The Magic Power of Your Mind - Walter M. Germain - E-Book

The Magic Power of Your Mind E-Book

Walter M. Germain

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The Magic Power of Your Mind

Walter M. Germain




How To Remake Your Life: An Introduction

“If only I had my life to live over again!”

Have you ever thought that? Have you ever found your­self dissatisfied with what you have made of your life? Have you ever wondered if anything could be done about it?

You are certainly not alone in your wondering. The desire to try to make a life over again is universal. Most people, however, think that the question “Can a life be made over?” is purely a rhetorical one.

Actually it is not.

You can remake your life. The secret is the magic power of your mind.

Within the pages that follow you will find just what that magic is. You will discover your brain and learn how to use it. You will discover the power of suggestion.

You will have your eyes opened at the wonders of your Supraconscious and your Supersense.

There is a great storehouse of memory in your brain. You have to draw upon it in remaking your life. You will be shown how to do this. And you will learn the truth of the theory of “mind over matter.”

Your mind controls all the matter of your body. And you, with complete control over your mind, have within your very grasp complete control over your body. The ramifica­tions of this are obvious.

An entirely new life is open to you. And, best of all, you will learn the secret of living longer .so that you can attain the fullest enjoyment out of your new life.

You will learn of the great powers that prayer and faith hold for you. You will acquire the ability to be happy, to make happiness and to use happiness for your own advantage.

All these “hidden powers” of the brain are a magic key to helping you live your life over again. This magic is the source of health, of happiness, of longevity, of success, of anything you want out of life.

This magic power of your brain is within the grasp of your understanding and the reach of your powers. It is no abraca­dabra; it is no mumbo jumbo. It is pure, solid, scientific fact. It is proven knowledge which man has had available for gen­erations but, more often than not, has failed to use.

The magic power of your mind lies within that portion called the Supraconscious. The Supraconscious level of the mind is the greatest wonder of nature. It is a vast memory machine; it is a powerful controlling unit; it is the segment of man’s body that automatically “runs” the human engine.

In comparison with the conscious level of the mind—that portion of your brain with which you think and consciously control your actions—it is massive, for it embodies the think­ing processes of all time and of all men.

It is a powerful, superior, “upper level” thinking machine. It is “above” and “beyond” anything that man has realized heretofore. It is truly the Supraconscious.

The Supraconscious, the communicator with the “collec­tive unconscious,” as psychologist Carl Jung termed it, is the possessor of man’s “hidden power.” It is the means by which you can become consciously creative through employing the heretofore unused faculties of your mind. It is the means through which you can reach the solution to individual prob­lems ordinarily unattainable by conventional mental processes.

The wise Greek philosopher Socrates admonished: “Know thyself!”

When you know as much about your own human organism as you do about the car you drive, you will discover the truth of what people have termed “miracles.” These “miracles” are nothing more than a natural product of natural law.

Natural law is yours to use, and its natural products are yours to create. The power of miracles is within YOU.

Your emotions, not your intelligence, rule your behavior.

This is the magic of using your Supraconscious.

“Habit, not reason, governs the lives of most people,” wrote Dr. Walter Coutu in The Criminal Personality. Knowing this, you will understand better how the human organism works. You will understand why human conduct is the re­sponse to varied stimuli.

“If you would care to understand human behavior,” Dr. Coutu said, “investigate the stimuli which produce it.”

You would not have an idea, a hope, a fear or a desire without the stimulus to bring such a reaction. You would not get hungry or thirsty or angry; you would not want to go fishing; you would not get an impulse to steal; nothing is possible unless there is the “push”—the stimulus.

And emotions play the leading role in offering you these stimuli. Writing in How to Live 365 Days a Year, Dr. John A. Schindler says that “your emotions affect a group of organs in your body called the endocrine glands even more than they affect your nervous system. These glands govern and regulate body functions.

“When the glands are activated by such depressing emo­tions as defeat, futility and discouragement, their production of hormones is changed and this can cause a great many ailments.”

These depressing emotions which you experience are negativisms. Their natural enemies are your positive thoughts.

The positive thinking done by one eighty-year-old man shows distinctly that you do have your life to live over again —if you truly desire it.

