I Was One Of Many Slaves - Bea Eschen - E-Book

I Was One Of Many Slaves E-Book

Bea Eschen



The story is set in ancient Egypt. At that time the gods rule mankind. Life after death continues in the spiritual world. Naguib is a slave and falls head over heels in love with a servant of his revered Queen. He experiences strong sexual and spiritual powers that elevate him above his fellow slaves and eventually make him a valuable resource in his Temple.

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I Was One Of Many Slaves

Bea Eschen

Copyright © 2019 by Bea Eschen

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4


Also by Bea Eschen


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Just before sunrise we were awoken by the crack of his whip. The weapon was made of leather attached to a stick that branched into seven tails of six knots each. When used correctly, it tore up the victim’s skin and caused severe pain that left the victim writhing. It was my master's pride and joy and he often used it to demonstrate his strength.

He was an old and bitter man. Just the gaze of his eyes, which expressed nothing but coldness, taught you fear. He was tall and had no hair left on his ugly, egg-shaped skull, which was covered with a thin, oiled layer of freckled skin; translucent in places where you could imagine the small brain underneath. But the worst part of him was his large, bony hands, with which he executed his violent blows.

Hundreds of us crouched on the stone floor in one of the many side chambers of the Temple as we awoke from a short and restless sleep. We yawned and stretched our worn bones and tired muscles. Years of physical and mental servitude manifested itself in our daily waking state; the constant lack of sleep and no time and opportunity for personal care.

In the public toilet we crowded around a hole so that we could relieve ourselves. I was of dainty physique and jumped the queue, for which I was hated. Next we lined up for our early morning meal and got bread, fish, beans, onions and garlic with a sweet soup beer as a drink.

All this was everyday life for us. We were slaves and grateful for what kept us alive, for we knew no other existence.

We worshipped our Queen, virtually a goddess and loved to serve her. Therefore it was a pleasure to go into the bushes at dawn and collect the dew drops from the leaves of the trees. Only the most talented slaves were chosen for this delicate task, which made me feel special. I always went to the same tree. Its large, fan-shaped leaves, which reached my height, attracted me. They were unusual because they had no center vein. Instead, our god of trees had split them halfway down from the middle at the top. This made it easier to gently fold the two halves together and pour the precious morning dew into my little silver cup.

The cup was my wealth and the only thing I possessed. My father had given it to me when he was dying. With his last breath he had asked me to take good care of it, because it was very valuable. I did as I was told. Every day I polished it feverishly so that it would shine like a mirror. When it was full, I liked to look through the crystal-clear water to the bottom. The tiny vibrations of my cautious steps reflected on the surface of the water and made the bottom of my sparkling vessel glitter in the early morning sun. I was very careful not to spill the water. It had become sacred for me, as I knew that my venerable Queen would eventually immerse her body in it.

My fellow slaves and I poured the contents of our cups into a beautifully decorated jug. Then, all the jugs of the morning collection were emptied into a golden bathtub for the Queen. After the holy bath water had been warmed up and herbs and fragrant oils were added, our Queen dipped her divine body into what I helped to collect.

While our Queen spent the most blessed moments in the holy waters of the morning dew, she was washed with sweet-scented soaps and gently massaged by her female servants. These young women, barely in puberty, were chosen for their incredible beauty and bred and taught exclusively for the purpose of serving our Queen. They were of excellent heritage; only the healthiest and noblest men and women were paired to be the Queen's personal servants.

One of these girls was Aneksi. When I saw her for the first time, my heart opened like a bud, which blossomed with the gentle touch of the sun and the breath of the wind. A wave of warmth, of incredible energy flowed gently through my veins. It felt as if I had slept all my life and woke up to the tingling feeling of an emerging love I had never felt before. For a fleeting moment she looked up and her sparkling eyes, full of care and compassion, met mine. Immediately I was put into a heavenly trance. I was not far away from her, which gave me the opportunity to look at her tender body. Her hands were slender with long fingers that merged into carefully groomed nails. She moved her hands carefully, each stroke moving around our Queen's tired leg muscles. Her elastic fingers moved slowly upwards in constantly repeating circles. Aneksi’s concentration now belonged solely to the task of making our Queen happy in an exquisite way.

Another servant, equally enchanting, but not as graceful in her movements, stood at the head end of our revered Queen and moved her hands massaging downwards along the strong royal spine. In anticipation of what was to come, our Queen breathed an almost inaudible sigh. As the two servants continued to slide their hands together and reached the royal buttocks, they gently pulled apart the voluminous cheeks, and with their caressing movements now in perfect harmony, they gave our Queen sexual satisfaction.

The moment Aneksi reached into the sacred depth of our Queen's body, she looked up at me and our eyes merged like the smooth waves of the moonlit Great Water. Aneksi's body reminded me of that of a wonderful dancer; the elegant gliding of a snake was an inviting but understated description of her delightful movements while her gaze begged me for something so seductive, I could hardly comprehend it.

In this divine moment I forgot everything that was happening around me; I forgot what had happened before and what could happen later. Although I had always lived my life in devotion and sacrifice, at that moment I could not control my desire for Aneksi.

Suddenly, I became aware of my phallus, which had hardened in the meantime and had outgrown the limits of my loincloth with his head piercing curiously upwards. My petite body was reflected in my manhood, and those who thought that tall men with large phalli, whether slave or king, enjoyed more sexual appetite, were mistaken. A small drop of my precious seed formed at the top of my small but fully erect phallus, and since I was still lost in Aneksi’s flickering flames of desire, I did not notice my master approaching and drawing the whip.

