The doe Wood - Delly - E-Book

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A man of your rank should never consider that his good pleasure... "Prince Wladimir was told. Besides, it's beautiful. So seductive despite his morgue and contempt for women! One of them, however, a modestly dressed girl, met in a forest, dared to brave the prince when he threatened his dog: "No! Don't kill him! He fought back," she shouts. Wladimir is amazed. But she is bewitching in the brilliance of her blonde hair and her indignation! Who is it? Who is it? Her name is Lilia Verin. She lives with her gamekeeper. He trembles as he listens to the prince who declares: "See you soon Lilia! We'll meet again..." What to do about it? How can I save her?" said the good man, sorry. He's cruel, mean. She doesn't know anything about life yet... All this is true. Will a great love change fate?

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The doe Wood

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The doe Wood


Delly is the name of spouse feather of a brother and a sister, Jeanne-Marie Littlejohn of La Rosiere, born in Avignon in 1875, and Frédéric Petitjean of La Rosiere, born in Vannes in 1876, authors of romance novels popular.

Delly's novels, no known current players and ignored by the academic world, were extremely popular between 1910 and 1950, and were among the most successful in the global publishing at the time.

First part


Tercieux Viscount of guests returning from Biarritz where they had spent the afternoon. Their crews: prams, carriages, Victorias, rolling down the road to the castle Uxage among meadows on which descended the soothing beauty of the evening. Above the wood that marked the limit of the field, the sun finished passing away in pale pink highlights and glow dying lying on the quiet countryside. In the cars continued the conversations begun at the start, most mundane gossip more or less benevolent. The main subject was now the attention that the prince seemed Wittengrätz granting the pretty Nadopoulo Myrrha, "this pretty mad," as the qualified, not without bitterness, Madame de Tercieux.

Mr. d'Amblemeuse, retired diplomat, sitting in front of the lady, observed:

- It is devilishly enchanting! Moreover, it runs in the family. The beautiful Seminkhof Countess, his mother, is still coaxing I known in Moscow there are twelve or thirteen at the time of her remarriage.

- She is of Greek origin, is not it?

- Greek, Levantine, Jewish ... it is not clear. I believe there is in her a mixture of races. Thus, moreover, would explain the type a little strange.

- But first husband ... Did you know?

- No. A rich Hellenic merchant, it seems, that this beautiful person ruined a few years. Later, she managed to net a Russian nobleman, inconsolable widower of a charming woman belonging to the highest aristocracy Moscow. This young Seminkhof Countess died after three years of marriage, left her husband a little girl. On the advice of his friends who saw him ready to succumb to the most violent despair, he began to travel. In Cairo, he met Mrs. Ismene Nadopoulo, who undertook to comfort him - to which it succeeds so well that six months later she was Seminkhof countess.

Madame de Traimblay, blonde young woman sitting at the right hand of Madame de Tercieux, said with a small laugh of irony:

- That's good grief men! But it seems quite annihilated by his wife, poor Seminkhof?

- Indeed ... Let it be said between us, I do not believe very happy.

- Yes, the beautiful Ismene must not be a companion easy, and equality, character softness are probably not usual virtues home. But the daughter of the first woman, what is she?

- The poor girl was an accident. She drowned, and with it his French governess who probably wanted to help him.

- And no children of the second marriage?

- But if a son, a poor infirm child that the mother may suffer. It sees the world that it, first, and then his daughter.

- Bizarre, Myrrha this ... Poor, do you think?

- Rather bad, yes ... And what education! Dourine Peter told me how she had made about her in Petersburg last winter by its mild manners and provocative coquetry. We see also a sample in his manner towards the Prince of Wittengrätz ... But beware that this time, at not leaving a few pieces of his heart! We do not like half, that one!

Madame de Traimblay said with some nervousness:

- It is the same inconsistency, it is claimed?

- Indeed. But the pretty Myrrha appears to me very clever and perhaps she would succeed in setting a bit more whimsical mood of His Highness.

