Growing Pains - Sara Arneberg - E-Book

Growing Pains E-Book

Sara Arneberg

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Growing through rough times is painful, it's difficult, and most often it's not a linear journey. Healing is like growing pains; even though the route hurts at times, it's worth it in the end. This poetry collection is split into three parts; Sprout, Grow, and Bloom. Like the life of a plant we heal trauma through these stages. In the beginning it's challenging, things look darker before we pierce through the dirt. Then follows a rough road of progress and setbacks, victories and failure. A long game of acceptance and endurance. In the end, when the growing pains finally are over, we can bloom and thrive like we were always meant to do. Growing Pains is about healing from the darkness in life and beginning to see the light, growing through the pain, and to notice the small things that make everything worth it. Makes the growing pains worth it.

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To the person holding this book;

I hope this is what you’ve been looking for

Poems in this collection


Sprout, Part I:

Crumbs of love

The old you

When we’re apart

Missing person

My heart

You’re different now

All I wanted

Why is it always me?

Too much to ask

A sinking feeling


Pearls of Fear

the void in my chest



The everlasting cry



Closing the Circle

Autumn Blues

Grow,Part II:

I deserve better

Empty words




The taste of his own medicine

Too small to grow

The Nice Girl

The Forgiver

An Unsent Email

Against your lines

The music shop

As night turns to dawn

Fortune Cookie

Wonders of Summer

Trashcan roses

A new year’s poem

Lost time

Female Rage

Under the façade

Bloom, Part III:

Your story

Strong by myself


The Queen of Spades

The last letter

How to be Woman 101

How to be Man 101

To the people I’ve cried leaving

The movie continues

The first real love

It is temporary

I feel too much


True or False

The fascination of him

What if it’s true?

Maple Syrup Voice

The life I live

Magic in the Mundane


About the Author

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Since my high school graduation in 2022 and the release of a bouquet of poems, life has changed quite drastically. I’ve gone through a breakup, I’ve lost a few friends, and I’ve struggled quite a lot with loneliness. That’s why I’m so grateful to have had this project and to be able to let all my feelings and thoughts out by writing. It’s like therapy for me.

In some ways this is the follow up of a bouquet of poems, but in others it’s a whole different book. Growing Pains is more focused on life after high school, and the beginning of adulthood. It’s about healing from the darkness in life and beginning to see the light, growing through the pain, and to notice the small things that make everything worth it. The poems are still written mostly about my life, about the struggles I’ve faced and needed to let go of. It’s been difficult readjusting to this new stage in life, sometimes I feel like I’m barely holding on, and others I feel like I’m on top of the world. Either way the poems make it easier to grasp my emotions and come to terms with them.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to my teenage years, somehow they seemed easier, like a driving lesson before the real exam. But mostly I don’t. They are a finished chapter of my life, just as a bouquet of poems is a finished book. Now I’m writing Growing Pains and living the new chapters of my life. I’m experiencing new things, meeting new people and getting to know who I really am when I’m not in school and surrounded by people I know.

I hope that you, the reader, who has picked up this book, will find some resemblance to your own life in these poems. That you will feel seen or less alone, knowing that I’ve too been through difficult times. I wish that you who are searching for inspiration will find it here, between the lines of my poetry. And lastly, I hope that you who are looking for another point of view will finally understand the other perspective. If you’ve picked this book up and thought that it might not be for you, think again. I’m sure there’s a poem here for you, or for someone else in your life. Please, enjoy!

Sara Arneberg


Crumbs of love

The crumbs of love you were feeding me

I was too obsessed and couldn’t see

I kept on begging you for more,

with hands together, knees on floor

Constantly seeking your validation

the absence, felt like rough starvation

I was like your bird of pleasure,

in my eyes you were gold like treasure

I chased anything you’d throw

like old bread tossed to one black crow

Though I should have known that love

isn’t just crumbs fed to a dove

Love is affection, desire, devotion