My Own Poems of Life - Tommi Perkiö - E-Book

My Own Poems of Life E-Book

Tommi Perkiö



This is my second book with my own poems They are about all kinds of things A whole lot of many different subjects What I think What I believe And like about the schizophrenia and Aspergers syndrome that I have They are all in the english languange My own thoughts written down for you to read I do enjoy writing down this poetry and I hope you will enjoy reading them It was really a lot of fun making these Altough I'm from Sweden and Swedish is my first languange I just prefer writing my poems in english It's just something about the english languange that I like That I prefer I get these thoughts and then I just write them down When I get inspiration really And I have inspiration to write all of the time As you will see Which is great

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Table of Contents

1. How we all live, w11-2022

2. Singing, w11-2022

3. Facing Religion, w12-2022

4. Human, w12-2022

5. Same But Different, w13-2022

6. Being Nice, w14-2022

7. Nobody is Perfect in Life, w14-2022

8. Accidents, w14-2022

9. Schizophrenia, w14-2022

10. Epilepsy, w15-2022

11. Meaning, w15-2022

12. Mistakes, w16-2022

13. Medicine, w16-2022

14. Never say Never, w16-2022

15. Doesn't hurt to ask, w17-2022

16. Autism, w17-2022

17. Nobody is Perfect, w17-2022

18. Live Life, w18-2022

19. Terms of Affection, w18-2022

20. Age, w18-2022

21. Sports, w18-2022

22. Accomplish Things, w18-2022

23. Suicide, w18-2022

24. Consequences in Life, w19-2022

25. Future, w19-2022

26. Future Technology, w19-2022

27. Your Money, w19-2022

28. Having, w20-2022

29. Little Brother, w20-2022

30. My own Poems, w20-2022

31. Love, w21-2022

32. Family Forever, w21-2022

33. Pets, w21-2022

34. Little People, w21-2022

35. The Utopia, w22-2022

36. Hurting, w22-2022

37. Coincidence, w22-2022

38. Society, w22-2022

39. Gratitude, w22-2022

40. Your Own Death, w23-2022

41. Secrets, w23-2022

42. Happy, w23-2022

43. Respect, w23-2022

44. Things I do, w23-2022

45. Dreams, w23-2022

46. Earth Weather, w23-2022

47. Terrible Murder, w23-2022

48. Growing, w24-2022

49. Talent, w24-2022

50. Honest, w24-2022

51. Truth, w24-2022

52. Your time, w25-2022

53. Knowledge, w25-2022

54. Crime, w25-2022

55. Equality, w25-2022

56. Limit, w25-2022

57. More Money, w26-2022

58. Conflict, w26-2022

59. Decision, w26-2022

60. The Human Kind, w26-2022

61. Afraid, w26-2022

62. Where there is a will there is a way, w26-2022

63. Make Your Choice, w27-2022

64. Fun, w27-2022

65. Father, w27-2022

66. Different, w28-2022

67. Religion, w28-2022

68. Fear, w29-2022

69. Publisher, w29-2022

70. Impact, w29-2022

71. Don't Do Crime, w29-2022

72. Hardships, w30-2022

73. Work, w30-2022

74. A Good Personality, w30-2022

75. Path, w31-2022

76. Sad, w31-2022

77. Economics, w31-2022

78. Grandmother, w32-2022

79. Playing Games, w34-2022

80. Regrets, w34-2022

81. Words, w35-2022

82. My Sports, w35-2022

83. Logic, w35-2022

84. Studies, w35-2022

85. Invention, w36-2022

86. Drugs, w37-2022

87. Progress, w37-2022

88. Things need to work, w38-2022

89. Ambition, w38-2022

90. Democracy and Dictatorship, w39-2022

91. Crying, w40-2022

92. Being Smart, w41-2022

93. A Good Life, w41-2022

94. Learning, w41-2022

95. My own thoughts to the written word, w43-2022

96. The Future, w43-2022

97. Home, w43-2022

98. Insignificant, w44-2022

99. Finding ones place, w44-2022

100. Products of our environment, w44-2022

101. Before, w45-2022

102. Laugh, w45-2022

103. Born, w45-2022

104. Angry, w46-2022

105. People, w46-2022

106. Missing, w47-2022

107. War of People, w48-2022

108. Beautiful, w49-2022

109. Your Path, w50-2022

110. Family, w51-2022

111. Nightmare, w52-2022

112. Violence, w01-2023

113. Feelings, w01-2023

114. Math, w01-2023

115. Mind, w02-2023

116. My Own Birthday, w02-2023

117. Hope, w02-2023

118. Purpose, w02-2023

119. Finding, w03-2023

120. Logic, w03-2023

121. Questions, w03-2023

122. Good things, w04-2023

123. Sustain, w04-2023

124. More Sports, w04-2023

125. Nature, w04-2023

126. Foods, w05-2023

127. Believe, w05-2023

128. Thinking, w05-2023

129. Murder, w05-2023

130. My Town, w05-2023

131. Our Pets, w05-2023

132. Immortality, w06-2023

133. Motive, w06-2023

134. Safe Then Sorry, w06-2023

135. Current, w06-2023

136. Good and Evil, w06-2023

137. Things that Matter, w07-2023

138. A window into my soul, w07-2023

139. Morality, w07-2023

140. Faith, w07-2023

141. Grateful, w07-2023

142. Reliable, w07-2023

143. More of Society, w08-2023

144. Trustworthy, w08-2023

145. Perception, w08-2023

146. Offend, w08-2023

146. Difference, w08-2023

147. Prediction, w08-2023

148. Silly Things, w08-2023

149. Ability, w08-2023

150. In Return, w09-2023

151. Work, w09-2023

152. Instantly, w09-2023

153. Vacation, w09-2023

154. Courtesy, w10-2023

155. Politics, w10-2023

156. Gender, w10-2023

157. Chance, w10-2023

158. Social Media, w11-2023

159. Honour, w11-2023

160. Save, w11-2023

161. Habbit, w12-2023

162. Tiny People, w12-2023

163. Climate, w12-2023

164. Sleep, w13-2023

165. Cancer, w13-2023

166. Disease, w14-2023

167. Weird, w14-2023

168. Strange, w14-2023

169. Mad, w14-2023

170. Living Life, w15-2023

171. Preconceived Notions, w15-2023

