Spiritual Translocation - Are Thoresen - E-Book

Spiritual Translocation E-Book

Are Thoresen



'I wrote this book out of the needs I see at the present time. I see diseases being translocated to others – humans or animals – despite the good intentions of many therapists or doctors. The diseases are translocated because they do not exist in energetic patterns, but as expressions of spiritual beings. Energy and energy-patterns only exist in the physical world, but in the spiritual world there are only spiritual beings.' From ancient times, all cultures have known of the spiritual phenomenon of 'translocation' – the movement of a pathological entity from one human being to another, or from a human being to an animal. These pathological entities are spiritual beings, known as 'demons' in common parlance. Their translocation, says Are Thoresen, can take place as a result of conventional Western medicine, but also from the application of 'alternative' therapies such as homeopathy, acupuncture and herbal medicine. In order to have a positive therapeutic impact, Thoresen advises that practitioners, doctors and veterinarians need to acquire a deep understanding of the function and laws of pathological demonic entities and the means to influence them. Using the Middle Point or Christ-force, it is possible to transform – instead of simply translocating – the negative spiritual aspects that are at work in contemporary society. As the author states: 'I have written this book to try to investigate these possibilities, and to give my fellow travellers in spirit the insights, tools and ability to make such a change.'

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ARE THORESEN was born in Norway in 1952. A doctor of veterinary medicine, he has also studied anthroposophic medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, osteopathy and agriculture. Since 1981 he has run a private holistic practice in Sandefjord, Norway, for the healing of small animals and horses, as well as people. He has lectured widely, specializing in veterinary acupuncture, and has published dozens of scholarly articles. In 1984 he started to treat cancer patients, both human and animals, and this work has been the focus of much of his recent research. He is the author of Demons and Healing (2018), Experiences from the Threshold and Beyond (2019, both Temple Lodge) and several other books on complementary medicine published in various languages.


The Behaviour of Pathological Entities in Illness and Healing and the Relationships between Human Beings and Animals

From Polarity to Triunity

Are Simeon Thoresen, DVM

Temple Lodge Publishing Ltd.

Hillside House, The Square

Forest Row, RH18 5ES


Published in English by Temple Lodge in 2020

Originally self-published in an earlier version under the titleTranslocation: An Overlooked Aspect of Medicine, Life and Spirituality and an Important Tool when Entering the Spiritual World via CreateSpace in 2019

© Are Simeon Thoresen, DVM

This new edition has been re-edited and expanded by Temple Lodge Publishing in cooperation with the author

This book is copyright under the Berne Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Inquiries should be addressed to the Publishers

The right of Are Simeon Thoresen to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978 1 912230 45 7

ebook ISBN 978 1 912230 51 8

Cover by Morgan Creative

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Dedicated to All Who Seek to Heal and Understand

‘After that, I asked again about pain and illness – whether much cannot be overcome through spiritual healing. […] Frau von Moltke said that the [Christian] Scientists may well perform healing, but they drive away demons of disease and do not dissolve them, and they [the demons] can then cause further evil.’

– from a conversation betweenFrau Keyserling and Frau von Moltke


Publisher’s Note:None of the medical information referred to in this book is intended as a replacement for professional advice. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified medical practitioner or a suitable therapist.


ForewordWhy did I write this book?


Chapter 1Disease and Pathological Entities

Chapter 2Understanding Translocation Through Knowledge of the Development of Man and Animal

Chapter 3From Translocation to Transformation

Chapter 4Homeopathy, Western Medicine and Translocation

Chapter 5Translocation of Spiritual Forces in Electromagnetic Radiation

AppendixMy Background and Insights



Why Did I Write This Book?

I wrote this book out of the needs I see at the present time. I see diseases being translocated to others—humans or animals— despite the good intentions of many therapists or doctors.

The diseases are translocated because they do not exist in energetic patterns, but as expressions of spiritual beings. Energy and energy-patterns only exist in the physical world, but in the spiritual world there are only spiritual beings.

