Smart Goals Expertise Training Guide - Laura Maya - E-Book

Smart Goals Expertise Training Guide E-Book

Laura Maya

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Are you in dire straits because of consistently failing at achieving your goals? You’ve got your work cut out for you because you aspire to achieve your goals and taste success but are constantly falling flat at accomplishing them… You are putting your blood and sweat in to determine your goals but finding it really hard to figure out everything… Success seems to be a difficult road for you now due to constant failure and disappointments… Trust me, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! There are millions of people out are stuck in the same groove for a long time and are totally shattered due to experiencing repeated failure… So…To enable you to hit the road, we are providing you with our comprehensive training that encapsulates the essential “techniques and tricks” to determine your goals and crack them without any hindrance… We will show you Ready-to-Implement ways to embrace your goals and climb the ladder of Success in your Life… Dreams convert into Goals when they have an Action associated with them… You have to just implement the techniques in this All-Inclusive training and keep stepping forward towards a life that you have dreamed for so long... Presenting…. “SMART Goals Expertise” Training  Guide   that  will equip you with the most advanced tips that you need to get started with your Goal Setting and Accomplishment journey. Our Exclusive “SMART Goals Expertise” Training  guide will enable you to– Develop a concrete vision in your life Set SMART Goals for your Success Stick to your goals Stay motivated in your journey towards success Learn to deal with Goal accomplishment failure Remove the road-blockers to your success And so much more…

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Smart Goals Expertise Training Guide

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Every effort has been made to be accurate in this publication. The publisher does not assume any responsibilities for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation. We do our best to provide the best information on the subject, but just reading it does not guarantee success. You will need to apply every step of the process in order to get the results you are looking for.

This publication is not intended for use as a source of any legal, medical or accounting advice. The information contained in this guide may be subject to laws in the United States and other jurisdictions. We suggest reading carefully the necessary terms of the services/products used before applying any activity which is, or may be, regulated. We do not assume any responsibilities for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment.

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Some examples of the past results are used in this publication; they are intended to be for purposes of examples only and do not guarantee you will get the same result.  Your results may differ from ours. Results from the use of this information will depend on you, your skills and effort, and other different unpredictable factors.

It is important that you clearly understand that all marketing activities carry the possibility of loss of investment for testing purposes. Use this information wisely and at your own risk.

Copyright©  Laura May a 2019 

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Goals and Smart Goals – An Overview

What are Goals?

5  Golden Rules of Goal Achievement and Defining a Goal

Exploring Smart Goals

Chapter 2: Why is Setting Goals Important?

Chapter 3: Long Term and Short Term Goals

Short-Term Goals

Achieving Short-Term Goals

Long-Term Goals

Achieving Long-Term Goals

Chapter 4: The Rationale of Smart Goals

“Specific” Goals

“Measurable” Goals

“Achievable” Goals

“Realistic” Goals

“Time-Bound” Goals

Chapter 5: How to Set Powerful and Smart Goals?

Things to Consider Before Setting SMART Goals

How to Set SMART Goals?

Chapter 6: Golden Rules of Goal Setting

Chapter 7: How to Determine your Goals? – Questions to Ask Yourself

Chapter 8: Common SMART Goal Setting Mistakes

Chapter 9: Balancing Work and Home Life while Accomplishing Goals

Chapter 10: Reframing Goals and Perspective – How can it help?

What is Reframing?

Why is Reframing Important?

Ways to Reframe Goals and Perspective

Chapter 11: Time Management and Goal Setting

Importance of Goal Setting as a Time Management Tool

Time Management Tips for Achieving your Goals

Chapter 12: How to Keep Motivation Alive?

Common Motivation Crushers

Ideal Ways to Keep Motivation Alive

Chapter 13: How to Stick to your Goals?

Chapter 14: Dealing with Goal Accomplishment Failure

Chapter 15: Smart Goal Setting for Teens

Strategies for SMART Goal Setting for TEENS



GOALS – A combination of letters that has the potential to define the whole of what you are seeking in life.

Yes, goals are important. They are like the steering wheel of your car. You direct it to left or right and your car just moves accordingly. Similarly, goals direct your life and take it in whichever direction you aspire to.

If you want to achieve something in life, the preliminary step is to decide what that is! By setting goals you state what you are actually seeking to attain in life. It defines how you wanna see yourself for the rest of your life. Goals may pertain to any aspect of your life like financial stability and security, fitness, education, career, chasing a hobby, anything. But remember anything you wish to attain, or dream about can be your goal, and no matter what it should be taken seriously. Definitely can’t be a joke or done just for fun.

