The king of the Andes - Delly - E-Book

The king of the Andes E-Book


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To avenge yourself the injustices you witness every day, to claim the right to judge and punish those who are guilty of these injustices, this is the goal that Don Miguel, nicknamed The king of the Andes, has set himself. No one can weaken his decisions or ease his rigours... until the day he sees Ines again, who is participating in a dangerous expedition to Peru where she risks her life. Will love change the character of this hard, cruel, ruthless man? However, Ines wondered if her happiness was close to him, if she did not run to the bitterest disappointment by trying, against his will, to convince him to devote his time to more noble tasks.

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The king of the Andes

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The king of the Andes


First part

The Brothers of justice


- Why you press you so much, dear sister Jeanne? You're out of breath, you will be able arriving.

- Mother Superior me well recommended to get home before dark, miss Ines. And see, the day is already. But I had great races today, we found delayed.

- Mother Superior will not scold, since it is not our fault, Sister Jeanne. And it is so good tonight!

In pronouncing these words, Ines opened wide to her delicate nostrils to better suck the crisp air and dry from the end of the afternoon of February.

They were in one of the most peaceful areas of Paris. The street they had just taken like that of a quiet provincial town, with its large old houses of bourgeois appearance and absolute tranquility that reigned, broken only occasionally by a passing car and few pedestrians.

Currently, the nun and her companion were alone there and, although it still did very day, it was not to please Sister Jeanne, which naturally pusillanimous spirit was also haunted by terror bad boys because the echo of their exploits sometimes crossed the convent walls.

But Ines did not think of it. Quite simply, she enjoyed the pleasure of the walk with good extern, this small diversion to the peaceful existence of the convent where sometimes, despite his affection for good mothers, she felt the sadness flashes rise in it , a bit of nostalgia tighten it to heart.

For she had been accustomed to fresh air and freedom of the countryside, the small Ines. Orphaned very early, she had been with a younger brother, by his maternal grandfather, a serious and good man, who was much loved and had instilled strong religious principles, at the same time that he taught her to cultivate a keen intelligence, very open. They lived in the countryside in Normandy, in a large house to farm paces. Mr. of Nardières dealt to defend its land, and he began to introduce her granddaughter to the science of a good farmer. But two years ago he had died suddenly, returning from a trip to Britain. Ines had thought she could survive this beloved grandfather!

The tests began for poor children so happy before. A distant cousin of their father asked and obtained their tutelage. This man, hitherto unknown to them and inspired at first sight Ines an instinctive antipathy, began in Paris pension young Jacques and brought to the monastery, to finish his education, Ines that would have sixteen years. It was the first time the brother and sister were separated well and as they loved each other dearly, the pain was deep, so deep that it had not diminished and that their few days of meeting were to them unparalleled joy, well short, alas!

At the convent, mistresses and pupils cherished Ines, delicately good and considerate, very simple, very modest and endowed with the most charming character. Her beauty, which increased as it became girl, was no stranger to the charm she exercised. Ines had a delicious face framed by delicately rosy soft and beautiful hair a golden brown, and dark eyes, she was holding a Spanish grandmother, were the finest that could see.

But she did not draw vanity of these physical gifts, which included its serious nature fragility, and were moreover, in its position orphan, a cause of serious trouble and a real hindrance. So Sister Jeanne had to give up to take him shopping when the driving in a somewhat lively because we turned constantly on its way, what bothered the strong one and the other.

Also Ines she loved this neighborhood and it would it willingly lingered if she was afraid of offending the good Mother Superior.

They came at the turn of the street. On the floor, near the sidewalk, a small crouching boy picking up books and notebooks escaped from an old briefcase ... And suddenly, without his having heard, no doubt, uncorked the cross street a car launched high speed...

Ines saw it a glance. In a second she was on the child and seized him just when the car turning the corner of the street, would pass on him.

Carried away by his movement, she staggered and fell backwards, taking the child pressed against it.

The car had stopped. The door was quickly opened; a young man, wrapped in a great cloak, jumped down and rushed to Ines, who also happened near sister Jeanne trembling.

- You have touched neither one nor the other? asked the stranger in an anxious voice, leaning toward the girl and the child.

