Live - Melissa Stevens - E-Book

Live E-Book

Melissa Stevens

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The final book in the Kitsune series, Live begins as Nickie recovers from dealing with traumatic loss. Brandon is in custody, trying to earn pack redemption while helping locate a pair of killers. Then a pair of Kitsune from out of town show up asking for her help and Nickie realizes that word of what she does is spreading. Her life is changing, fast, but is it for the better? Nickie has to figure out what she wants and how to Live but first she has survive what life’s throwing her way.

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Fourth book of the Kitsune

Melissa Stevens


Also by Melissa Stevens

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Dictionary of Terms

Also by Melissa Stevens

Jade’s Peace

About the Author

All rights reserved, copyright Melissa Stevens.

Created with Vellum

Also by Melissa Stevens

Books and series from Melissa Stevens

Kitsune Series:





The Kitsune Collection

(with Change, Fight, Hunt and Live in one volume)

WMC Series:


Jade's Peace

Risking Alex

Demented Souls:


City of Sin:

Released by Desire

Redeemed by Desire

Revealed by Desire

The Dragon Chronicles

(with Released by Desire, Redeemed by Desire and Revealed by Desire)

Diamond Bridal Agency:




Pelican Lake:

Steamy Days

Smoldering Sunsets

Sultry Nights


Robin’s Nest

Choosing Happiness

This one is dedicated to my family, all of them. Parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles and those who aren’t related by blood who are still family. They taught me to finish what I start. If they hadn’t I’m not sure I would have finished this one.


I want to extend a special thank you to:

Wilmer Stephens, who helped me with the mechanics of my plans, thank you for letting me bounce bizarre ideas off you while you told me what would work and what wouldn’t.

Chris Billingsley, who helped me find just the right place to hide a body.

Under-sheriff Patrick Sexton, for answering my bizarre questions when the locals wouldn't.

Daniel Wescott of the Texas State University Forensic Anthropology Research Facility for helping me with the details.

You have all been so much help and given me so much information. Any mistakes herein are mine, and I apologize if I twisted the information you've given me.

Chapter 1

My stomach tossed and rolled, and I fought to keep from throwing up. I wouldn't let him see how nervous he made me. My pride wouldn't let him see how badly being in his presence upset me.

I stood in my front drive, waiting. Devon, my husband of less than four months on my right, not too close, barely within arm’s reach. On my left was Gavin, he had been serving as my bodyguard since about a month before the wedding. He was closer, but slightly behind me, it was a sign not only of his position, but also my status in the pack.

The Anikitos, or pack leader, Bill, would be here any minute and for once I wasn't looking forward to seeing him. The man had been like a second father to me for as long as I could remember. Usually I was thrilled to see him, but he wouldn't be alone or even have the Alekto, Karen, with him. Instead, he'd have Gabriel, Terry, and the one I dreaded seeing, Brandon. Gabriel and Terry were Bill's main security team, normally they worked opposing shifts, one in the morning and one in the evening, but since they were bringing Brandon they were both with him.

Once, not all that long ago, Brandon had been my best friend, but a lot of things had changed in a very short time. There was also a span of time when Brandon had been the person I feared the most, but not anymore.

When I'd first discovered the Kitsune and started learning what it means to be one, he got it into his head that I was his mate and he didn't seem to care how I felt about the matter. He'd harassed Devon and me until Bill had banished him, then things had gotten even worse. Since I’d discovered the Kitsune last June, there had been two attempts to kidnap me, one of which almost succeeded, and an old friend had been brutally murdered by the supremacist group he'd started spending time with.

At the end of November, Brandon had turned himself in to our Anikitos, after learning that his supremacist friends were behind Annie's death, and that they'd used her as an example to me. From what he'd told us, Brandon hadn't been a part of the murder and wanted nothing to do with those who would kill someone they'd grown up with in cold blood.

I didn't want to be seeing him at all. The only reason I was standing outside in the icy wind was because he promised to help us to locate the rest of his supremacist group, the ones who had betrayed our pack leader and beat to death one of our own. The information he'd given us so far had checked out, but now he was insisting on seeing me before he would give us any more.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and concentrated on centering myself. I hoped it would calm my rebellious stomach.

You'll be fine, Devon's voice whispered through my mind. I'll be right here with you, no matter what.