Choosing one’s ultimate goal is the most important and far-reaching decision anyone ever makes. It is the most practical decision made—for it governs every other decision. It is an interesting paradox that the only decision one makes which is not governed by his ultimate goal is the choice of his ultimate goal. When considering the primary importance of this decision it is a wonder that so few choose to take the time to understand its significance.

Every goal should be static, but the plan to incorporate it needs to be dynamic, i.e. one needs to be flexible enough to adjust his plans as and when required. In the case of long-term goals, when it takes several years in accomplishment, the strategies decided at the time of goal setting are bound to change, keeping in mind the latest trends and developments. Be adaptive to such changes that come rather than being rigid and adamant to them.

Lastly - Make sure that your goals are SMART. Align them with the vision that has been identified so that they can add value to your life. So get started and gain a deep insight into everything that you need to know about goal-setting.

Good Luck!

You could say that the whole human endeavor is geared toward setting and achieving goals. Goals are part of every aspect of life: how you conduct your relationships, what you want to achieve at work, the way you use your spare time... Everything comes down to priorities, and what you would like to accomplish in every aspect – whether you make a conscious choice or go with subconscious preferences.

Without setting goals or objectives, life becomes a series of chaotic happenings you don't control. You become the plaything of coincidence. Accomplishments like sending someone to the moon, inventing the iPod etcetera are the result of a goal that was set at some point. A vision that was charted and realized.

What are Goals?

Goal definition by itself is as relative and dynamic as the people who set goals themselves. Below are different ways to define goals in order to help you get on the right track towards achieving yours and turning yourself into a superstar in your own eyes.

The simplest way to define a goal is as a desired result envisioned by a person or a group and accompanied by an effort aimed at the achievement.

According to


the exact definition of a goal is: 

“The desired result a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development.”

In addition to the desired result, a goal includes plans and commitment that will ensure that the ambition is fruitful. This means that you can’t just sit on the couch all day in your sweats dreaming of owning your own business and call that a goal. You need to get up and do something about it.

In other words, any planning that you do for the future regardless of what it is - is a goal.

According to Locke and Latham, goals affect individual performance through four mechanisms:

Goals direct action and effort toward goal-related activities and away from unrelated activities.

Goals energize people. Challenging goals lead to higher manpower and effort than easy goals.

Goals affect persistence. People exert more effort to achieve high goals.

Goals motivate people to use their existing knowledge to attain a goal or to acquire the knowledge needed to do so.

5 Golden Rules of Goal Achievement and Defining a Goal

Include a detailed and time sensitive plan of action. – Similar to SMART Goals that we are going to explore in the next section of this chapter.

Seek mentorship from people who have had success with similar goals. – Comes down to surrounding yourself with people who will hold you accountable, support you and be with you every step of the way.

Believe in yourself even when no one else does. – Having self-confidence in knowing you can achieve your goals. Don’t worry if your ideas are not validated by your surroundings, fight for what you believe in.

Cut yourself some slack; even the best fall down sometimes. – Don’t beat up yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself. Have confidence and don’t get demotivated for any reason.

Remember to always have fun while working on achieving your goals. – Having fun and enjoying the process will allow you to understand your goal even more. The definition of what is a goal will be discovered throughout your goal achievement journey.

It is important to understand that the journey to setting and achieving your goals will not be all smooth sailing. Be prepared to face naysayers and other obstacles.

Exploring SMART Goals

SMART is an acronym that you can use to guide your goal setting.

To make sure your goals are clear and reachable, each one should be:


pecific (simple, sensible, significant).


easurable (meaningful, motivating).


chievable (agreed, attainable).


elevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).


ime-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).


Your goal should be clear and specific, otherwise, you won't be able to focus your efforts or feel truly motivated to achieve it. 

Well defined

Clear to anyone that has a basic knowledge of the field

When drafting your goal, try to answer the five "W" questions:



do I want to accomplish?



is this goal important?



is involved?



is it located?



resources or limits are involved?


It's important to have measurable goals so that you can track your progress and stay motivated. Assessing progress helps you to stay focused, meet your deadlines, and feel the excitement of getting closer to achieving your goal.

Know if the goal is obtainable and how far away completion is

Find out when you have achieved your goal

A measurable goal should address questions such as:

How much?

How many?

How will I know when it is accomplished?


Your goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful. In other words, it should stretch your abilities but still remain possible. When you set an achievable goal, you may be able to identify previously overlooked opportunities or resources that can bring you closer to it.

Agreement with all the stakeholders what the goals should be

An achievable goal will usually answer questions such as: