The Carnivore Diet - Mary Nabors - E-Book

The Carnivore Diet E-Book

Mary Nabors

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Would you pick a big, juicy grilled steak over a side of spinach any day of the week? Are you already on a keto or paleo diet and just not seeing the results you deserve? Do you want to improve your health by following the wisdom of our ancestors rather than the constantly shifting tides of modern-day nutritional advice? If you want to learn how to shed excess pounds and get fit on a diet that lets you feel full and satisfied, then keep reading! For thousands of years, humans have eaten meat. It was a staple in our ancestors' diets and gave them the strength and energy to survive in the harsh natural world. The carnivore diet, though it is often viewed as a new fad, is modeled on the lives of our ancestors and the amazing benefits they received from consuming almost exclusively meat. If the conventional advice of loading your plate up with veggies and suffering through endless salads just isn't working for you, it's time for a change. Eating what real carnivores have eaten for generations will help you unlock the secrets behind true human peak performance just by making a change to your diet. The Carnivore Diet: The Ultimate Guide for Weight Loss with Special Recipes contains all of the information you will need to succeed, including: Why the carnivore diet really works How to commit to carnivore in a way that minimizes risks and maximizes your chances of success The foods you should be eating and excluding to improve your performance A roadmap for setting and achieving your health and fitness goals starting right from day one Dozens of recipes to help you start your diet off on the right foot You may believe the carnivore diet is just a passing phase in the nutritional world, but the results of going carnivore for as little as one month speak for themselves. This diet is one that has the power to last and the ability to flip everything you thought you knew about nutrition on its head. Concerns about food variety and carefully tracking daily percentages simply melt away, replaced by a newfound freedom to eat delicious, filling meals whenever you are hungry and still accomplish your weight-loss and fitness goals. Even ex-vegans and vegetarians have made the switch to this all-meat diet and experienced shocking results. If you want to make a serious commitment to your health and learn the strategies that mainstream nutritional advice just won't tell you, then there is no better time to start than today. It is time to take the plunge into a whole new world of dieting that hardly feels like you are dieting at all. Whether you are looking to bulk up, burn fat, or simply achieve the next level of fitness, The Carnivore Diet: The Ultimate Guide for Weight Loss with Special Recipes will help you achieve the goals that matter most to you. Buy now and don't put your health on hold any longer.

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Table of Contents
Why Meat?
Emulating our ancestors
A fantastic source of nutrients
Chapter 1: What is the Carnivore Diet?
How it Works
Meat and animal products
Eliminating plants
Who is the Carnivore Diet for?
A meat lover’s perfect diet
Allergies and sensitivities
Comparisons with Other Diets
Keto, paleo, and other low-carb diets
Calorie counting
Vegan and vegetarian
Macro comparisons
Chapter 2: Advantages and Disadvantages
Weight loss
Nutrient dense meals
Energy from protein
Highly restrictive
Balanced diet concerns
Chapter 3: The History of the Carnivore Diet
Ancestral Use
Nomadic populations
Arctic populations
Modern Adoption
Recent popularization
Modern day carnivores
Chapter 4: What to Eat and What to Avoid
What to Eat
Beef and pork
Other meats
Other animal products
What to Avoid
Fruits and vegetables
Nuts, seeds, and beans
Chapter 5: Advice for Success
Identifying your Goals
Healthier living
Weight loss
Managing health conditions
Locking Down your Motivation
Your driving force
Chapter 6: Starting the Carnivore Diet
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Sneaking in vegetables
Cheat days
Overindulging in processed foods
Transitioning into the Diet
Symptom expectations
Easing into things
Chapter 7: Easy Carnivore Diet Recipes
Simple scrambled eggs
Chicken frittata
Steak and eggs
Chicken and cheese omelet
Breakfast crepes
Breakfast burritos
Breakfast sandwich
Chicken and bacon sausage patties
Hard boiled eggs with smoked salmon
Chicken breakfast skillet
Slow cooker bone broth
Chicken broth
Garlic chicken
Bacon-wrapped chicken
Shredded chicken
Turkey meatloaf
Air fryer salmon
Grilled herring
Baked trout
Baked sardines
Other meats
Bacon cheeseburgers
Grilled ribeye
Slow cooker chuck roast
Crispy pork belly
Slow cooker spare ribs
Lamb chops
Chapter 8: Adapting the Carnivore Diet to a Busy Lifestyle
Meal Planning
Meal prepping
Eating at Restaurants
Navigating the menu
Common pitfalls
Achieving your Goals on the Carnivore Diet