So saying, M. d'Amblemeuse slid a glance sly to the young woman, whose fresh complexion tinged under the pressure of violent emotion.

"She is pinched, that one too," he thought with amusement.

- This Myrrha completely lacks distinction ... It's a kind of bohemian or something like that, said after the Madame de Tercieux lips. I doubt she really please the prince, so refined, so remarkably intelligent.

The one he was well question down into the cushions of his car, looked at the day decreases the darkened woods. He ordered the driver to slow down the ardor of two spirited walkers, so that the crew should remain behind the others. Near him, respecting his silence, sat Aubert Creuilly, young officer Algeria back, recovering from a serious illness and come spend some time with her cousins ​​Tercieux. Prince Wittengrätz, who was not easy sympathy, seemed to have taken quickly appreciate this lovely boy, very gifted in terms intelligence and distinction, son of an officer killed in 1870 at the battle of Saint-Privat. He made him his favorite companion, while in Castle Uxage. And this favor was not without exciting of secret jealousies,

During the eighteenth century, Wittengrätz, of Austrian origin, had seen the Habsburg Empire they challenge the sovereignty of the principality belonged to them since ancient times. The prince then-reigning Aloys, resisted with dignity as he could. But the law of the strongest winning, he left Austria and settled in Russia in the vast areas that had brought his wife, sole heiress of one of the oldest families of the Lithuanian aristocracy.

The Czar, whose eldest son was to marry a relative, kept for him and his descendants the sovereign prince of privileges he previously enjoyed in the Austrian Empire; he gave him the honorary rank of commander and inherited a regiment of horse guards and gave him other honors, joined the fabulous property before it, made him a very important person.

As from that time the princes of Wittengrätz Russians became hard loyalists. Allies repeatedly by marriage to the imperial family, they ordered additionally actually, mostly of Russian troops during the various wars. For they were very brave, loving adventure and sparing no blood. Whoever today was the only descendant of that old line not déméritait of his ancestors. During an expedition to Turkestan, a few years earlier he had testified, so young it was, rare military qualities, a fearless bravery and composure that really makes the head. Also the tsar, by awarding him return the cross of St. George, he had given him the effective command of his regiment of Horse Guards.

Two years ago, Wladimir took a permanent leave to undertake long journeys in the meantime where he led a very worldly existence interwoven with scientific or literary work - as this remarkable intelligence was interested in everything. Thus, in this moment, recently returned from Brazil, he was in Uxage among Tercieux he had once met in Paris.

finally breaking the silence, the prince turned to the lieutenant Creuilly.

- What an admirable diversity offer the provinces of France! I like very much your country - that is a little mine, since my ancestors were French.

- I also know that the father of Your Highness protested highly in his favor during the German invasion.

- And I would have acted as he did, if at that time I had the age to make my voice heard.

For a moment, Wladimir kept silence again. Then, with a slight gesture, he seemed hunt serious thoughts. Leaning a little toward Aubert, he asked:

- What say you, my dear, this little Myrrha?

A smile slipped between his lips and had a light ironic gaiety dark blue eyes.

- ... She's really pretty, do not you think?

- Pretty, yes ... but I must confess to Your Highness that it does not please me.

The smile broadened on the lips of the prince, which rested on the arm of the young officer a long slender hand.

- I note once again that you are not a courtier, dear M. Creuilly. Others, seeing that I give some attention to this young lady, would inevitably spread in praise of her. But you just, you tell me that you dislike! I have never encountered such a phenomenon!

Aubert replied cheerfully:

- Because, my lord, I know myself quite unable to make a courtier. This is in no way in my nature.

- I congratulate you. That is why, incidentally, I want you in particular esteem.

With that, Wladimir sank back into the car cushions. For a while he played absently with one of his gloves. Then he asked:

- Why Miss Nadopoulo it displeases you?

- I suspect to be a very dangerous coquette, a false and evil little creature, devoid of any principle, any scruple. She also, if I can believe what I was told, a reputation that is not precisely in his honor.