172. Killing, w15-2023

173. Finance, w16-2023

174. In The Now, w16-2023

175. Convenient, w17-2023

176. Asking, w17-2023

177. Finding Ones Way, w17-2023

178. Self-esteem, w17-2023

179. Calm, w18-2023

180. More Mistakes, w18-2023

181. Disagreement, w19-2023

182. Early Then Late, w20-2023

183. Practice, w20-2023

184. Stupid, w21-2023

185. Moron, w21-2023

186. Mortality, w22-2023

187. Understandings, w22-2023

188. Funny, w23-2023

189. Power of Words, w23-2023

190. History, w23-2023

191. Monsters, w25-2023

192. Research, w26-2023

193. Different People, w27-2023

194. Success, w27-2023

195. Entertainment, w27-2023

196. Impossible, w28-2023

197. Fail, w28-2023

198. Reality, w30-2023

199. Difficult, w30-2023

200. Education, w32-2023

201. Skill, w33-2023

202. Father, w33-2023

203. Direction, w34-2023

204. Mother, w34-2023

205. Animals and bugs, w35-2023

206. Friends, w36-2023

207. Payment, w36-2023

208. Responsibility, w39-2023

209. My Words For You, w42-2023

210. Unique, w42-2023

211. Pets, w46-2023

212. Gambling, w50-2023

213. Precious, w51-2023

214. Hero, w51-2023

215. Knowing, w02-2024

216. Earth, w03-2024

217. Prevail in life, w05-2024

218. Need More Practise, w05-2024

1. How we all live, w11-2022

We all live in different ways

On this planet

As we go on

I want to be better

We need as a species need to be better

Be better for the world

Help the world

With anything you can

We all can do something

We need to save planet earth together

We all need to do something about it now

We should live for the earth

Not against it

If we all don't do something

Right now

Not later

Earth is just getting more and more warmer

Choose the right things

That is nice for planet earth

At some point we wont be able to live on planet earth

As a species

There is no going back at that point

Yes indeed

2. Singing, w11-2022

I have a habbit with singing

When I listening to music

When I'm home

When I'm out

It's just something I do

Makes me feel better

Makes life more fun actually

I really hate the sound of my own voice though

I can't listen to it when I'm singing

I have headphones on so it's hard to hear it when I'm outside

And when I'm home I have the music at a very high volume

So I can't hear my singing at home so much either

3. Facing Religion, w12-2022

Religion is something we all should take serious

I don't really right now

To bad we can't get that answer what happens after death

I don't have one though and never will indeed

But maybe not having one is a religion in itself

Atheism is mine you could say

I don't belive in some higher power

Somewhere you go after you die

It's a great mistory though

What happens after we die

It's one thing that religion want to explain

Among other things they want to explain

The stories are there for good reason

Finding the good in a person

Finding answers where one can't

Where one person can't

Altough science is something I can belive in

Something you can prove

That actually exists

Science has come a long way

We know so little right now though

We can go so much longer

In explaining the universe

How it all ties together

But in the future everything will change

4. Human, w12-2022

We humans are evolving

We are living much longer than before

Eidetic memory or photographic memory as it's called also

Is one thing

Humans has become stronger, faster, better

In all kinds of way

Science has come a long way

Although it's much more to discover

We will get there in due time

Where we explain more

Food has become much more accessible

These days as well

5. Same But Different, w13-2022

We are the same in some ways

At the same time we are all different

How we live

What we do in life

We are all products of our own choices

That we make

As we go through life

We make connections

We influense eachother

How people are together

In that way we are all the same

We strive for companionship

We don't want to be alone

In this world of people and things

6. Being Nice, w14-2022

You can come a long way with being nice

People will be nice to you also then

You make more of an impact that way

I believe

More of an impact all around

Instead of being mean

There will always be hate around

Be nice instead

I'm nice despite the things I have gone through

Like in school I was bullied

At home where I grew up there was this person

That you could call father who abused me

Today I have no connection to this person which I'm glad for

I have been abused so bad indeed

I'm so glad that is over today

Today I live a good life where I can be nice to others instead

Making them feel better as I do at the same time

Nobody will hate you if you are nice

It's amazing how I turned out after all

I'm still young though

But I will spend the rest of my life treating others well

And beng nice to myself as well as I go on

I don't care for people who just want to hate much

7. Nobody is Perfect in Life, w14-2022

We all have issues

I know I do

We all do mistakes

We just need to deal with them the right way

Not with hate but with love

We all need a little love sometimes

But we all get hate and love

Don't think so much about the hate

We need to imbrace the good

Focus on the good

Focus on the love

Just try living well

With others

Nobody is perfect in life