This man died under the wheels of a truck which struck him down as he was crossing a street/ When an autopsy was performed, pathologists found that the man’s lungs were scarred with healed tuberculosis lesions. His stomach showed signs of long-forgotten ulcers. His arteries were hardened. His kidneys were damaged.

Yet his widow said he’d always believed he would feel better the next day.

This man had not fretted about aches and pains that would have made invalids out of others.

“Unpleasant emotions get you down,” Dr. Schindler writes. “They often can make you sick.

“Pleasant emotions often can make you well—and keep you well.”

You must fight fire with fire. You must fight “bad” emo­tion with “good” emotion.

Learn the emotion of love.

Learn to love God and your fellow man.

And above all, know thyself!

The means to this knowledge is yours to discover, yours to use, yours to benefit by. It is all in the following pages.

Go, then, and learn!

Learn of happiness, learn of health, learn of wisdom, learn of power.

Learn of living life as it should be lived.

Learn to live so that you can live your life over again.

Go, then, and learn—and LIVE!

Chapter 1

The Magic In Your Mind

Man is the most miraculous of all the living things on this earth!

Yet despite this undeniable fact, you have powers within you that you have not utilized.

You have within you the power to do anything you de­sire. You have the power to change your life so that you can accomplish all the things you want of it.

You are the owner of a power that, when you begin to use it, will open up the road to happiness and health, to wealth and long life.

Yes, you as a member of the human race are a part of that God-given miracle: man.

While all other living creatures have risen to heights of “adaptation to environment” in order to survive, your ances­tors outstripped this mode of living.

Man has conquered his environment. More than that—man has continued to seek conquests as he discovers and utilizes the mysteries of life.

You can make these discoveries and utilize these powers. These are powers which are vast—far vaster than you realize at this moment. And before you are through reading these pages you will see how great they are and how easily they are to be tapped for your advantage.

So miraculous is this thing called man that—despite his great development as we have been able to trace it in history—he has hardly scratched the surface of his own abilities.

Were we to draw a picture of comparison, it might be fair to say that man has penetrated no deeper into himself than the depth of his own skin. Beneath, and yet to come, lie many things: the “flesh,” the “bones” and, finally the “heart” of the matter.

The miracle that is man is no less a miracle than that of the mysterious setting in which he is found—the universe. The resources that man possesses are as untapped as the un­known resources of the universe.

Don’t let the picture get out of hand. When you think of the resources of the universe, you conjure up a picture of things far beyond the ability of man’s powers so far.

But the resources of man are near at hand. They are within himself.

That self is YOU.

Your resources are yours alojie to utilize. Yet you probably have done nothing even to investigate what potential you possess. And this potential is so great that once you start to use it, there are no limits to what you can do.

You have a Golden Gift.

You use it every day—but you do nothing with it. Does that sound impossible? Well, take, for example, a child with a pencil. Each day the child takes up his pencil and scribbles. He cannot write, he cannot compute, he cannot draw. So, while he uses the pencil every day, he actually does nothing with it.

What, then, is your Golden Gift whose powers you use so casually?

Your Golden Gift is your brain.

In your brain lies the power to make use of all your un­tapped resources.

And your Golden Gift is more “Golden” and more of a “Gift” than that. Your brain not only supplies the power to use your potentialities—it also holds all the resources you possess.

Your Golden Gift, your brain, your mind, is the most vital of all your possessions. It is your greatest asset.

What the chapters that follow will show you is how to use this Golden Gift. You can use your mind and you can bring forth great powers from it.

Your Golden Gift can bring you longer life, better health, greater wealth, increased happiness, more vitality. In short, your brain gives you the power to control all the essential aspects of a full life and full living.

Before you jump into learning the secrets of using the Golden Gift, let us look back a great many centuries in a few short moments. You have to understand the meaning of this power. You have to study just what man is and what his mind is. You have to discover where man comes from, and why he has a mind.

There are many theories regarding man’s beginning. But to realize that man, of all the living things on earth, has the Power of Mind makes it plain that man is the work of some great creative force.

His beginnings were purposive. And the greatest challenge that faces man—the challenge you will take up as you progress from chapter to chapter in this book—is to discover what that purpose is and utilize the power of that discovery.