- Miss Ines ... oh! my dear, are you hurt? exclaimed in turn sister Jeanne.

Ines smiled reassuringly.

- No, dear sister, I have nothing, absolutely nothing ... And the little either ... Is not it cute?

With a quick gesture, the stranger took the child who looked completely bewildered, put on the feet and then, bowing to Ines, he respectfully asked:

- Will you accept my assistance to meet you, miss?

Very simply, she put her hands in those he offered her and stood up. But the reaction occurring suddenly she became pale and trembled.

- It would take a lead. Sister, will you allow me to drive you home, near here, where Miss will recover after this jerk?

Sister Jeanne looked up startled at his interlocutor. She saw a beautiful face amber like a Spaniard, in the elegant brown mustache; she met the eyes of a dark blue, marked by an extraordinary power of domination she faltered greatly troubled mind in disarray:

- If ... if you want, sir.

But Ines, taking possession of herself, protested:

- No, it's useless! It will be nothing at all, I'll be put in an instant.

- As you wish, miss. But in any case, my car will drive you to your home ... Oh! for that, I do not accept rejection, he added in a tone at once friendly and imperative. In this happened, there is the fault of my driver, I have to repair as much as possible.

Ines, including that she could refuse more and feeling well besides its slightly deflectable legs could carry away, took the arm he offered her to advance to the car. He helped her up there, and Sister Jeanne repeated the driver the address given him by the attendant. Then he bowed and said:

- Please accept my regrets yet, miss, and also allow me to tell you how much I admire your courageous move that saved the life of that child.

She blushed and whispered:

- Oh ! truly, sir, I do not deserve it, because this movement was so instinctive!

- Which proves that you are a naturally courageous and kind soul, retorted abroad.

He bowed again and, with a brief "Come on, Jim! "Thrown to the driver, the car pulled away.

- Lord! what an adventure ! exclaimed Sister Jeanne raising his hands to heaven.

Ines did not answer. She felt suddenly very tired and curled up on the soft cushions which exhaled a delicate perfume of exotic species. A wave drowsiness seized her and, as through a mist, she saw the elegant stranger's silhouette, her eyes beautiful and proud, she thought still hear her warm voice, the strangely charming, enveloping tone although very compelling.

The young man, he immediately starting the car, had put in the hand of a kid stunned gold piece, saying:

- Task again play outside on the pavement, little fool!

Then he walked away with a quick, flexible not. In a quarter of an hour, they reached an old aristocratic hotel appearance. Without that it would have sounded, the door opened. He went under the vault and asked the servant in black livery standing there:

- Joaquino not happened yet?

- No, monsieur.

The stranger entered a hall decorated with beautiful tapestries and old, and from there, in a living room furnished with a very artistic luxury, with the safest taste.

A tapestry was raised; a man appeared and walked, apparently slipping on the thick carpet covering the floor. He was a middle-aged, small, olive complexion, with very bright black eyes, and was wearing a rich Peruvian costume.

- A letter from there, señor, he said, presenting the count a gilt tray.

He spoke Spanish. The young man replied in the same language:

- Well, everything continues to go well, I'm sure. Joaquino slow much for this information, it seems to me?

- We must act carefully to not give the alarm, señor.

- I know, however, that your brother will be for the better. Here, rid me of this, Diego.

He took off his coat and handed it to the Peruvian who took it and won. Then he lay half on a chair and crossing his legs, proceeded to light a cigarette chosen in a small box of chased gold placed near him on a table.

Almost immediately, the door is lifted again, the voice of Diego announced:

- Joaquino is here, señor.

- Let him come.

The man who appeared seemed a living copy of Diego. But it was a very simple European grated strong suit.

- Approach, Joaquino! said the young man saw that he remained near the door, respectfully inclined.

The man obeyed. Bowing deeply, he pressed his lips to the hand that held out the young count with the ease of a man accustomed to receive such honor.

- Well ! are you new?

- I'm pretty aware of their projects, señor.

- Very well ! Sit there and do your report.

Joaquino slipped modestly on a small stool and began:

- First, señor, we have ascertained that this Blangard preparing an expedition there.