Opening my eyes, I glanced his direction and gave him a small smile, then a truck pulled in the driveway, one glance and I knew it was the people we were waiting for. I wiped any expression from my face. The SUV parked, all four doors opened and four men climbed out.

My breath hung in my throat. I hadn't seen Brandon since he'd been banished more than six months earlier. He was thin, almost gaunt, and his face was covered in bruises in various stages of healing. Considering how quickly shifters heal and that he'd turned himself in more than two months before, it was a safe bet that this beating was more recent, no more than two or three days. Gabriel walked on one side of Brandon, close without actually touching him, while Terry stayed on his other side. The men on either side of him made Brandon look small. At six feet tall, that wasn't an easy feat. Gabriel was an inch shorter than Brandon, and Terry was about two inches taller, but where Brandon once stood tall and proud, now he was slouched, looking demoralized. Terry's bulky build was more like what Brandon normally looked like, but he'd lost so much weight. I didn't know if he'd lost it while on the run or during the last couple of months since he'd turned himself in. Now, even Gabriel's lean, runner-like muscle made Brandon look thin. Bill stood for a moment, watching our small group carefully for several seconds before leading the others across the driveway to stand in front of us.

"He'll tell you everything he knows and be polite while he's doing it," Bill spoke to Devon, but gave Brandon a menacing look. I knew what that look meant, he had better do as he was told or there would be some kind punishment, likely another beating.

"All right," Devon nodded.

Bill turned to me, "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay." My voice was soft and without my usual energy, much the way it had been for the last two months.

He nodded, accepting the answer, at least for now.

Devon led us all into the detached shop that sat next to our rental house. We'd recently converted the building into a place for Devon to use as an office and since he was the Theron, the head enforcer, it had become the headquarters for the pack's enforcer team. We had been using the spare bedroom in the house, but that room had also been reserved for a nursery, and for the last two months I couldn't even open the door. Gavin had waited until I'd gone to my parents one afternoon before Christmas and he'd gone in and packed up all the information we had on the walls and scattered about. It was where we'd been hunting for Brandon, Troy, and West. Once it was out of the bedroom I was able to help him get it set up in the office area, it was better out here. We could lock the door and there was no chance of my sisters or my brother, Cameron, who didn't know about the Kitsune, stumbling across it and asking questions.

I followed the rest of the group into the shop, Gavin trailing behind, staying with me. I stood in the doorway and listened to what was being said, grateful I hadn't been a real focus of attention for the group, seeing me seemed to be enough for Brandon and he hadn't tried to talk to me.

"I left them in East Texas," Brandon was saying to Devon. "When they told me about Annie, how she died and who was behind it, something clicked and I just couldn't do it anymore. I left them then and there."

"How did you get away from them?" Devon wanted to know.

Brandon gave a dry, humorless laugh. "They weren't my guards, they weren't even watching me. I just gathered my stuff when they were off doing their own thing and left."

"Have you been in touch with them since you left?" Devon wanted to know.


"Did they know you were coming here? Turning yourself in?"

Brandon shook his head. "No. I didn't see a reason to tell them."

Devon nodded, considering. "We already know you were behind Nickie's kidnapping in Seattle, did you also ask Troy to take her in Texas?"

Brandon looked at the floor and for a moment, he looked defeated. "Yes." He met Devon's eyes again.

Devin's eyes narrowed as he watched Brandon for small, telling reactions. "Did you, at that time, know she was pregnant?"

I flinched at the word pregnant, I couldn't help it.

Devon's eyes flicked to me and in them I saw a reflection of my pain. You don't have to be here for this. Go inside for a little while, I'll let you know if we need you, he sent over our mental channel. He's seen you, that's the only boon he's getting from me. He doesn't need to talk to you or hurt you more.

I took a deep breath and nodded once. All right, I'll go start dinner. I'll be back after a while, maybe. I pushed away from the door frame where I'd been leaning and headed for the house. I knew where this was going. Devon was going to find out if Brandon had even considered what might happen to me or the baby when he'd given that order. That particular kidnapping attempt hadn't harmed either of us, but it could have. With all he had done he hadn't been the one to kill my baby, in the end that had been something I couldn't have stopped. A case of food poisoning had killed my baby, I'd miscarried a couple days later. It had been a little over two months since, and I still had a hard time talking about it. Hell, thinking about it still hurt. I didn't know if I could stand there and listen to them discuss it, not yet. Maybe never.

