Gods & Ghosts - Cynthia D. Witherspoon - kostenlos E-Book

Gods & Ghosts E-Book

Cynthia D. Witherspoon

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Jonah Rowe knew that he didn't know everything about his abilities as an 11th Percenter - a human who could access the power of their auras. But he knew enough to not believe in the myths of the Greek Gods.

Those were stories for kids. Hollywood.

Until the Sibyl came along.

Eva McRayne wanted nothing more than to get back to her Hollywood life after a senseless tragedy derailed it. So when she and her film crew went to Rome, North Carolina to film an episode for her show, Grave Messages, she had no idea that she was walking straight into a trap.

One that only Jonah Rowe could help her escape from.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Next in the Series

About the Authors

Copyright (C) 2020 Cynthia D. Witherspoon & T.H. Morris

Layout design and Copyright (C) 2021 by Next Chapter

Published 2021 by Next Chapter

Cover art by CoverMint

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the author’s permission.

Previously Published as

Grave Endowments: Volume 1



June 24th

Elliot Lancaster is trying to kill me.

You know Elliott. I've written about him before - first, when we were friends, then as he became my enemy. But for the sake of documentation, I will write of him again. We became friends in college - the University of Georgia, English Literature 101 to be exact. He started showing up wherever I was on campus. I was flattered at the time - I'd pretty much kept myself hidden away except cheerleading, which I was forced to do for my scholarship.

Flattered and naive. I didn't see the warning signs of his madness. How his sudden appearances were more attuned to stalking than friendship. One thing led to another and after graduation, I took the job as his co-host on the television show, Grave Messages.

Things spiraled out of control real quick. Elliott became jealous then downright hateful. He began sending me to locations where I had to fight for my life against beings I had no business dealing with. All for the sake of the show. Things came to a head last year when he betrayed me.

Yes. Betrayed. Like in an old novel or television show. See, I became the Sibyl four years ago. To put matters simply, I can talk to the dead through mirrors. I was granted immortality thanks to Apollo.

The Apollo. The Olympian Apollo. As fate would have it, he is also my biological father. A fact I learned two months ago and am still grappling with.

Why am I rehashing all this in my own journal? Why, since I wrote about the events as they happened? Maybe it's to keep things straight in my own mind. Or maybe, it's to better understand Elliott's motives. 

He has done horrible things to me over the years. We have a history that I don't understand. A history riddled with hateful words and violence.

I'm on a plane at the moment. Elliott and by extension, Theia Productions, has sent me to Rome, North Carolina to film Grave Messages in an old house that has been abandoned for over a decade. There are even bodies buried in the basement - disturbing, I know, but it adds to the creepiness factor. It's the perfect location for a paranormal reality show.

A little too perfect.

I shouldn't be so anxious about all this. I know what I am doing. I know what I have survived. The last time Elliott attacked me directly, I'd physically died. Hermes - the god, not the handbag - gave me a choice. Pass over into the ether or return to the living.

I'm on a plane flying to North Carolina so you know the choice I made. If I can survive getting shoved out of a four-story window, then I can survive anything.

I hope so, though Cyrus - my mentor for this whole Sibyl thing - is not happy with this trip. Apollo is insistent that I stay at a place called Grannison-Morris estate. It's a huge compound of sorts, filled with ethereal beings. That is one of the main reasons why Cyrus isn't happy. He swore he is friends with the proprietor of the estate, but he doesn't care for the students who live there.

My Keeper won't explain why. As far as I know, he's never met them. Then again, there's a lot about Cyrus that I don't know. He is literally ancient - an immortal who has served Apollo since the days Socrates and Plato roamed the earth. 

I'm writing so much because I'm nervous. I tend to ramble when I'm anxious. If there are people at this estate, then I'm putting them in danger by being there. I don't know if I'm strong enough now to protect them. Maybe Cyrus was right. Maybe we should have just taken a room at the local hotel.

It's too late now. The proprietor of Grannison-Morris is expecting us. It would be rude to turn down his invitation while we were flying to our destination.

One week. That's my filming schedule. I can survive one week.

I hope.



At this moment, Jonah couldn’t help but feel like he’d gotten the shaft.

It was summer, which was always when the Grannison-Morris estate was at its emptiest, and the only residents left were the eight to nine people who everyone else had affectionately dubbed the “skeleton crew.”

Only this time, that wasn’t the case.

Any and everybody had somewhere to go for either half the summer or the whole season. This one saw Liz and her family trek to Las Vegas. Her parents rewarded her for achieving the Dean’s List for the second consecutive time, as well as a consecutive 4.0 grade point average. Liz happily accepted the gift, and it also didn’t hurt that Bobby and Vera went along with her family as well. Spader was off doing…something. No one really wanted to know. Douglas had been forced to spend summer with family he didn’t even like. Even Malcolm, the most reserved of them all, was occupied for the summer. He’d given some carpentry insights that had been so invaluable that he’d been invited to teach a couple wood shop summer courses.

So, everyone had something to do.

Everyone, that was, except for Jonah, Terrence, and Reena.

After the ordeal that they’d experienced, everyone felt the three of them should have the luxury of being bored. Liz, for one, thought that it was a courtesy to allow the three of them to rest and not have to “expend mental energy.”

Malcolm threw in his two cents right before his departure. “You can’t possibly recharge your batteries while out having fun and running yourself ragged,” he’d said. “Sometimes, sitting back and taking perspective is the most advantageous thing.”

So, here the three of them were, in the family room of the estate, bored out of their minds. This wasn’t relaxing. This wasn’t battery recharging. This was—

“Bullshit.” said Terrence aloud. “This is total bullshit. Why do we have to be stuck here like this? This feels like kid’s table crap.”

Reena rolled her eyes. “You know that’s not the case, Terrence. We weren’t left out. Everyone felt like they did us a kindness and an honor to leave us to rest.”

“Not helping anything, Reena.” murmured Jonah. “Don’t even pretend like you want to be here with us. We all know that you’d rather be locked up in some hotel room with Kendall right now.”

Reena took a breath and closed her eyes. “Not possible at the moment,” She grumbled. “Thanks to Jonathan. He felt like I needed to get my emotions in order. Let’s just leave it at that.”