- Oh ! this certainty, I had! The time the stolen documents had fallen into the hands of a man of his kind, it was inevitable that he should seek to discover this fabulous treasure ... It is always dry, de Blangard despite his huge parliamentary allowance ! added the young man with a wry laugh.

- This expedition is officially put under the cover of a scientific mission to study the mineral wealth of the Andes and to seek ways to exploit the Santa Rosa mine.

- Mission subsidized by the French government. The estimable member think that there are no small profits ... After?

- It will leave by mid-April. Blangard, or rather his son, who is even less than he solicits now some unscrupulous people to form a small escort, because they heard that the mountain, to the point where they go, is at the discretion the troupe of the famous king of the Andes, the great Condor, the lord of the mountain ...

- Etc., etc., interrupted the count with an amused smile lessened one second expression a little hard of his face. Ah! they will have an escort these good people! A scoundrel escort worthy of them ... Then?

- Then, señor, they decided to go all ...

- How all?

- Yes, father, son, daughter ... and, furthermore, they take their pupils, Don Alfonso's heirs.

- There must be some ugly design under there, the young man said casually leaning to shake the ash from his cigarette. But they arrange together, that is their business ... That's it?

- That's all for now, señor. But we monitor closely.

- All right, you can remove you now, Joaquino, and you rest.

- My rest is to serve our beloved ringleader1Muttered the man covering the count with a look of tenderness.

The young man smiled.

- I know, Joaquino. You and your brother are my most faithful, for whom I have no secrets ... will now, mi amigo, and tell Diego to prepare my outfit of the evening, because I dine out today ... we argue that beautiful Count of Roche-Gléon! added the young man with a mocking smile amused.

When Joaquino had disappeared, the count remained pensive a long time, shooting slow puffs of his cigarette. With a mechanical gesture, fine hand struck the small ebony table placed near him.

- It is really delicious! murmured it suddenly.

But immediately he shrugged impatiently.

- Foolishness ! I have other things to do than to dream of beautiful eyes ... The fight will begin. Good! The existence became monotonous, my brave need to have a little fun ... Let's see what this excellent Pelitto said.

And unsealing the letter made just now by Joaquino, he quickly glanced.

- Well, nothing new, calm ... The news I bring them will fill them with joy, the brave boys! And, for me, it will be a pleasure of the gods to give a green lesson that big sated Blangard who dons the socialist label and, if I let him permission to reach the treasure to keep well, the good apostle, to give them to his fellow proletarians.



Anatole Blangard, the radical socialist MP, belonged to a family of old nobility of Poitou. He was raised a Christian and had professed moderate Republicanism up to his thirtieth year. But devoured by ambition, always short of money to pay for his pleasures, he was then informed that he would be much better for him to take another route, given the new wind blowing over France . Overnight, he poured in pure radicalism. With marvelous promises to naive voters, he succeeded to forty-five years, to be appointed deputy. At that time, he had progressed further and professed opinions more advanced than ever. As rode the wave of anti-clericalism and socialism, Anatole Blangard was a step forward!

His wife, a gentle creature erased, very pious, had died of the grief caused him new views of her husband. He was not married and lived with her two children, Maxence and Edmee high by modern principles dear to his heart. His family remained faithful to his religious beliefs and ancient traditions of order and honor, had completely broken with him, and in spite of scholarly and hypocritical maneuvers, he had recently seen the legacy of his uncles escape. In a rage, he threw himself more furiously than ever to assault the old fortress of clericalism, and he who, in parliamentary sessions, used when making a speech, to see colleagues from right to left and center fall into a mild drowsiness,

In a word, Anatole Blangard was the type of average intelligence pushy, shrinking from no compromise, trampling honor and conscience to satisfy his ambition and appetites, and making shameless servant of all trades the politician most prominent, the most powerful, to get back many kindnesses.

... Now this morning, this estimable character, rather than extended sprawled in one of the plush chairs of his luxurious study, chewing a cigar and listening to his son sitting in front of him and discoursed with gestures in support .

Both were similar, although the father over the years, had taken a rather exaggerated overweight and too ruddy complexion indicating a particular affection for alcohol, while the son, well built, had a pale complexion, testifying that if he did not lose his health, he left her in nightclubs in fashion and in gambling dens.

Maxence spoke with some animation and, on the broad face of the deputy, bloomed a smile of contentment.

