The Fertile Earth – Nature's Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and Forestry - Viktor Schauberger - E-Book

The Fertile Earth – Nature's Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and Forestry E-Book

Viktor Schauberger

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How does nature work? When one looks closely at the enormously complex web of life, it is impossible not to be caught by the wonder of how all living things – including rocks and crystals – are interconnected. Just as there is thought behind action, so there is energy behind matter. The Fertile Earth, the third volume of the Eco-Technology series which presents the original, passionate and convincing research of Viktor Schauberger in translation for the first time, contains his groundbreaking writings on trees, biodynamic agriculture and subtle energies in Nature. It provides answers to pressing questions, like why so many plant and animal species are disappearing. Schauberger was a pioneering genius who combined keen observation of Nature with intuitive brilliance and a sharp engineer's brain. One of the first genuine environmentalists, he was predicting ecological catastrophe when no-one else could see it coming. In the era of global warming, deforestation and desertification, Schauberger's predictions are now being proven right. His work is enjoying a worldwide revival because he was able to convey how an understanding of Nature's subtle energies is essential to our survival. The Eco-Technology series makes available for the first time Viktor Schauberger's original writings and passionate debates. Callum Coats has painstakingly collected, translated and edited the material for what promises to be the most definitive study yet of this extraordinary man's life and work. The Fertile Earth: Table of Contents Introduction by Callum Coats - A Different View of Natural Phenomena - The Influence of Temperature and Water Movement - Forestry — Agriculture — The Energy Industry - The Dying Forest - Timber and Water in the Building Industry - Agriculture — Soil Fertilisation — Increased ProductivityAppendix: Austrian Patent Office — Description of Patent No. 166644

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Nature’s energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and Forestry

Volume 3 of the eco-Technology Series

Viktor Schauberger

translated & edited by

Callum Coats



Title Page

List of Figures

Introduction by Callum Coats


Chapter 1: A Different View of Natural Phenomena

Nature’s Secrets Unveiled: In Transmutation Lies Eternity

Does an insuperable force of gravity actually exist?

Weightlessness prevails over gravity

Decomposive energy triggers cancer

Effect on Earth’s orbit of weight of growing things

Distinguishing a genuine emulsion from one created by ultrasound

The creation of higher-quality products of emulsion

Conditions under which eggs, seeds and cells can engender

How is a bird able to become temporarily independent of the ground?

All life emerges from the ur-form of the egg

How did originally aquatic plants escape from the medium of water?

What role does water, as a carrier, play in these formative and transformative processes?

What is to be understood as a biological vacuum?

What is planetary mass-motion?

Life is indestructible!

All growth must be preceded by decomposition

She half-pulled him down; he half-sank on her

How can the existence of these reciprocities actually be proven?

Distinguishing magnetically charged water from water with the opposite potential

The discovery of a new highly potent form of energy

A Small Difference — Decomposition or Life-Force?

A Different View of Atomic Fission

New Concepts of Electricity

How does lightning occur?


Chapter 2: The Influence of Temperature and Water Movement (on Forestry, Water Resources Management and the Formation of Structures)

The Formation of Structures

The Dying Forest


The Circulation of Water Inside the Earth and the Supply of Nutritive Matter

The Effects of Groundwater Removal

Incorrect Metabolism Destroys the Quality of Water


The Secret of the Trout Motor

Chapter 3: Forestry — Agriculture — The Energy Industry

The Forest


The Energy Industry

The First Doubts

The Timber Industry, Forestry and Wood Production

The Forest and its Significance

The Dying Forest — a Peril of Central Europe

The Dangerous Sinking of the Groundwater Table

Detrimental Technological Influences

Chapter 4: The Dying Forest

Nature’s Increasing Baldness

How the Farmer uses his Scythe and Sharpens it by Hammering

How the Cow Grazes

About the Wild Boar

Concerning Dew-Drops

How the Forest Sustains Itself

Concerning the Russian Cotton Industry

The Dying Forest (Part Two)

A Global Perspective

The Tree as a Water-Factory

Wooden or Copper-Plated Ploughs

The Effect of Iron Ploughs

The Heart of the Plant

Chapter 5: Timber and Water in the Building Industry

Caution in the Use of Timber in the Building Industry

The Character of Water in the Building Industry

Constructional Defects and their Prevention

Lost Knowledge of Timber Growth and Quality

Chapter 6: Agriculture — Soil Fertilisation — Increased Productivity

Noble Fertilisation with the Aid of Planetary Motion


The Planetary Movement of Mass

Bioecological Agriculture

Increase in Soil Productivity

Life Force and Natural Fertiliser

The Earthworm Sanatorium

Building Compost Heaps

White Juvenile Earth

Concerning the Treatment of the Soil

Natural Farm Husbandry

Some Pertinent References to ‘Tonsingen’ and the Use of Water Barrels

‘Frequency Aviation’

A Biological Hint

Copper Water

Re-enlivening Sick Fields

Experiments with Copper Implements in Agriculture

How can these harmful effects be eliminated?

