Fawcett’s Letter - Neville Goddard - E-Book

Fawcett’s Letter E-Book

Neville Goddard

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Experience the life-changing power of Neville Goddard with this unforgettable lesson.

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Fawcett’s Letter

Neville Goddard



This platform is concerned only with Imaginism. We believe the Supreme Power that created the universe is all Imagination. We believe that man is all Imagination, and this Supreme Power we call God exists in us and we in it, that our eternal body is Imagination . . that is, God himself. And I mean that literally. So we will turn now to the greatest book in the world, the Bible . . which is addressed to the real man, who is all Imagination, not to the “natural” man or the one you see daily reflected in the mirror. For, like my Father, I AM spirit, and I, the spiritual man, have neither face, form, nor figure. I must come to understand my own invisibility, for when I fully understand that, I am awake. But I will express myself in form forever and forever. This universe, vast as it seems, is only a part, for there are worlds within worlds. This platform is to encourage you to test it and create reality. You can create the conditions of your own world.

You must realize that if one is a teacher the responsibility on his shoulders is great, for if I am a teacher my purpose is to make you see as I see, and to the degree that I can get you to see as I see I have succeeded in getting my thought across, but if my thought is false I mislead you, the responsibility is mine.

“And they said to him, ‘See these great buildings?’ And he said, ‘Yes, I see them, but not one stone of them will be left standing on another. And there will be wars and rumors of wars and all the conflicts of the world, and even the sun will be darkened and the moon fail to give its light.” “These things must be, but now take a lesson from the fig tree, for when you see the leaf appear you know that summer is near, and when these things happen He is at the gate,” etc. This is all addressed to you . . the real you, not to the man of sense; it is addressed to the Imagination. What structures will be cast down . . these on Wilshire Boulevard? Time will erase them; economy will dictate their fall. As land grows in value these buildings will come down to make room for taller ones. It has nothing to do with the visible world, but all to do with the structure of the mind. Some structures of the mind stand for centuries, but they will finally come down . . not collectively, but one by one in the mind of the individual. No matter how close we are as a family we never awaken together.