Million Dollar Mindset - Laura Maya - E-Book

Million Dollar Mindset E-Book

Laura Maya

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“MINDSET isn’t an Important Thing…It is the ONLY Thing!!!”  quote by  Mark Sieverkropp  What you consistently think about has a direct impact on your behavior and not the other way around. So, it's important to get this fundamental ingredient right! Mindset is the fence that dissects Successful people from the Rest. In regard to Being Successful and Developing a Millionaire Mindset, people ought to be Optimistic, Confident and Have a Clear Set of Goals to Target. But most people meet with disaster on all of the above and lose the battle of Success.  Well, we are pleased to Offer you a Far-Flung, Well-Researched Info-Product with latest techniques that will transform your mindset and help you pave the path of Success. So, here’s what you are going to discover in this Awesome “Million Dollar Mindset” Info Course: Understanding your Vision Setting the Goals for Success Things to Follow to Develop a Million Dollar Mindset Road-blockers to your Success and Ways to Deal with it Assertiveness and Optimism Working Well with your Co-workers Law of Attraction for Success The Power of a Strong Belief System Stepping out of your Comfort Zone Confidence and Over-Confidence – Realizing the Difference The Significance of Workout and Meditation Controlling your Mood and Emotions Combating Stress and Anxiety And so much more….. Are you sick of endlessly exploring ways on How to Become a Millionaire and end up with absolutely achieving nothing? You are trying hard to accomplish your goals, putting your blood and sweat in to overcome the road-blockers to your success but fail to achieve anything worthwhile… Success appears to be a Difficult Thing for you NOW because of your pessimistic Mindset and approach towards your Life and Things… Trust me, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! There are millions of people out there who are steering the same wheel but to no Success… Before we proceed further, let’s have a look at some statistics to give you an Insight on Failure Rates and the reasons driving it… It is estimated that more than 50% of the new businesses fail within five years of getting started. Around 30 percent of businesses fail due to unbalanced experience or lack of managerial experience. Incompetence and lack of abilities lead to business failure in 46 percent of the cases.  Only 40 percent of the small businesses are profitable, 30 percent break even, and another 30 percent are continuously losing money. These are pretty serious numbers AND now you know that millions of people are sailing in the same boat as yours… Let’s focus on the root causes of this problem: Unsettled jobs and Increasing Unemployment Lack of Vision and Undefined goals Decreasing Self-Confidence among people Growing Stress and Anxiety in the World Inappropriate Time Management Staggering Self-Belief System Fear to take Risks and Chances in Life

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Every effort has been made to be accurate in this publication. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation. We do our best to provide the best information on the subject, but just reading it does not guarantee success. You will need to apply every step of the process in order to get the results you are looking for.

This publication is not intended for use as a source of any legal, medical or accounting advice. The information contained in this guide may be subject to laws in the United States and other jurisdictions. We suggest carefully reading the necessary terms of the services/products used before applying it to any activity which is, or may be, regulated. We do not assume any responsibility for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment.

Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations, and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious, is purely unintentional.

Some examples of past results are used in this publication; they are intended to be for example purposes only and do not guarantee you will get the same results. Your results may differ from ours. Your results from the use of this information will depend on you, your skills and effort, and other different unpredictable factors.

It is important for you to clearly understand that all marketing activities carry the possibility of loss of investment for testing purposes. Use this information wisely and at your own risk.


Copyright © 2019  Laura Maya

Table of Content


Chapter 1: Understanding your Vision

Vision: How do you define it?

Why do you need to develop a Vision?

