Trophy Wives Club - Part 4 - Elouise Edron - E-Book

Trophy Wives Club - Part 4 E-Book

Elouise Edron



Just when you thought you had Sasha figured out, she allows her deepest-held secrets to rise to the surface and shine in all her glory. Empowered by her experiences, Sasha takes life by the balls and decides once and for all who will hold her heart – for the trophy it truly is. Caleb or Greg? Is Sasha ready to let go of her red-carpet life for a much younger man who seems to bring out the best in her, or will she concede the dream of what could be is not enough to take the leap? The fourth and final installation begins with Sasha sashaying her way into the spotlight at the party of the year and ends with an uncomfortable confrontation that will ultimately lead her life beyond the bedroom. Think you have seen every side of Sasha's sultry sexuality? Guess again as she indulges her ultimate fantasy that will end with a bang. Literally. The fabulous finale of a twisted story of a hushed and horny housewife caught between the torment of staying true and the torture of letting her libido alight with the man she can't seem to forget, beautifully written by Elouise Edron.

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Part 4

Elouise Edron

Artcover: Giada Armani


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

Part 4

Dressed in gold from head to foot, Sasha shone like the trophy she was as she sashayed down the grand staircase of their huge home, hoping to gain her husband’s attention.

It had been almost four weeks since Greg and Sasha had reignited their sex life, and while she couldn’t ignore the indiscretion that had invoked her passion palace to begin with, she was doing her best to ensure she stayed on track.

Tonight, though, was all about work. It wasn’t just about the ‘party of the year’, as the tabloids called it, it was an opportunity for both Sasha and Greg to relax into the night and truly dedicate their time to getting to know all the wonderful people who worked for him.

“My darling, you look ravishing,” Greg complimented as they met each other’s arms for a feign embrace.

Despite taking charge in the office that day, the passion they shared had ceased within the week, and all that was left was as before.

A graze of the hand.

A kiss on the cheek.

A short embrace as he slipped into bed after a long night in the office.

While it wasn’t what she had anticipated, it was ever so slightly a relief. It had become clear that, despite the effort, she and Greg had finished doing the promenade of passion, and perhaps, if they were lucky, they would spend the rest of their lives at least as friends. After all, she knew deep down that others did the same, so what was the problem?

The problem, she had thought, was that she no longer wanted to settle for a lack-lustre life, wishing away the hours. She wanted to live a life full of zest and zeal, falling in love deeper every day.

To her disdain, Greg departed her side to greet their guests, and for another night, she knew she would be alone.

Hours later, the party was in full swing. People were dancing, glasses were clinking, live music was playing, and acrobats were swinging from the rooftop as the adoring audience watched in awe. She had shared her time well between Greg’s employees and some of his most crucial clients, when the recognition of someone from across the room made her gasp for air.


Somehow, the man she thought had disappeared without word had found his way into her favourite night of the year. The only night she felt like she could truly sparkle as adoring fans congratulated her efforts on the event. It was her night, and he was there, stealing her attention, her thoughts, and, hopefully not, her time.

“Sasha, long time,” he smiled on approach, raising his glass to her.

“Caleb, wha… what are you doing here?” she stuttered in a panic, knowing Greg was mere metres away.

“Celebrating success, as you are, I assume,” he answered with a casual smirk, sipping from the gold rimmed champagne glasses she’d ordered in advance. “You look flawless, by the way.”

That glistening smile.

That brazen tone.

Those rugged good looks.

A shiver of sensuality slid down her spine as she seeped into the memory of his seduction.

“I don’t understand, though, why you are here, in my home?” she questioned again, hoping for more of a conclusive answer. “Greg is doing the rounds, you know, and he’ll be back any minute. I think you should leave.” Arms were crossed, smile was null.

“Leave? Why would I do that? Greg invited me as a gesture, you know, a ‘welcome to the team’,” he imparted.

“Welcome to the team, I don’t get it,” she replied with frustration.

She could hear Greg’s voice behind her and knew she would need to think fast.

A waiter perhaps.

The entertainment.