Field trials at Farmleiten-Gut Heuberg

Results of 1949 Field Trials with Copper Attachments

Appendix: Austrian Patent Office — Description of Patent No. 166644

Agricultural Implement

Patent Claims



About the Authors

About Gill & Macmillan


1.The Repulsator.

2.Location of other +4°C isotherms in the atmosphere.

3.Annual ring variations in a 33-year-old plantation tree.

4.The combination of H2O and CO2 into H2CO3 (carbonic acid).

5.The Bio-Plough.

6.Cross-sections of naturally and artificially grown shade-demanding timbers.

7.Unequal growth due to one-sided illumination.

8.The copper-plated plough and harrow.

9.Radiant energies in inorganic (metal) and organic (tree) magnets.

10.The in-ground cistern of amniotic fluid (liquid manure transformer).

11.The subtler processes of growth.

12.The egg-shaped fermentation chamber.

13.The egg-shaped compost heap built around a tree.


15.Showing 15 cm (6 in.) long ears of rye with up to 104 grains per ear.

16.Potatoes grown on alpine farm at Kitzbühel, Tyrol.


What is the essence of a tree? How does a blade of grass grow? What do we really understand of the internal events and forces responsible for their upward thrust towards the heavens, and on what conditions do these energies depend? Where do they come from and how do they interact? What inhibits their proper interaction, and what enhances it? As the pages in this book unfold the reader will not only come to appreciate the immense contribution to humanity of Viktor Schauberger’s life-work, but also that humanity must now seize upon his enlightened, penetrating perception of the energetic phenomena underlying physical manifestation and apply them to safeguard its future. Through his deep understanding of the energies responsible for all organic growth and development, his writings in this volume focus on those domains of Nature which are at this time in the greatest need of massive rehabilitative intervention.

These are the world’s rapidly dwindling forests and the vast expanses of arable land, today increasingly threatened by drought, desertification, fire and flood. This wholesale eradication of the Earth’s lungs simply cannot continue. Present systems of land and forest management are largely responsible for the present climatic instability. Mechanistic methods of regeneration and production, which have no truly long-term view and are wholly profit oriented, give no consideration either to the forest’s true function or to a living soil’s continuing ability to sustain future generations. As has already become evident, the current practice of over-clearing of forest for agriculture and subsequent tillage leads to soil erosion, desertification, mineral impoverishment and developing salination. The inadequacies in the management, or even the actual mismanagement, of the world’s stocks of these important resources have now reached a point where the problems of providing an equitable and adequate supply of food to an expanding global population appear almost insuperable. Despite the fertiliser and pesticide industry’s extravagant claims, it is becoming more and more apparent that these methods are no longer effective and are providing both timber and food of increasingly inferior quality. It is therefore time to consider fresh approaches.

What is necessary is to employ many more people in developing and applying methods for improving food quality. With higher-quality food, people would not only be healthier physically and in mind and spirit, but they would also require less food to maintain life. Far from seeing the present population explosion as a problem, Viktor Schauberger advocated it, posing the question: ‘Is it therefore so illogical to recognise the Will of Nature in the rapid increase in the number of human beings? Surely several hundred million more people are needed, who with their energy and strength can help restore this ravished lump of excrement, the Earth, to its former glory!’1

It is here that Viktor Schauberger has a great deal to offer in the way of remedies and provides us with pioneering insights into what makes the world’s forests and soils tick. While the restoration of these realms cannot be divorced from the management of water resources conducted in accordance with Nature’s laws, these same laws also apply to the ways in which forestry and agriculture should be administered. That is to say, the emphasis should be on long-term continuity and sustainability using natural methods of regeneration and fertilisation, which requires deep knowledge of the interconnected energies that govern these subtle processes. This can only come with both an open mind and a willingness to comprehend the higher dimensional powers that order physical existence. In other words, we must learn to think one octave higher, as Viktor Schauberger often urges.

Nature’s formative and reproductive processes are extremely subtle, and are based on a delicate, easily upset balance in the intermixture of energies and materials on which they are founded. In our failure either to understand or perceive them, however, we have literally trodden them into the ground. Yet this is the same ground which is supposed to sustain and nourish us, and from which life itself evolves. The time has come for a long overdue and urgent reappraisal of what we are doing; indeed it has now become the imperative of the hour; more particularly, in terms of the fundamentals of forestry and agriculture. Instead of the former vibrant luxuriance of natural forests, where one species fosters the growth and development of another, in today’s plantation forests, monocultures of single species of the same age are forced to compete with one another for their necessities of life. In other words, competition, with all its negative consequences, has been introduced into a long-standing, integrated harmony where it never existed before. Instead of smaller acreages and holdings, where produce was fertilised largely organically and crops were religiously rotated, in modern agri-businesses carbon-dioxide-trapping hedgerows were swept away and crops are grown without rotation on an increasingly barren heath. These have to be propped up with artificial fertiliser, which ultimately destroys the soil and its micro-organisms. All the important preconditions and parameters which ensure thriving growth have been altered arbitrarily with scant regard for Nature’s essentials.