This has been known in all cultures in all times and is found in all true spiritual literature. This knowledge lies at the base of all ancient religious procedures, including the ‘halal’ animal slaughter protocols. In ancient Israel, when millions of animals were sacrificed and their blood was washed away with water, the priests first translocated their collective sins to the animals, well aware of the phenomenon of translocation. And then, with the blood washing the sins away, i.e. translocating them further, they cleansed the sins of Israel from the Jewish tribes.1

When I say that I ‘see’ the spiritual beings being translocated, I mean through:


•observation of how diseases develop and spread;

•observing how the treatment of one person may completely change the disease in another person or animal.

I ‘see’ this in connection with all forms of therapy, both in:

•orthodox allopathic medicine;

•cancer-treatment through chemo- or radiation therapy;



•herbal medicine;

•cranio-sacral therapy;

•foot-zone therapy, and a number of other therapies.

To investigate what I describe in this book, we need a certain sensitivity and/or clairvoyance; but when the connections are found, anybody can observe their validity. Two abilities are needed in order to be able to investigate these problems in the energetic-spiritual world:

•The ability to consciously cross the threshold.

•The ability to open one or more of our spiritual sense-organs.

As a therapist, doctor or veterinarian, to affect the pathological demonic entities, we also need to be able to have the following:

•The ability to act upon the spiritual phenomena that we encounter in the spiritual world, either as seekers or therapists, in order to transform what we meet.

•An understanding of the function and laws of these pathological entities and the tools to influence them. Then we can hinder the translocation and induce a real transformation – and by such break the endless chain of disease.

We can make a change when we have acquired a deep understanding of how to pass the threshold, how to open and use our spiritual senses and how to transform, instead of just translocate, the often-negative spiritual aspects we meet in modern society. I have written this book to try to investigate these possibilities, and to give my fellow travellers in spirit the insights, tools and ability to make such a change.

I would like to thank my publisher, Sevak Gulbekian, for his valuable editorial input in helping with my untrained English and arranging the various elements of this book. Without his backing this book would probably not have been published at all.



The Distinction Between Energy-Patterns and Spirits

In my many courses and lectures on the subject of the various types of spiritual medicine—energetic medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, Earth-radiation, ley lines, herbal medicine, anthroposophical medicine, general anthroposophy, and now translocation and transformation—I have experienced that one of the most difficult distinctions to make by the participants is between energy and spirit. Many of the participants in my courses are therapists, working with different kinds of energies. Energies are detectable with sophisticated instruments, and they can be ‘felt’ by the refined physical senses of acupuncturists working with the acupuncture points and meridians. The acupuncture points can be detected by a point-finder or by a sensitive hand or finger.

With spiritual ‘energies’ or ‘beings’ this is completely different. In the spiritual world there are no energies, although the spirit can influence the energetic world, just as the energetic world can influence the physical world. Here there are numerous levels or compartments, and these can only be reached if the observer has passed the threshold to the spirit world.2

The laws of the dense world are different from those of the fluid or gaseous worlds. The energetic world also has different rules, like positive or negative attraction or repulsion (a dualistic world system). This world can still be understood with the help of the Cartesian world view. ‘Above’ the energetic realm we meet the etheric realm, which contains the life forces. This is more spiritual that the energetic realm, and cannot be traced by physical measuring devices, but can still be observed in the growth forces of the plants and measured by the help of photons. To understand the laws in this etheric world, we need to understand quantum physics, which very few people truly understand. However, this world can be observed by several kinds of ‘clear-sensing’, such as those relating to sight and smell—clairvoyance and clairalience. The next realm may be called the ‘astral realm’, and this is totally spiritual. This can also be called the soul world, and is only observed by a still more highly-developed clairvoyance.

In this world we find several beings or spirits: ahrimanic spirits, luciferic spirits, azuric spirits, elemental spirits, nature spirits, and higher spirits like angels and archangels. In this realm, spiritual healers such as shamans work.

In this book I will not describe translocation in relation to the physical or energetic worlds, but to the spiritual world. That is why energetic workers like acupuncturists and medical doctors, who only work in the physical world, find this difficult to observe.