“It wouldn’t be so bad if we weren’t the only ones at the entire estate,” complained Terrence. “I hope that that was luck of the draw. Surely that wasn’t done by design—”

“Would it be that huge of a matter if that was the case?”

Jonathan was there. Their mentor and trainer always looked the same, button down, tan duster, and infinity medallion around his neck. This image was so commonplace to Jonah nowadays that he barely noticed it. He certainly didn’t notice it right now, as he’d fastened on to what Jonathan just said.

“What did you say, Jonathan?” He queried. “You isolated us on purpose?”

“It wasn’t isolation.” said Jonathan, “I sincerely believe that the three of you need to have your spirits replenished. But I never intended for you to sit here slothfully doing nothing at all. I have a simple task for you all. Should be easy as can be.”

Jonah glanced at Terrence and Reena. What the hell would this be?

“What’s that, Jonathan?”

Jonathan pocketed his hands. “Have you ever heard of Eva McRayne?”

“No,” said Jonah and Reena at once.

“Hell yeah!” exclaimed Terrence, who hopped up from his seat. “She’s awesome! The centerpiece of Grave Messages!”

“Grave what?” asked Jonah.

Terrence looked at Jonah in disbelief. “Seriously, Jonah?” he breathed. “You’ve never heard of the Sibyl?”

Now Jonah was really befuddled. “Wait. Sibyl? What’s she got to do with Eva?”

“They are one and the same, Jonah,” clarified Terrence. “Eva McRayne is the Sibyl. Grave Messages is her show. She is the best. Smart, intense, and smokin' hot—”

“Whoa,” interrupted Jonah, “Grave Messages is a TV show? You guys know me well enough to know that the only thing I watch on TV is Supernatural. Everything else is Netflix. What, pray tell, is this show about?”

Now Terrence looked a bit sheepish. Jonathan spoke up once more.

“It’s best if I take over now, Terrence,” he said. “Eva McRayne is a superbly talented spiritual conduit who communicates with—”

Now Jonah was the one that rose out of his seat. His meter went from zero to octane in a nanosecond.

“Forgive me, Jonathan, but are you out of your damn mind? After everything that happened with Landry over the past few months?”

Jonathan’s eyes narrowed. “Mind your tone, Jonah,” He said with quiet authority. “This is an entirely different situation. Miss McRayne is no charlatan. She has a spiritual gift.”

“So you say,” said Reena, equally as riled as Jonah. “If she is authentic, then where exactly did she get this gift?”

“That’s the best part!” said Terrence. “It’s the show I told you that I started watching once I checked out on ScarYous Tales. It’s nothing ethereal—I mean, nothing that deals with us! Like Jonathan said, she ain’t a charlatan! She said that it comes from Apollo.”

Terrence’s words left dumbfounded silence in their wake. Jonah ran his tongue over his teeth, like he always did when he heard bona fide bullshit.

“Please, Terrence,” He supplicated, “Do not tell me that you mean Apollo Apollo.”

“The very same, Jonah,” said Jonathan. “Apollo, the god. Patron of Delphi, symbolized by the lyre, healer, prophetic deity—”

“I know the stories, Jonathan,” interrupted Jonah. “I’ve done book reports on mythology. Mythology. As in lie. If she fancies herself to be aligned with Apollo, then I suppose she’s calling herself Sibyl after the Sibyl no one ever believed—”

“That was Cassandra, actually,” corrected Reena.

“And that woman was a prophetess. Eva is a medium.” Terrence added. “Dude, you gotta watch-”

“Whoever,” spat Jonah. “Point is she’s lying. And if she’s on TV—”

“Jonah, stop,” said Terrence. “And while you’re at it, calm down a bit, alright? We’re supposed to be de-stressing, recall that?”

With difficulty, Jonah desisted. Yeah, Terrence was right, but that was before Jonathan mentioned this fresh hell.

Reena, who seemed to have successfully put a lid on her own thoughts, directed her attention to Jonathan.

“Sir, clearly, we’ve gotten way off the point,” She said as in level a voice as she could muster. “Your initial question was whether or not we’ve ever heard of this woman. Why does that matter?”

Jonathan smoothly moved his weight from one foot to the other.

“She is coming to Rome,” He replied. “Today.”

“So what?” Jonah raised an eyebrow. “What’s that got to do with us?”

“Miss McRayne’s patron god is a friend of mine.” Jonathan explained. “In light of recent events, he contacted me to offer her haven as they film a new episode of Grave Messages here in Rome. When I had another protector guide support the suggestion, I agreed.”

Jonah shook his head. “You cannot possibly have said yes, Jonathan.”

“I did indeed say yes,” Jonathan responded.

Jonah threw his hands in the air. What was Jonathan’s deal? After everything that had happened with Landry and ScarYous Tales of the Paranormal, why was he subjecting them to this Grave Messages crap? And this McRayne woman would be crashing at the estate? For the love of God, she could probably buy out a hotel floor! Why the hell did Jonathan have to lodge her?

“Back up.” said Reena. “You said someone else suggested this? Who?”

“Akraia,” answered Jonathan. “She is another Protector Guide. Apparently, she got wind that Grave Messages’ production company was interested as Rome for a potential filming site, so she contacted me after I had spoken to Apollo. This is part of my sphere of protection; therefore, I have the right to know any and everything that goes on around here.”

“Huh,” said Terrence, who looked intrigued. “That Akraia guide must have been around Elliot Lancaster if she got wind of that—”

“Who?” said Reena and Jonah simultaneously.

“Elliot Lancaster,” repeated Terrence like it should have been obvious. “His dad runs the company that does Grave Messages. He was a presenter on the show, but now he’s the day-to-day producing consultant, something like that. I think he scaled back his responsibilities for that Helakos woman.”

“What are you talking about, Terrence?” questioned Jonah.

Terrence sighed. “I read that Elliott’s supposedly messing around with this billionaire heiress who’s recently moved to Beverly Hills named Juno Helakos.” he said. “They spend a lot of time together—she’s been labeled a cougar. Eva’s got a new partner on the show. It’s a blind guy named Leyton. Well, he was her new partner. But his dumb ass left for ScarYous. ”

Jonah eyed Terrence intently. He noticed that Reena, and surprisingly, Jonathan, did too. Reena was the one who broke the silence.

