Unlock The #Trumptrain Social Media Traffic Generation  Code - Laura Maya - E-Book

Unlock The #Trumptrain Social Media Traffic Generation Code E-Book

Laura Maya

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The Trump train movement   started rolling off as a political  movement and  managed to push full steam then and  has never stop until today , the route it has taken is  especially  unique  as it surf through all the gates of  all social networking platforms  and is able to reach   through  various  campaigns  with a direct-to-the-voter social media effort that ended up collecting  29 million followers, of  which were  distributed  among  Facebook at  12.5 million , Twitter 13.5 million , Instagram 3.1 million - ,the bulk of   which  rammed  up to his  first destination at  the White  House in 2017  .
The  Trump train  has been able to develop a strong  as well as passionate following with the individuals who provide support  for every single move that he makes and  it is able to generate  abundance of traffic who became supporters  ,who came  to  share  , communicate   and networking  with   all others   and  while Non-followers  read  off from blogpost  ,  tweets  or  posted viral contents , anybody who  might   just  have changed their mind and  wish to hop   on, can just simply  clicks  for  a Follow  and Likes   jumping on the ride  on  Trump train social media  as the steam  rolls on .
Social Media Traffic is therefore  the Lifeblood  to the Trump train  and is  very important  for every  success of every Online promotions , be it for  business , branding , event promotions or  even  political campaigning and  election 
Many Would be Followers are searching for the most proven and tested strategies to achieve  similar  objectives?
Then, you are not alone as 61% of marketers say generating traffic is their Biggest challenge.
 Today, we are  going to spill the beans on an ultimate solution that bails you out of this monster & give proven tips to drive tons of targeted traffic to your offers without spending a fortune.
Fascinating, Right???
This is just the beginning of the story.
Let’s check out some interesting numbers that will get you amazed-

  • Top video marketing platform YouTube gets more than 23 Billion Traffic monthly & its net advertising revenue will cross 3.96 Billion in 2018
  • Facebook gets 22.30 Billion Traffic per month, and it made a whopping 5.1 Billion U.S. dollars in Q2 2018
  • Airbnb made almost $100 million in profit last year & it got 70 Million Traffic in September 2018 only
  • Trumptrain  managed  to rock up to 29.1 million follower s  during the 2016 Election finale 
Whoosh… these results are surely going to sweep you off your feet!
And I know you’re feeling lured to reap the immense benefits for the  perfect solution  that it holds for your business.
Check out  on how to ;
Unlock The Trump Train Social Media Traffic Generation  Code
This  ebook  will take you by the hand and teach you how to effectively create and optimize a traffic-generating website in short span of time.
With its proper use, you can easily drive traffic from top social media giants & boost sales and profits.

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Trumptrain Rocks Social media boost Online Traffic Generation

Back in 2016, Donald Trump was able to capture the attention of America as the  most unpromising  Presidential  candidate for the  US  election . For some people, he captured the attention for the right reasons, whereas it took place for wrong reasons for the others. However, the numbers don’t lie at the end of the day. The Trump Train movement  started rolling off as a political  movement and  managed  to  push full steam then and  has never stop until today , the route it has taken is  especially  unique  as it surf through all the gates of  all social networking platforms  and is able to reach  through  various  campaigns  with a direct-to-the-voter social media effort that ended up collecting  29 million, followers, of  which are distributed  among  Facebook at  12.5 million , Twitter 13.5 million , Instagram 3.1 million - ,the bulk of  which  rammed  up to his  first destination at  the White  House .

When taking a look at all the hype, people started wondering who is riding the Trump Train. On the other hand, they also wondered whether the Trump Train will be able to reach its  next  and other  forthcoming  destinations as well

The Trump Train had experienced  a series of challenges since its  journey . As a result, some people wondered whether it will keep on cruising forward, or it will get derailed along with way. By deep diving into the statistics, it was possible to understand who the riders of the Trump Train are, what cultural backgrounds they belong to and what makes them go ahead  to  hop on the ride ...a social media  ride.

With a deep analysis of statistics  obtained from social media networks, it is possible to categorize the people who get into the Trump Train into different groups. Likewise, there is also a possibility to analyse the people who don’t get into the Trump Train and move them into a different category. With that, it is possible to extract a lot of useful information at the end of the day.

Every single cluster observed was unique and one of a kind. People who belonged to each and every group had their own unique reasons to go ahead and purchase tickets to get onto the Trump Train. On the other hand, some people had their own reasons to abandon the Trump Train tickets as well.

When analysing these statistics, it is important to take a look at the trending content, relevant influencers, mentions, hashtags, topics and many other information found within the cluster. Then it is possible to figure out under what context, the hashtag of interest #TrumpTrain has been used.