The theory of man’s beginnings varies according to who tells it.

Scientists trace this planet to its earliest days, each arriving at his own theory of how the universe we know came about. When it comes to the beginnings of life on our planet, how­ever, most are agreed that the first faint stirring of life was a somewhat jelly like organic mass which floated on the waters of the sea.

Those who take the Bible literally are faced with less of an enigma than the scientists. For them the issue is final: the opening words of the Old Testament relieve them of any uncertainty. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Thereby was God’s thought transmuted into fact.

The fundamentalist belief may not help us to understand ourselves as well as the scientific theory of the evolvement of man. But, in any case, man’s evolution is part of an Infinite Plan in which man either progresses or regresses by his own efforts, both individually and collectively.

What matter if we believe that man’s start was millions of years ago in the development of a single organic cell in the ocean or that he sprang full-grown from the mind of the Creator in some Garden of Eden? Each theory recognizes the prime cause—a Creator. Each theory hinges on the fact that some power brought to this earth the first germ of life. The creation of this miracle is no less wonderful regardless of the belief: whether it started in some lowly form of plant life and developed through countless ages to the highest product of today’s civilization, or if the whole were created within six days.

To understand better why we behave as we do, let us look at earliest man as we have been able to trace him.

Our ancestors showed intellectual superiority over other animals that roamed the earth. The early man’s ability to stand upright made him better able to do many things. Primarily he was able to put his forelimbs to uses no other animal could. Too, the height he thus achieved made it pos­sible for him to see farther and over a wider area. He there­fore was able to protect himself far more easily.

Using his eyes rather than his more limited sense of smell to see dangers far away, he also was able to use his arms and hands to ward off and fight these dangers when they were close at hand. Best of all, however, was the fact that his intelligence permitted him to make even greater use of his arms and hands. They became creative weapons and aided man in his fight for survival.

Kill or be killed was the law of the primeval world. Man’s brain was in those early days necessarily motivated by greed, fear and anger. It was these things that made the instinct of self-preservation the first law of nature. Survival of the fittest became the primary driving force of human life.

Why have I started out to show you the beginnings of mankind? Simply because by looking at these beginnings you can see how primitive greed, fear and anger have left their mark on man. It is quite obvious that most of the mental and physical afflictions of modern man stem from these earliest conflicts.

It is important to understand that these primary urges of survival are buried deep in our biological background. Note that I use the word “understand.” “Knowing” these things and “understanding” them are entirely different. We must understand and recognize certain basic facts if we are to utilize the power we possess.

Learned men in the past, discovering that the human mind is capable of amazing potentialities, did not recognize them as coming from-the brain. These powers were attributed to the soul. Man’s soul, according to the ancients, was in his solar plexus. We still have in our everyday language the reminder of this belief. The Greek word for diaphragm, the muscular section of the body that separates the abdomen from the chest cavity (in front of which is the nerve center we call the solar plexus), is phren. Its current usage as part of such words as frenzy, frantic, the no-longer-credited “science” of phren­ology, and even schizophrenia, is evidence of this original meaning.

We know today that the inner power of man—his wisdom —emanates from the mind.

Biologist Michael F. Guyer has stated that “man is an animal; but an animal with an analytical directing conscious­ness.” Man, however, also possesses a deeper consciousness. This deeper consciousness—the Supraconcious—has resources so astounding that they have often in the past—and even in this very age—been attributed to soul power or to so-called supernatural sources.

Herein you will have shown to you, backed up with con­crete evidence, that the power and wisdom that are man’s stem from his Supraconscious. The Supraconscious, the root of your mind’s power, is a vast storehouse of memory from which you can tap uncalculated amounts of wisdom. It is the storehouse of what psychiatrist Carl Jung calls the “collec­tive unconscious”—the sum total of all man’s knowledge, wisdom and power since his creation. It is a storehouse you can easily enter; it is a storehouse of treasures you have the ability to use; it is a storehouse whose contents will give you the power to do.

Psychology, the science of mind, deals chiefly with the conscious mind, the so-called objective or analytical mind. But psychology sheds little light on the complexity of human impulses. It tells little about the perplexities that are the im­pulses, the emotions and the feelings of the human.