- Well, I think it will work! From the moment Puchet wants to get involved ...

- Mingling of what? said a female voice.

Pushing an open door, a young girl came in, a tall, thin person's face paled tired of mundane, hard and bold gray eyes.

- Ah! there you are, Edmee! said the deputy. You arrived well, we were talking about our famous expedition ... Maxentius decided Puchet, it found us some good boys who will not be upset to go out there to win a small fortune.

- Oh ! if Puchet is involved, we will have the right, indeed ... the socialist-anarchist cream! sneered the girl. But are you quite determined to take Ines and Jacques?

- I believe you, my dear! exclaimed Maxence. I explained exactly just father time it was necessary. First, I can at my ease circumvent Ines during the trip, so it was not the idea to say no when the treasure found, I will ask her to be my wife. Second, she and her brother know Spanish, which will be very useful. Third, during an expedition in this fierce Cordillera, an accident is soon arrived at a turbulent and reckless kid as Jacques, do you understand?

A cynical smile half opened lips of Maxentius, showing his sharp teeth like those of a carnivore.

Despite their total lack of scruples, the father and daughter could not restrain a slight protest.

- Maxence, does it seem to you absolutely necessary? Anatole whispered.

- How, if necessary? Did you want to share with him?

- The gold deposit is so rich, it seems!

- Good, it never will be too much for us! Think of all the pleasures that we provide, to the power that will be ours! And we must not forget that not only we will pay handsomely this vampire Puchet, but make allowances for our companions, and they will be demanding, you can believe! It is true that once there we can perhaps see ... hum! to remove all or part gently to better liquidate the accounts.

- Really, you're not partageux, my dear brother! Edmee quipped. You practice socialism in the ... Finally, arrange it as you want, for them as for Jacques, do not false sentimentality, it's stupid, that spoils life. As you say, we have never too much gold to give us a good time ... I leave you now, Ines and Jacques must have arrived. Agreed, it announced today their journey?

- Yes, ad, ad! They'll be delighted, of course! Children!

For Anatole Blangard was the parent and guardian of Ines and Jacques de Brévys. In order that no one knew, he had managed to replace the guardian appointed by the grandfather of the two children, uncle to their mother, man weak and greedy, who had yielded to the large sum offered by the MP and promises extraordinary progress for his son, a young magistrate. The fierce anticlerical had yet dared to override the will formally expressed by the deceased in his will to see his grandchildren raised in religious homes, but he had formed the plan of the "abet" later and to be emulated his own children.

Today was the day of discharge of Ines and Jacques. As Maxence and Edmee, nor their father would have wanted to disturb their young parents, they were usually assigned, finished lunch at a maid who led them, at their request, to a museum or when the weather was fine, Luxembourg or the Tuileries.

Apart from the pleasure of seeing his brother, the monthly outings were a real test for Ines. Everything in this family crumpling his convictions, his very distinguished education, his delicacy of soul. Edmee railed unceremoniously from its Christian habits and his reserved manners. M. Blangard always had some anticlerical tirades out for the occasion, and Maxentius, while trying to make the right apostle and monitor the conversation, leaving too often, too, break the tip of the ear.

Ines especially feared for Jacques influence of this family. Fortunately, the child was a frank nature, open, endowed with high instincts, and his sister had not realized that he would have felt far from unpleasant attacks of this example.

They were there both in the luxurious lounge MP, pending the deign to notice their presence. They knew they were here a very negligible amount. But they cared little for and would want one thing: to be left alone all day, and put it at the moment Jacques to his sister in coaxingly leaning her fair head on the shoulder of the girl.

But Edmee entered gale and Ines gave a vigorous handshake.

- Good news, dear! Imagine that in two months we will make a trip and we take you!

- Vein, then! cried Jacques, snapping his fingers, while his sister Edmee gazed in amazement. Where do we go, cousin?

- Guess !

- It's in France ?

- No, not even in Europe ... You see me to help you!

- In Africa, then?

- No.

- In America ?

- You're there. But America is great, and it comes to finding the right place.

- In Patagonia, perhaps?

- You burn!

- Not possible ! That far! ... In Peru?

- There, that's it!