“You read all this, you say,” she said slowly, “do you mean…as in…tabloid gossip?”

“Dear Lord,” said Jonah, who now questioned his best friend’s sanity. “This just keeps getting better and better.”

“I read celebrity gossip!” said Terrence, unabashed. “So what?! It’s not like I’m living these crazy lives, I just read about them!”

“It’s not so much that, Terrence,” said Jonah, “it’s just that one would think that—”

“Look,” interrupted Terrence with a trace of heat in his voice, “I’m well aware of what happened. You think it’s possible that I’d forget? Turk Landry can go to hell for what he did and is still doing. But Grave Messages is good TV. I love it, and I ain’t ashamed of it. It’s a part of all the TV that I watch. I’m a janitor, remember? So, any release that I got from nasty teenagers, clogged sinks, and shitty toilets is a blessed one. TV and celebrity gossip provide such releases. Sorry for the swearing, Jonathan,” He added hastily.

Jonathan waved a hand, but regarded Reena, who looked pensive. “What’s on your mind, Reena?” he asked.

“It’s just…weird,” She murmured. “Juno Helakos? Her surname is Greek, and Eva McRayne claims to be blessed by a Greek god. The name Juno is from Ancient Rome, and we live in Rome, North Carolina. It’s just a bunch of coincidences, and they just—stirred in my brain is all.”

Jonah looked at her. Reena made some crazy connections there. He hadn’t even noticed those things, and he probably should have. Emotions clouded his rationale at the moment.

“Might be an alias.” suggested Terrence. “Lots of rich folks have those.”

“True indeed,” said Jonathan, “but Ms. Helakos is not the issue here. Miss McRayne’s flight will land at a private airport in Raleigh in two hours, and I want the three of you to meet her and her people there. You have my authorization to use the Astralimes, and Akraia has seen to it that a car will be there to collect you all and bring you back to Rome. I personally would have preferred if you all could simply use the Astralimes to come back, but with the Phasmastis Curaie’s strictures on Tenth Percenters using ethereal travel, it’s just better that you ride back in the car. Road trips clear the mind. You guys go ahead and get dressed.”

“Wait. Hold on for just a damn minute.” Jonah held up his hands when he faced Jonathan. “You said in light of recent events earlier. What the hell does that mean?”

“You haven’t heard?” Terrence looked shocked. “Jonah, it’s been all over the news.”

“Netflix, remember?”

“Eva tried to commit suicide after her parents were murdered.” Terrence shifted on his feet. “Or at least, that’s what the news has been reporting. She survived and was still healing up. In fact, I didn’t think she would be back on the show for a while.”

Terrence grinned when he whirled around to face Jonathan. “This is her first show back, ain’t it? She must be back one hundred precent, then!”

Terrence bounded the stairs so exuberantly one would have thought that he needed the toilet. He must have a crush on this Eva McRayne. Dear Lord. Reena ascended the stairs more slowly; she was probably deep in thought about more random coincidences, as well as these new people about to be introduced to the estate. Jonah let them head upstairs, and then turned back around to Jonathan.

“A suicidal spiritual conduit?” Jonah narrowed his eyes. “Really?”

“The girl is not suicidal.” Jonathan folded his hands together in front of him. “She was in the middle of a fight with the one called Lancaster. It was he who harmed her.”

“Don’t tell me you watch this crap, too.”

“No.” Jonathan gave him a tight-lipped smile. “I have much more reliable resources than television.”

“I still have strong feelings about this, Jonathan,” he said in a sharp whisper.

“I would be surprised if you didn’t, Jonah,” said Jonathan calmly. “I do, too.”

Jonathan’s response stunned Jonah. “Then why did you green light this?” he asked. “Surely you don’t believe in this Greek gods and monsters sh—stuff, right?”

Jonathan contemplated Jonah’s question for a minute or so before he answered. “The realms of life are infinite, Jonah,” he said at last. “We know that life never ends; what other secrets does life hold? With the vastness of life, who am I to refute the possibilities? Is Eva McRayne the genuine article? I do not know, never having met her. But it’s far from impossible. But the thing that I do know is that I am a Protector Guide over everything in this region that I survey. Miss McRayne is a new element. I don’t know if her presence is blessing or threat. Events will unfold right here—where I can do something about either eventuality.”

Jonah, Terrence, and Reena awaited Eva McRayne and her crew at the private airstrip in Raleigh. Reena simply changed out of her relax clothes, which meant her new outfit didn’t have paint splattered all over it and rearranged her hair into a tighter ponytail. Terrence was clad in Dockers, loafers, and a snug black polo shirt. Jonah didn’t change a damn thing. He didn’t view this as important enough for changing. Plus, he didn’t care if McRayne or her buddies judged him based on appearance. It wasn’t like they would be friends. Though he had given the Grave Messages website a glance so that he wouldn’t be completely in the dark.

He got the website and more. Terrence wasn’t kidding when he mentioned McRayne had been all over the news. Article after article detailed the gruesome murders of one Janet and Martin McRayne, followed by more propaganda regarding the woman’s suicide attempt. It was deemed a miraculous recovery based off her so-called immortality.

Yeah. Right.

“Why would she come here?” He wanted to know. “RDU is just a hop, skip, and a jump away.”

“Jonathan said that they wanted to be incognito,” Reena reminded him. “Celebrities, influential people—they all want the smaller airports so that they can avoid paparazzi and psychos and all that. A commercial airliner doesn’t allow privacy for anyone, but in remote places like this? Famous folks can call ahead, and the airport powers-that-be can arrange transport.” She gestured to the stretch limousine that had been there before they showed up. “The people land, get in, and put road behind them with almost no one being the wiser.”

Jonah thought on it. Made sense. Enough.

Terrence paid no attention to any of their words. He bounced on his heels like a kid and watched the sky as though he could will the arrival to be sooner. Jonah looked over Terrence’s outfit once more and had to admit that he was pretty sharp. Despite that, he just didn’t think that it would impress a celebrity. But he wasn’t about to tear down his friend. Jonah had a feeling that it would happen soon enough.

“Showtime.” announced Reena and Jonah threw his eyes skyward.