8. Accidents, w14-2022

Accidents do tend to happen

Whatever one does

Doesn't matter how many times one have done something

Accidents is something one can't see comming

But it will happen

Whatever the accident

One just need to recover the best one can

Whatever happens to a person

Whatever a person does

If it's something dangerous

The accident is more severe

Some times there are serious accidents

And at times not so serious

Depending on what happened

Where and how

One can really get hurt

In accidents

Really badly

Whatever you do

If there is something you don't need to do

Why risk an accident at all I say

Just don't do it if you can't help it

9. Schizophrenia, w14-2022

I have Schizophrenia

It's these voices I get

These things in my head

Thoughts that I get that are not mine

They tell me to do terrible things

I really hate them

I don't know why I have them

I will probably never know

Maybe it's because what I have been through

I got them when I was young

I will never obey though

That would be really terrible

But it will never happen

I told about these a long time ago

I'm glad I did

And I got help

Got medicin that helps some

With these things

With my voices

With my Schizophrenia

10. Epilepsy, w15-2022

I get these seizures

From time to time

It's quite annoying

It's goes from small to big ones

I get hurt very bad at times

When I have had these big ones

When I have the bigger ones I can´t remember much

When I get them

I remember bits and pieces

Like that there was some blood

But not much else

I prefer those small ones

Although I would prefer to not having them at all

I have medicin for this

And It does help but not all the way

I'm just glad I got help

11. Meaning, w15-2022

We all have a meaning in life

It's what you do that create your meaning in life

We all have our own

What we do influences others

Especially them closest to you

Them you meet most as well

You make your own way

You make your own meaning

Make it a good one

In life

You make your own mark

How you work

How you love and all of that

For as long as you live

And beyond

There will always be people in your life

Family and friends that see you

For who you really are

Bad or good

This will decide some of what mark you will do

Try to do good

For the good of mankind

I know I try

Your actions speaks more then words ever could

Like Giving a hug or something

Just something to show your affection to people

That matters in your life

Especially the family I have I would say

Who matters most to me in this life I have now

They will always be there for me as I will be there for them

This give me meaning

They give me meaning

12. Mistakes, w16-2022

All make mistakes in life

You make your own mistakes

Sometimes you are affected by others

Try to learn from them

So you don't repeat the same again and again

Some mistakes you can't make right

Because that was the only time you did that exact thing

However I learn very fast what not to do

How I bother people with my actions

When I'm told about them

Your actions determine what kind of person you are

And are going to be

Mistakes is a part of who you are

You can't make perfect every time

You do something

You are always going to make mistakes

There is no avoiding it

Just deal with it as you go on

It's a part of life


13. Medicine, w16-2022

I take medicine for all kinds of stuff

It's a great deal of them

I don't even know what they are all for

They are there to help me though

I take these things so that I can live

Having a somewhat normal life

To not be bad all of the time

I would fall into an abyss

Whitout them

So I'm glad I've got them

And I will always have them

Because the things I have will never be truly gone

And I get my medicine on a strict schedule

From the people I have around me here

So I get them when I'm suppose to have them

So I don't have to think about it mostly

Which helps me a great deal

Which I'm glad about

14. Never say Never, w16-2022

Things will not stay the same

Some things will be the same over time

There is just no telling what

Some things you steer in your own direction

Some things you can can't govern

Things can go in different directions

Make it your own as much as you can

When you are getting on with things

Don't assume that it will not work

Don't assume things will work

Just never say never

Becuse you can't know in beforehand

How things will go

About anything

Life is uncertain

Things are uncertain

Don't take things for granted

Don't just see the problem

Think about a solution instead

You can make your own steps

As you go on with your life

Never say Never in life

15. Doesn't hurt to ask, w17-2022

You can ask for anything

Anything you can think of

It's usually not a problem

Just don't be afraid to ask

For anything

You don't know how it might go

It doesn't hurt you in any way

The only bad thing is that you might get a no

That you might get a rejection

Just don't be afraid

You can get a yes

At the same time

Which is great if you do

Getting you through day by day

Question by question

16. Autism, w17-2022

In this society we have different diagnoses

You can be autistic for one

And there is many variations of being autistic

Within that there are many different names

Of what you might have

