Escape from Sambisa - Yusuf Buba - E-Book

Escape from Sambisa E-Book

Yusuf Buba

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Escape from Boko Haram" is a gripping novel that tells the story of Aisha and her journey to escape the clutches of the Boko Haram Empire. From the calm before the storm to the darkness of captivity, Aisha and her comrades endure unimaginable trials, facing betrayal, loss, and the horrors of life in captivity. However, a spark of hope ignites within Aisha, leading her to form an alliance with other captives. Together, they plan their escape, utilizing their wits, courage, and the help of hidden allies. The great escape is a harrowing journey through treacherous terrain, evading the relentless pursuit of the Boko Haram fighters. As the story unfolds, the alliance grows stronger, overcoming obstacles and forging bonds of trust. They find unexpected allies along the way, further bolstering their determination to bring down the Boko Haram Empire. However, amidst their triumphs, a devastating betrayal shakes their faith and threatens to derail their mission. Undeterred, Aisha and her comrades persevere, facing the final showdown with the Boko Haram Empire. With courage and resilience, they engage in a fierce battle, determined to put an end to the empire's reign of terror. Their victory comes at a heavy cost, but it also marks the beginning of the healing process for themselves and their community. In the aftermath of the conflict, the alliance focuses on rebuilding, healing, and fostering reconciliation. They become symbols of hope, advocating for justice, and working tirelessly to bring about lasting change. Through their efforts, they inspire others around the world to stand up against injustice and fight for a better future. "Escape from Boko Haram" is a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity in the face of unimaginable darkness. It explores themes of courage, resilience, the power of unity, and the triumph of hope over despair. Ultimately, it reminds us that even in the darkest of times, liberation and healing are possible. Top of Form Regenerate re

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Yusuf Buba

Escape from Sambisa

The Shattered Dreams

This novel is dedicated to all our loved ones we lost during the Boko haram crisis in the North east Nigeria and around the world.BookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich

Chapter 1: The Calm Before the Storm


The sun cast its warm glow upon the peaceful village of Chibok a town  in Borno State, Nigeria,  nestled amidst the serene landscapes of northeaster Nigeria approximately 130 kilometres (81 miles) southeast of Maiduguri, the state capital. Birds chirped harmoniously, and the scent of blooming flowers permeated the air. Life seemed idyllic, a tranquil respite from the turmoil. Chibok is predominantly inhabited by the Chibok people, who are mainly farmers and traders.

Aisha, a young girl of sixteen, sat under the shade of a baobab tree, her eyes fixed on the horizon. She had dreams, aspirations that transcended the boundaries of her humble village. Education was her path to a brighter future, a way to break free from the cycle of poverty that gripped her community.

With determination etched on her face, Aisha studied her textbooks, reviewing the lessons she had learned throughout the year. The following day marked the beginning of her final exams—a pivotal moment that held the key to her dreams. She yearned to escape the confines of Chibok, to explore the vast world beyond.

As the evening sun dipped lower, casting an orange hue across the sky, Aisha's father, Ibrahim, a respected elder in the village, joined her. His face etched with lines of wisdom, he sat beside her, his presence comforting. He had always supported Aisha's dreams, understanding the power of education and its potential to transform lives.

"Father, tomorrow is the day," Aisha said, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Ibrahim smiled warmly. "Yes, my dear. Tomorrow is the day you take a step closer to realizing your dreams. I have faith in you, Aisha. You have worked hard for this moment."

Aisha's heart swelled with gratitude. Her father's unwavering support had been her guiding light, giving her strength even in the darkest of times. She knew that many obstacles lay ahead, especially in a region where violence and conflict were an ever-present specter.

She had heard the stories of the Boko Haram Empire, a group that had carved out its domain in the infamous Sambisa Forest. Led by the notorious Abubakar Shekau, they waged a reign of terror, indiscriminately attacking villages, abducting girls, and spreading fear.

But Aisha refused to succumb to fear. She believed that education was a weapon against ignorance, against the darkness that threatened to engulf her homeland. Her dreams were bigger than the shadows cast by the Boko Haram Empire.

As the night sky enveloped Chibok, Aisha and Ibrahim retreated to their modest dwelling, their spirits intertwined with hope. They prayed for a peaceful night, for strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Tomorrow, Aisha would sit for her exams, and the outcome would determine the trajectory of her life.

Little did they know that the calm before the storm was drawing to a close. The forces of destiny were converging, and their lives were about to be thrust into a maelstrom of chaos and despair. The Boko Haram Empire had set its sights on Chibok, and their world was about to be shattered.





Chapter 2: Darkness Descends



In the pre-dawn hours, the air in Chibok was charged with an eerie stillness, a deceptive calm that masked the impending tragedy. Unbeknownst to the villagers, a sinister force was amassing on the outskirts of their peaceful community.

Aisha awoke with a sense of nervous anticipation. Today was the day she had been preparing for—the day that would determine the course of her life. She dressed in her best attire, a simple but elegant gown she had carefully stitched herself. With her books in hand, she bid her father farewell, his eyes filled with pride and hope and headed to School .Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok.

The school buzzed with excitement as girls from different backgrounds and aspirations gathered for their Examination.

The school was bustling with activity as other students, equally anxious and excited, gathered to take their exams. Aisha's classmates offered encouraging smiles and nods, acknowledging the magnitude of the day. As the sun began to rise, they entered the classroom, ready to face the challenge ahead.

But just as the first rays of sunlight painted the sky, darkness descended upon Chibok. However, lurking in the shadows was a dark and sinister presence—the extremist group known as Boko Haram. Unbeknownst to the girls and the community, the group had been planning a nefarious attack on the school, aiming to strike fear and sow chaos.

The distant rumble of approaching motorcycles grew louder, instilling a sense of unease among the villagers. Within moments, chaos erupted as a swarm of Boko Haram fighters, masked and armed, stormed the village with terrifying efficiency.