- What we will do there? Jacques exclaimed, opening his eyes.

- Government support my father to lead there a scientific mission and at the same time, I admit, it must take care of some trade and political negotiations. But this is a secret, you know? ... Only father thought Maxence and I would have great pleasure to make this trip with him ... Then he also thought of you two who once said that you loved so much travel!

- If I like ... It's a dream that you advertise there, cousin Edmee ... Peru ... What luck!!!

And the impetuous boy began to run a wild jig that made laughing his cousin hint of good humor today.

Ines did not laugh it. Stunned at first, she soon regained her presence of mind and instinctively sought immediately what interest their parents to take them. If she was young and inexperienced and although she knew them very little. However, she understood that with them the most intense selfishness reigned supreme; So it would have been too naive of him to believe that Anatole cousin had been intended, taking them, provide them a pleasure.

But what was this hidden reason?

- Say, Ines, you do not have the strong enthusiastic air? exclaimed suddenly Edmee. It does not please you, this trip?

- It's far away, coolly Ines.

- wet hen! Listening to you, one would have thought that you would go to the end of the world, and then, for a poor little excursion in Peru miss back!

- No, she does not back! Jacques said, rushing to her sister and typing hands him. It will be very happy, on the contrary! ... Say, Ines darling, you'll be pleased?

- If you're above all, my boy, she said, looking fondly fine and gay face with bright eyes who was leaning toward her.

Edmee caught a small chuckle. In Blangard, family affection was considered a horrible feeling old game, and it was not uncommon to hear the brother and sister, even the father and children share the worst insults.

At lunch, Mr. Blangard of Maxentius and also spoke of the journey, so that Jacques found himself completely packed, while her sister remained ice, trying to be polite, take a look of interest.

- You'll see, Ines, we'll make a fortune there! cried Jacques enthusiastically. Peru, the land of gold! We shall find perhaps!

- Who knows ? Maxence said with a smirk. And what thou shalt make thy gold, kid?

- First, I would plant where the pension and I would go to me there, in Normandy, in our Rivaldière. I would of culture as grandpa and then I would travel ... and I would give a lot of money to the poor, because I do not like to see unhappy people around me.

He and his children were the same mocking smile.

- Is it funny little with his philanthropic ideas! exclaimed Edmee. What I see most clearly is that it would be a shame that you may be rich, because you can not take advantage of your fortune.

- But if I would take advantage very well, as I tell you ... What do you want me to do otherwise?

- You have fun, of course! Maxentius retorted.

Jacques opened his eyes.

- But you can not have fun all the time! You have to do useful things, and was told in college ...

Maxence interrupted him with a sardonic laugh.

- Let's not go out the nonsense of your clerical teachers, brat! It does not take here. Listen rather what I tell you: we must seek first his pleasure in life, even while treading under foot ...

He stopped seeing attach to him two eyes outraged.

- I would be obliged not to issue before this child of such theories! said the voice of Ines, vibrant and firm.

Maxence violently bit her lip. But Edmee exclaimed with mock irritation:

- Oh that ! here's a wench! Be quiet, silly, and let Maxence light, according to the true principles, this brain stupefied by the priests.

Ines stood up proudly erect head:

- We can not stay a moment longer at the table where we insult our beloved beliefs. Come on, Jacques.

They went out both of the room. M. Blangard, turned scarlet, suddenly stood up:

- Wait, I'll shake you as you deserve, fanatical, bigoted ...!

But the hand of his son held him violently.

- Leave her alone ! himself he hissed in her ear. She is exasperated, it's not worth the climb further against us. I'm going to have to apologize now she does not want me too! But it will pay me all this when she's my wife.

- I wonder why you do not plan for it as an accident during the trip? Edmee whispered as breath. It would save you the trouble of the kind ...

- But not at all. I like it a lot, this small ... and my self-esteem will be extremely flattered by her beauty, especially when I can surround a setting worthy of it.

- And then admit that you have a little sense strand there? sneered Edmee hitting the side of his heart.

He shrugged his shoulders and murmured sarcastically:

- Bah! Is it exists here, this organ there?