The Carnivore Diet

The Ultimate Guide for Weight

Loss with Special Recipes

Mary Nabors

© Copyright Mary Nabors 2019 - All rightsreserved.

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Meat has been a staple of the human diet for as long as human beings have been around. Whether it is just one part of a more complex meal or the star ingredient on the center of your plate, meat plays a role in the vast majority of human diets. Despite the recent rise in popularity of vegetarianism and veganism, millions still enjoy meat as a frequent or occasional meal, and for good reason. Proteins derived from meat and animal products keep you fed, focused, and full of energy. High-protein and high-fat diets have been on the rise, while more and more diets have begun cutting the amount of carbs you should be eating each day. This is due to the ability of meat to fulfill our nutritional necessities in a way that eating only carbs cannot.

The carnivore diet is simply an extension of this line of thinking.

If meat is so great for us, shouldn’t it make up the majority of what we eat? In fact, could humans eat only meat and still survive, or even thrive? Recent attitudes in the world of nutrition and certain studies are beginning to show that the answer to that question is indeed yes. The carnivore diet is all about eating meat, with limited allowances for certain animal products. It has also been referred to as the no-carb diet, as it cuts out plants and grains, keeping your carb intake level at next to none. The diet can be a very big change from the carb-heavy standard diet, but making the change is an important part of

helping yourself to heal from years of poor eating, and following it allows you to begin optimizing your nutrition.

Eating by the guidelines of the carnivore diet can help you lose weight, get or stay fit, and have much more energy throughout the day both physically and mentally. That said, if you wish to enjoy these benefits you must have the dedication to pursue a fairly restrictive, if simple, diet. The first step to committing yourself to this new diet path is knowing what makes meat such an important part of the human diet so that you can understand the true benefits of eating like a carnivore.

Why Meat?

Meat is often maligned by vegetarian and vegan diets, but does it really deserve its bad reputation? Many people believe meat to be a source of high cholesterol and heart conditions like coronary heart disease (CHD). This claim is especially popular when it comes to fattier cuts of meat and red meat, namely beef, which is routinely derided as a source of health issues. However, some studies have begun to push back against this anti-meat narrative, instead suggesting that these findings may be true of

heavily processed meats but they do not accurately represent any dangers of eating unprocessed, grass-fed and naturally raised red meat. Processed meats include anything that has been smoked, cured, or preserved with chemical additives, and it is likely that these methods of preservation and the other ingredients added to processed meat products to lengthen their shelf lives can interfere with how our body processes food.

Studies find that “consumption of processed meats, but not red meats, is associated with higher incidence of CHD and diabetes mellitus,” which means it is not meat itself to blame for health issues but instead the modern methods of preservation (Micha, Wallace, &Mozaffarian, 2010, p. 2). Studies like this one seem to suggest that meat is still a highly viable food source so long as you are smart in your consumption. Avoid overly processed meats like hot dogs, sausages, deli meats, and shelf-stable meat products; they can be eaten on occasion, but they are nowhere near as nutrient-rich and beneficial for your body as their fresh counterparts.