In the spiritual world everything is in motion and transition, and is in continuous development. According to Rudolf Steiner in his Light Course,3 even time and space are based on movement. Also, nothing repeats itself – a specific experience can never be experienced twice. All development in the spirit is based on movement, transition, change, transformation and translocation.

In becoming clairvoyant we also have to move in the spiritual world and translocate something, or make some change in the established order of our soul properties – our spiritual make-up. Also, in treating a patient, we have to change something, make something move. We have to transform or translocate.

Quite early in my career as a veterinarian I made some astonishing observations, which were directed to finding the true cause of disease rather than focusing on the symptoms. To do this I had to learn how to develop a more sensitive spiritual observation than is usually used within ordinary veterinary or human medicine. For the most part I used (and still use) pulse diagnosis that incorporates a certain clairvoyance and general/ special sensitivity.

I observed the following:

1.In treating animals, I found that the deeper, spiritual/energetic cause of the disease almost always was the same as the deeper cause in the owner.

2.In treating humans, I found that the deeper, spiritual/energetic cause of the symptoms usually was the same in the children as in the dominating parent.

3.In treating humans, I found that the deeper, spiritual/ energetic cause of the symptoms often was the same as in the spouse, especially if the spouse was the dominating partner.

4.I found that in treating the alpha-human (the origin of the deeper cause of the disease) in a transformative way, a healing process was induced in the whole family and farm-animals.

5.I found that the use of 5-elemental thinking4 furthers ‘translocation’ of the deeper cause,5 while using systems based on 7- or 12-element thinking6 furthers a ‘transformation’. A 6-element thinking7 furthers a ‘suppression’ of the symptoms. Thus:

a.5-element thinking is a representative for the Eastern way of thinking (Chinese, Buddhist, Hindu).

b.6-element thinking is a representative for the Middle-Eastern way of thinking (Islamic, Jewish).

c.7- or 12-element thinking is a representative for the Western way of thinking (Christian, anthroposophical).

6.When I regularly monitored the health of animals, especially horses, and they were sold to another person, the deepest cause of their symptoms changed from being like the old alpha-owner’s to being like the new alpha-owner’s – as soon as the animal accepted the new owner as his alpha ‘master’, usually after about three weeks. Also, when a young woman who was living with her dominant mother, and thus showed the same ‘deficiency’ as the mother, married a dominant man, she changed the deeper cause8 within three years.

7.The described ‘deeper cause’ of the disease showed different symptoms, in relation to where in the body this deeper cause found its expression. A kidney weakness in the human (demonic structure related to the kidneys) remained a kidney weakness in the animal, but it expressed itself very differently, depending on where in the body ‘it’ (the pathological structure causing the kidney weakness) found a ‘home’ – found a ‘hold’ (see table below).

For example:

Symptoms that may arise from a poor blood circulation (the deficient process) are very variable. Symptoms differ according to the time of the year, the age and the species or breed of the animal or human patient. Poor blood circulation (in acupuncture called TH, Triple Heater) manifests differently with different species, gender and ages.

Species, gender and age

Poor blood circulation manifests as


Otitis media

Young girls and boys


Pubescent girls

Menstrual problems, painful

Pubescent boys


Older women, menopausal women

‘Heat’ Syndromes (internal heat after menstruation); hot flushes (vasomotor disorders)

Grown up men

Back pain


Red skin infections around the nose

Young dogs

Furunculosis, skin infections of the paws


Fetlock, or navicular disorders, especially on the right forelimb



8.I found that if there were no ‘homes’ or ‘holding places’ in the beta-human or child or animal, the transferred disease, the pathological information, the weakness or the demonic entity was not allowed to come to expression, but remained dormant (sub-clinical).

As we will see later in this book, and as it is described in several of my other books,9 the reason for all these observations, and also the only logical explanation, is that diseases are expressions of spiritual beings—distorted (changed) elemental beings or ‘demons’ (pathological elemental beings). These beings are able to travel from a human being to an animal, between humans and also between animals.