- Talk about accident Edmee ... That would be nice, said the deputy whispered. We are not his direct heirs and no will, as long as someone was aware before, of Mr. Nardières, the content of the document ... hum! this maybe would not go alone for us! A marriage arranges everything, putting us safe unfortunate eventualities.

- Yes ... Well, I have to resign myself to this young sister-foolish, with the hope that you will know the turn, Maxentius.

- Count on me, 'he said with an evil glint in his pale eyes.


Dusk was falling over Paris. The stores were lit one by one, the lamps were lit ... and all these lights pierced with sorrow small dense fog and ice produced by a light mist.

On the Avenue du Maine, almost completely deserted, a man walked an unsteady step which seemed too copious libations. He was tall, skinny as a beanpole, dressed as a barrier trainer. A shaggy beard, very black, his face partly covered with roughly hewn features.

Conversely came a thin little man who wore a bourgeois grated strong suit. He walked as if absorbed in deep thought. And the drunk who just made a very pronounced lurch when he passed him, there was a bit rude shock.

A drunken voice let out an expletive.

- You can not pay attention, dirty bourgeois!

- But say, sir, it seems to me ...

- Hey, you, do you close it? You know, Bibi is not bad, but not rap him on the noggin.

With these words, the drunk grabbed with both hands the neck of the petty bourgeois who struggled and drew her head against his chest.

- Tonight I am getting hired by Puchet to the little band of Blangard, he whispered.

Then the shaking importance, he dropped it with a big laugh and walked away from drunken even staggering.

The petty bourgeois stood there for a moment as bewildered. Then he started walking hurriedly man who still feared such a mishap.

- There you well shaken chips, right? snidely said a worker who arrived hands in pockets and had not hastened not to intervene.

- It is a miserable and, if I could see a police officer ... said the little bourgeois tone choked with anger.

The other laughed.

- Ah! ouiche, agents! You do not know, middle class citizen, they have been busy all afternoon around a convent of nuns that expelled? They have better things to do than come defend you, sort of pretending ... And the comrade nicely done well to give you a lesson!

The bourgeois thought probably prudent not to continue the interview, because without replying, went his way, followed by the mocking sneer of the worker.

He walked quickly and in a short time, he reached the Rue de Rennes. He urged them not a loafer and stopped in front of a candy store. He seemed to absorb long in contemplation of favor boxes, elegant bags, fine china cups ...

- The brothers work for justice, said suddenly a voice near him.

Without moving, he uttered these words lip:

- And for the all-powerful master.

A man was now standing by his side, a young man of fine appearance, very properly dressed and having the appearance of a home. He also seemed to consider carefully the elegant display ... But he spoke very low:

- Few new thing ... They definitely take their pupils ... The son wants to marry the girl, and is projected to cause a fatal accident to get rid of the brother. The scientist mineralogist Hamelette will be part of the expedition. But I do not know yet how many men will comprise the cast.

- Try to get there. The master likes to be well informed.

- I will do my best. Now I could get to break through the wall of the office of the boss, I am aware of many things. And hold, slowly extend the hand, I'll slip you a paper which seemed to me quite compromising for the Blangard. The teacher may find to use.

- Give. He may wish not to use it because it sometimes has specific ideas. But, finally, he will at its option ... Leave now, Cleavers, and continues to work for "him".

The man went away and a few seconds later, the petty bourgeois also disappeared in the turmoil of the crowd.

The drunk, he kept advancing, swaying to it, and there, whistling a monotonous refrain. He found himself in a short time in Montrouge and, having donned a narrow street, stopped at a storefront Mastroquet.

- There you are, Pigot? said a little pale and dirty beard who was talking to a tall shaggy. You come too early, "he" did not happen.

- Let us always, we'll drink in the meantime, the drunk replied.

They went inside, where men looking like dodgy drank and played around dirty tables. The boss, a kind of barrel topped with a head shaped like a pear, launched their counter:

- Enter next!

- And let us bring to drink, said the hoarse voice Pigot.

They entered a small dirty room stinking with hints of wormwood, tobacco and landlady kitchen.

Pigot slumped on a bench, saying:

- I am thirsty !

- What sponge! sneered the little bearded! You're not smart to put you in this state today, old brother. Puchet not want to work a drinker of your kind.

- To work ! More often that I will work! Puchet knows us, it's a good move safely he will propose, you'll see, Luret.