Seeing Brandon again, just seeing him, I hadn't even spoken to him, had been hard. I stood at the kitchen counter when the back door opened and Devon came inside. "They're gone," he said, moving close behind me and wrapping his arms around me. He pulled me close, until my back was flat against his chest "Are you okay?" He nuzzled my ear.

"I'm good." It wasn't a lie, not exactly. I had a few bad moments when I first came in the house but I was fine now. A month after our loss, the bad moments were becoming fewer and farther between, but they were still hitting several times a day. I just tried to get through them as they came.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I knew he was worried about me. I hadn't been myself since over hearing our pack healer, who was also my friend, Alexis, tell him that our baby had died. I'd become withdrawn and sullen and I knew it. I didn't like it but I couldn't seem to pull myself out of the funk I'd been in.

Alexis assured me that nothing I'd done could have killed our baby that the food poisoning I'd suffered had only triggered what would have happened eventually anyway. I knew she wouldn't lie to me but at the same time, I had a hard time convincing my heart. It was one thing to know something in your head, another to have your heart believe it. I knew the raw wound would eventually heal, but it would take time. Right now, I felt like it would take years.

I took a deep breath and pushed back the painful thoughts and focused on the now, the man with his arms around me, worrying about me. I turned in his arms and wrapped my own around his neck before stretching up and placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I'm sure."

He kissed my forehead and held me for a few moments before releasing me and moving to sit at the kitchen table, where he could watch Gavin and me as we moved around the kitchen, working together to make dinner.

"What did you learn?" I asked.

Devon hesitated before taking a deep breath. "He didn't know, but he admitted that he didn't know if it would have mattered at the time."

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, so Brandon hadn't known I was pregnant when he had Troy attempt to kidnap me. "Anything else?" I asked.

"He said when he met up with Troy, Troy said he suspected, but didn't know for sure."

"I get that, I mean before that part. What did he have to say about the rest of the time he was gone."

"Oh, that. He said he never planned to stay with his family in California. When he left here he was already planning to go rogue, he had friends here, on the enforcer team, to keep him informed of what was going on here. It was Weston who told him we were in Seattle."

"He admitted to hiring those thugs?"

"Yeah, he admitted it. Said he didn't mean for anyone to get hurt, but at the time he hadn't really cared either, as long as he could have you."

I didn't understand it. That wasn't something the Brandon I had known would do. "What about now, why doesn't he feel that way now?"

"I don't know why. He said he didn't really know when the obsession had died, but somewhere in that last month he'd lost the driving need to possess you and started seeing things more clearly again."

"That's when he decided to turn himself in?"

"That's when he decided to ditch the others. He came back here and started looking into Annie's murder."

"He broke in here to get a look at what we had on the investigation." I said. "But what about the damage to our bedroom?"

"He broke in to see what we had on Annie's murder," he confirmed. "He apologized about the bedroom, he said he was in the other bedroom and could smell the two of us and he lost his temper."

"Anything else?" I asked.

Devon took a deep breath. "He wants to earn his way back in the pack. He says he knows it'll take time and a lot of work, but he wants to try."

"What do you think about that?" I turned to watch Devon as he answered.

"I'm glad it's not my decision. That will be up to the Anikitos."

"But how do you feel about it?"

"I don't know. I have mixed feelings about it. How do you feel about it? It was you he was harassing, you that he injured."

"I don't know. I don't want to keep him from his family, but at the same time I don't know if I can ever trust him again, much less have the same kind of relationship we used to have."

"I wouldn't want you to have the same kind of relationship," Devon said.

"We were never more than friends," I assured him. "But I'm not sure we can even be that again."

"I can't say I'm unhappy about that. He hurt you and I don't mean your feelings. He tried to have you kidnapped. Twice. The first time you broke both arms and had to kill someone to get away."

I flinched, I still hated to think about what I had done while fighting my way free of the humans who had kidnapped me.

Chapter 2

I didn't want to be there, it was going to be nasty and I just didn't want to do it. Since Terry was out of town with Bill this morning and Devon needed the rest of the Anikitos team, there was no one left to stay with me. We still had no idea where West and Troy were, and I couldn't blame Devon for wanting me to keep an enforcer with me at all times.

