Pilgrimages to the Spas in Pursuit of Health and Recreation / With an inquiry into the comparative merits of different / mineral waters: the maladies to which they are applicable, / and those in which they are injurious - James Johnson - E-Book

Pilgrimages to the Spas in Pursuit of Health and Recreation / With an inquiry into the comparative merits of different / mineral waters: the maladies to which they are applicable, / and those in which they are injurious E-Book

James Johnson

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The observations and reflections contained in the following pages, are the results of several autumnal excursions in the line of the German Spas, undertaken partly for health, partly for recreation, and partly for information on a subject that now interests a large portion of English invalids. The contents of the volume are like the objects which gave it origin. They are miscellaneous—and probably this character will be objected to, on the principle, “ne sutor ultra crepidam.” I have yet to learn, however, why a physician should be debarred from indulgence in general observations or reflections, and confined exclusively to professional topics. His education, habits of thought, and knowledge of human nature do not particularly disqualify him for a task which is daily undertaken by people of all grades of acquirement, and degrees of ability. The truth is, that being too independent to write for the mere purpose of catching the approbation of others, I have followed the bent of my own inclinations, and, if taken to task by censors, have little other reason to offer for my conduct than the old one—“stat pro ratione voluntas.”


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