The scarlet haze - Karima Brinet - E-Book

The scarlet haze E-Book

Karima Brinet

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The scarlet haze embody a door opening onto a world of sadness and joy, where everyone can find themselves. In this collection of poems written according to her inspiration and significant events, the author recounts the sorrow of a one-sided love, the angst felt during a deep depression or the happiness caused by the single view of her heart’s desire.


Suffering from severe depression since the age of fifteen, Karima Brinet started writing to deal with her torments. For her, The scarlet haze is a powerful tool of liberation.

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Seitenzahl: 16

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Karima Brinet

The scarlet haze


© Lys Bleu Éditions – Karima Brinet

ISBN : 979-10-377-6768-4

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The sun watches what I do but the moon knows all my secrets.

It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.1

A dream ? – Feels so pleasant

My beloved

You are my sunshine

You are my light in my darkness

You are my motivation to follow my dreams

You are my blessing from God,

Your smile makes me all shy and radiant

I love you so much, I adore you

I’m crazy in love at this point

But I’m scared, I’m afraid of rejection

I don’t know what to do with you

Should I talk with you about school and all ?

Or should I write you an anonym letter ?

Or maybe offer you an anonym rose ?

I’m lost, I don’t know what to think and do...

Maybe should I give up on you ?

Because I know you would never be attracted to me,

I am not as beautiful and interesting as the other girls.

I’m tired of all this questions.

Finally I love, even, adore someone and I’m not

even capable of not having a panic attack by seeing him.

I’m weak and stressed around him but at the same time,