A private jet descended, made a smooth landing, and taxied to a point not very far from the limo. Jonah had expected to see some fancy words emblazoned across the jet, but McRayne—or whoever handled transportation—did the thing properly. It still didn’t sit well with him. It wasn’t like everyone had jets to fly them everywhere, and limos to whisk them away the minute they landed. Why did McRayne need all the secrecy? Wasn’t shouting from the highest mountain all a part of the celeb protocol?

“Take off the dampener, Reena,” said Jonah as the jet doors lowered. “Do us a favor and peg these people right now.”

“That isn’t the way I do things, Jonah,” said Reena in a blunt tone. “You know that. No advantages. We all need to be on even ground. That’s always the best way to make a first impression.”

Jonah shook his head. “Reena, do you realize that you’re saying this about a suicidal woman getting off of a private jet?”

The occupants of the jet quickly descended the steps. The first guy seemed a bit happy-go-lucky, but at the same time, it looked forced.

“That’s the camera dude,” revealed Terrence. “Don’t really see much of him, obviously, but the Theia Productions website sings his praises. I think his name’s Joey.”

After Joey, a positively hardcore-looking man made a quick scan of the airstrip like an attack was imminent. That could only be Eva’s bodyguard. Damn, was the guy retired Special Forces or something? It would probably be best to stay on his good side.

Lastly, Jonah got his first official look at Eva McRayne. It was weird. She appeared to be a contradiction. On the one hand, she fit the profile of a vapid, spoiled celebrity to a T: Honey-blond hair with every strand in place, athletic figure, and that indefinable air of someone who had no money problems whatsoever. But on the other hand, there was something different.

There was a preternatural air about her. It wasn’t anything he could see. It was something that he sensed. Her features seemed a bit haunted, but if she’d just lost her parents, that was no surprise. And her eyes—wait, were they gold? Terrence hadn’t mentioned that one. The eyes had an interesting effect, and Jonah caught himself wondering that maybe there was something to this lady.

What the hell was he thinking? They were fake, duh. Granted, he had never seen golden eye contacts, but she probably had them specially made to accentuate her whole “Sybil” image. The fact that she lost her parents was terrible. But the woman could probably buy her way out of her grief. She had the jet and limo, after all.

The woman stopped halfway down the stairs and stared at him. In that moment, the strangest thought hit Jonah like a brick. No, not a thought.

A memory.

Three weeks before, he'd joined Reena and Terrence on a road trip to the coast. On the way home, they had stopped at a small county festival outside of Raleigh. It was a chance to stretch their legs after the day on the road and somehow, they ended up in a small booth where a woman claimed to be able to tell you your future for twenty bucks

Yeah, right. Jonah had been skeptical, but he went along when Terrence damn near dragged him over to it. The woman told Terrence that he would continue to explore his love of cooking and eventually, make it his career.

No surprise there. Jonah's informal brother was a master with food. He had even wearing his favorite t-shirt to barbeque in, so he smelled a little like smoke and sweet sauce. For Reena, the woman divined that she would focus more on her art and her family. Again, no surprise. Even after days on the road, Reena still had paint from her latest project buried under her nails.

But Jonah wouldn't be so easy to read. There were no clues for the woman to use as he sat across from her. He passed over his twenty bucks and she took his hand to study his palm.

"Oh," She breathed. "Your life is about to change."

"Yeah? How is that?"

"I see...I see a woman. You've met before, though you don't realize it yet. She is your soulmate. The one you've been waiting to return to you."

Jonah snorted. Clearly, she was talking about Vera Halliday. He had been in love with that woman since he met her, but nothing substantial had happened between them.

So again, no surprising breakthroughs. He had half a mind to make Terrence pay him back the twenty he just wasted. 

"Um, ma'am? I already know. I'm working on it."

"No." She shook her head. "No, you don't. I see..."

The woman pauses then frowned. "There is something about gold. Gold hair? Gold eyes? I can't tell. But you will be transferred into a whole other world. A financially wealthy one. You will have much strife, but the rewards will greatly outweigh the hardships."

Jonah had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing out loud. 

"I think you just described a reality show, ma'am. Or the plot to the Beverly Hillbillies. I'm a lapsed accountant who works part-time at a library. The only reason why I ain't panhandling is because I have free room and board. So unless you're counting the denominations on the fake poker chips I use with my goth friend, you might have some wires crossed."

"You laugh because you don't see what I see."

"I laugh because I know the truth of my situation."

"Your current situation, yes. I am talking about the future. The near future." 

"Alright, fine. Tell me what to look for so I can identify this savior of mine."

"Gold. I know that for certain. She is...entertainment? In entertainment? Yes. I see that. An actress, maybe."

Jonah nodded. "Okay. A vapid, vacuous movie star is my soulmate. Okay."

"I'm serious-"

"So am I. Terrence, give me my twenty dollars back."

"Listen," The woman tightened her grip on his hand. "Look for gold. Look for fame. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and if you miss it, you will both suffer."

"Noted, ma'am," Jonah muttered. "Thanks for the entertainment."

He rose from the table. "Terrence, you will pay me my twenty back, and I want two large cheesesteaks. Understand?"

"Fine. Mock me. But you will see. You will remember my words when the time comes."

Jonah led the way out of the booth without another word. Terrence muttered under his breath as he took out a twenty and passed it to Jonah.

"You gonna give me that back if her words end up being true."

"They won't."

"How do you know?"

"I don't like blondes."

"Come on, J!" Reena looped her arm through his. "You never know what's going to happen."

"Reena, every single blonde I've met, not counting Liz, has been a bitch. Every. Single. One." Jonah sniffed. "Priscilla was a bitch and the last straw. So if there is a blonde in my future, she had better dye it and take the secret to her grave."

"You're no fun." Reena laughed. "You didn't even mention how we're in the middle of nowhere. What celebrity is going to come to Rome?"

"No one," Jonah said. "The last celebrity was Turk Landry, and he was an ass. And oh yeah, blonde."

"Dude, that was the worst blonde dye job ever," Terrence said.

"Still," Jonah murmured, "He was blonde."

And yet, here he was on the side of a landing strip watching a blonde celebrity pull down her sunglasses from her head to hide her golden eyes.

