn’t see any reason to screw that up.

Sunlight blinded her as the door at the top of the stairs opened and Dumbass stepped out. Holly followed, squinting as her eyes adjusted. The blast of heat took her breath away and she stood for a moment trying to remember how to draw in more air.

“Wow. It’s hot up here.”

“It is,” Dumbass agreed. “And we probably won’t use it during the day, but I wanted to get an idea of what it’s like up here. We’re going to need to set up an area where we can bring kids up to watch fireworks.” He looked around. “There aren’t a lot of kids in the club, but there are a few and we’ll need to be prepared.”