I sat in the cab of the truck. It was my choice, I could have gotten out and watched what they were doing, but I would have had to keep my distance from Mickey and Gavin, as they were guarding Brandon and I didn't want to be anywhere near him. I still hadn't spoken to him since his return, I'd only seen him that once, last week. I didn't know if I would ever be able to. I could have gone to talk to Gabriel, Devon's protective reactions towards him had dramatically eased since we'd sealed our mating, but Gabriel was standing next to the mine lowering Caden down the shaft.

While I didn't know exactly what they would be bringing up from the shaft, I'd gotten close while they'd set up a tripod over the hole and the smell was bad enough, I didn't want to know more. I'd gotten back in the truck and was doing my best to distract myself with a book on my Personal Communications Device, or PCD.

"Shit," Devon's voice came from where he stood near the rear of the truck.

"What?" I asked, unable to stop myself from twisting around to look at him.

"Caden says there's water in the bottom, this just got a lot more difficult."

I looked at him a moment longer, then shrugged and turned back to my book. I knew they had to pull Bryson Jessup's body out of the hole and dispose of it so it couldn't be found and traced back to us. It was part of keeping the Kitsune a secret. If regular humans somehow found out that shape shifters exist and live among them, all hell would break loose. As the pack's Theron, a big part of keeping that secret fell to Devon, more so since Brandon had killed Jessup for murdering Annie as a threat me. Not that Brandon hadn't been a threat to me, but apparently that didn’t figure into his thinking.

After learning about Annie’s death, Brandon tried to find out who had done it in order to keep them from doing the same to me, or so he claimed. I had no reason to doubt him, but I had none to believe him either. Devon, Bill, and the enforcer team had been trying to solve the murder too, but Brandon had inside information. He knew who was part of the supremacist group he'd been a member of, and that he'd recruited from in his quest to make me his.

At the time, he'd refused to believe I didn't feel the same mating instinct for him that he felt for me and he'd done everything he could to make me his. But the tenuous link he'd felt had been broken when Devon and I sealed our mating. Brandon had lost his clawing need to possess me, but that didn't stop the rest of them.

He had started it months earlier, with simple harassment: creepy notes, slashed tires, but it had escalated and he'd been banned. Then he had had me kidnapped, and other members of his group had murdered another Kitsune girl and left a copy of the news article about her death under my door, with another threat scrawled across it. That's where he'd come to his senses. He'd told us that once he found out about Annie’s death, he left the ones who were with him in Texas and come home. He'd used his knowledge of the group he'd once been a part of to figure out who had killed Annie and make them pay. He'd learned there were three men responsible. The first of those had been Jessup.

When Devon had questioned him further, Brandon admitted to convincing Jessup to go for a run together, while they were out in the middle of nowhere, he'd attacked. First with fists, then finally shifting and killing the other man while in wolf form. He'd left a body with evidence of a fist fight and an animal attack. A good medical examiner would likely be able to tell they'd both happened at about the same time, raising suspicion, and leaving law enforcement looking for a murderer, and maybe something more.

"Bag him and bring him up, we'll worry about getting rid of any extra water later." Devon called to Caden where he still hung down the mine shaft that was several feet beyond the tail gate of the truck. "We're gonna have to find a way to dry him out some before we can burn the body," he muttered. "Unless I can come up with another way to make it cease to exist."

Over the next hour I did my best to not hear what was going on a scant few feet away. I didn't want to think about what they were doing, much less see it. Finally, after what seemed like hours, though I knew it hadn't been all that long, Devon came around to the driver's side and climbed in behind the wheel. Gavin opened the passenger's side door and slid in on my other side.

"All done?" I asked.

"We’re finished here." Devon turned the key in the ignition of the pickup that was nearly as old as I was. The engine roared to life and purred smoothly. Devon's dad, Shawn, had kept the truck in top condition while Devon had been gone, but it hadn't been driven much in the ten years Devon was in the Army. Now that he was home Devon seemed happy to have the truck back, it might be old but my husband treated it as if it were new.

"Here?" I frowned and looked at him, then turned to look at Gavin, not knowing who would tell me what he meant.

"We've collected what's left of the body and done what we can to eliminate any trace that he was here, but we still have to deal with the remains." Gavin gripped the handle over the door beside him and held on, bracing himself for the bumps and bouncing of the rough road between the mine and the paved highway.

"How are we gonna do that?" I only looked at Gavin a moment before turning back to Devon.

He focused his attention on the road as he eased the pickup over deep holes and sharp rocks. He glanced at me for just a moment before turning his eyes back to the rough track of a road. "I have an idea."