The Prince made a gesture that said, "Yes, I know. "Then he said with an amused smile, tinged with irony a very usual home, especially when it came to women:

- It is a small graceful panther, a flexible and feline creature. She will scratch her rivals terribly when she's jealous.

Aubert looked for a moment thoughtfully, profile firm, mouth a little hard in the mustache almost dark brown. He, like everyone, was under the spell of this perfect lord, this man whose eyes could sometimes become so icily contemptuous and contain at other times so dazzling charm, so attractive mystery. Yes, the mystery because Aubert wondered at that moment: "Is it bad? Is he home, really, that this skepticism, this proud disdain he displayed, especially against women, and disregard hard it is, it seems, customary for beings dependent on him? "

The sun completely disappeared behind the wood Uxage and alone, her reflection still lay on the horizon. The car left the road to engage in an avenue of elms and stopped shortly after in the castle courtyard. The prince, after a cordial "to just now, my dear," won her apartment to change clothes. They saw three hours of quarters later appear in salons where were already guests and guests. Almost immediately, the butler announced that His Serene Highness was served.

Heir to the prerogatives of sovereign princes, his ancestors, Wladimir chaired the table on his right Madame de Tercieux ... A little later, the Countess Seminkhof talked of Algeria with Creuilly Aubert, one of its neighbors. Dark hair with blue highlights framed her beautiful face amber. The very black eyes, languid, caressing the listener. But Aubert, serious and challenging, thought seeing disturbing lights. He also noticed the feverish movement of the hands with long nails and shiny, very white and chubby hands, but with strong ties. Sometimes the look of the officer was heading Nadopoulo Miss. She, unlike her mother, large and beautifully made, was small, but bright, soft, wavy. Its very red mouth smiled constantly, to show pretty teeth. The eyes, black and expressive, caressed and provoked. In the hair similar to those of Seminkhof countess, wearing down and falling on the forehead in irregular bands, a cactus flower dark red swung at his every move. Although not having the regular features that existed in her mother, she was also dangerously seductive and Aubert was thinking by considering it "is one of those women we must guard like fire. Prince Wittengrätz'd better away from him. " she was also dangerously seductive and Aubert was thinking by considering it "is one of those women we must guard like fire. Prince Wittengrätz'd better away from him. " she was also dangerously seductive and Aubert was thinking by considering it "is one of those women we must guard like fire. Prince Wittengrätz'd better away from him. "

But judged by Wladimir probably otherwise, for after dinner instead of staying in the smoking room, he went to the park with Myrrha, to whom he had offered a cigarette made especially for him with the most fragrant of Oriental tobaccos. Miss Nadopoulo the smoke with delight, frequently raising his eyes burning with adoration to his companion with a high waist, she assured, made her seem real citizen of Lilliput.

The Prince spoke of Velaïna, one of its areas, in the fall, took place the famous hunts throughout the Muscovite empire. The Wittengrätz had always been fanatical hunters and Wladimir was second nothing on this point in his ancestors.

Myrrha exclaimed, eyes shining with desire:

- Yes, I have heard more than once! It seems that this area is one of the most beautiful in Russia.

- Indeed. Come judge in early October, with the Earl and Countess Seminkhof. You will spend eight days in Velaïna at one of the great hunts.

A flash of triumph crossed the look of Myrrha. The second Seminkhof countess presented to the court shortly after her marriage, had been received with a coldness that she would never forget. The aristocratic circles of Petersburg frown made him, because of his ambiguous origin. So she had adopted a fairly cosmopolitan existence that also suited his tastes and allowed him to maintain relationships with foreign dignitaries less difficult than the high society of Petersburg. Myrrha thus felt a kind of vertigo before this invitation was a coveted privilege and would bring him and his mother in a previously completely closed to them middle, the Princess of Wittengrätz, grandmother of Prince Vladimir,

In addition, Miss Nadopoulo concluded from this unexpected favor it enjoyed strong and the prince wanted to continue Velaïna, at his ease, although this easy conquest.