In treatment the easiest way to ‘heal’ a person is merely to translocate the problem, i.e. the demon. It is more difficult to transform the demon. That is why several schools, especially in China, have this knowledge and try to translocate the demons into plants or semiprecious stones.10

When I presented these findings at the World Congress of Veterinary Acupuncture in Wroclaw, Poland, in September 2019, two doctors from Taiwan stood up and said: ‘We know this very well in China, but most therapists don’t care about it. Some care and try to make the translocated demonic entity go into a plant or a stone, and a very few moral therapists take it upon themselves, but they get very sick and often die early.’

Most European schools of acupuncture also have this knowledge, but are not consciously aware of it, as they actually teach their students how to avoid a translocation to themselves, but do not consider that the disease can translocate to others.

With this understanding and insight, I will summarize the most important concepts that will be the foundation of all the further understandings in this book:

•All physical phenomena have a spiritual foundation, a spiritual reality.

•In the spiritual world all spiritual reality is based on spiritual entities, which means that all physical phenomena are expressions of spiritual entities.

•In the spiritual world all entities, or part of an entity, can translocate and/or transform – both the beneficial and the adversarial ones.

•When a beneficial entity or part of one translocates or transforms, our level of consciousness is changed, as well as the consciousness of the translocated/transformed entity.

•When a malignant or adversarial entity, or part of this entity, translocates or transforms in a negative way, disease is created, aggravated or translocated.

•All diseases or symptoms in humans, animals and plants are physical expressions of the presence of non-beneficial spiritual entities.

•These spiritual, non-beneficial entities might be toxic plant spirits, bacterial spirits, viral spirits, old karmic spirits or other forms of demonic spirits.

•All such pathological spirits seek a home or living place in the body – an empty or weak void to slip into.

•All adversarial spirits are of three different kinds, sometimes operating on their own, sometimes operating together, as in cancer (as will see we later). The three kinds are:

–ahrimanic spirits

–luciferic spirits

–azuric spirits

•All the different symptoms in both humans and animals come from one or more of these three spiritual ‘demon-families’, entering through one of the twelve sense-openings and taking possession of one of twelve possible voids (the twelve main organs) in the body.

•The demons may enter via the twelve different sensory organs of the body, each belonging to one zodiacal energy stream. Twelve openings, twelve places of settling down and three types of demons – this makes 432 different possibilities, which can give rise to 1,000 symptoms in different species and different individual humans.

•All these different symptoms can be treated by addressing:

–the void or empty space or weakness in one of the organs, thus expelling the demonic structure;

–luciferic symptoms (excessive symptoms), thus causing a translocation;

–ahrimanic symptoms (deficient symptoms), thus creating either a translocation or a transformation;

–the Middle, as we will describe later, thus causing a transformation of the demonic entity or structure;

–the fundamental cause, the original ‘demon’, usually coming from the dominant alpha-human. This original demon may be treated in all the above described ways.

•All internal diseases in animals come from humans (they are translocated from the alpha-human to an animal).

•In treatment or therapy, all diseases can either be translocated or transformed (not the symptoms, but the causative ‘demon’). To understand the mechanism of such translocation we need to understand the following:

–The development and spiritual construction of the entire cosmos.

–The development and spiritual construction of man.

–The development and spiritual construction of animals.

–The reality and substance of the translocated disease.

•To be able to diagnose the diseases spiritually, we have to enter the spiritual world through our feeling and also develop some kind of ‘monitoring’ of these pathological entities, as for example through the use of pulse diagnosis or some other sort of clairvoyance.

•To be able to treat the diseases spiritually, we have to enter the spiritual world through our will, and also develop some kind of method to ‘influence’.

•These pathological entities inside the patient’s body, for example through herbs, acupuncture, homeopathy or osteopathy.

•The effect of both diagnosis and treatment is highly dependent on the insights and knowledge of the therapist.

•Christ is the only transforming force.

Rudolf Steiner, 1916

Edgar Cayce, 1911

Peter Deunov (date unknown)

This book is based on my own experiences, my own understanding and my own clairvoyant observations within human medicine, veterinary medicine and spirituality. It is also based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner,11 and to a lesser extent those of Edgar Cayce12 and Peter Deunov.13

Rudolf Steiner on the concept of shared diseases

In his lectures on the Gospel According to Luke,14