Gray clouds loomed low and threatening as we pulled in the driveway at home. Gavin's truck was parked in the yard, where we'd left it that morning. Devon pulled in beside the other pickup and killed the engine. Instead of getting out, he sat beside me a moment, he seemed to be waiting for something. Still feeling a little off from the idea of what we'd done that morning, I sat beside him, staring at my lap. Devon wrapped on arm around my shoulders and pulled me against him. Without a word, Gavin opened the passenger door and slipped out of the truck, leaving us alone.

"You okay, baby?" my husband murmured against my neck. He'd been asking me that a lot lately.

"I think so," I said. "I just never thought I'd be on this side of the law." My voice was dull, flat. I knew it, but I didn't have the energy or will to put more life into it.

"You mean hiding things from the police, from Raine?"

Raine is my brother. He’s a police officer with the Safford-Thatcher Police Department and he'd been a lot of help to us. He and my parents were the only ones in my family who knew about the Kitsune. I didn’t like hiding things from them, but some things you don’t get a choice in.

I nodded.

Beside me, Devon sighed and hugged me tighter against him. "When you're ready to talk, I'm here." He placed a soft kiss on the top of my head and opened the truck door. "Without the heater running we’re losing heat fast, come on." He helped me out of the truck, making sure I didn't slip on the icy gravel, and stayed beside me as we went inside. Shrugging out of his coat, he hung it in the closet behind the front door. "It's a good thing we made it in before the storm." He took my coat and hung it up too. "I don't like being on the roads when it's snowing. Too many idiots out there who don't know they haven't the faintest clue how to drive in it."

"Me too." I collapsed onto one sofa and stared across the room at the fireplace. Noticing that someone had readied a fire without lighting it, I frowned.

"What's wrong?" Devon asked bending down in front of me.

I glanced at him then looked back to the fireplace. "Did you do that?"

He turned. "No, it was still warm when I checked it this morning."

I sat there frowning at the fireplace for a moment. I was aware that Devon had walked away, but I was more concerned with who had messed with the fireplace to wonder where he was going. A few minutes later he reappeared, a pair of steaming mugs in his hands.

"Gavin did it when he got here, before we left." Devon sat beside me on the sofa and handed me one of the mugs.

Taking the cup, I sipped the cocoa and sighed and relaxed as the warmth spread through me, then scowled. "Why didn't I think of Gavin?"

"Because you're tired and stressed." Devon took a long drink from his own mug. "You might not want to admit it, even to yourself, but you can't hide it from me. Not when we're so closely linked." He leaned over and kissed the top of my head.

My heart melted. I knew the last few weeks had been hard, not just for me but for him too. He might not have felt the physical pain the way I had, but it had been his baby too, and the loss of our child had hurt us both. There'd been more than a few days where I hadn't wanted to get out of bed or see anyone, much less deal with the regular stream of people needing Devon's direction or input. He had dealt with it all, and without a single complaint. He'd been a rock, taking care of not just me, but everyone who came in looking for his opinion or help.

As the pack's Theron, it was Devon's responsibility to oversee all the security for the pack. It also meant he was in charge of any investigations the Anikitos needed, as well as meting out any punishments that the Anikitos or Alekto ordered. His duties had sometimes pulled him away when I knew he would have rather stayed with me. Through the constant mental connection of our mating I'd felt his conflict when that happened and I'd tried to assure him it was okay, I understood he didn't want to go. I wasn't sure it had made him feel any better.

One thing he'd done that I hadn't realized until I’d had to do it, was keep me from having to see Brandon. It had been harder than I'd thought it would be. The anger that had surged through me when I first saw him had been nearly blinding. I’d wanted to scream, cry, and claw at him with nails. I hadn't realized how much I blamed him for my miscarriage until I'd seen his bruised and battered face.

On the way out to the old mine and home again I'd had little to do but think about it. I'd noticed once we'd gotten there that Brandon, again, had fresh and fading bruises. I wondered if Devon had done it or ordered it. I took another drink of my chocolate and picked up Devon's hand from where it lay on his leg. Weaving my fingers between his, I pulled it against my chest and looked at his knuckles. There was no sign of damage, no bruising or torn skin, but if he'd injured his knuckles doing it, as long as they were his only injuries, it would have healed within a day, or even a few hours. With a sigh, I let our joined hands fall to my lap.

