The Color of a Great City - Theodore Dreiser - E-Book

The Color of a Great City E-Book

Theodore Dreiser

4,49 €

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In stories such as Six O'Clock, The City Awakes and The Waterfront, the author returns the reader to turn-of-the-century New York with his early memories of the city.

Foreword -- The city of my dreams -- The city awakes -- The waterfront -- The log of a harbor pilot -- Bums -- The Michael J. Powers Association -- The fire -- The car yard -- The flight of pigeons -- On being poor -- Six o'clock -- The toilers of the tenements -- The end of a vacation -- The track walker -- The realization of an ideal -- The pushcart man -- A vanished seaside resort -- The bread-line -- Our red slayer -- Whence the song -- Characters -- The beauty of life -- A wayplace of the fallen -- Hell's Kitchen -- A certain oil refinery -- The Bowery Mission -- The wonder of the water -- The man on the bench -- The men in the dark -- The men in the storm -- The men in the snow -- The freshness of the universe -- The cradle of tears -- When the sails are furled -- The sandwich man -- The love affairs of Little Italy -- Christmas in the tenements -- The rivers of the nameless dead.

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