Escape from the hell of the Catholic children house into the mercenary arms of the French Foreign Legion - Heinz Duthel - E-Book

Escape from the hell of the Catholic children house into the mercenary arms of the French Foreign Legion E-Book

Heinz Duthel

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See it's a chance to get a European passport. See Can we look out for anybody that might be lying about their medical records you see the gusset is antecedent medical the group passed the first three tests and has one a session of the hairdresser their hair is cut the Legion way it's another step on the path to the coveted white heavy the regulation two millimeters that makes everybody looks the same Google started doing your division and you feel like you're Legionnaires were held nearly nevertheless there's a feeling of unity since now we're all in the same boat. We're starting to bond as a unit there are those who cleared the first hurdle and those who didn't because they failed one of the first three tests the Legion calls them the repressed for a lot of these men it's back to square one simple train ticket in their pockets and ahead of them and uncertain future the group that stays on there's no question of claiming victory more tests await them stand to attention in two ranks line up come on come on lineup for the holidays are finished. You wanted it now you're all right in it. Sam he'll be here to serve Foreign Legion for the next five years. But not exactly more. I want you all to think Well, I mean, you've got three minutes it's your last chance to change your mind what we're most you if you don't want to go back to being a civilian you stay

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Escape from the hell of the Catholic home into the mercenary arms of the French Foreign Legion

You know Aubagne near Marseille at the recruitment center of the foreign Legion for whoever wants to enter into the Foreign Legion, it is here that it all begins.

But before wearing the legionnaires famous white Kebi there will be many severe hurdles to overcome. 8000 candidates come from around the world every year, but only 1000 are selected. The first step the recruiting office. So you want to enter the Foreign Legion? What nationality are you? It's time to empty his pockets and his bag on the table. Or on medium 130 nationalities 7600 soldiers, the majority from Eastern Europe and Asia. For many they come in the hope of a better life. For me, I'm from the streets. To be honest, I've been in and out of jail. I'm hoping my life will change and maybe that the Legion will help me to draw in. As this candidate there are many who want to start their lives over again. The foreign medium can offer them a second chance to be remembered. I live in news but my mother threw me out because I did nothing and she'd had enough of it. To what I believe in the Legion, that they're going to straighten me out. Afterwards I'll be a man. Every day the recruiting office receives an average 15 candidates of all social and cultural origins. Why do you want to join the Foreign Legion of all the media changed my life to get a professional to have a future economy she grew up in France. I know France. I owe nothing to Turkey more so I want to join the French army. In real Mongolia Parliament France is one of the particularities of the foreign Legion is the obligatory change of identity even for French citizens. As you know when he went on the foreign Legion, you're going to be recruited under a stated identity. I'm going to give you a new name you will declare place of birth will be anchored your father's first name is going to change also. Let's call him Abdel Pennells we'll get there eventually we'll see Doc is up there don't worry after you will have the papers so that you can remember all of this to join up the French must become foreigners. Besides here one doesn't say French one says Gaul. The Legion gives them a French speaking nationalities Swiss Belgian Canadian one I guess in this 180 So you're going to join under Canadian nationality. Does that suit you? That's no problem for me. Sir. Now I'm a small part of the Legion. On this morning there are six candidates looking to join and face the selection procedure that is going to last 10 days Navy cough Ukrainian age 27 lead Olson, Brazilian 30 Montana Romanian 26 Redeem from Kazakhstan 18 zuba Ivory Coast Croatian 27 And Bernie French Swiss 29 See the job. Right now I'm going to establish the basics. This is not a holiday camp. You're here from two to 10 days shut in. No phone calls, no leave. So if there's anyone who thinks he can't cope with that you can leave right now. It's not even worthwhile continue to continue with the dress. The barracks, civilian clothes are forbidden. They may not yet be part of the military, but they receive a uniform of sorts. A simple tracksuit. When you hear your name reply to your bags, everything on the table belong to the Foreign Legion. One must make a clean sweep of the past. Go down there personal belongings jewelry, cell phones, the Legion confiscate all for the duration of the training. That's a tough start. And it's only the beginning of the tests that are about to get underway. What is seductive now three selective tests and potential elimination straightaway let me explain a psycho technical test those that have the mental aptitude of a mollusk you will get no further therefore if the result of the test is less than 10 You'll be out 10 minutes guess you did this the Cooper Cooper test one asked you to run a minimum of 2700 meters in less than 12 minutes those of you who are tortoises or have built in brakes you will be packing your bags for the less fit the verdict is instantaneous never make it keep going keep going go go I'm gonna walk on one shots a little put them in the spirits done all right, and it's good for them to hang in there, too. That's what we've got to do. And there's gonna be more of this this medical medical test your members are healthy you continue until you make the Greg leprosy there's a ton there's a basket for the TBM firm well given all the tests that await them they need to be in good shape to this 40 I don't know lying about their health records. See it's a chance to get a European passport. See Can we look out for anybody that might be lying about their medical records you see the gusset is antecedent medical the group passed the first three tests and has one a session of the hairdresser their hair is cut the Legion way it's another step on the path to the coveted white heavy the regulation two millimeters that makes everybody looks the same Google started doing your division and you feel like you're Legionnaires were held nearly nevertheless there's a feeling of unity since now we're all in the same boat. We're starting to bond as a unit there are those who cleared the first hurdle and those who didn't because they failed one of the first three tests the Legion calls them the repressed for a lot of these men it's back to square one simple train ticket in their pockets and ahead of them and uncertain future the group that stays on there's no question of claiming victory more tests await them stand to attention in two ranks line up come on come on lineup for the holidays are finished. You wanted it now you're all right in it. Sam he'll be here to serve Foreign Legion for the next five years. But not exactly more. I want you all to think Well, I mean, you've got three minutes it's your last chance to change your mind what we're most you if you don't want to go back to being a civilian you stay