The fundamental flaw in our appreciation of the world and of Nature, and the roots of our present predicament, lie in our unquestioning belief in the correctness of our competitive ideology. This we apply not only to the treatment of our fellow human beings, but also to long-suffering Mother Nature who nurtures us. So thoroughly are we suffused with this inherently divisive philosophy almost from the day we are born, that we have great difficulty in divorcing ourselves from it and in considering any alternative approach. As its philosophical offshoot, present economic policy worldwide is driven by the perceived desirability of quantitative growth without limit, deemed to be the only solution to international economic stability. Such unlimited growth, however, is impossible on this finite planet, where there is an equally finite amount of raw material from which all else is derived. The only possible future for unlimited growth is therefore a growth in quality.

This quantitative drive has resulted in the competitive manufacture and marketing of more and more sophisticated trivia, which have no real and lasting value in terms of natural upward evolutionary progress. Western society, which largely controls global events, has become fascinated with itself and its new toys, and concerns itself mainly with the next innovation. Coupled with this acquisitive urge, of which it is also the cause, there is a huge distortion in perceptions of what is of real worth, when millions are spent on the purchase of football clubs, entertainment facilities and other fantasia. This money should more properly have been spent on redressing the vastly more pressing problems of widespread famine, disease and the environment. However, in this world of economic rationalism, which treats humans merely as the means to an economic end, there is no immediate profit in such action.

Material acquisition and the pursuit of pleasure seem to be uppermost in the minds of the majority in so-called ‘civilised’ countries, who, enclosed within their cities, are almost totally estranged from Nature. Into this invidious scheme of things, the so-called ‘third world’ countries are also being inexorably drawn in their quest for the same ephemerae. Worse than this, in the process they have lost their traditional values and practices, their natural interaction with their habitat, which hitherto had sustained them over aeons. Culture, in the truest meaning of the word, has become the almost universal victim of this malevolent philosophy.

This single-minded preoccupation with mundanities and obliviousness to the gathering storm that looms will propel humanity into a disaster of hitherto unparalleled proportions. The mistaken belief that people can blithely continue to dissociate themselves from the demands of the natural world and continue to bask in the glories of technology, is a dangerous fallacy. Since all life is inextricably interconnected, the massive disruption that has been insensitively inflicted on the Earth and its life-giving waters must inevitably rebound in poetic measure on the perpetrators. Balancing precariously on its artificially contrived foundations, urbanised humanity has largely lost touch with its roots, and as Viktor Schauberger states elsewhere in this book, ‘Masses without roots perish!’ This is now beginning to happen — and at a rapidly accelerating pace!

Competition, however, is totally at odds with Nature’s ways. The dreadful irony of the whole scenario is that today attempts are being made to create a harmoniously integrated and co-operative world with the very philosophy that must inevitably destroy it. If ultimate survival is indeed what presently looms ahead, then the chances of real success in achieving it lie in the reversal of the present code, namely a return to co-operative activity, where the efforts of every individual are required for the ultimate well-being of the whole. In this context Viktor Schauberger conceived humanity’s foreordained tasks to be threefold:2

To make a small piece of the Earth fertile.To evolve oneself to a higher level.To preserve oneself and the species.

Acting on this, we should focus our closest attention on Nature’s modus operandi to secure a wholesome, healthy, long-term future for the Earth’s inhabitants. Which brings me once more to the question at the beginning: How does a blade of grass grow? All organic and therefore animate growth in Nature arises from the processes of fusion, in which a given structure is built up incrementally through the mutual attraction of molecules. This attraction could be likened to an elementary form of love — a desire to unite in a fruitful way, when each individual component is necessary for the formation of the whole. Without this there would be no creative build-up of substance, no development of physical form. This combinant and recombinant activity is therefore synonymous with co-operative endeavour. Viewed in this light, it becomes clear that for the world to exist in all its physical majesty, Nature’s ways must be far more co-operative than we have hitherto been led to believe. Her order is founded on co-operation and ethical fairness in the interaction between her countless organisms. In our approach towards the environment we could therefore not do better than to emulate the behaviour of the bees, who as Viktor Schauberger states, ‘are known to dispense and to give whenever they take.’ Trees too are extraordinarily selfless. They silently and consistently temper the climate, tame the tempests and supply us with oxygen to breathe and water to drink. In the light of this knowledge, we should therefore turn away from the present divisive competitive ideology and follow Nature’s lead, for it is only in this way that the natural world can be truly restored to its former glory.

All the above tasks demand a long-term appraisal and in-depth examination of the fundamentals of life and its continuance. This also involves a reinterpretation of the proper sphere and application of competition. Instead of its present emphasis on external action, competition should rightly be strictly applied to the internal assessment of one’s own personal behaviour and performance; to how one’s own talents and abilities and relationship with the outer world can continue to be improved, the better to co-operate, rather than compete, with others. The transference of this intent to the outer world, which would do so much to restore human relationships and the natural world to a universal state of harmony, was so ably expressed, though slightly paraphrased here, in President John F. Kennedy’s famous exhortation:

‘Do not ask what the world can do for you, but ask what you can do for the world!’