Expanding your Vision

Power of a Vision

Power of a Vision

Vision and Leadership

Chapter 2: Setting the Goals for Success

2.1   Important Steps to Successful Goal Setting

2.2  The Golden Rules of Goal Setting

2.3  Setting Daily Goals: Importance and Purpose

2.3.1  Importance of Daily Goals

2.3.2   Purpose of Daily Goals

Chapter 3: Things to Follow to Develop a Million Dollar Mindset

3.1  What is a Million Dollar Mindset?

3.2  How to Develop a Success-Oriented and Million Dollar Mindset?

Chapter 4: Road-blockers to your Success and Ways to Deal with it

Chapter 5: Assertiveness and Optimism

5.1  What is Assertiveness?

5.1.1  Assertiveness: How does it contribute to your Success?

5.1.2  How to Become Assertive?

5.2   What is Optimism?

5.2.1  How to know if you are Optimistic?

5.2.2   How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude?

Chapter 6: Working Well with your Co-workers

6.1  How does it contribute to success?

6.2   How to make your Communication Effective at Work?

6.2.1  Communication with your Peers

6.2.2   Communication with your Superiors

6.2.3  Communication through Emails

6.3  Tips to Maintain Effective Relationships with Colleagues at Work

Chapter 7: Law of Attraction for Success

7.1    What is the Law of Attraction?

7.2   Getting the Law of Attraction to Work

7. 3  Key to Success through the Law of Attraction

7.4   How to Use the Laws of Success through the Law of Attraction?

7.4.1  Other Powerful Tips to use the Law of Attraction

Chapter 8: The Power of a Strong Belief System

8.1   What is a Strong Belief System composed of?

8.2  The 7 Beliefs of Success

Chapter 9: Stepping out of your Comfort Zone

9.1    Efficient Ways to Step out of Your Comfort Zone

9.2  How can you expand your Comfort Zone to achieve your goals?

Chapter 10: Confidence and Over-Confidence – Realizing the Difference

Chapter 11: Taking Risks and Dealing with Failure

11.1   What are calculated risks?

11.2  Tips to Take Calculated Risks

11.3  Acceptance of Failure

11.4  How to overcome failures and deal with them?

Chapter 12: Healthy Habits of Successful People

Chapter 13: The Significance of Workout and Meditation

13.1   How Can Exercise and Workout aid in achieving Success?

13.2  How does Meditation help in getting closer to Success?

Chapter 14: Controlling your Mood and Emotions

14.1   What is Emotional Health?

14.1.1  Boosting your emotional health for Success

14.2  Efficient Ways to Conquer Mood and Emotions at Work

Chapter 15: Combating Stress and Anxiety

15.1   Strategies for Managing Stress and Anxiety

Final Words of Advice (Conclusion)


Why is it that some people seem to shine in any sphere in which they choose to exert themselves, and others cannot manage even a glimmer despite obvious talent?

Everything that we do in life requires motivation. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to achieve anything. And we all strive for more motivation, but unfortunately, many people fall short. They get stuck in a trap of focusing on their limitations, fears, and excuses for why they can’t do something. As a result, they make little progress towards their goals.

Your beliefs can either strengthen or weaken your motivation. It all comes down to your mindset. Those that possess a fixed mindset believe that if they fail to achieve their goals, it means that they aren’t good enough.

On the flip side, those who possess a growth mindset view failure as a natural, healthy component of personal growth and development. When you focus on what is good, you will attract good things into your life; when you master your mind, anything is possible. That is how you motivate yourself for success in life.

There are two different ways to view intelligence – thinking that you are already born with a certain level of inability which can’t be changed, and second that abilities can be developed and improved through hard work and toil. Former is called fixed mindset while the latter is referred to as having a growth mindset. Having a growth mindset (the belief that you are in control of your own ability, and can learn and improve) is the key to success.

It’s the small decisions that you make every day that matter most in life. From the moment that you wake up, make sure that you are engaging in actions that are aligned with your higher self.

In the words of Jim Rohn, “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.”

The basic and the preliminary step of having a success-oriented mindset is to have a clear vision of what you want and how do you plan to achieve it.

Do you ever wonder how the world’s biggest entrepreneurs and successful people manage to achieve so much in their lives? The answer doesn’t always lie with their skills, it’s their vision that’s key to success. To be successful, however, entrepreneurs need to define a crystal clear vision.

1.1  Vision: How do you define it?

A vision is the capability to see beyond your current reality, creating and inventing what does not exist in the current time and becoming what you are not right now. Vision is important in all aspects of life: physically, emotionally and corporately.

A vision is something like a mirage in the mind. A state you want to be manifested in your outer world. The idea becomes a conviction after your “will” joins in to support the idea.

The vision is the expression of a much wished for future, that is better than what exists now or of what is projected to subsist in the future.

Fine tuning and expounding the concept with the will and intentions to achieve the perceived idea are what create the vision.

1.2  Why do you need to develop a Vision?

Every decision and choice we make has consequences – positive or negative.

Without a clear vision, we fall short of having the quality of life we desire.