No. No way in hell was that psychic right. Jonah shook the memory away. In no time at all, McRayne, her muscle, and Joey were face-to-face with them. Joey and Terrence high-fived like they were already bosom buddies, but it was clear that Terrence’s attention was on Eva. The bodyguard shook Reena’s hand, and unless Jonah was much mistaken, they were sizing each other up. What was the deal with that? Did this man assume that Reena was the muscle of this trio, and gravitated to a kindred spirit?

For some reason, the thought kind of offended Jonah. He wasn’t the one who needed the bodyguard, after all. That was the woman who was in front of him at the moment, shaking his hand with neither zeal nor thrill.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Eva,” welcomed Jonah in a practiced voice. “The name’s—”

“I know your name, Country,” said Eva in a terse voice. “Jonah Rowe. Former accountant. Current—what do you do again? And that’s Terrence Aldercy, standing by Reena Katoa. Despite what you may believe, I’m not stupid. Do you really think I would stay with people and not know who they are?”

Jonah pulled away his hand, narrowing his eyes. That was yet another check on the list of criteria for a spoiled celebrity brat.

“If you know who I am, then you know not to call me Country,” He replied. “And I wouldn’t talk if I were you. I looked you up. You’re from Charleston, Superstar. You’re just as Southern as the rest of us.”

Eva turned pale at the mention of Charleston, but she rolled her eyes when she spoke.

“So, you’ve seen the show. Read a couple of websites. You think you know everything there is to know about me. Country and a fan boy? Cyrus, great job setting up our living arrangements. Really.”

“Wait, what?” said Jonah, caught off-guard, “you got it wrong, Terrence is the one who—”

But Eva wasn’t interested. With a scoff, she turned her back on Jonah and got in the limo. Joey, Special Forces dude—whom Jonah overheard say his name was Cyrus or something—and Terrence were already heading that way.

Terrence hadn’t noticed anything past Eva already knowing his name, so conversation with him was out. Jonah still had Reena, though. He noticed that she hadn’t entered the limo just yet. She stared at it, shaking her head.

“I’m in full agreement,” He grumbled to her. “She is quite a little—”

“No, Jonah,” said Reena, “McRayne is scared. Terrified. Something isn’t right.”

Jonah blinked. “I thought you had your dampener on,” he said.

“Oh, I do,” confirmed Reena. “I know it because I’m not stupid. I didn’t need my essence reading to know that.”

Jonah wasn’t convinced. “How can she be afraid of anything with Cyrus the Action Figure following her around like a shadow?”

“Damn if I know,” said Reena with a shrug. “I just met these people.”

She lowered herself into the limo. Jonah approached the door and sighed.

“Goddamn, Jonathan,” he said under his breath. “De-stress, my ass.”



I was shaking.

I couldn’t stop it. I wasn’t used to this feeling of pure fear. And I didn’t like it. I felt weak. Helpless. The utter desire of fight or flight was so prevalent, I almost jumped out of the limo as the last two joined me. But I was better than that. I was stronger than that.

I won't lie. I had spent the entire flight from California to North Carolina in a daze. Sure, I could have dozed off. But the feeling of Elliot’s hands on my throat remained. The sound of wind as it rushed past my ears remained no matter what song I listened to while I tried to drown it all out.

Tried. Tried and failed. I knew that he was after me. I knew that the traitor wouldn't stop until one of us was in our grave. And though Cyrus swore that I had nothing to worry about, I still worried.

“Are you sure that we aren't going to put these people in danger?”

I had ripped my headphones out of my ears as I posed the question to Cyrus for the fiftieth time. That was my main concern. If a crazed serial killer was after my head - after murdering my mother and the man who had posed as my father - what was going to stop him from slashing his way through a house full of strangers?

“Eva,” Cyrus sighed and patted my hand like I was five. A move he knew I absolutely hated. “They are going to be just fine. Jonathan’s students are all ethereal. They were born with abilities and have been training to fight.”

“Besides, Cy said that the place was going to be deserted.”

I raised an eyebrow at my best friend and cameraman, Joey Lawson, who grinned back at me.

“Yeah. I was listening. And if you are so worried, why not spring for a hotel?”

“A hotel cannot provide the same level of security that the estate can, according to Lord Apollo,” Cyrus answered for me as he refilled my wine. “Just be cautious, dear girl. Do not get close to anyone. Elliot won't have any recourse when he sees that there is no one to threaten.”

Yeah. Like that was going to stop him. I downed the glass like water. It was just after noon eastern time. We would be there in no time. And I needed all the alcohol I could get before we landed.

Don't get me wrong. I hadn’t been trying to get smashed before I met Apollo's old friend who had been kind enough to put us up while we filmed in Rome, North Carolina. But my nerves were shot. I was scared out of my mind.

And there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

“You might want to go easy on that wine, baby girl.” Joey fiddled with his phone as Cyrus hooked me up again. “We land in less than ten minutes.”

“Leave her be, Joey. She has been through too much lately. And this recent threat isn't helping matters one bit.”

I had glowered at Cyrus. Normally, I could look past him coddling me. I don't know why it was pissing me off so much today. Before I could respond though, a voice came over the loudspeaker.

“Miss. McRayne, we are approaching the air strip now. Be prepared to land in five.”

So much for that bottle of red. I buckled myself in and brushed the curls away from my face with annoyance. Maybe Cyrus was right. Maybe I did need to unwind a little.

I watched out the window as we descended. I had requested a private airfield this go round. I wasn't up to the crowds or the paps today. And given my mood since I woke up to fly across the country at four a.m., the bitch persona I was perfecting was in full swing.

I waited when the attendant came up and told us we could get off the jet. I watched as Joey bounded down the aisle and Cyrus followed him. Finally, I stood and stretched.

I took my time. Straightening out my shirt. Brushing away the nonexistent wrinkles in my $500 pair of Calvin's. I wanted to look every bit the part of the television star Jonathan knew me to be

It would make things easier. People tended to be intimidated by money. By fame. I could keep them away from me like I did my clients.

I swung my messenger bag over my shoulder and stepped off the plane. Making sure to lower my sunglasses to keep the sun from blinding me. There were three people already talking with Cyrus and Joey at the base of the stairs. A woman who looked like a damn force to be reckoned with. A stocky black man dressed to the nines. And a tall dark-haired guy who looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but here.