It is apparent from these findings that meat is largely safe so long as it is consumed mindfully, but does that mean it is a good idea to consume large quantities of meat or to even make meat your entire diet? Considering the many perks of eating meat, it is safe to say that switching to a meat-based diet can actually provide many health benefits. The emergence of the carnivore diet indicates that many people are finding a more fulfilling lifestyle through turning the traditional food pyramid on its

head. Modern thought is shifting away from the belief that grains should be the staple of your diet, and instead beginning to recognize that protein and fats should be playing a much bigger role. While these recent changes to commonly accepted nutritional dogma represent the beginnings of a new frontier in nutrition, perhaps it is not actually necessary to look to the world of the modern day for evidence that a no-carb diet can be successful. For this knowledge, we need only to look back to the past and examine our own histories.

Emulating our ancestors

Thousands of years ago, before the beginnings of agriculture, the humans who walked the Earth were hunters and gatherers. They lived roaming lifestyles, tracking prey and moving camp to follow the food. While some gathering was part of their routine, the great majority of early humans’ calories came from hunted meat. Meat was more calorie-rich than whatever fruits and vegetables may have been available, which made it a more rewarding meal. As a result, the early human diet, as well as their lifestyle, was shaped by the prevalence of fresh meat.

Humans had to be fit enough to track an animal for miles, and strong enough to take it down when it tired. They needed to be highly athletic and at peak performance, because being anything else would have meant starvation and the end of the human species. The carnivore diet is founded on the belief that the

humans of the modern day should carry on the traditions of their ancestors, in eating and exercise if not in the nomadic sense, to attain the same levels of fitness.

Since the carnivore diet seeks to emulate the diet of these early humans, it is important to adhere to their specific conditions.

These ancestors did not have access to any of the forms of processing used today, so they did not have to worry about the health effects of processed meat as it simply did not exist.

Instead, they hunted prey animals and ate them fresh. If we seek to emulate them, this indicates two important lifestyle components: a diet high in meat and a day full of exercise. The carnivore diet will teach you how to remove plant-based foods from your diet and replace them with the right kinds of meat, as well as encourage you to use all of the benefits of your new diet to build muscle, lose weight, and improve your overall health.

A fantastic source of nutrients

Eating meat provides your body with the components it needs to thrive. Meat is packed with protein, which provides high energy and a number of different benefits on a cellular level. Protein is required for your body to assemble hormones and enzymes that maintain regular body functions. It provides amino acids, which are the building blocks for the cells in your muscles and body tissues. Proteins are also needed for DNA replication, cell

division, and cell and tissue repairs. Without protein, which is readily accessible in meat, your body would not be able to perform any of these critical functions.

Meat is also a calorie-dense food, which makes it an efficient energy source. Consuming large amounts of meat will leave you with plenty of energy to expend through exercise. Meat, especially red meat, is also high in fat. This is occasionally viewed as a negative, but in truth, the fats present in meat allow you to eat less and feel fuller for longer periods of time. With all of these health benefits, it is no wonder meat is such a desirable part of any diet and that the carnivore diet takes full advantage of meat’s nutrient-rich properties.

Chapter 1: What is the CarnivoreDiet?

The carnivore diet involves, as the name suggests, eating like a carnivore. This means following in the footsteps of many carnivorous species, as well as our own ancestors, and limiting your diet to essentially meat and water. Some variations of the carnivore diet also allow for the use of certain animal products like eggs, cheese, and heavy cream, and most include the use of salt, pepper, and other no-carb spices. While these ingredients are acceptable in appropriate amounts, you will see the best results by sticking as closely to a truly carnivorous diet as possible.

While the parameters of the carnivore diet are simple, they are also fairly strict. Shifting your eating patterns to align with the carnivore diet may be a drastic change if you are used to eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and grains. For the highest chances of success when it comes to starting and staying on the diet, a well-planned transition period is key. Once you have slowly removed carbs from your diet and you are beginning to enjoy the benefits that the diet provides, you will find it fairly easy to commit to it. If you are currently eating low carb, you may find adaptation to the carnivore diet to be an easier task that requires a shorter transition period, so modify your first week to suit your individual needs.