Taking a good  look at the cluster, where the hardcore supporters of Donald Trump belonged into.  Based on their interests and preferences, it is possible to conclude that all those individuals have purchased one-way, first class tickets to get into the Trump Train and  most kept loyal  even  up to today . The individuals who have closely been working with Donald Trump belonged into this cluster as well. They  families and friends  

Likewise, it is possible to extract a lot of useful information from the clusters. When you take a look at the cluster, which was made out of the individuals who didn’t want to get into the Trump train, it was clear that the people under  those, they  prefer to crusie  by other  mode o r  don’t bother

What does all these details mean?  Whether you are getting into the Trump Train, or making the decision to stay out of it, one thing is clear.  The  Trump Train  has been able to develop a strong  as well as passionate following with the individuals who provide support  for every single move that he makes and  it is able to generate  abundance of traffic who became supporters  ,who came  to  share  , communicate  and networking  with  all others  and  while Non-followers  read  off from blogpost  ,  tweets  or  posted viral contents , anybody who  might  just  have changed their mind and  wish to hop  on, can just simply  clicks  for  a Follow  and Likes  jumping on the ride  on  trumptrain social media  as the steam  rolls on .

With the assistance of tools such as Affinio, it Is possible for the people like you to deep dive into the centre of community culture and get more information about the details that you can see.

Last but not least, it is important to note that the Trump Train  indicated that  the  Rider has been  able to exploit  with Social Media Tools  to  generate  High Traffic  to allow potential followers  to catch on  his trainride  and  he  is more likely to drive  and to allow his  party to hop on to  push through  Midterms  election  and further  . It  is still  happening and is pushing harder , which proved all the online  social media operations that were taking place , is an effective  method  to generate Traffic for your own agenda  and  Not  just for the political  matters   ..nor exclusive  to the Rider  only .

Raymond Wayne

Unlock The #Trumptrain Social Media Traffic Generation  Code


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Every effort has been made to be accurate in this publication. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation. We do our best to provide the best information on the subject, but just reading it does not guarantee success.  

This publication is not intended for use as a source of any legal, medical or accounting advice. The information contained in this guide may be subject to laws in the United States and other jurisdictions. We suggest carefully reading the necessary terms of the services/products used before applying it to any activity which is, or may be, regulated. We do not assume any responsibility for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment.

Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations, and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious, is purely unintentional.

Some examples of past results are used in this publication; they are intended to be for example purposes only and do not guarantee you will get the same results. Your results may differ from ours. Your results from the use of this information will depend on you, your skills and effort, and other different unpredictable factors.

It is important for you to clearly understand that all marketing activities carry the possibility of loss of investment for testing purposes. Use this information wisely and at your own risk.

Copyright ©Laura Maya 2018

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: What Is Traffic Generation All About?  

Chapter 2: Creating and Optimizing A Traffic-Generating Website

Chapter 3: Creating A Traffic Generating Blog Post

Chapter 4: Setting Up A Traffic Generation Campaign On Facebook

Chapter 5: Generating Traffic From Twitter With A “Tweetable Facts” Blog Post

Chapter 6: Generating Search Traffic The Easy Way With A YouTube Video

Chapter 7: Generating Targeted Traffic With A Retargeting Campaign

Chapter 8: Generating Traffic And Leads With A Giveaway

Chapter 9: Increasing Web Traffic With An Email Campaign

Chapter 10: Driving Web Traffic With An Affiliate Program  

Chapter 11: Driving Targeted Traffic For Cheap With An AdWords Campaign

Chapter 12: How To Get Your Site Indexed Instantly In 2018

Chapter 13: Crazy Traffic Generation Tricks That Work In 2018

Chapter 14: How To Get Guest Posts To Build Traffic

Chapter 15: How To Improve Bounce Rates

Chapter 16: Web Traffic Best Practices For Businesses  

Chapter 17: Do's and Don’ts

Chapter 18: Premium tools and Services to consider

Chapter 19: Shocking Case Studies

Chapter 20: Frequently Asked Questions



Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply “Unlock The #Trumptrain Social Media Code  designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting the most out of Traffic Generation in 2018

Unlock The #Trumptrain Social Media Code will show you step-by-step, topic by topic, and tool by tool, what you need to know to dominate Traffic Generation, in the easiest way possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever.

✓  Chapter 1: What Is Traffic Generation All About?

✓  Chapter 2: Creating and Optimizing A Traffic-Generating Website

✓  Chapter 3: Creating A Traffic Generating Blog Post

✓  Chapter 4: Setting Up A Traffic Generation Campaign On Facebook

✓  Chapter 5: Generating Traffic From Twitter With A “Tweetable Facts” Blog Post

✓  Chapter 6: Generating Search Traffic The Easy Way With A YouTube Video

✓  Chapter 7: Generating Targeted Traffic With A Retargeting Campaign

✓  Chapter 8: Generating Traffic And Leads With A Giveaway

✓  Chapter 9: Increasing Web Traffic With An Email Campaign

✓  Chapter 10: Driving Web Traffic With An Affiliate Program

✓  Chapter 11: Driving Targeted Traffic For Cheap With An AdWords Campaign

✓  Chapter 12: How To Get Your Site Indexed Instantly In 2018

✓  Chapter 13: Crazy Traffic Generation Tricks That Work In 2018

✓  Chapter 14: How To Get Guest Posts To Build Traffic

✓  Chapter 15: How To Improve Bounce Rates

✓  Chapter 16: Web Traffic Best Practices For Businesses

✓  Chapter 17: Do's And Don’ts

✓  Chapter 18: Premium Tools And Services To Consider

✓  Chapter 19: Shocking Case Studies

✓  Chapter 20: Frequently Asked Questions