I couldn't blame him. I didn't want him here, either.

I had been heading down when the man pulled his sunglasses off and I froze at the sight of his face. He looked like someone I had met before. A man I’d met for one night on a beach in South Carolina then spent the next six months trying to get out of my head.

No. There was no way in hell he would be here. Not after all these years.

I had to move. They were going to take off with me still dumbstruck on the stairs if I didn't.

I couldn't stop staring as I worked my way down. I couldn't take my eyes off of his face as I closed the distance between us. I caught a whiff of his cologne and went weak in the knees when I stopped in front of him.

Gods, help me. I had Cyrus and my mind was most certainly betraying him now as I envisioned what this man could do to me.

I forced myself to snap at him when he tried to introduce himself. And when he snapped back, I had to walk away. Because the force in his tone was the hottest thing I had ever experienced.

Maybe it was the wine. Maybe I needed more of it.

I folded myself up in the limo and thanked the gods for my few moments alone. I had to do this. I had to push them away. All of them. I was going insane. That was the only explanation for me wanting a stranger sent to pick me up at the damn airport.

But by Apollo, I did. There was nothing in this world I wanted more than the man who had tried to introduce himself as Jonah Rowe.

I had to shake out of this. I turned my thoughts back to my duties. My job as the Sibyl and as the Representative of the Olympian Council.

Zeus, Hecate, Medusa—they all believed in me. I made a promise to myself that Elliot would not scare me away from the show I’d helped create. I felt more confident after kicking his ass but having Hera in his corner definitely helped him. Despite that, Elliott wouldn’t make me go away.

No matter what he could do now. Or what he had done.

So, I clenched my phone in my hand and kept staring out the window. Even though Elliot was supposed to be across the country from me, I knew better. Hera had empowered him. She granted him abilities that not even Cyrus could explain to me. I kept waiting for him to show up. Slip out of the darkness to finish what he had started.

I swallowed down my tears before they could get started. I was in North Carolina, which was far too close to Charleston and the memories I was trying so hard to forget.

The Greetings from Charleston postcard. My parents calling out to me through the mirror. The inevitable fight with Elliot that had left me in the hospital for weeks. The fact that Apollo was my father, not the man I’d known throughout my childhood—

No. I couldn’t think about that here. Not now. Although, those thoughts had worked well to get my mind off the man sitting diagonally from me.

I leaned forward until my head touched the glass. We were pulling out of the airfield and on our way to the manor Cyrus swore would keep us safe while we filmed the episode.

One week and I would be back across the country. Back in California where I could keep an eye on Elliot to make sure he didn’t hurt anyone else.

Not that I had done any good. I bit my lip as the driver pulled out onto a highway. I hadn’t been able to protect anyone. Not really. Ash, the Native American who became Elliot’s first victim. The others he sacrificed in Hera’s name to grant himself power. Even my own mother and father—no, not my father, just the man who raised me.

I had to get used to that, but damn, it was hard. When you called a man your father for twenty-four years, the label stuck.

No. I had to stop. I had a job to do. Get it done then start on the next one.

I felt my phone buzz in my hand. I glanced down at the screen to see Cyrus had sent me a message despite sitting right next to me.

I sighed, pulled the phone down, and opened the screen with a single swipe of my thumb.

Breathe. I’m right here.

I shook my head as he reached out to squeeze my hand. Cyrus was known as a Keeper. My guide, mentor, and guard against all things which threatened me.

I’m fine. I typed back as quickly as I could. Promise.

He gave me a look that told me he didn’t believe me. He was right to do so. I wasn’t fine. I wasn’t sure if I ever would be again.

But I had to act fine. Smile for the camera. Keep the show going. Maybe I was a better actress than I thought.

I kept my eyes on the passing road, but I turned my attention to what was going on around me. The three people who came to greet us at the airfield were representatives of the Grannison-Morris Estate. I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d done my research on them. I had to make sure they weren’t agents under Hera’s control. I didn’t find anything suspicious about them. Just listings on white pages and the standard social media sites. There was nothing that would alarm me. No real interest in the paranormal or the Greek pantheon. They seemed stable. Boring.

That was all I wanted to know. I didn’t dare get close enough to any of them with the threat Elliot would pose if he found out I’d befriended them.

“Eva? Earth to Eva.” Joey leaned in to snap his fingers in front of my nose. “You still with us?”

“Somewhat.” I gave him a small smile. Joey had been with me from the beginning. He was also on Elliot’s hit list since he was under my protection. “What’s up?”

“Reena was asking about our location. Since you snatched up the files and refused to give me a copy, I haven’t read about it yet. Care to enlighten us?”

“Oh.” I dropped my phone back into my lap. “It’s nothing spectacular. The Covington mansion not far from the Grannison-Morris Estate.”

“The what?” Jonah sounded bored. But that didn't stop my heart from flipping again at the sound of his accent. “Never heard of it.”

“Covington mansion. I’m not surprised you’ve never heard of it. It’s not something you’d learn about binge watching Netflix.”

“She got you there, Jonah.” The man named Terrence laughed. “You should see him. He won’t move for days unless you make him.”

Jonah gave me a dark look and mumbled, “So someone read my page on Facebook.”

I smiled as sweetly as possible.

“To put it simple, it’s a big house on a big hill cursed by the original owner. For those who are actually interested, the mansion was built entirely out of granite back in 1823 by the founder of Covington Textile Mills, George S. Covington. His entire family died when a fever swept through the area, save him. So, he built the house as a memorial to them. He even went so far as installing a tomb beneath the parlor and had them buried there. But in doing so, he also put things in it to invite the spirits in. He studied Spiritualism. Held séances. At the time of his death, he cursed anyone who would dare to change anything about his beloved memorial. Families moved in, and then back out within a week. It was eventually boarded up.”

“Until now.” Joey piped up, rubbing his hands together. “So, we’re going to check out an abandoned, cursed mansion with bodies buried beneath it? Awesome find, Evie.”

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was Elliot’s find, not my own, but I winked at him and started to reply before Cyrus joined in.