Psychology—or, as it should be called now, the old psy­chology—is an abstract consideration of human thoughts and behavior. For your purposes, it is entirely too academic to be of real help. It cannot help you solve the practical problems you are called on to face every day in the complex situations of modern society.

Man has a multiple nature. Most of his mental processes do not take place in the realm of the mind known as the con­scious. Therefore any interpretation of human thoughts and conduct that deals only with the conscious perception and the reasoning processes of mind is entirely too limited in scope of understanding to be of use to you in comprehending your­self.

As the majority of your mental processes take place in the

Supraconscious, the process of conscious reasoning alone will not enable you to understand fully the true motives of what you think and do. Much less will the processes of conscious reasoning help you to understand the effects that the “emo­tional” thinking of the Supraconscious has on your very health and well-being.

Consciousness is only the end result of the hidden processes of the human organism. The true nature of these hidden processes usually remains unknown to you, or at least obscure in the mental realm of the Supraconscious.

The idea that man is endowed with a brain that functions as if he were fashioned with a dual mentality is not new. This dualism of the mind has been a matter for speculation by philosophers through many ages.

The ancient Greek philosophers believed that the dual character of man’s mental apparatus represented a division of body and soul. Thus all mental phenomena were interpreted in terms of the so-called supernatural, the powers of gods or devils.

Victor Hugo seemed to grasp the real truth when he wrote: “I sense two natures within me.” Certainly Robert Louis Stevenson, the-great literary genius, had a clear understanding of human nature when he conceived his famous novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

In the seventh chapter of his Epistle to the Romans, Saint Paul confessed that he seemed to possess a double nature. He wrote:

“For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

“Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

“I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

“For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:

“But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

. . So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.”

Several centuries before Saint Paul recorded his illuminat­ing introspections, Plato likened man to a charioteer driving a white horse and a black horse, one noble and the other ignoble.

Man, then, does have a double nature. One part of it is emotional, or animalistic. The other part is spiritual, or intellectual. But while this has been accepted fact for cen­turies, it has only been recently that scientists have started to discover the psychological and neurological significance of this multiple nature.

As wonderful as has been man’s physical evolution, it has been surpassed by the growth of his mental faculties.

Most people are inclined to believe that man’s conscious mind represents his greatest mental advancement. There is no doubt as to the greatness of this. But in comparison to the vast development of man’s Supraconscious, the growth of the conscious is infinitesimal.

For in man’s Supraconscious lie outstanding powers. Therein lies vast wisdom. And all these powers and this wisdom are there to be used. They need only to be tapped. You need only to realize that they are there and that they can be used. You will then find that these powers and this wisdom are yours to do greater things with, yours to achieve things you have dreamed of but you never believed possible.

In your Supraconscious lies the key to success, the clue to happiness, the formula to health.

Your Supraconscious mind contains a vast storehouse of “how to do it”—how to do anything you want to do.

Your Supraconscious mind is even more than a storehouse of knowledge, of wisdom and of power. It also is a transmitter and receiver of ideas from the Supraconscious minds of others.

By opening the channels of your Supraconscious, you stand on the threshold of life as it should be lived.

Living will take on new meaning, new wonder, new power, new belief, new health.

Your Supraconscious holds the secret of your new life.

Chapter 2

How To Generate Brain Power

The power to create a new life for yourself lies within your own brain.

Your brain has capacities that have been proven and used —but used by few persons so far.

Now the time has come for these capacities, these powers, these abilities, to be shown to you—for the simple purpose of illustrating to you how they may be used and how you may benefit by them.

All these great and wondrous gifts of God are contained in the organ that is absorbing these words right at this mo­ment—your brain.

Your brain is the one thing that has made man different from other of God’s creatures. Yet so new is the conception of man’s thinking organ that the Greeks didn’t even have a word for it.

Man had progressed through countless centuries and numberless generations to that first great golden age of Greek civilization. Yet these people, who are credited with having had a word for everything, called the brain merely “the thing in the head.”