Everybody dreams of living a life over-brimming money, wealth and prosperity. But how many of those people actually work in the direction of achieving those dreams. Desires are achievable only when we have a process of implementing those dreams into a real action, which starts with building a vision, that too with the clarity of what we want in the future. If we lack a clear vision, we will not be able to execute that dream and live a quality life that we crave for.

Our visions must be strong and steady in order to manifest what we truly desire. Weak visions lead to an imbalanced life.

Inappropriate, weak and unstable visions only lead to failure and despair. They do not let you excel in life. Excellence can only be achieved if your visions are steady, strong and stable. With the power of a strong and well-defined vision, you can manifest what you truly desire.  

Visions not based on our “inner self” are not satisfying and empowering

A person’s vision should be in alignment with his “inner self” that is his soul, mind, and nature. This is important to bring self-satisfaction, happiness, and empowerment.

Observing and copying a successful businessman, entrepreneur or any other person and chasing his vision can never help you achieve success. Instead, you should create your own unique vision to achieve your life goals which must be in accordance with you, the way you think, work, implement, basically what and how you are!

Clear vision leads to fulfillment, purpose, and brings meaning into our lives.

Vision is about developing clarity and purpose around the loftiest, world- or market-changing goals you have. This is your great aspiration for the successful version of yourself. Your vision won’t be easy to realize and may require constant course changes, hard work and accumulated successes over time. As you define your vision, shoot for clarity and focus. Only a clear and crisp vision can bring you a sense of fulfillment, and a true meaning to your life.

An unclear vision leads to vulnerability to “whatever” happens, staying true to your vision will make things happen better than you ever thought possible.

Destiny plays an important role in your life but that definitely does not mean that you leave things on it. Whenever there is a lack of clarity in your visions you tend to develop a mindset of “whatever” happens and no longer work in the direction of your goals and fail to chase success.

Instead, you should stay true and be loyal to your vision to craft a successful and desirable future for yourself.

The initial step of a vision becoming a reality is by envisioning. In other words, the focus of your vision has no apparent reality on the material plane. Some people call this faith. Not creating a vision is like walking around with your eyes closed, except in the invisible realm your “inner eye” is shut. You cannot go anywhere if you have no place to go to. You must see yourself going somewhere in order to get there!

In effect, seeing something in the invisible as “real” manifests the energy in your outer world to eradicate the obstacles that would prevent you from realizing your vision. However, be forewarned. Negative visions can manifest negative results as well. People who are always “envisioning or saving for a rainy day,” eventually have one. “When it rains it pours” is usually the battle cry when misfortune manifests.

1.3  Expanding your Vision

If you expand your vision and connect deeply with your inner needs, with the Soul, you will eventually discover an ability to fuse and display visionary creativity. You will become more powerful and charismatic as well. Your relationships will become more sincere, authentic, and energized. Think about it, what do you believe you could accomplish if you perceive it in the invisible, thereby, manifesting the so-called impossible?

A number of highly successful people have claimed to have made a vision board and have recognized it is an important tool for their success. A vision board is usually designed with a big sheet of cardboard that has a collage of different pictures and notes of wants, needs and dreams you wish to fulfill and is usually hung up on your bedroom wall as a reminder of the possibilities that are out there and is also a great visual aid for envisioning your hopes and dreams. This is a great way to reinforce the vision and direction in your mind so that you can be surer of reaching your dreams.

1.4  Power of a Vision

The power of a vision permits us to see beyond our present condition. The power to visualize was given to us for a reason. We are able to manifest our miniature worlds within the colossal world we call earth. Through vision, we can dream, create, and manifest what does not yet exist.

However, the vision must hold steady to the true and the good. If we want positive results, we must hold true to a positive outcome. The vision must be powerful enough to create a conviction so strong within, that it cannot be shattered regardless of appearances.

People say vision is nothing but good ole’ faith under a pseudo name, and this might be true. If one wants to call it faith, by all means, do so. Whatever works is fine. Think of your vision in the same way as a diet. In order for your diet to work, you must stick with it. You must think about how much better you will feel and look by staying on that diet, this is the exact same way the “power of vision works.” It works through determination, commitment, and faith.

1.5  How to Build a Vision?

Building a vision is simple and interesting and also quite important. Don’t be afraid to plan big. You shouldn’t limit your potential by shutting down your ambitions before you have even begun.