Callum Coats — March 1999


The sources from which the following writings were obtained are as follows:

Our Senseless Toil

Written by Viktor Schauberger between 1932 and 1933, it was originally published in a two-part book entitled, Our Senseless Toil — the Cause of the World Crisis, subtitled Growth through Transformation not Destruction of the Atom (Unsere sinnlose Arbeit — die Quelle der Weltkrise. Der Aufbau durch Atomverwandlung, nicht Atomzertrümmerung). Part I first appeared in 1933 and Part II in 1934. Both Parts I and II of Our Senseless Toil were published by Krystall-Verlag GmbH, which due to financial difficulties was finally closed down in April 1939 by its then editor-director Franz Juraschek.

Mensch und Technik — naturgemäß

Originally Kosmische Evolution or Cosmic Evolution, the German periodical, Mensch und Technik — naturgemäß (Humanity & Technology — in accordance with Nature), is funded by private subscription and published by the Gruppe der Neuen, or the New Group, whose aim was to explore Viktor Schauberger’s theories and to interpret them scientifically. Volume 2, 1993, is devoted entirely to the recently discovered (early 1990s) transcript of a notebook compiled in 1941 by a Swiss, Arnold Hohl, which includes reports on his visits to Viktor Schauberger in 1936 and 1937. It is from this volume that the passages in this book are obtained.


Implosion is a quarterly magazine, funded by private subscription and generally oriented towards the lay reader. It was originally published by Aloys Kokaly from about 1958 and now runs to 127 issues. Kokaly also founded the Verein zur Förderung der Biotechnik e.V. (Association for the Advancement of Biotechnology) specifically for the research and evaluation of Viktor’s theories and through Implosion to provide a platform for Viktor Schauberger’s various writings, of which Kokaly had many originals.

The Schauberger Archives

Forming the greater part of Viktor Schauberger’s estate, these are the private archives of the Schauberger family and the PKS (Pythagoras-Kepler-School) at Lauffen, near Bad Ischl in Upper Austria.

Other Sources

Various newspapers, periodicals and personal letters from Viktor Schauberger to various individuals.


1Quoted from Increase In Soil Productivity — VS — Implosion Magazine, No. 60. — Ed.

2From Implosion Magazine, No. 64, p. 17. — Ed.

1.A Different View of Natural Phenomena

From Heaven descending, To Heaven ascending,To Earth returning, Eternally changing.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nature’s Secrets Unveiled: In Transmutation Lies Eternity

From Implosion Magazine, No. 48 — written in Salzburg, 1954.

Since the beginning of the First World War and the resulting spread of our technical industrial processes there has been a striking deterioration in quality. The disappearance of water that this has produced has become so evident that this vital necessity of life should already be considered a scarce commodity.

The scientific profession is helpless against this coming catastrophe — otherwise the crisis would not have developed to the extent that it has. The situation has to be studied from every angle and the causes of the deterioration of water exhaustively demonstrated. It must be stated at the very outset that here we are dealing with the demagnetisation of springwater, which should be seen as the blood of the Earth. This happens through over-illumination by sunlight and therefore over-warming of the ground, or through unnatural methods of conduction and water storage. Because no one knows what electricity and magnetism actually are, it makes it all very hard to understand. Such ignorance likewise makes the explanation of these causes uncommonly difficult.

The demagnetisation of water signifies the removal of its soul. The widespread over-exploitation of forest has caused the mountain springs to dry up, leading to the desolation of high alpine pastures. A particularly striking phenomenon, however, is the constant deterioration in the quality of young stands of timber, in spite of all the conservation measures applied by forestry. Former higher-grade species of timber and high-quality species of fish in the river-channels where water continues to flow are disappearing in the same way as former mountain springs, which dry up when robbed of their shade-giving protectors and are thus over-illuminated and exposed to direct sunlight.

Even glaciers are retreating noticeably. Wild deer are also becoming mangy as a result of deforestation, because they can no longer find medicinal herbs rich in ethereal (volatile, essential) oils, since these do not grow in lower lying areas. The Earth’s solid crust is gradually drying out, and it is no exaggeration to predict that one day the major cities will cry out for water and that our great-grandchildren will have to dig for it as today we dig for gold or other valuable substances.

One word suffices to describe the mistakes made by contemporary leaders of industry and scientific advisors to government, whose experience is usually far more academic than it is practical. In various academic institutions they are schooled in unnatural (unreal) systems of water management, which I refer to as techno-academic systems. The present evils are wholly to be ascribed to the erroneous forms of water movement thus produced, and it is for this reason that the above term has been coined. Only in this way can one explain the bioecological consequences which logically follow, if the ‘original’,1 planetary movement of mass is replaced by a heat- and pressure-increasing form of motion. This inaugurated the demagnetisation of the ur-source2 of all life — water. Just how far advanced this danger to life has already become is shown by a report in the periodical Der Spiegel of 9 April 1954, according to which at least 10,000 million Deutschmarks will have to be spent merely to repair the most flagrant depredations caused by the mismanagement of water resources. An extended period of drought would be quite sufficient to provoke chaotic conditions in the supply of drinking and general-purpose water. German rivers are already so polluted that an average of 400,000 parasitic embryos per cubic millimetre make all use of even filtered riverwater impossible.