"What's wrong?" he asked again, his voice gentle.

I was quiet for a few seconds, thinking about how to approach the subject. "Are you the one who did that to Brandon?" I looked at him, watching his reaction.

"Not this time, no." His response was slow, his face open and honest.

"This time?"

He closed his eyes for a moment, then said, "This time."

"How many times has he been beaten like this?"

He shrugged. "I haven't kept track, but he's spent most of the time since he turned up looking like he did today."

I looked at him a moment. "That's been more than two months. Are you telling me he's been beaten every few days for that entire time?"

Devon looked away. "Pretty much."

I thought about that for a moment. The idea didn't bother me as much as it probably should have. When I first saw him I'd wanted to shred him to pieces for what he'd done to me. How could I blame the men in my life, the ones who cared for me, and had taken care of me after I'd broken both arms and after I had to kill someone to escape the kidnappers Brandon had sent after me? How could I blame the people who'd been with me day in and day out for months because we didn't know who was out there and when they might try to hurt me again, for feeling the same way? Hell, I knew he'd been beaten repeatedly and I still wanted to hurt him myself. I figured with the number of pack members who would want retribution, Brandon was lucky to be alive.

"Is it safe to assume he's worn your bruises a time or two?" I dropped my head to rest against his shoulder.

"More than just a couple times."

I sat a moment longer before speaking again. "I'm okay with that." I felt his surprise through our connection that had sparked when we'd sealed our mating and had grown stronger since. I rarely got fully formed thoughts through the connection, instead I often got echoes of his emotions. It wasn't usually so obvious, but once in a while they came through loud and clear.

"You sure?" He lifted the arm behind my head, turned sideways on the seat, pulled me into his lap and settled his arms around my middle.

"I am." I drained the last of the cocoa from my mug and let it rest on my leg.

We sat that way for several minutes before Gavin appeared in the arched doorway that led to the hall and the rest of the house. "Your dinner is in the oven and the timer's set. Do you need me to hang around here, sir, or do you have something else for me to do?"

"You don't have to cook for us, Gavin," I said. "It's not part of your job, I can cook." I looked at him but didn't move from where I half lay, leaning against Devon.

"I know, Nickie, but you had a difficult day. I was afraid you wouldn't want to eat. But I know that if I take the time to make you something, you'll eat it." He shot a sly smile in my direction before turning his attention back to Devon.

Gavin was right. The manners my mother had drilled into me wouldn't let me not eat if someone had gone to the trouble of cooking for me. “Thank you.” I laid my head against Devin’s shoulder.

"Like I told you when we left the mine, that's all for today." Devon said. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the deep timber of Devon's voice vibrating through my body. "Though I'm not surprised you didn't head home as soon as we pulled in." He paused for a second, then continued, "If anything else comes up, I'll call, but I think we're gonna spend the afternoon right here. It's cold and wet and right now I couldn't think of anything important enough to drag us out in it."

"I'll see you in the morning then?"

"Sounds good." Devon said.

I looked at Gavin in time to see him nod and turn back to the kitchen. A couple of minutes later I heard the soft click of the latch on the back door, then an engine started and the sound soon faded away as he pulled out of the yard.

"What do you want to do tonight?" Devon said, his cheek pressed to the top of my head.

"Nothing." I relaxed against him, reveling in his familiar smoky scent while absorbing the warmth from his arms still wrapped around me.

He leaned to one side and set his empty mug on the coffee table, took mine and set it beside his then leaned back and wrapped both arms around me once more. "Talk to me, baby?"

"Just tired." My voice was flat, it had been that way a lot lately and even I was getting tired of it, but I didn't know how to pull myself out of the funk I'd settled in.

"How about I light that fire over there, then we pick a couple of films and spend the evening curled together, pretending we’re the only two people in the whole world?"

I lifted my head to look at him a moment. "That sounds heavenly."

Chapter 3

Our evening of hiding from the world only lasted a couple of hours, it was interrupted when a truck pulled into the yard. Recognizing the sound of the engine, I headed to the kitchen to fix another plate while Devon got the door. As much as I'd been enjoying the time with Devon, I didn't mind the intrusion. That probably had something to do with who it was. I'd never admit it to anyone, but Raine was my favorite sibling. He and I are the closest in age of all of us, being only six months apart. Things like that happen when much of your family is adopted.