To the Greeks, the brain was completely negligible. In seeking the whereabouts of the mind, the learned men of ancient Greece chose the solar plexus. It seemed to them that the rhythmic movements of the midriff were closely linked with what went on in what was their concept of the mind.

It took two thousand years for the brain to emerge from the darkness of man’s ignorance of himself. By the time the anatomists discovered the brain, it was already believed to be the possible secret storehouse of man’s intelligence. By then thinkers had moved the habitation of the mind from the diaphragm to the head. Shakespeare, writing of the brain, called it that “which some suppose the soul’s frail dwelling- house.”

But the anatomist could do little more than weigh the brain. He discovered that the “gray matter” in man weighed about fifty ounces, in woman about forty-five ounces. He made sketches of the complicated series of nerves and cells that his knife revealed.

It was not until the latter part of the nineteenth century that the dawn started to break over the knowledge of the brain. Two medical officers of the Prussian army, wandering among the stricken men on the Sedan battlefield in 1870, had the brilliant—if somewhat ghoulish—notion of testing the effect of electrical current on the exposed brains of some of the casualties.

There began the first medical experiments that led to dis­covery of what the brain truly is.

It seems strange that in the entire history of man and his miraculous development it has been only within the last eighty-odd years that there has been serious realization of the intricacies of that wonderful Golden Gift, the brain.

In reality man has two brains. But these are not like the two brains of one species of dinosaur of millions of years ago. That enormous animal had one small brain in the head and a second at the base of the spine so that it could control its huge body without taxing its “higher” brain.

Man’s two brains are together. The second is but a develop­ment of the first. As man has grown emotionally, as he has learned to reason and to think, so he has developed a newer section of the brain.

It is man’s brain, the wonderful “enchanted loom,” that has made him rise above the other species. This “enchanted loom” which helps him spin his imagination has given man the ability to reason. Without it, he would be no better off than the lion, the elephant or the monkey. Without it he could have progressed no farther than his simian “relative” the ape.

Man’s imagination, the product of his newer brain, has enabled him to think out things before he does them. There­fore, if he is in error, he need not actually commit the error. He can discard that process before making the error and utilize his brain, his imagination, to try another means of solving the problem.

While the animal’s power of thinking is limited to “I sense, therefore I am,” man can deduce. His reasoning makes him the master of his surroundings. He can expand thinking to “I know, therefore I am.” Man “knows” because he has a brain to utilize. He is not dependent on his senses purely. He takes what his senses convey to him and weighs them with reason. The result is knowledge and, eventually, understand­ing.

Like the animals around him, man has his original brain— the racially older instinctive and emotional brain. Man’s difference, his Golden Gift, is his newer thinking and reason­ing brain.

The basal ganglia make up the older forebrain. The cerebral cortex and the middle portion make up the newer forebrain.

In the middle section of the basal ganglia is found the thalamus. This controls the involuntary functions of the body through the medium of the autonomic or sympathetic nervous system.

The cerebral cortex controls the voluntary actions of the body by means of the frontal lobes and the motor, or cerebro­spinal, nervous system.

The process called thinking is one which involves both sections of the brain and both sets of nervous systems. But your thinking is divided into two sections.

You are most familiar with “conscious” thought. This is the thinking you do in everyday life. This is the thinking you are utilizing now as you read this. It is purely surface thought. It is basic thought.

You have, however, a power that is easily utilized in your thinking. Yet it is one which few people know about and fewer bother to develop. This is thinking on the “Supra­conscious” level.

Supraconscious thinking is the key to the development of the Golden Gift of the brain. In the Supraconscious mind lie powers that will be unfolded for you as you read further in this book. They are powers which require no special learning to develop. They require no special key to use. They require no special payment for the profits you will reap.

The Supraconscious mind is your silent partner in achiev­ing the greatest, and up-to-now only dreamed-of, successes in life. The average man has little concept of the tremendous power that lies beyond the level of the brain’s consciousness.

By learning to use this potential correctly you can place at your disposal an abundance of energy you little realized existed in yourself. You can give yourself great new mental powers—the real purpose of the Golden Gift. And you can bring about for yourself a completely new concept of living: a way of happier and longer life.