It is an open secret that scientists concerned with hydrology are both helpless and perplexed in the face of these catastrophes, for otherwise these malheures would never have happened. The consequences of their incompetence are incalculable, and will become all the more so if present methods of water reticulation, storage and regulation are not radically altered. Natural methods of water conservation and treatment will have to be introduced through the enactment of a uniform set of regulations with universal application. However, all experience and know-how is lacking in this area due to the unquestioning acceptance of methods used over thousands of years. It is therefore high time that these errors be exhaustively addressed.

What is to be understood by the concept of techno-academic motion? It is diametrically opposed to the one that wise Nature uses to move and ur-procreate water, giving it every possibility to reproduce, regenerate and qualitatively evolve. However, this natural form of motion assures not only the increase and maintenance of this vital asset, but the qualitative improvement of increasingly diverse forms of growth and life as well.

This natural form of motion will here be called planetary motion, for the reason that all planets, including our Earth, move in just such a manner. Moreover, the various kinds of blood, sap and juices have also to avail themselves of this type of motion in order to maintain and constantly improve the progressive forces of reproduction and upward evolution.

However, when techno-academic motion was introduced, the vital opportunities mentioned above became increasingly inhibited, as technology expanded the application of the reversed form of motion. In view of this, it is also necessary to define the term ‘technical’, or ‘techno-academic motion’ more precisely. ‘Technical’ is derived from the ancient Greek word technao, which means skill or artifice — and hence something unnatural, or not naturally occurring and therefore deceitful. On these grounds even the ancient Greeks unconditionally rejected such motion, for with it, heat-intensifying, centrifuging and destructive forces are triggered off in substances having a bipolar charge (earth, water and air).

According to ancient knowledge, the economy of any people or nation who make use of this treacherous form of mass-motion will collapse, because it confers spiritual and physical ponderousness. As a result earlier cultures disappeared in conformity with natural law, as little by little the original (planetary) form of mass-motion was replaced by the techno-academic form.

In order to comprehend the full ramifications of the unnatural motion introduced by mechanically minded science, the term ‘motion’ or ‘movement’ must likewise be defined in terms of its natural manifestation. According to an old saying, ‘The wrong motive impulse can turn the whole world upside down’. In an intermixture of bipolar elements, every motion triggers reactive effects of an atomic and imperceptible nature. Whether supplementary energies evolve from sediment, minerals or metallic trace elements, or from the earthly remains of earlier life-forms, depends on the shape of the apparatus in which these substances are moved and the alloys used in its fabrication. As reactive components of pressure and traction (suction) these forces control the metaphysical, metamorphic currents (panta rhei) already known to antiquity.

Techno-academic motion, together with its unnatural appliances and unsuitable alloys, causes the emission of X-ray-like emanations which penetrate all resistance and build up pressure and heat in surrounding cell structures. They are the true cause of cancer since they provoke nuclear fission in the cell nucleus and turn every cell into an epicentre of decay. Exactly the opposite reactive effects take place, however, if the various media of earth, water and air are artificially accelerated planetarily and in a predominantly centripetal manner. In this instance radiation is emitted from substances, acting to invigorate surrounding cell structures. Here it triggers cell division and an increase in the number of cells, leading to the creation of additional nuclei for growth. It is therefore radiation of a type which is the very antithesis of that produced by techno-academic motion, the latter being supercharged bioelectrically and functioning electrolytically. In contrast, planetary motion leads to biomagnetic supercharging and has a contractive (structure-densifying) property. In the form of new, juvenile, cell formations, it propagates a cooling tendency and maintains the optimum condition of health.

With these products of interaction, whose effect and characteristics can be controlled, wise Nature regulates reproduction, upward evolution and the multiplication and ennoblement of later life-forms. However, if techno-academic motion is employed, then a centrifugally-propagating impulse is imparted to these life-forms. In this case oxidising processes are initiated and decomposive energies activated and liberated. These lead to inflammation and swellings and provoke the regressive development of cancer. This explains in general terms the erroneous form of motion that is today cultivated and promoted in all areas of human activity.

In consequence the possibility for water, the blood of the Earth, to reproduce, regenerate and upwardly evolve has been perverted and prevented, which applies equally to all growth. In lieu of growth, a retrogressive cancerous development has inevitably set in and, as a degenerative process, assumed more and more dangerous forms the greater the ramification of these errors and the intensity of their effects. The prime question therefore is:

Does an insuperable force of gravity actually exist?

A variety of experiments led to the insight, startling to all technologists no doubt, that a physical force of gravity exists only in the atmospheric living-space, and even then only to a certain extent. At first view it seems amazing, even impossible, that the force of gravity can be overcome almost effortlessly, and that physical heaviness will become equally non-existent, in the same way that a healthy organism is barely conscious of its own bodily weight.

The most instructive and revealing demonstration of this phenomenon is not only the mountain trout’s almost motionless stance amidst torrential flows of springwater, but also its lightning flight upstream when danger threatens. In the spawning season — during the period of highest sexual arousal — it can surmount waterfalls many metres high with the greatest of ease. For this to happen the falling water has to wind in about its own fall-axis through a system of hollow, spiral curves. In the process of falling, its density is increased mechanically, it becomes specifically heavier through coactive physical influences, and approaches its anomaly point of +4°C (+39·2°F).