The heart full of proud joy, she said with an accent resonant with an adulatory recognition:

- How I thank Your Highness! We will happily to the invitation she wants to send us. My father likes nothing better than hunting and myself, I love to gallop in the forest, in pursuit of this prey leaking. In advance, I'm sure I will report to Velaïna unforgettable memories!

In the shadow dimly lit by the glow of a veiled moon, his eyes hug looking than the prince. Wladimir, extending his hand, took the cactus flower that always swung in black hair.

- It's very original, it ... With your pale yellow ... But you need these color daring than others would not stand. You are truly an interesting little person, Myrrha.

Without any blush came to his cheeks matte, Miss Nadopoulo his eyes in those of Prince, passionately said:

- How happy I am to be so judged by your Highness!

He continued to watch her with a smile slightly mocking the corner of the lips. His fingers detached petals scarlet flower, crumpled them for a moment and threw them away. When there remained nothing more, he said mockingly:

- Well ! you leave me and destroy your finery, without protest?

- Oh ! who cares! Your Highness knows she can take what he likes and say we're too happy ...

A look which passed most caressing finished the sentence submission of flattery.

Wladimir was a short, sarcastic laugh.

- I have been repeating this since I was born. You have wit enough to find something new, it seems to me, Myrrha Basilevna?

She blushed, this time under the cold mockery. But although the language fairly nimble, she found no response. Wittengrätz The Prince of the subjugated, so boldly assured it was his power over men. This one - she had understood at once - would always be a master in any circumstance.

Throwing cigarette between his fingers preserved, Wladimir added:

- Let's go back now. Madame de Vergniar must sing tonight and I love her voice.

Myrrha made an angry shudder. Madame de Vergniar was a charming young woman and very remarkable musician. The day before, Wladimir had caused long with it. But it was enough for the jealous anxiety awoke to Miss Nadopoulo already violently enamored. For she knew how capricious mood was the prince of Wittengrätz. So, she was conscious of not being at this time in his favor. While both returned to the castle, he remained silent, without a glance at the pretty girl who was walking beside him. What was the reason for this sudden about-face? Myrrha ignored him and tried in vain what could displease him.

In the stalls before the castle, a group of men were walking by smoking. M. Traimblay, big healthy boy, it was asserted, let himself lead as a child by his wife blonde told Aubert Creuilly:

- I do not understand your cousins, my dear friend, to also receive intimately Seminkhof the Countess and her daughter. The latter, in particular, has paces too risky .... See, tonight, this walk with Prince ... And these toilets ... that go to him ... Oh! ranging him perfectly! But they give it, admit it, a genre quite moved in an environment like this?

- I agree very happy, good Traimblay! But my cousin has infatuated the ladies met last winter in Nice. She also always had some low for this cosmopolitan genus. However, it seems less enthusiastic about them for some days.

M. Traimblay gave a wry laugh.

- Hey! of course! she sees the pretty Myrrha pleases the prince and she is furious ... like all here, however.

He shrugged his shoulders, a little angrily and muttered:

- They are toquées ... all, all!

Then he paused, as Wladimir, leaving Miss Nadopoulo heading to the castle, had to smokers.

He stopped by Aubert, saying:

- The park is lovely in this veiled moon. You should go see it.

- Your Highness gives me an excellent idea.

- Come with me. Since the piano is silent again, we will smoke cigarettes one second causing a bit.

Both engaged in a park alley. Wladimir, first silent, observed after a moment with a slight ironic laugh:

- Definitely, yes, it is very emancipated, this small Nadopoulo. A pretty furious, and you told me, my dear. But it amuses me. She graces of young feline and a little mind sometimes. I invited her to spend eight days Velaïna ... And you, who are very fond of hunting, do you not come to know my forests?

- I would be very happy to answer the invitation of Your Highness. Unfortunately my leave expires at the end of September and I promised my father to spend some time with him.