Carrying the plate with me, I got back to the living room to find Devon had paused the film and was once again sitting where we'd been earlier, on one of the two sofas in our living room. Raine was seated on the other sofa, his black uniform shirt was neat but no longer crisp and fresh like I knew it had been when he started his shift. His dark hair was pulled tight against this head, making it look short, but I knew better. I knew he kept it in a tight French-braid while he worked because loose, the waist-length hair got in the way. He sat at the corner where the two couches met, meaning he was a little closer to where Devon and I had been sitting without being crowded onto one sofa. The mismatched pair of couches were a side effect of having blended two apartments into one house.

"Here," I said. "I know you, you haven't taken the time to eat yet and you’re probably on your lunch break anyway."

"You don't have to feed me," Raine tried to protest but his stomach growled, betraying his hunger.

I looked at him, one brow lifted as I went back to my spot next to Devon. I curled up on the couch, pulling my legs up in front of me and leaned against my mate.

"What brings you out?" Devon asked

"Do I need a reason to come see my sister?" Raine asked, resting his plate on the arm of the couch and taking a bite.

"No," I felt a smile form on my lips. "But you rarely just stop to visit in the middle of a shift."

He gave me a sad, almost haunted half-smile. "I've been worried about you, Nick. You haven’t been yourself, which is understandable, but you've not bounced back like I expected." His eyes flicked to Devon's face, then back to mine.

"Losing the baby hit me hard, Raine. I spent a while not wanting to feel anything. I'm coming out of that but until this last week I was still numb, I couldn't feel even when I wanted to."

"What happened last week?" he frowned, looking confused.

I fell silent, I wasn't sure how much to tell him. I turned and looked up at Devon, who nodded at me to continue. "I saw Brandon."

"WHAT?" Raine almost came out of his seat.

I lifted one hand. "Calm down, I was safe. Devon, Gavin, Bill, and several others were there. I was in no danger."

"I knew he was back in town, but I thought they were keeping him away from you." He turned a frown on Devon, letting him know how unhappy he was.

"They were, but he'd stopped cooperating. He’d insisted on seeing me. I stood in the yard while Bill and his guards brought him to see Devon. He didn't even try to talk to me."

"What did he tell you?" Raine looked at Devon.

"That's not important." Devon said.

Telling Raine would only raise problems, and cause him the internal conflict of needing to share the information with the police, I didn't want to do that. I tried to steer things back on topic. "Anyway, seeing him. I got so angry I could barely see. That as the first thing I’d felt in ages. I wanted to beat the shit out of him."

"Why didn't you?" Raine asked.

"Someone had already beat me to it. He was covered in bruises. Besides I didn't want to spend that much time around him. I waited until he started talking and I came inside."

"Well, at least you felt something. It's a start."

I took a deep breath and snuggled back against Devon, his arms tightened around me. Picking up one of his hands I wove my fingers into his, he rubbed his thumb back and forth over the back of my hand in a soothing motion. "It is. Now tell me, how are you doing?"

He gave me a more genuine smile than before. "I'm good. Busy, but good."

"Work? Or do you have something else going on?"

"Work mostly. Three missing persons, known associates to one another, is no small thing around here. It's kept everyone on the force busy. Add to it the usual holiday trouble, domestics and D&D's," he shrugged.

I knew his missing persons case was likely our three murderers, Wesley Garza, Willie Anderson and Bryson Jessup. Jessup was the body we'd retrieved that morning and the other two had fled town. I suspected Bill and Devon were still looking for them, but didn't know for sure.

"Mostly huh? What else has kept you so busy?" Teasing my brother was fun and lifted my spirits higher than they'd been in a while. I suspected he was hiding something. I didn't really care what it was, just teasing him about it was enough for me.

His face turned pink. "I've been seeing someone."

"Oohh," I grinned. "Is it someone I know?"

The slight pinkening deepened to a dark red. "Rissa Whitaker."

My grin grew. I knew and worked with Rissa. She was a sweet, bubbly girl that you couldn't help but like. "When did you meet Rissa?" I hadn't been aware they knew each other, but then, I had been kind of self-absorbed lately.

"A few weeks ago, I came by the shop to see you and she was working the front counter. She flirted a little and I asked her out."

"She never said anything." I was really getting into this. I felt better than I had in weeks.

Raine looked down at his plate, then back up again. "It's not serious, not yet."

"But you think it could be?"

It was his turn to shrug. "It could."