Such waterfalls exhibit a fall-pattern that becomes progressively more conical towards the base, and within it a biomagnetic field evolves that radiates levitative substances. These substances should be understood as formative and uplifting atomic forces, which on a larger scale trigger off hitherto unidentified forces which are active in cyclones. In this instance, however, they screw the trout’s body upwards along a spiral path until the point of the initial downward curvature of the water is reached. The trout then leaps under its own power, entering the upwardly tractive water flow above the waterfall in which it moves effortlessly upstream with a characteristic twisting and looping movement, eventually reaching the vicinity of a spring. Here it lays its shell-less eggs, which without any physical contact are then fertilised by the milter (the male trout). This is only possible, however, if the water is temperature-less; if it lies at the anomaly point of +4°C (+39·2°F), and if it is deficient in oxygen and extremely rich in volatile ethericities3 of carbonic acid. The same also applies to herring, which congregate so closely together during the spawning season that there seems to be more fish than water.

These preconditions for reproduction were once known to fishermen closely connected to Nature. Similarly, in the past every butcher knew that the body of a calf slaughtered during the cold part of the year would weigh more on the scales dead than alive, provided that it had been expertly hung in such a way as to prevent the blood congealing. This only holds true if the appropriate temperature-gradient4 is activated indirectly by way of the filter wall, which hermetically seals the thorax. Between lungs and pleura the necessary biological vacuum must be maintained. For this reason the old huntsmen took great pains to hang the deer they shot properly in order to preserve the venison’s full flavour. In another example, under certain conditions of temperature the drowned are drawn towards the bottom, whereas under other conditions they become bloated and are deposited at very particular places on the banks. Here too, therefore, no constant law of gravity exists.

Weightlessness prevails over gravity

Many interesting examples follow which illustrate that there is no constantly active force of gravity in the atmospheric living-space. From this it can be inferred that there is neither a constant conservation of energy, nor any other rigid regularity. On the contrary, there is only a rhythmical reciprocity, which can be mechanically controlled so that levitation prevails over gravitation (physical weight). The spiritedness of an animated organism such as water can be so intensified that it surges upwards, as happens in mountain springs, or it can gently pulsate on steep slopes. It can therefore overcome its physical weight, the prerequisite for this phenomenon being planetary motion.

Decomposive energy triggers cancer

The centrifugal form of motion, which increases pressure and heat, was first recognised for what it was when it triggered the release of decomposive energies. This is what happens when the media of earth, water and air are over-illuminated or warmed up, which today occurs virtually all over the world. The seed of decay is created in this way, which reproduces and establishes itself, and is the unresearched, causal agent of cancer. In this case, instead of the negative pressure normally prevailing, an atomic excess pressure develops in every blood and sap vessel. This acts not only as a resistance to motion, but in addition fosters the decay of amorphous structures, and explains, for instance, the tumorous swellings that can clearly be distinguished in shade-demanding trees over-exposed to light or otherwise overheated. This is known as light-induced growth, with which modern forestry strives to achieve accelerated growth and thereby reduce the period of rotation. In reality, however, it is tree-cancer.

The magnitude of this disastrous blunder in forest management will only be appreciated once it is realised that a genetically-diseased (cancer-impregnated) shade-loving tree sustains such a loss of reproductive and upwardly-evolving power that the seeds produced by the immediately succeeding generation are already sterile. Instead of being a water-producer, the tree becomes a water-consumer, thus turning into a veritable forest parasite that extracts the last residues of water from the soil.

Through an intermixture of diffuse substances, the shade-demanding tree becomes a water (blood) donor. As a result, the more water that is produced, the more luxuriantly a healthy mixed forest thrives. Even the modern botanist is guilty of fallacious reasoning, when he assumes that the plant absorbs dissolved substances along with groundwater. Qualified hydraulic and hydroelectric engineers suffer from similar flawed logic, and must be retrained as quickly as possible if forests, fields, pasture lands and the remaining waters are to be rescued from disaster, by the introduction of proper bioecological and environmental laws.

Whether any given organism is exposed to strong influences of heat, or whether these are augmented or generated by centrifugal, pressure-increasing motion is quite immaterial. In both cases powerful quasi-material atomic forces of a predominantly bioelectric nature evolve. These obstruct the original circulation of water, blood and sap, and their destructive action increases in step with the increase in the speed of motion. In fact today no stone has been left unturned in the attempt to intensify this unnatural system of moving bipolar entities. Over the course of time the self-deception mentioned at the beginning has become a betrayal of humanity, to which the whole civilised world will unsuspectingly fall victim.

Should any recovery be forced through under the aegis of contemporary centrifugal technology, then, conforming to natural law, it will inevitably bring about a third and last World War which will certainly be fought with nuclear bombs. This will complete the radical extermination of mankind to the extent that it has not already succumbed to that progeny of technology, the scourge of cancer, which is assuming greater and greater proportions. Contemporary science, whose level of knowledge is one octave too low, must be shown the true foundation of evolution. If not of its own free will, then it should be forced to change its views by plebiscite.