- Too bad ! Our hunts have interested you, because the game of any kind are not lacking, I assure you. It is there sometimes to excess - as in my domain stanitza, including the steward tells me that the wild boars, having multiplied enormously in recent years, ravaging the forest. I have not set foot there for some time - that is to say from the age of fifteen. At that time, I made a short stay with my grandfather. In the forest, there is a small hunting castle in poor condition. I gave the order to make them indispensable arrangements, because I will spend one or two weeks during which the necessary beaten we will ... But in fact, if you come with me? ... A few days , at least?

- A few days ... maybe ...

- Well, it's settled! We will hurt some of these intrusive host and I will make great rides in the forest, less extensive than Velaïna but more picturesque, a more unexpected and more wild charm. As I guessed, I'm sure stanitza please. In addition, you will continue your progress in the Russian language that you already speak fairly. As for me, I shall be delighted to have you as a companion in solitude.


In the vast forest, sandwiched between tree foliage centuries old, stood the little castle stanitza. Formerly, the prince Aloys had it built in the seventeenth century style, modeled on the one he had in one of his Austrian domains. Very gray, very cracked, partly covered by a thick ivy, he had a very romantic appearance accentuated by the grids of the windows, foam ouatant the slates of the roof, high chimneys in the crevices which elected domicile crows .

Inside, antique furniture harmonized with the age and appearance of the old house where once Wittengrätz of the princes had to settle for a month or two in order to indulge in their favorite pastime. Wladimir having completely abandoned, it lacked many of the comfort and the pomp that existed in other royal residences. Domesticity sent in advance are remedied the best with what zeal she brought to serve a demanding master, who suffered no failure.

One September morning, rangers, game wardens and biting installed for two days with the hounds and horses, lined up in front of the castle for the arrival of His Highness announced the day before by a courier.

The steward, cantankerous little man with mine, came and went with a bewildered air. The chief forester inspected one last time his subordinates. He stopped near one of them, robust old face dry ravines.

- Wild boars came near you yesterday Hofnik?

- Yes, Pavel Alexandrovich. My cousin saw them and came running warn me. But the time I got there, they had spun. Ah! they make a mess, these filthy beasts! It is not too early to be cared destroy them. His Highness will be enough to distract themselves ...

The steward announced:

- That's the car!

The guards, ceasing their conversations, stiffened into a military attitude. Moments later appeared a travel sedan that pulled up in front of the castle. The prince, undress colonel of horse guards, got out, followed by Aubert Creuilly. All at once, he addressed him in a tone more than the dry steward humbly bowed before him.

- The road is not maintained as it should, Streitnoff. My car was horribly shaken. If everything is in the same genre, not compliments that I have to address you.

The steward, even lowering the back, tried to stammer an apology. But a brief gesture interrupted.

- I have no need of your reasons. Shut up.

And turning his back on Streitnoff destroyed Wladimir quick word to the forest-head, quickly passed the guards reviewed and then entered the castle with M. Creuilly.

Behind them, making even smaller, the steward slipped. The guards departed in groups, commenting on the incident which delighted the strong, for Streitnoff was hated.

The old Hofnik, who was walking near a tall blond fellow with jovial mine remarked:

- His Highness should lead people roughly, eh! What do you say, Andre Michailovitch?

- Ah! about that! ... The Streitnoff will dance to this one then! ... But it is famously handsome man, our prince!

Hofnik nodded, murmuring:

- Yes Yes.

A fold-conscious forming on his forehead as he continued to move forward by listening with half an ear chatter of his young companion. This left the forest near a small house that stood at the edge of a clearing. The old man opened the door and entered a modestly furnished room, scrupulously clean. A gray-haired woman, busy sewing near the window, looked up and smiled wave wrinkled wrinkled face.

- Ah! there you are, Nicolas! Well ! His Highness has arrived?

- Yes.

On this laconic reply, the guard sat down, put his hat on a table beside him and added, lowering his voice:

- We just have to be careful! It should not be that "the" way, especially! ... not once! He is young, he is beautiful and definitely used to having nothing annoys his desires ... Ah! I assure you that Streitnoff has already caught something about the road that was not sufficiently maintained, according to His Highness! It was not his embarrassment, in that time, the cunning villain!

