Skin Care Tips - Owen Jones - E-Book

Skin Care Tips E-Book

Owen Jones

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  • Herausgeber: Tektime
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022

The skin’s importance is often overlooked by about a half of the world’s population – mostly men – although this is rapidly changing. Even so, most of those who do worry about their skin are mainly interested in the areas that show like the face, neck and hands.
However, the skin is not only the largest organ on the body (human or otherwise), it is also the membrane that literally holds us together. On a recent visit to a dermatologist, I described a small cut on my hand as ‘nothing serious’. The dermatologist’s response surprised me. “Your skin is not only there to keep bodily fluids in”, he said, “but to keep pathogens out. Every time that barrier is damaged, it makes it easier for bacteria to get in. Bacteria can cause infections such as sepsis and blood poisoning which can be irreversible and so lethal”. I am no longer so blasé about nicks and scratches as I once was in my silly, macho male way.
Skin is also very sensitive to what is going on beneath it, which means that acne, pimples, dry or oily skin are early warnings of underlying problems. The problem for most people is that they treat the symptoms – the outbreak – rather than the underlying cause. This is hardly surprising, since skin care companies make hundreds of billions from selling creams, potions and lotions to mask these symptoms. This effectively allows the condition to continue.
Having said that, continuous, regular skin care started from an early age is a good thing. However, you need impartial information from a specialist before deciding what kind of skin care regimen to follow. Just doing what one’s parents do, or gathering a basketful of products from the local pharmacy is not good enough.
Do your own research, and ask the right people, before you decide on how to protect yourself.

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Table of Contents


Skin Care Tips

Hello and thank you for your interest in this book called ‘Skin Care Tips’.

Table of Contents

What To Do If You Suffer From Skin Allergies

Acne Treatment

A Guide to Sensitive Skin Care

Age-defying Hair

California Tan Tanning Lotion

5 Reasons for Buying a Spa Day Package

Are Birth Control Pills a Cure For Acne?

Acne In Teenagers

Calm Down to Cure Your Acne

Caring for Your Skin After the Removal of Warts

Facing Acne - How to Cope With Its Effects

Day Spas and Anti-Ageing

Herbal Skin Care Products

How to Improve Dry Skin

Costa Rican Health Spas and Retreats

Home Remedies for Removing Warts

Facial Skin Care

Melanoma: Skin Cancer By Another Name

My Top Ten Skin Care Tips

Facebook: AngunJones

Skin Care Tips

Some suggestions on taking care of your body’s largest organ


Owen Jones

Published by Megan Publishing Services

Copyright Owen Jones 2022 ©

Hello and thank you for your interest in this book called ‘Skin Care Tips’.

I hope that you will find the information helpful, useful and profitable.

The skin’s importance is often overlooked by about a half of the world’s population – mostly men – although this is rapidly changing. Even so, most of those who do worry about their skin are mainly interested in the areas that show like the face, neck and hands.

However, the skin is not only the largest organ on the body (human or otherwise), it is also the membrane that literally holds us together. On a recent visit to a dermatologist, I described a small cut on my hand as ‘nothing serious’. The dermatologist’s response surprised me. “Your skin is not only there to keep bodily fluids in”, he said, “but to keep pathogens out. Every time that barrier is damaged, it makes it easier for bacteria to get in. Bacteria can cause infections such as sepsis and blood poisoning which can be irreversible and so lethal”. I am no longer so blasé about nicks and scratches as I once was in my silly, macho male way.

Skin is also very sensitive to what is going on beneath it, which means that acne, pimples, dry or oily skin are early warnings of underlying problems. The problem for most people is that they treat the symptoms – the outbreak – rather than the underlying cause. This is hardly surprising, since skin care companies make hundreds of billions from selling creams, potions and lotions to mask these symptoms. This effectively allows the condition to continue.

Having said that, continuous, regular skin care started from an early age is a good thing. However, you need impartial information from a specialist before deciding what kind of skin care regimen to follow. Just doing what one’s parents do, or gathering a basketful of products from the local pharmacy is not good enough.

Do your own research, and ask the right people, before you decide on how to protect yourself.

The information in this ebook on various aspects of skin care has been organised into 20 chapters of about 500-600 words each.

I hope that it will interest those who would like to would like to improve or maintain their skin.

As an added bonus, I am granting you permission to use the content on your own website or in your own blogs and newsletter, although it is better if you rewrite them in your own words first.

You may also split the book up and resell the articles. In fact, the only right that you do not have is to resell or give away the book as it was delivered to you.

If you have any feedback, please leave it with the company you bought this book from.

Thanks again for purchasing this ebook,


Owen Jones

Table of Contents

What To Do If You Suffer From Skin Allergies

Acne Treatment

A Guide To Sensitive Skin Care

Age-defying Hair

California Tan Tanning Lotion

5 Reasons For Buying A Spa Day Package

Are Birth Control Pills A Cure For Acne?

Acne In Teenagers

Calm Down To Cure Your Acne

Caring For Your Skin After The Removal Of Warts

Facing Acne - How To Cope With Its Effects

Day Spas And Anti-ageing

Herbal Skin Care Products

How To Improve Dry Skin

Costa Rica Health Spas And Retreats

Home Remedies For Removing Warts

Facial Skin Care

Melanoma: Skin Cancer By Another Name

Your Guide To Natural Skin Care Products

My Top Ten Skin Care Tips

What To Do If You Suffer From Skin Allergies

Are you reacting to something? Occasionally, people are reacting, but do not know it, because an allergy can show a reaction externally, say, on your skin or internally, say in your lungs or throat. You may become allergic to practically anything including yourself, although that condition is very rare fortunately.

The most prevalent sign of an allergic reaction is a skin rash, which is normally red and occasionally very itchy too. You could apply a cream or some kind, but the only truly effective way of countering it is to eradicate the cause and the first step to doing this is finding out what you are reacting to.

So, take notice and take notes on when you see your allergic reaction. Is it usually in the summer? Is it after eating? Is it after playing with the dog? Is it when you sit near the bird cage? Is it when you do the housework? These all involve common allergens.

By the way, in case you are thinking about it: most people are allergic to housework (or do not like doing it), but I am talking about the dust that doing housework throws up, not the actual work itself.

In fact. the most widespread allergen is dust, because the majority of house dust is made up of skin, both human and insect. Dust attracts dust mites and people are frequently allergic to them as well.

Other particles in dust may be soil, pollutants, smoke, paper, fabric and stone. Coal dust is especially harmful, as coal miners can substantiate. However, for most people, pollen and dust mites are the main difficulty. Pollen is usually more ubiquitous in the summer.

Another prime cause of rash at home is detergent. If you have been using the same laundry powder for years and then change brands, your body might react to the new chemical mix in the new powder. The same could be true of shampoo and make-up.

There are recognised procedures for discovering what you are reacting to. Your physician or a dermatologist can help find your allergen the most quickly, but you can buy DIY kits and get advice at the chemist’s as well.