Effect on Earth’s orbit of weight of growing things

Why does the Earth continue to float in space despite the constantly increasing weight of growing things? In principle this question is quite easy to answer. It floats in space because it orbits around, rotates about and circulates through its longitudinal, biomagnetic axis, its ideal axis! In the course of this peculiar movement it ur-procreates what Goethe called The Eternally Female or the All-Uplifting, here simply called qualigen. It endows all forms of growth with the natural ability to reproduce and establish themselves on a higher plane of evolution. Through unnatural, unreal and excessively one-sided centrifugal motion this capacity was disturbed to such a degree that we now face a general economic collapse and the decline of the last vestiges of culture.

Contemporary physicists are concerned only with the respective change in state and pay no heed to material change. Conversely, chemists are only interested in the latter. Nuclear physicists applied techno-academic motion to producing concentrates of those products of emulsion that categorically destroy everything. Therefore every intelligent person must concede that this ill-informed academic science, which promotes the reversed form of motion and teaches it in all schools and universities, will become all the more dangerous to humanity the more it achieves its supposed successes in kinetics.

In view of the fact that there is no force of gravity above the atmospheric living-space, the force of gravity must be variable. The patents applied for in twenty-six countries demonstrate that with the aid of planetary motion it is possible to overcome physical weight with little effort or cost. This is done in the same way that Nature has done it for millions of years. The biomagnetic force of attraction (contraction) is progressively intensified through a rapid succession of purifying and refining processes.

Therefore all contemporary concepts of reality and all world-views will have to change fundamentally. It is not the Earth that attracts any given mass, rather it is the Earth itself that is maintained in a labile state of equilibrium through the forces of levitation, which intensify with increasing altitude. Hence it is only the quantitative increase in the weight of growing things that prevents the Earth from being torn skywards and pulverised into atoms.

An example of this are the fish found in the ocean deeps. These are equipped with extremely delicate skeletal frames which rupture immediately if they are drawn upwards into the zone where the water is under excessive atmospheric pressure. This zone in the surface waters of the ocean is the filter-belt for the diffusion of incident solar radiation harmful to the growth and development taking place below. In the forest this radiation is absorbed by leaves and pine needles in the tree’s crown. For healthy growth, only filtered ethericities of radiation, which are invigorating and refreshing, should reach the interior of the tree. All plants, animals and human beings are therefore equipped with diffusion vessels which enable them to acclimatise to fluctuating ambient temperatures and radiant influences. These contract or dilate and are therefore not rigid structures, but temperature-controlled organs.

But what of levitation? How do levitative forces come into being and where? The term levitation is derived from the Greek word levit and means a formative, upwardly-propelling suctional force in which an atomic (metaphysical) energy is active, whose direction of propagation is mainly vertical. If it is introduced into a vacuum tube in bundled form, it produces a bluish-green glow. It is akin to the odic rays discovered by Baron von Reichenbach.5 Every force, whether it stimulates or suppresses the life in any form of growth or more highly evolved life-form, unfolds itself and springs forth from the ur-form of life, the egg. As a rule, seeds and cell structures have an egg-shaped appearance. It is the type of excitation or motion that determines whether a highly potent new form of life or a rotten egg eventually develops. Temperature also plays a role here, often involving differences of a mere 0·1°C (0·18°F), or in the case of a chicken’s egg, in the order of 0·2°C (0·36°F). All excessive warming or cooling of the blood or sap makes it impossible for life to renew itself in a younger, but evolutionally older entity.

It therefore becomes apparent that a young shade-demanding tree has no hope of survival if it is suddenly set out in the open. Similarly water inevitably degenerates when it is either over-illuminated or forced into a heat- and pressure-increasing motion. In which case the same symptoms of decay appear as in the over-warmed contents of eggs.

Through planetary mass-motion, which reduces pressure and dissipates heat, the desired anomaly state can be attained and maintained at an almost constant level by regulating the rate of rotation of suction whorl-pipes.6 The particular state of excitation that triggers off the formative type of motion can therefore be achieved and maintained, which replenishes the supply of qualigens mentioned at the beginning. The rays emitted by this specifically densified assemblage of basic elements then overcome the force of gravity.

Here we are therefore concerned with a rhythmical interplay between various component forces, including those of suction and pressure. Whatever form the associated temperature-gradient eventually assumes is therefore crucial in terms of molecular growth or deterioration — the latter being induced by a temperature-gradient in which the pressure component prevails. With centrifugal, techno-academic motion this is the outcome in every case. It is thus quite clear that decomposive products, harmful to development, will multiply as the velocity of such a system of mass-motion rises.

On the other hand, if the various media are moved planetarily, then a negative pressure evolves which can be measured with a pressure gauge. When the rate of rotation is extremely high over-cooling occurs and if the pH value rises above 8 saponification, or an excessive concentration of ethereal oils, takes place making any freezing impossible. If these products of emulsion are extremely finely dispersed and are subsequently mixed with diffuse atmospheric oxygen, then they expand, and will do so under the very slightest pressure of a piston. The mixture then transfers to a gaseous state with a simultaneous 1,800-fold increase in volume and represents a controllable expansive force derived from an incombustible propellant or fuel.