- He's had enough annoyed others; it is the least he is a little turn ... but you scare me, Nicolas, for our little Barina!

She clasped her hands and fear showed in his eyes that had the blue color past old earthenware.

- ... She is so beautiful ... too beautiful, alas! poor little for the situation that is his.

- Ah! that the prince the way never, I repeat, Irina! I shudder at the thought ... So it should not come out during the day, so long as the residence of His Highness.

- This will be gay! poor darling, who has already not so many distractions!

- What do you want, it's essential! Besides, I do not think the prince lingers here. When he kills some wild boar, he will soon enough stanitza not a good recreational place. Then he will go and we will be quiet again.

Irina sighed and murmured:

- Quiet ... Ah! how can we be in not knowing what we have to do, my dear Nicolas.

Two days later, the sound of tubes, the barking of the pack disturbed the usual quiet of the forest. It was the same the following days. The Prince, meanwhile, took M. Creuilly in long walks on horseback or by car. In the evening, both lingered chatting, smoking in the old lounge decorated severe carved woodwork, tapestries depicting hunting scenes. Or Wladimir took his violin and played, sometimes late into the night. It was remarkable musician, but did hear was that the privileged few. Aubert, very expert himself, could appreciate all the prices that favor.

In the daily intimacy, the young officer knew better the amazing richness of this supple intelligence, brilliant and profound at the same time, which was united with the physical gifts to make this man an irresistible charmer. As for the moral point of view, he still reserved his judgment. Wladimir left willingly seem cold skepticism and said never to embarrass any consideration of feeling any moral obligation, beyond what he owed to his country and his sovereign.

- The only duty I know, he assured, it's my pleasure. My grandfather raised me as this nice principle that I always run my life.

Surrounded by an atmosphere of adulation since childhood, having known that submission, flatness, servile eagerness, Wladimir had never met obstacles to his will. His pride had grown comfortable and authoritarian tendencies firmed up autocracy. Aubert saw with what careless disdain, what even hard sometimes, he treated his servants, however fanatically devoted. In summary, Mr. de Creuilly felt that his host was a rather disturbing enigma. Nevertheless, it was under the spell; he also understood that such a man should be loved with passion and never forgotten.

The Sunday after their arrival, Wladimir and his host went to the village church for Sunday Mass. Wittengrätz The princes had continued to practice the Catholic religion in the Orthodox Russia, and were introduced in most of their domains. Wladimir, including some principles of Christian education received in her childhood had not taken before the lessons of indifference and broad moral given by his grandfather, however, still some traditional gestures that seemed to make him part of its top rank. Thus, in any of his residences he had failed to attend the Sunday service.

The inhabitants of the small village of Verki could therefore see in the stately stall unoccupied for so many years, whose case adorned the arms of Wittengrätz was surmounted by the princely crown. It was, for all, the cause of many distractions. The eyes hardly left the elegant silhouette, the face with sharp lines and masculine lit by the dim light of a canopy. Sometimes dark eyes, indifferent or distracted, drooped to the faithful who filled the narrow nave, or they examined the pictures, pretty mediocre, stained glass, gift of a prince of Wittengrätz, paint faded walls. Holding Wladimir remained a perfect correction, because it was too rank to miss on this point at every convenience. With the most complete ease, he received the liturgical honors and, with an air of nonchalant patience listened to the sermon of the young priest who obviously greatly disturbed, became confused in his peroration. On leaving, he addressed a few gracious words to notables and gave them her hand to kiss. Then he went back with Aubert in his car that passed among the population of the village and surrounding humbly appreciative and respectful.

In the afternoon, the prince made his guest with a long ride out of the forest on steep roads. If that was good rider M. Creuilly he sometimes hesitated before crossing that Wladimir was deliberately crossed his horse, beautiful but terribly difficult beast that only he could watch.