Here is a step-by-step process of what you need to do to build a clear vision:

Understand your Wants

Sit down, think and analyze what you want to achieve in the future years of your life. Your goals can include reaching a certain level in your career, earning a high salary , buying a house or an asset, owning a particular car, or traveling to exotic places to name a few.

These things would help you to figure out what exactly are you seeking to achieve in your life. This would outline your goals and help you in chasing them.

Know what you want to be

Getting what you want in life is important but parallel you should also focus on who you want to be in life. Becoming the person that you want to be is also a key to success and happiness. Think about your values and your ideal personal brand.

Decide where you want to be after a certain timespan

Placing a time constraints on your goals will not make you lazy. It would also eliminate the late-back attitude in chasing your dreams if any. This would motive and inspire you to achieve your goals by a set deadline. It’s also a good way for you to measure your success and feel like you are regularly accomplishing parts or segments of your goals.

Picture your future life

Now you should have a good idea of how you want your future life and self to be, so keep that in mind. You can either mentally re-visit your vision, or create a vision board and place that somewhere in your home where you will see it every day. Picturing your future life regularly will make you feel closer to it and encourage you to take steps in that regard.

Stay in the sight of your future constantly

Your vision will keep you focused on what you want and motivated to achieve it. Your future can be better, happier, more successful and more productive. However, to reach this great future the changes have to start today and your vision will help you to begin making them; this is why vision is a key to success.

When you create a successful vision, you begin to feel passionate about it. The only way to be successful in your vision is to visualize it and set goals and a plan of action to reach your vision. Over time, you will begin to see more parts of your vision coming true until one day you see yourself living your vision.

1.6  Vision and Leadership

The ability to visualize and articulate a possible future state for an organization or company has always been a vital component of successful leadership. In fact, when initially describing someone as a “great business leader,” the knee-jerk reaction is often to cite something about his or her strategic ability or vision. 

Great business leaders need to walk the fine line between capitalizing on the opportunities that are ripe for the present context and planning for a possible future state. If you are or want to be a strong leader, vision is vital. Leaders need to be able to look to the future, envision growth and improvement and then focus on what needs to be done today to get there. For truly successful leaders, a vision is not a dream of the future, but a reality that has not happened yet.

A business without vision is going nowhere. Leaders need to use their vision to inspire their team and get everyone working toward the same goals. Others need to believe it and they need to invest in it and that starts with you.

With a vision in place, you are ready to start achieving your goals and working your way to success. It won’t happen overnight, but if you can keep your vision in mind you will be able to make it happen.


A vision can be used in two different ways: inspiration and prediction. It is first used to inspire you in reaching something that you are wanting. It is also used in prediction for changes in the future and interests you have. It might be the most powerful way to keep you focused on what you want in life while keeping you motivated in achieving it. A vision will open up your mind to many possibilities and a brighter and bigger future. When you can envision a future that is better, happier, more productive, you are more likely to make the changes that are necessary for you to reach that type of life.

Goals are an important part of life. We all have them. From our finances to our careers, our health, and our relationships, goals can run the gamut in our lives. Most of us have some experience with setting goals. Goal setting is powerful because it provides focus. It shapes our dreams. It gives us the ability to hone in on the exact actions we need to perform to achieve everything we desire in life. Goals are great because they cause us to stretch and grow in ways that we never have before. In order to reach our goals, we must become better.

A goal doesn't have to be sweeping to be valuable; small goals are worth working on, too, because they can lead to big changes. For instance, "One month from now, I will work three hours less a week BY becoming better organized", is a perfectly acceptable specific goal.

Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life's direction; it also provides you with a benchmark for determining whether you are actually succeeding. Think about it: If your goal is to become a millionaire, then having a million dollars in the bank is the only proof of success. On the contrary, if your goal is to practice acts of charity, then keeping the money for yourself is does not justify your success.

One of the most powerful things you can do is create a life goals list for yourself. This is a list of all of the things that you want to accomplish in your lifetime. It always changes, it's always updating itself BUT you must write your most important goals and dreams down.

Setting goals puts you in the driver’s seat, giving you the power to transform your life. As enticing as that sounds, it is more common than those goals are not abandoned. 

2.1 Important Steps to Successful Goal Setting