In 1917, John Andrew demonstrated this to the United States Department of the Navy. Accused of being a fraud by the investigating commission, he put a few drops of a crystal-clear concentrate into ten litres of both freshwater and seawater and challenged the investigators to test the mixture in an internal combustion engine. Boiling with indignation, he then left the test laboratory. When the test motor started, the significance of this ideal source of power became quite apparent. A subsequent search for the inventor found him murdered in his living room. So the discovery which that atomic wizard, John Worrell Keely, had made prior to John Andrew was lost for the second time. Having been derided and scorned all his life, Keely took his secret to the grave destroying his hydro-pneumatic vacuum-pulsation machine before he died in 1898. With this machine he repeatedly produced a cold vapour which was triggered by a pressure of 35,000 kg/cm3 (1,262,295 lbs/in3). Such a force relegates all petroleum fuels into obscurity.7

Systems of motion in use everywhere today produce over-acidification, leading to the formation of products of emulsion that function in exactly the opposite way. Fatty concentrates become bound by oxygen at temperatures above +40°C (+104°F). Extreme pressure or an igniting spark will then cause combustion. This concentrate of fatty matter is used as a fuel to produce the incalculably harmful explosions currently taking place in petrol and diesel engines.

It has been known for some time in medical circles that all bodily organs and their secretions carry opposite charges to those created in the process above. This opposite charge gives rise to oscillations which create differences in potential, leading to the generation of unknown kinetic energies. It is possible to initiate various kinds of motion through bipolar interactions. In contrast, different kinetic energies can also trigger pulsations in which the osmotic, insuctional force exceeds the counterforce of pressure. This results in a molecular evolution and an increase in the performance of qualigen-deficient and therefore over-fatigued blood and sap vessels.

On the other hand, if techno-academic pressure and heat-intensifying mass-motion is employed, then exactly the opposite interaction between charged substances results. The insuctional force is weakened and the atomic pressural force increases, leading to sclerotic deposits on the walls of blood (and sap) vessels, which harden and stiffen those affected. This is cumulative, ultimately resulting in an apoplectic fit or a stroke due to the rupture of the encrusted vessel’s walls. Similar stiffening also happens when mature corn is flattened by a downpour and the soaked stalks are irradiated by the Sun immediately afterwards. Very strong oxidation then follows in the cornstalks, which promotes the formation of crystalline structures. As a result they are no longer able to stand up again and begin to decay. Health or sickness therefore depend on the right type of interaction between the bipolar ethericities involved.

In other words, this means that survival or extinction is dependent on the regulation of electromagnetic interactions. For this reason the blood of the Earth — water — will also deteriorate and die if it is over-illuminated, over-warmed or moved in a predominantly centrifugal and pressure-intensifying way. This happens in every regulated waterway and artificial reservoir. The water then loses its carrying capacity and tractive force,8 becomes tired, sluggish and sinks back into the ground. Moreover, if it is impelled through high-speed water-turbines, excessively strong pressures evolve, whose rapid, internal pressure-inducing pulsations rob the groundwater of its soul. For the first time this explains why the present sinking of the water table is so apparently unstoppable. The deep, submerged springs in a lake will also be blocked if too much water is drawn off at too great a depth, thus removing the +4°C (+39·2°F) water stratum in which detritus is normally held in suspension. This weakens the filtering action of the water strata lying immediately above.

Distinguishing a genuine emulsion from one created by ultrasound

How can a product of emulsion resulting from an intermixture created by ultrasound be distinguished from a genuine emulsion in which a fatty concentrate binds oxygen that has become inactive? The vibrators currently in use can produce an emulsion or water intermixture with about 600,000 extremely finely dispersed molecules of fat. However, a genuine emulsion or fusion of these antitheses is not possible under such conditions. The swaying branches of a mother-tree provide a naturalesque9 example of how true emulsions can be effected. With her fluttering leaves and waving branches, the mother-tree diffuses her oxygen and makes this now high-grade nutritive material available to young saplings beneath, which can absorb it only in this state. This higher-grade product of emulsion is also created when a trout sucks in water containing high-quality basic substances. Emulsifying these basic substances with the aid of its gill system, it uses them to sustain life. The expelled residues of this intermixture of diffused matter migrate upstream against the oncoming water, and as upsuctional energies maintain the fish’s labile station in what is the stream’s biomagnetic longitudinal axis. The fish will suffocate immediately while still on the hook if it is allowed to drift downstream at the same speed as the current.

The same thing happens if a young shade-loving tree (fir, oak, etc.) is suddenly exposed to direct light. Excessively strong pressure-inducing pulsations in the sap ducts result in another case of suffocation here too, because the young tree can only absorb filtered ethericities through diffusion. This explains the proliferation of protective branches on the exposed trunk of a shade-demanding tree, which can only begin to grow healthily again once its root system and the lower part of the trunk are again in shade. Pith-rot is due to the effect of unfiltered solar radiation and it already develops in such trees when they are a suitable age for making poles. Modern plantation methods therefore do not provide young trees with the preconditions to thrive and for genetically sound growth.