“If this man invited spirits in, then it could be a portal.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “I don’t know how comfortable I am with this, Eva. Perhaps there is another haunted pile of rubble for you to play in.”

I shrugged. “Everywhere I go is a portal, Cyrus, as long as it has a mirror in it. No one will die. It’s an in-and-out. I’m not that concerned.”

“Oh, no you don’t.” Jonah snapped. “First thing, we don’t say die. That is fiction. And don’t you dare think…. don’t you even consider it. What if a spirit attaches itself to you? Do you have any idea—”

Cyrus turned his own dark gaze towards the man while Reena gave him an identical look. She spoke before Cyrus could.

“Jonah, stop. They are here by Jonathan’s invitation. As such, we must respect them.” The woman shook her ponytail. “Look, Ms. McRayne, I don’t know what forces brought you to our home, nor do I wish to know what you are facing. But do not expect us to become involved. We will respect your privacy as long as you respect ours.”


I nodded, feeling a strange kinship with this woman. There was an aura of strength about her that I could relate to. It was how I had been before the Charleston fiasco. I also tried hard to ignore the twinge of disquiet I felt when Jonah said death was fiction. Cyrus called it something similar. A change? A transformation? Yeah. That sounded right.

“It is my hope that we are out of your hair within a few days.”

“Thank God.” Jonah muttered as the limo turned down a driveway. “The sooner you are gone, the better.”

“Wait, Reena. Don’t go saying I won’t help if I can.” Terrence held up his hand as the car came to a stop. “We’re not doing anything. And it might do us some good to get out of the house before we pass into Spirit from boredom.”

Pass into Spirit? That was such a waste of breath. Why couldn’t he just say die?

“Such a poor choice of words, dear man.” I tucked my phone down into my messenger bag before reaching for the door handle. “But I would prefer it if you left this one to the professionals.”

I stepped out of the car to see that Jonah had gotten out as well and beaten me to the other side. For a fleeting moment, I thought he was going to grab me, push me against the car, and kiss me until I went weak in the knees. Instead, he jabbed a finger into my shoulder as he hissed at me.

"I don't know who you think you are, Superstar, and I don't give a damn. But here? On this estate? We are the professionals. We're the ones saving your ass from—something. So, you can drop the attitude."

I grabbed his hand and twisted it back at the wrist before Cyrus decided to step in. I ignored the shock of electricity that seemed to go through me. "You have no idea what I am dealing with. And if you and your people are smart? You'll leave me alone to do that."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Jonah chided as he jerked himself free from me. "Let me guess. Your biggest problem is what color your fingernail polish is going to be, right? That is, if you don’t decide to take a leap off a four-story building..."


Jonah whirled around and I huffed as an older man stepped forward. He looked as distinguished as the massive building behind him. This must be the Jonathan that Cyrus had told me about.

"Jonah, go inside and wait for us." Jonathan offered me his hand. "Ms. McRayne, forgive Jonah's rudeness. Please, call me Jonathan."

"Then you must call me Eva." I shook his hand, amazed as the anxiety which had filled me earlier disappeared in his presence. "Sir, I must speak with you as soon as possible."

"Come inside. The driver will take care of your things." The man fell in step beside me as we walked across a stone walkway to enter inside. "Welcome to Grannison-Morris Estate. While you are here, you may have free reign of the grounds and the house. I hope you find this place to be a sanctuary of sorts."

"I already do." I glanced over to see Cyrus bowing his head towards the stranger. I would have to remember to ask him about it later. "I hear that you are already familiar with Cyrus. And the lollygagger with his mouth open? That's Joey."

"Yes, I am quite familiar with the great Cyrus of Crete." The man nodded with a smile that Cyrus mimicked. "I have heard a great deal about your service to Apollo. I look forward to speaking with you after dinner. I am certain it will be quite an enlightening experience."

"Dinner? Great! I'm starving!" Joey lifted his camera bag so that it hung over his shoulder. "It was a long flight and Sentinel Sibyl over here refused to stop for fast food so that I could eat on the plane."

I scowled at Joey as he disappeared with Terrence down the hallway. I was sure they were heading towards the kitchen. Reena stayed behind Jonathan as Jonah dismissed us with a wave of his hand and went through a pair of impressive double doors.

"Jonah, your presence is still required."

Jonathan spoke with a quiet tone, but apparently, the man heard him. He popped his head back through the doors, rolled his eyes, and stepped back into the foyer.

"Would you like to rest before we speak?" Jonathan dusted off a piece of imaginary lint from his sleeve. "Or can we get you anything?"

"Wine, if you have it. It's too late for coffee." I sat my bag down on a table which lined the wall. "We may as well get everything out into the open. The sooner the better."

Jonathan was a master at hospitality. He got us settled in a large family room with drinks and a plate of cut vegetables to stave off Joey's hunger. He and Terrence attacked the plate with a fervor that was embarrassing. I took a minute to glance around the room as everyone else took their seats.

"I swear, I've seen this place before."

I took a sip of my wine and sat it down on the wooden coffee table. Jonah scoffed as he took the overstuffed chair farthest away from me.

"Where? In a dream? A premonition?"

"A comic book." I raised my eyebrow in his direction. "With a small sign at the gate announcing it as a school for gifted students."

Terrence chuckled. Joey smirked. Cyrus simply sighed as he stood behind me.

"It is an accurate description of the Grannison-Morris Estate, Eva." Jonathan entered the room and took a seat across from us. "But I am most interested in your own story. Tell me about yourself."

I hated this part. I hated having to tell the story repeatedly. But I did it each time I asked. It was all part and parcel of my role. So, I started from the only place I could. The beginning. I explained to those in the room how I had been tricked - or so I thought - by my predecessor into speaking Apollo's oath. I told them about the mirror, and the history behind it. How the first Sibyl became immortal as punishment for breaking a deal with Apollo. How Persephone took pity on the girl and granted her the ability to speak with the dead. Apollo awarded that same girl with the mirror to break her immortality if she wished it. But only if she passed it onto another woman who would take her place.

But that was all they’d get. It wasn’t their business that Apollo was my actual father. Only the gods and Cyrus knew the truth. I planned on keeping it that way.

I told them the basics. But what I needed to tell them, what I had to tell them, was much more important. I took a deep breath, ignored the skeptical looks from our new roommates, and continued.