To say that you do not use the Supraconscious now is not a fair statement. You do, but so lightly as to leave it lying much as a rich field that is not seeded for crops. All your conscious thoughts and actions are produced by the combined reactions of the dual mental apparatus and the double nervous system to those things that affect your senses. That is to say, you react to what you see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

But, as was pointed out before, this is just the same as what happens to an animal. It senses, and bases its “thinking” on the sensations. You have the power of discrimination and judg­ment. This constitutes your thinking to the point of knowing, and your knowing to the point of understanding.

In man the responses to sensory perception are channeled to the thalamus. It is the thalamus that is the principal source of human feelings and emotions. The patterns and the habits of so-called “emotional thinking” are channeled in this area of the brain by both the Supraconscious and the “collective unconscious.”

In his recent book, Release From Nervous Tension, Dr. Harold Fink makes it clear that the thalamus—which he terms the “interbrain”—is the seat of man’s deeper intellect, the Supraconscious.

The function of the thalamus is to act as a sort of bridge between what takes place inside of you and outside of you. Thus you are able to register like or dislike upon having one of your five senses react to a stimulus. At this instinctive “wish level” of-the consciousness, the natural response of your “emotional thinking” is to seek pleasure (that is, security) and avoid pain (or insecurity).

In people who think sanely and live wisely, the reactions of sensory perception of outside stimuli first pass through the thalamus. Then they are “telegraphed” through the cortex, where feeling impulses are analyzed and modified in the light of reason. The conscious thoughts are then sent once again to the thalamus, where they are transmitted into physical action.

Sometimes one’s “emotional thinking” is dominated by negative attitudes of feeling. These are offshoots of man’s primitive impulses of greed, fear and anger. If these negative feelings dominate the thinking it is difficult, sometimes im­possible, for the powerful emotional impulses to be adequately controlled by one’s ability to reason. Thus one is deprived of one of the great powers of the Golden Gift.

How this negative thinking causes a malfunctioning of the autonomic nervous system and produces psychosomatic illness is discussed in a later chapter. You will also be shown how positive attitudes of feeling are responsible for producing good health and peace of mind. This is accomplished by the har­monious functioning of the human organism. Along these same lines it will be shown how meditation, and prayer, can produce what are commonly called “miracles of faith healing” through the simple means of extreme acceleration of the processes of organic repair.

One of the greatest examples of the everyday use of the Supraconscious is in your judgment of people and things. You may be inclined to make snap judgments. More often than not, these judgments are correct. What is the basis of this perception within you? Are you consciously so perceptive? Obviously not, for if asked, or if you seek to determine for yourself what you based your opinion on, you seldom can say.

“I just felt it, that’s all,” is a common answer to such a question.

What does play a part in this system of judgment, however, is the Supraconscious level of the mind. You react consciously to a person upon meeting him. Similarly you react to a situa­tion. These reactions are filed in the brain and from its deepest depths the pattern of opinion is formed, based on your unconscious reactions. This pattern is flashed to the conscious mind and you have formed an opinion.

Few people suspect that the Supraconscious is the store­house from which they draw these judgments. It has been the development of our “cultural reasoning,” as Frederick Pierce points out, that has hidden from us the fact we do use the Supraconscious in our thinking.

The quicker you are to realize that you can probe beyond the boundaries of the conscious, and allow yourself to do so, the sooner will you be starting to use fully the power that you have hidden within you.

Biologists have pointed out that while reason—the power to think consciously—has been responsible for man’s attain­ment of mastery over his destiny, man is primarily not a rational being.

Man “relies on reason only where its usefulness is forcibly and immediately brought home to him.” The rest of the time man relies on what is termed “instinct.” That is, he depends for his reactions upon what his innate self knows. What the Supraconscious has learned over the countless years of man’s development determines the driving power that enables him to do what he does do, whether it is good or bad.

Man’s innate nature is the end product of numberless years of collective environmental experience. This experience is as much a part of man’s heredity as his biological constitution.

As far as can be determined, in using the processes of the Supraconscious, man is using the oldest part of his brain from the point of view of usage. The thalamus was the dominant part of the brain in the species for unknown generations be­fore humans were obliged to reason in order to exist and progress.