"Leave him alone, little warrior." Devon said, his lips brushing my ear. I know teasing him is fun, but give him a break. His voice whispered through my mind.

But it's so much fun. I sent back. "All right," I said aloud. "What else brings you around?"

"Mom called, said she hadn't heard from you in a couple days, she's worried."

"So you offered to come check on me."

"Yeah, it didn't hurt that I wanted to see you too." He looked at me and his eyes softened. "I wanted to check on you for myself, see how you're doing."

I leaned forward and laid my hand on top of Raine's, I knew his abilities tended to work better with skin-to-skin contact. "You wanted to see if you could get a reading on me?" I gave him an indulgent smile.

He froze, his eyes glazing slightly. It wasn't something most people would have recognized, but Devon and I both had enhanced senses. It was enough to let me see the minute changes in Raine that I'd learned came along with one of his visions. Raine had once told me that he thought his visions were a genetic thing, passed down from the family he barely remembered. One of his few memories from before he joined our family was a woman he thought was his grandmother telling him to never tell anyone that he saw things. For years he'd done exactly that, but in order to explain to me how he knew my secret he'd had to tell me his, now we kept each other's secrets.

His eyes cleared and I leaned back, settling once more against Devon.

"Well?" Devon asked, he would have noticed the signs himself. "Good or bad?"

Raine blinked several times, clearing his mind before looking back at us. "Well, now I know why you saw Brandon this morning." He frowned at Devon for a few seconds then looked back to me. "But good for the most part." A crease formed on his brow. "We're gonna have some new people in the area before too long, you're kind of people, some will stay, some won't." He looked away, toward the large picture window next to the door, but stared sightlessly at the glass. "But there's something more, something I'm not seeing. A shadow, something dark, but I can't see what it is."

"She's in danger?" Devon asked, his voice worried.

"I'm not sure." Raine set his empty plate on the coffee table and sat perched on the edge of his seat. "It wasn't something I saw, just a feeling I got. It's possible there's still someone after her, but we've known that for a while, it's not news. I'm not sure if what I'm feeling is that or if it's something different."

"It guarantees I won't be reassigning Gavin soon," Devon said, giving me a light squeeze. He knew I was getting tired of it, but I understood why he wanted me to keep someone with me all the time. There were too many people who wanted to hurt me that we didn't know the whereabouts of. I was fast and strong, but they'd already proven I couldn't out run a tranq dart.

"I want to start training again," I spoke up. "There's no longer any reason I can’t work on hand to hand combat. I want to get back to the workouts and practicing so I can defend myself."

Raine looked haunted for a moment and I knew he was thinking about why we'd stopped training, I'd gotten pregnant and no one wanted to risk hurting me or the baby, but that wasn't a concern anymore. "That's a good idea." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You can use my place if you want, but it's probably not a good idea for me to spar with you. I can watch and give you directions and pointers if you'd like, though."

I pulled my mouth to one side while I watched him, trying to gauge his need to help.

"No need," Devon put in. "Mickey keeps a full gym for the enforcer team. Bill helped him put it together a while back. The agreement is we all get to use it whenever. I'll take you there, you can spar with some of the enforcers."

Raine's brows lifted. "That's a good idea. They'll know how to teach you to use your strength and speed to your best advantage." He looked pleased with the idea that I would be taught to use my new abilities, even if he wasn't involved.

"It'll be fun." I couldn't help but grin. I looked forward to having a chance to get a little exercise, between the cold weather and my recent depression, I hadn’t been out of the house much recently.

Raine's PCD buzzed. He pulled it from the leather holster on his belt and glanced at the screen. "That's for me, I've gotta go." He stood and waited until I did the same, then pulled me in to a tight hug. "You look better than you have in a really long time, sis. I'm glad." He released me and clapped one hand on Devon's shoulder. "You take good care of her. Keep it up." He smiled at me one more time, then let himself out.

"You do look a lot better today." Devon said, standing beside me.

"I feel better today. Getting out of the house and out of town for a little while helped, I think."

"Whatever it was, I'm glad." He gave me a soft kiss then broke away. Gathering the dishes from the coffee table he headed for the kitchen, "You still wanna lay around and watch films all afternoon?"

I pulled a face, thinking about it. "I'm thinking a couple of films, then maybe you'll join me in the tub and we can relax a while, see where it goes from there." I gave him a wink as he came back into the room.

"Sounds good to me."