- I have idea ... also advanced the shaggy fellow who seemed silent mood.

- I hope ... otherwise, if it is to churn, it will not work! It is not for nothing that began strikers in the boonies and that is the socialos, pure! But Puchet knows that, as you say, Pigot, and surely it is good that we will propose.

- Puchet ... he's lucky, said the thick voice of Pigot. He receives the wafer from the CGT and it is time to walk around.

- Still he works for the proletariat ...

The new entrants were interrupted Luret.

They were two, including a young man with thick red hair, face covered in freckles, the bold and mocking look of boyish Paris.

- Look! you too, Marbles! Luret exclaimed at the sight of it. Wherever you go then?

- I was sick all winter ... chest, told me the doctor. As I was leaving the hospital, I met Puchet citizen showed me a lot of interest and hired me to come here where he would, he said, a proposal to make me something ... which would bring me big, so I could heal after me at my ease, like the bourgeois.

- Huh! What did I say ? cried Luret whose eyes shone with lust. Y knows us Puchet is a guy who knows what we are worth ...

- Yes, yes, Luret comrade, and I'm fine prove it! said softly.

The door had opened again, quietly, giving passage to a small thin man with thin clean-shaven, with gray eyes both acute and mild sheltered behind glasses.

- Hello, citizen Puchet! said the others in chorus.

He shook hands and sat down among them.

A boy brought glasses and absinthe. Then he disappeared, and a sign of the newcomer, the young man called Bille went ensure that the door was closed.

- Now, comrades, quickly come to the point! Puchet said, leaning comfortably on the table. I'm in a hurry tonight, because of a meeting at the Labor Exchange ... Listen carefully and try to understand ... especially you, Pigot, who hast appeared to have a plume a little too hard.

- Do not mind, citizen, it does not takes away my means, on the contrary!

A big laugh and shook the other's thin lips Puchet sketched a smile.

- Yes, I know you're always solid, and we do not ask you to have a higher intelligence. Provided that you are faithful and you know banging farm at the right time.

- Bump, that knows me! said the drunken man extending his muscular arms that ended enormous fists. It is on the citizens need to type, citizen Puchet?

- No ... Try to shut up and open your ears, all ... Blangard, MP ...

- A kind of joker who always promises a lot of reforms we do not see even the tail of an interrupted Luret.

- What ! it is like the others! said philosophically young Bille.

Puchet furrowed his pale eyebrows.

- Close it and let me talk! Blangard is set by the government at the head of a scientific mission to study the mineralogy of the Andes ...

- From what? Luquet said.

- The Andes ... These are mountains of Peru ...

- Peru ... Where what is gold?

- There's been especially. Today, the vein is low. So, the mission will study the mineralogy of this mountain range and at the same time see if it would be possible to exploit a copper mine whose plight was pushed back until engineers and workers.

On the same movement, Pigot, Luret and another individual came along Bille - a tall blond air sneaky - stood up on their bench.

- Ah! but, tell, that is there to work, to the mines, you want to hire us?

A sardonic phrase passed into the soft eyes of pale Puchet.

- Come on, do you take me for a fool? I continue ... Blangard, as you know, is an engineer by profession.

- It is said that it is not safe, walked the man with the bushy beard.

- Milochon for once you speak, we should see not to get silly. Blangard is stronger than another, only there is no drums, as many ... So it is he, as an engineer, who will lead the expedition. You, you will be expected to be emigrants, future miners. In reality, you are destined to form a small well-armed band that we strengthen there with locals. The Cordillera is not safe for several years, particularly at the point where must go the expedition, she is plagued by a gang of bandits.

All but Bille, made a face.

- Thank you very much fun! There is a danger to leave her skin, then? Luret said.

- Well ! Is that you do not risk anything when you're going to manifest when a strike? ... And if we pay you for it is after all a very small amount, which is hardly worth the trouble you to run the chance of having a bullet in the skull, like poor Duret, during the last strike of electricians. While Blangard offers first everyone - all expenses paid travel and food - three thousand francs payable to your expedition's return.

- Three thousand ! It's nice, it says Luret

- Nice, yes, leaned Pigot who thought gloomily at his glass already empty.