During the many centuries of uncivilized existence in which man’s principal business was to keep alive amid the dangers lurking all around him, the thalamus acquired all the “feeling” guidance of wild animals. In other words, the thalamus acquired the traits of animal instincts, or just “plain instinct.”

The daily association and competition with other humans and animals in a continual struggle for existence was responsi­ble for the development of the instinct of survival in humans: self-preservation and sex.

The things that early man needed, or desired, he took. This frequently involved mortal combat. Primitive life made man an instinctively predatory creature with strong human im­pulses to satisfy the inherent desires and appetites of his primitive nature by fair means or foul.

When primitive instincts of self and sex cause negative emotions, such as anger, fear, lust and the like, to dominate the “reasoning” mind, these Supraconscious attitudes of “feeling” motivate the human conduct called misbehavior.

This is what C. Judson Herrick, the famed neurologist, called “thalamic dominance.” It is a state of mental disorder in which one’s “feelings” usurp one’s sense of reason.

Human aberrations and psychosomatic ills—which, it will be shown to you later, frequently culminate in some form of degenerative disease—usually are the end products of “tha­lamic dominance,” the cause of negative “emotional thinking.”

But that is only one side of the story of human nature. Biologists see the picture in the perspective of man’s baser nature. They overlook the primary reason why man’s early ancestors gradually learned to walk on two feet when they descended from the trees, while the species known as monkey continued to use all four limbs.

In this you see the guiding hand of a Great Creative Force —the evolution of spirituality. The potential good in man’s nature is vastly greater than most people suspect.

There has been plenty of evidence of unsuspected power and wisdom. The life of Jesus Christ is the best example. But, because of man’s basic incredulity, unusual manifestations such as intuition and the extraordinary ability to be able to effect cures in oneself or others have generally been attributed to “power of soul” or “supernatural” sources.

Yet the answer is an obvious one: man’s evolution is a threefold one. As well as a physical and intellectual growth, there is also a spiritual growth. The spirit manifests itself through man’s deeper consciousness—his Supraconscious, the power of the Golden Gift.

There are countless cases that bear out the powers of the Supraconscious. Within the covers of this book will be sub­mitted as many cases as space permits to convince, with actual evidence, the unbiased reader that the Supraconscious mind does possess ample powers to bring renewed health, longer life, greater happiness and new successes.

You have already been shown that the interaction of thalamic “feeling” attitudes and “reasoning” conclusions of the cortex produces finished thoughts, words and actions. The interaction of the dual mentality can produce three condi­tions: normal, abnonnal and extranormal.

In the normal state, the human organism functions har­moniously and the individual enjoys peace of mind and a state of good health. In this state of well-being the mastery of one’s own destiny is achieved by the uses of reason only.

The abnormal state disrupts harmonious functioning of the human organism and causes imbalance of the body’s mech­anism. This state usually robs one of peace of mind and causes ill health, as I shall prove in later chapters.

The extranormal state is produced by synchronous inter­action of positive “feeling” attitudes and “reasoning” reactions of the cortex.

This is a state of mental perfection. In it the individual has the benefit of all the reasoning powers of his conscious mind. This is combined with the emotional force and the perfect memory of the Supraconscious mind added to the marvelously logical arrangement of its psychic resources.

In short, all the elements of intellectual power are in a state of intense and harmonious activity during the extranormal state of the mind.

It is this state of mind which produces real genius. It is this state of mind in which the inventiveness of Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Guglielmo Marconi, George Westing- house, Albert Einstein and Charles Kettering blossomed. It is this state of mind which has delivered the insight and know­how for almost every great achievement in science, industry and the arts.

It is into this area of thinking that you are going to delve. For by correctly using this potential, you can gain the benefits of health, wealth and happiness without striving. These benefits are reachable without your having to travel laborious routes. They are yours by simply recognizing the Supraconscious level of the mind and permitting it to function under the proper conditions.

When, through the practice of self-discipline and self­control, you have attained the state of self-mastery, you will then enjoy the benefits of your intellectual and spiritual heritage.

Once the biological effects of your physical evolution— that is, your animal nature—have been uprooted by sane thinking and wise living, you will reflect in your thoughts and actions the true way of life—that exemplified by the Infinite Mind. Keeping “in tune with the Infinite” will lead you to living a life that is useful, purposeful and rewarding.