- I am a centaur race, he said, laughing. No horse resists Wittengrätz.

Returning this walk, he dined with his host in the dining room very long, made for great meals hunters, lit by heavy chased silver candlesticks on the table, on the sideboards, and the sconces bronze alternating on the woodwork, with paintings of strong hunting scenes smoky. On the pavement of black and white marble, the servants glided silently monitored by the first waiter standing behind the chair of his master. Aubert loved this ancient and majestic scenery, this very lordly framework to desire for the master of the house. He loved the romance of stanitza, the quiet solitude, the wild through the forest. Wladimir said:

- We will come back together next year. Stanitza appeals to me also and, with a companion like you, we can defy boredom.

That evening, Mr. de Creuilly somewhat tired by the rough ride of the afternoon, took leave of his host a little earlier than usual. Wladimir was left alone in the living enlightened by the flame of the many candles. Because in this house so long neglected, there were no other lighting mode. Moreover, the very pleased the prince, because he left the old parts while their archaic.

Wladimir took his violin and played a long time, improvising ardent phrases, impetuous, wide and deep adagios, strange songs that seemed to daydream of a tormented soul. The three windows were open on the flooded forest of soft moonlight. When Wladimir finally abandoned his bow, he approached one of them and remained pensive for a moment, his eyes directed to the depth of a driveway all white under the silencer cover of old trees. Then he slowly descended the ground between three degrees of stone patio doors and walked in the pale light that crept in long trails from the branches already partially stripped of their leaves.

Randomly, he took a mossy path. Well padded, its not not disturbed the calm expanse of the forest. He enjoyed this silence, this nocturnal beauty. His soul was going through one of those phases reverie that sometimes made him suddenly leave the world and its usual distractions to shut himself up in solitude. It was while somewhat disillusioned in the spirit of King Solomon crying, "Vanity of vanities! "But it is usually delivered quickly, returning to the world he despised, by drowning in the pleasures and satisfactions of pride nostalgia that had dominated a moment.

The path chosen by him resulted in a small clearing a little below. Wladimir, arriving there, stopped suddenly with a slight surprise.

A woman was at the edge of the clearing, leaning against the trunk of a birch. He saw her profile. So it seemed at once singularly beautiful eye. The moon shone in the open. Wladimir could see the harmonious line of its size, a little bent in an abandoned attitude, hair that seemed dark blond, falling in two plaits on his shoulders, the simple black dress, almost poor.

This charming creature appeared young. She remained motionless, eyes half lowered. Wladimir, who very interested, had done so quietly a few steps forward, saw on her delicate cheek shadow long dark eyelashes. At the corner of the lips stood out with pain fold. His left hand, small and fine, hanging along the dark skirt.

Then the stranger, in a gesture of weariness, raised it to his face, held it for a moment on his forehead.

At this time, Wladimir rushed into the sloping path leading down to the clearing. The girl jumped into a terror movement, gave a cry of terror, and before the prince would have joined, sprang to a driveway with the lightness of a doe pursued.

Wladimir smirked, thinking, "Go, I'll get you caught up quickly, my beautiful! "And he rushed behind the unknown, on the firm ground where his spurs rang.

But the girl was running well. Hardly his feet seemed to touch the ground. However, it lost some ground. Seeing this, the prince cried:

- Come on, stop! Needless to tire yourself more because I'll always rejoin.

But these words were not the result that to accomplish the unknown one last effort. A large clearing appeared. Between the trees gave a small forest house. The girl sprang to the door, she uttered, and disappeared inside.

Wladimir stopped, some banned first. Then he laughed again, murmuring:

"If you think it escapes me like that, my little beautiful, and being made fun of me as well! ... I'll get you, fear not, lovely wild deer. "

He retraced his steps, slowly. His mind was occupied by this apparition. A moonbeam, most likely, had idealized. Perhaps, reviewing the day, would feel it a disappointment. With a shrug, he thought: "We'll see. This must be the daughter of a guard, although at first glance it does not have the look. I inform about Streitnoff about it. "