"Look, I pose a very serious threat to you and yours while being here, Jonathan. I know Apollo has told you that Elliot Lancaster, a producer for Grave Messages, has become something...horrible. The official name for what he has become is..."

"Skinwalker." Terrence piped up as he leaned forward. "So that Montana episode wasn’t theatrics for the show? He really is a psychotic monster?”

"Everything you see on the show is real, I'm afraid." I took a gulp of my drink as Cyrus squeezed my shoulder to let me know he was still there. Jonah leaned his head against his hand and had such a look of disbelief, it was painful. "And yes. He has become a Skinwalker. A monster transformed by Hera. He is a killer. The problem is, I haven't figured out how to stop him yet. Not without Hera bailing him out every chance she gets."

Terrence shook his head. “I wonder if the Helakos woman knows about that,”

I didn’t know what to say to that, so I let it pass. I knew nothing about Elliot’s dealings with the billionaire woman from the tabloids. It paled in comparison to everything else.

Now that Terrence mentioned it, though, it was a bit of a surprise that Elliott hadn’t offered her up to Hera for slaughter, too. Maybe he relished her company too much to kill her. Maybe she was a physical means to an end. Who knew?

Jonah broke out into laughter, which ended the brief silence in the room. He started to applaud before standing.

“You tell a good tale, Superstar, but surely you don't think we’ll fall for it. Me thinks you've been out in the California glitz too long."

I stood up to face him with my arms crossed over my chest. "You may think so, Rowe. I wish it was fake. My life would be far less tragic if it were. I've had to fight for, then fight against, a man I cared for once. A man who is hell bound to see me suffer at his hands."

"Fight? Right." Jonah chuckled. "I don't see that happening. You might mess up your hair in the process."

"Jonathan, may I demonstrate something to your charge?" I turned to face my host. "It involves a weapon, but I won't use it. Yet."

Jonathan gestured his approval as the others tensed up around me. Reena leaned forward on her seat. Even happy-go-lucky Terrence looked as if he were ready to strike. I took a deep breath and willed for my weapon to appear. Cyrus had taught me how to call it forth when Zeus had given it to me, but he never explained the mechanics of it. Truth was, I didn't think to ask. Chalk it up as another thing I needed to talk to my Keeper about.

My right hand shimmered just before my short sword appeared out of thin air. The blade was white gold. The handle? Gold as well. I balanced it between my hands before sitting it on the table next to my wine. In the late afternoon sunlight, the Phoenix symbol rising out of the Sun gleamed, as did the swirls of yellow gold that crossed the white of the blade.

"The official name for my weapon is the Ceremonial Sword of the Sibyl. According to Zeus, it was crafted by Hephaestus himself. The weapon was a gift, but it has come in handy more often than I would like to admit."

The four strangers leaned over the sword, each studying it with veiled expressions. Finally, Terrence spoke up.

"It's beautiful, but, um—" He scratched the bridge of his nose. "Who is Hephaestus?"

"The weapon maker of the Gods." Cyrus finally spoke. "Who is also a son of Hera."

"Still trying to convince us this whole Greek mythology thing is real, aren't you?" Jonah slumped back down in his chair. "I don't think some fancy trick of the light is going to make your case for you."

I took up the sword, ignoring the sudden hurt in my chest as it disappeared. Some people were believers. Some were not. It didn't matter to me one way or the other what this Jonah thought.

That was a lie. For some reason, despite my fears, I felt the need to impress him.

“Look, I’m sure you’ve all heard about my supposed suicide attempt. It wasn’t suicide. Elliot enlisted Kampe’s help through Hera. He nearly killed me. He won’t hesitate to do the same to any of you.”

"Dinner." Terrence rubbed his hands together, a little eager to change the subject. "Let's talk about that. What can I make you, Eva? I can throw together anything you'd want."

I shook my head to cut him off, but his look of disappointment was so strong, I felt horrible. "Let me take a rain check, Terrence. I would love to try your cooking. Tomorrow. For now, I really just want to see my room and crash before we head to the site tomorrow."

Cyrus offered me his arm, but I waved it away. "No. I'll be fine. I'm sure you have much to discuss with Jonathan. I'm going to unpack and get some sleep."

"I'll join you as soon as I can." Cyrus dropped his arm. "There are some matters I wish to cover with the Elevenths."

I frowned, knowing that Cyrus had called the Grannison-Morris Estate the home of the Eleventh Percenters, but I didn't ask him to elaborate. When Cyrus started talking about different planes of existence and “ethereal” powers, my eyes glazed over. Just as I knew they would now if I stuck around for this conversation.

"Tell me later?" I waited until he nodded before Terrence hopped up from his seat on the couch.

"Let me show you to your room, Eva."

"Alright." I turned to follow him, trying to hide the smile this man elicited from me. He was as excited as a puppy as he explained how to get around the massive house. Finally, he stopped before a wooden door.

"This is it. Yours for a week." He grinned as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "And don't pay Jonah any never mind. We have all had a—a trying few months. He's spun about concerning this, but he'll get over it."

"Yeah? Me, too." I started to open the door but stopped before I could. "Terrence, I didn't see any mirrors in the rooms we went into earlier. Are there any in my room?"

"No." He swelled up, quite proud of himself. "I took them all down the minute Jonathan told us you were arriving. I know how dangerous they are to you."

I leaned forward and squeezed his hand. "Thank you, Terrence. That means a lot to me."

I slipped through the door before he could fall over. I knew how excited fans got and he was obviously a fan.

I gave the room a once over as I closed the door. The pile of luggage stacked up neat in the far-right corner by the closet. I had a lot of work to do before tomorrow. We were going to view the Covington property. Joey had even scheduled an interview with the owner. But I couldn't handle it right now. I collapsed on my bed with a sigh.

I rubbed my hands over my face as I considered how important this was. I had been gone from Grave Messages for a long while. First, with the deaths of my parents. Then, while I healed up from Elliot’s attack. And lastly, the magic goddess boot-camp at an Olympian training ground called the Academy.

If I could survive Charleston, Hecate, and Medusa, then I could survive anything. I could get through a week without falling all over Jonah.

At least, I hoped I could.