The Supraconscious is a veritable “genie” of the brain that can either be a good servant or a bad one.

The Supraconscious is wise and powerful beyond all the comprehension of the human. It is for this reason that people often refer to this hidden power of the Golden Gift as soul power.

Call it what you will. It is, regardless of what you call it, WISDOM and POWER far beyond the reason of man to comprehend fully except in the light of Divine heritage and as an instrument through which the intelligence of the Infinite operates.

The purpose of the writer is to provide you with sufficient knowledge of the basic mechanism of the great power of the Golden Gift so that you can use your Supraconscious as a good servant instead of a bad one.

To this end it is essential to establish a working hypothesis. Without such a hypothesis you cannot begin an exact study of the Supraconscious. In the field of psychological investiga­tion, and more especially in the field of parapsychology, a satisfactory scientific working hypothesis has not yet been formulated that embraces all the psychological phenomena known to mankind these many centuries.

It was for this reason that the late Dr. Alexis Carrel, famed for his thirty-three years of brilliant biological research at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, commented:

“The importance of intuition in mental life requires an investigation of metaphysic phenomena, and the application of scientific method to the study of telepathy and clairvoy­ance.”

For our working hypothesis, then, I will use the findings of the late scientist Dr. Thomson Jay Hudson as he outlined it in his book A Scientific Demonstration of the Future Life. Dr. Hudson compiled a great deal of data concerning the mind and its Supraconscious aspects.

In Dr. Hudson’s time, however, it was believed that man’s apparent dual nature was that of body and soul. And he, naturally, attributed the powers of the Supraconscious to the soul.

It is only the advances of psychiatry in the field of medicine which have shown us the truth that the “hidden power” of man emanates from his mind, not his soul.

While psychiatry has, however, drawn its conclusions from the studies of abnormal psychology, thus presenting the negative side of human nature, my theory is built on human nature’s positive side.

The positive, or constructive, side is based on the conten­tion that man is essentially good, due to the Godliness of his spiritual evolution as manifested in positive “emotional think­ing” . …

The conclusions of our working hypothesis concerning the

extraordinary powers of the Supraconscious are based on three things.

First I have utilized the information pertaining to mental phenomena as disclosed by the science of hypnosis. Secondly, I have used the results of Dr. Carrel’s study of the so-called “miracles” of faith-healing. Finally, the conclusions are based on my own analysis of personal experiences in telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience.

These various experiences can be definitely classified in the category of the parapsychological science of Extrasensory Perception, so designated by Professor J. B. Rhine of Duke University.

The seven propositions of the working hypothesis upon which this study of the Supraconscious is to be based are:

The Supraconscious is constantly amenable to control by the power of suggestion.

The Supraconscious is incapable of independent reason­ing by the processes of induction.

The power of the Supraconscious to reason deductively from given preimses to correct conclusions is practically perfect.

The Supraconscious is endowed with a perfect memory.

The Supraconscious has absolute control of the functions and conditions of the body.

The Supraconscious has the power to communicate by means other than the recognized channels of the five senses.

The Supraconscious is capable of intuition and percep­tion of the laws of nature.

These seven propositions will be embellished upon and dis­cussed fully in the chapters to come. How you can recognize these powers of the mind and how they can be put to use for your advantage will be discussed and studied.

By understanding and appreciating the seven points of this working hypothesis, you can set about creating a new life for yourself.

These are the seven major facts that science has discovered and that you will learn in the following chapters.

These are the seven planks of the platform that forms the basis of the teachings you are to absorb in the ensuing pages.

These are the powers of the mind that have been recog­nized. They are powers that you can and will recognize. They are powers that you will quickly put to use for your own advantage.

These are the propositions that you will learn to under­stand.

These are the means by which you are going to set about NOW to create a new life for yourself.

Chapter 3

How To Use Your Power of Suggestion

What does suggestion mean to you?

Does it mean something you would like? Or does it mean something you would want?

To achieve what you want, you must want enough to achieve!

This is the truth you will learn. This is the secret of achiev­ing all the things you have up to now only dreamed about.