Now's the chance there are some extremely noticeable toxic Damo that Asante is checking to see if anybody won't leave raise your hand somebody will go back home nobody sure okay that's all I'm gonna do for my bad side. Go Go being quite aggressive are you acting out your instructors role? While it is my role it's normal to say that the meta and perform masculine I want them to get a taste of what's lying ahead and you must do the army. Well you may see we train them in the old fashioned way. It's tough to call it chlorosis on this given protocol reference nakivo constant wrestle does not become real soldiers. Animal format format facing me Come on in one column I bought at ease the psychological pressure never ends. On Tianmu Bear LITTLE some routine, newbie coffin bear name. All are going to prove they have their place and the Legion. The Corporal in charge of recruits makes them wait for half an hour without moving them facing the Southside of SK live demo motif. Religion sometimes people they wait. One observes. They're motivated people who are not motivated. They'll soon us to leave people who are motivated. Well, they know they understand that this is part of the selection process. That's something Come on, wake yourselves up. Come on format facing me in a column. No, that's crap. Wake yourselves up. That's how it always is over here now. Better, better at ease.

Once a spirit, I hope that there was motivated as I was when I arrived here, I dreamt of wearing the white kebeles. Now I do. I think for them, it's the same thing. They think of Africa, the desert and all of that Legionnaires life. Meaning someone that comes to the Legion is someone that's looking for adventure to be a man to spend life with a white kid be one of just 7000 of the whole world. It's something sacred. But you have to earn the right to become one of the few. In addition to the tests, every candidate is subjected to several interviews put on by the they came to song in terms of safety. We don't take recruits who have murdered or committed perverted crimes people with a serious criminal past year pass. I found the candidate a secret it's a lot of people. It's not easy, obviously. Personnel sit down. Zuber yeska Croatian nationality Do you speak French? Where did you learn your French? I was born in French speaking Africa. The Ivory Coast to be more precise. And that's where I learned French. So how come you're Croatian? I'm American and my mother. She was Croatian. Have you had any problems with the police or the law? Never. Never Never cost you take drugs? Well, some I did once, but that was a very long time ago. Do you have any debts or do you owe people money? Nope. So why are you here? You have no problems with a contact? Do you still stay in touch with your ex girlfriend? Yes, yes, we get on fine.

Was this a sample or deception? Seems to me that could be a little love story that's gone wrong here. But she miss you since you've separated the people.

Was it separate? No, no, no. Usually we demand that trip receipt.