You can have mild Autism

At the other end you can have severe Autism

Between them is what we call the Autism spectrum

It doesn't mean you can't have big problems

When you have mild autism

As when you have severe autism

I would say mine autism is somewhere there in the middle

My diagnosis is called Asperger Syndrom

So that is what I got

I got my diagnosis many years ago now

When Asperger Syndrom was still a thing

When you have Autism

You are different

Not bad

Just different

And autism can't be cured

In any way, shape or form really

We do function in different ways

We work in other ways then others

Then those that don't have autism

We have different abilities

All of us that have autism

One can have a special interest

And be very good on just that one thing

I can notice things when they change

Even if it's a very small change

I need to have my routines

Everthing need to be on it's specific place

I guess I can make myself better

Altough change is hard

Hard to come by

I don't like it

We are all different from as well of course

We all have traits that we can call our own

Yes indeed

17. Nobody is Perfect, w17-2022

We all can't have a perfect life

You can only do your best

Living life to the fullest

Doing something important

Something important to you and others

Like these poems I write I feel is important

But just go on

Without making unnecessary mistakes

Without pushing away them closest to you

Without pushing away friends

Without being dishonest

Be nice to people

Think about how you are against people

You need to cultivate a connection to people you know

Making that person feel better about themselfes

In any way you can

But that is not the easiest thing to do all of the time

Hurting family is the worst

I always do my best not to hurt any one

Physically or mentally for that matter

Altough sometime my best is not enough

Then I just try harder

I do let my family know I love them from time to time

Especially my mom all of the time when I can

Your life as others sees it is also a factor

How people might see you

How you are

That you might be perfect in their eye

But you probably know where your faults lie

People would like to be perfect

But it's a part of life not being perfect

You just need to do your best

Enable a better life as much as you can

That is all


18. Live Life, w18-2022

Live life as best you can

One wants to be happy in life

Do what you like to do

As much as you can

Don't waste your life

Try to be nice

Makes for a better life

You need to have love in your life

Live with love

Show love

Like that you can have a better life

Like that you can really live life

To the fullest

Belive in yourself

As you go through life

Make it better as much as you can

Better with love

Better with more communication

Be positive in things

Don't be negative so much

There is no need for that

Try having a positive outlook on life

Try having fun in things you do daily

Reject hate

No need for hate in life

Hate breeds hate

Make something of yourself

Make your life more fun in what you do

Try having fun in your work

That you have

That thing you do for work

You will be more successful that way

Aim for a fun life

When you are at work

When you are at home

All of the time

19. Terms of Affection, w18-2022

Show how much you care

Tell someone how much you care

Make your voice heard

To those who you care about

How much you really love that person

Saying in words how much you care

As much as you can

Everytime you speak

Let them know how much you care

Something like a hug can go a long way

A kiss also to that important person

Let people know how grateful you are

For having them in your life

People should be grateful because you are in their life

People should let you know how they care for you

In their life

As well

20. Age, w18-2022

We all age like clockwork

We all age different in our mind though

We feel our age differently

One can feel younger in mind

One can feel older in mind at the same time

Then what ones age is in reality

It's in our body

Our body age is different as well

People might not look their age either

People can look older then they are

At the same time look younger then they really are

Age is just a number

People live longer and longer in

In our time

It's evolution one can say

There are so many of us in this world

Lots of people die

And many are born at the same time

One does want to live as long as one can

Except those who commit suicide of course

21. Sports, w18-2022

One need to be superhuman today to get anywhere in sports

Because there are so many of us on the planet


One need to have a talent for it

A talent for that specific sport that one does

Whatever one does

One need to go all in to win something

To accomplish something

When I grew up I played many different sports

The one sport I liked the most was Boxing

It's a tough sport but fun though

But today I don't play any really

I'm kind of boring today I think

Not doing anything

I would really like to do anything

Something really

22. Accomplish Things, w18-2022

I try to make my own accomplishments

As I go forward in my life

Whatever that might be

What we do in life matters

How we go forward in life

Make your own path

Make your own accomplishments in life

It can be anything