The sound of it immediately reduced my phallus to a tiny bulge that had no purpose other than urinating. As the seepage ran down the inside of my legs and a puddle spread under me, I suddenly realized that I had betrayed my Queen. Male slaves were forbidden to show sexual desires for servants, and since the Queen's personal servants belonged to a particular race, they had to be treated with the utmost respect; any kind of affection shown for them showed particularly bad behavior and was punished with severe consequences.

When I turned to my master, I looked straight into his frightening eyes and waited for the devastating blow, which might even have had the power to kill me. After a brief period of surrender and in anticipation of what was to come, I was astonished to notice my master's hesitation. He suddenly realized that the Queen was having the most captivating time of her otherwise uneventful life. At this time Aneksi's beautiful slender fingers reached deep into our Queen's sacred genitals, while the other servant gently kneaded around her vaginal lips. The harmony of movement between the two young women seemed to be the result of years of explicitly creative teamwork. Each knew the exact places they had to caress to make our Queen squeal with boundless excitement. When our revered Queen was overcome by orgasmic intensity, we all stood still and let this moment of complete joy break upon us as we thanked the universe of gods, souls and spirits for the unique opportunity to be present in this blissful moment.

When it was over, I was catapulted back to reality. My master grabbed me hard by the arm and dragged me away. His rough grip caused me enormous pain, but I was grateful that my whip treatment was delayed until we were away from Aneksi. I would not have wanted her to see me suffer in an unbearable way. I held the brief moment of our merging eyes in my mind as if it was a special blessing from the universe to help me survive my punishment and that this precious memory could even keep me alive.

To my astonishment my master gave me to one of his helpers, who looked as if he had just returned from the dead. The dark rings around his eyes covered over half his face, which was as white as that of a man who hadn't seen sunlight for decades. With rigid movements like those of a living corpse, he led me a long way through dark alleys, heavy wooden doors secured by chains and caves until we reached the main dungeon. The air was getting colder and colder and the humidity was condensing on the rough rock faces and my smooth skin. There was no sign of life down there, except for a few piercing roots trying to escape the weight of the earth and their final strangulation. The ruthless earthly environment made me tremble with cold and fear. I felt a numbing load on me and tasted the rotting smell of cadavers. My tormentor led me into a free corner and placed a heavy iron clamp on my left foot, which he attached to a chain fitted to a rock.

I wasn't alone. Others of my kind were also attached to the walls and when the heavy door behind the jailer closed with a loud bang, only the silence of a grave remained. Nobody moved or spoke. What remained was the devastating presence of death and decay, crawling insects and wriggling worms.

After a while I heard the weak voices of fearsome spirits call my name.

'Let us welcome you in the Valley of the Souls!'

In my mind I saw bloody, torn hands waving at me. My blood froze at the thought of being caught by them and drawn into the darkness. My heart pounded so strongly that my breath almost stopped. Gravity pulled me further into the depths and the spirits of the fire made the flames of the earth flicker up to me. I flinched from the flames as far as the iron chain allowed. To be burned was the worst thing that could happen to me for that would make life after death impossible. My soul was bound to my body and it was receptive to perceptions after death. Signals given by my corpse were to be deeply engraved in my soul. At their rebirth these signals should be present and contribute to the spiritual and physical life of the future. My soul was eternal; it was to return constantly. Not only my descendants, but all my people should benefit from my soul. But because I was only a slave, I saw no chance to have my corpse embalmed. So my dead body should be there at least temporarily to shape my soul.

Shaken by fever and immersed in an ocean of spirituality, I saw in the distance the tomb god Anubis with the head of a jackal shrouded in fog. He reached out to me to lead my newly deceased soul from the earth to the hereafter. I had to escape the flames to receive Anubis who would save my soul.

Despite all this, I did not lose sight of a sparkling star, for with every breath I saw my gaze merge with Aneksi’s. I saw her beautiful hands caressing the full body of our venerable Queen; saw her supple self fluttering like a vibrant butterfly around our Queen. I imagined us riding on a white swan that brought us to the other side of the Great Water into a garden full of lush bushes and singing birds. I saw us lying on a soft white cloud floating in the crystal blue sky beyond the horizon of our eternal love. We sat on the rainbow and counted the colors, while the rain beneath us watered the trees from which we picked sweet, juicy fruits. The spiritual divine elevation transformed us into beings free of good and evil, floating into the light of infinity.

It was these vivid images that kept me alive during my time in the utterly discouraging dark hole. Many of my fellow prisoners died of despair and illness, while I upheld my body and soul under the worst conditions.

One day I heard the heavy footsteps of my master as he approached the gate of the dungeon. It took an eternity for him to find me among the decaying bodies of my fellow prisoners. After he had checked that I was still alive, he mumbled something that sounded like a relief that I received with pure surprise. I was hardly conscious at that time, but still knew what was going on around me. It felt as if I was stepping out of a cruel animal trap as my master removed the iron clamp and heavy chain from my foot. In a magical moment that I will never forget, I rose from my misery to become human again.

My weakness made me stumble and fall several times on my way out. When we reached daylight, my eyes were struck by the glare of the light like two rocks colliding. My master gave me a blindfold which was partially torn, but which I immediately put on for fear of going blind. I was amazed that he cared for me! He led me across the marketplace through a crowd of curious gawkers. They stared at me in disbelief, probably because I was still alive and even walking albeit on very shaky legs. Whispered shreds of excited talk penetrated my ears as my master dragged me through the crowd behind him.