Alkaline Diet for Beginners - Tamara White - E-Book

Alkaline Diet for Beginners E-Book

Tamara White

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  • Herausgeber: BookRix
  • Kategorie: Lebensstil
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

What pattern of eating have you been following? Is your eating pattern affecting your overall health positively of negatively? Discover the benefits of eating alkaline foods and set yourself on a path to maximum heath. Get rid of acids in your body and restore your body to its natural state with this Alkaline Diet for Beginners.   The ideology behind the alkaline diet believes a perfect human body is created when you switch acid forming foods with alkaline base foods. It has been proven that Alkaline Diet improves cardiovascular health, blood pressure, cholesterol, bone health, and many more Starting a new eating pattern might seems of a bit stressful and challenging. But not to worry, this book will give you an easy sailing. This Alkaline Diet for Beginners is loaded with all the necessary information on: The total Overview of the Alkaline Diet How to get rid of plaguing ailment with the alkaline diet Alkaline food recipes to make your body Alkaline Food that help to reduce acid in your body How to Fight Stress, pain and inflammation Helps you understand how pH works in your body How to test your alkaline balance How to know you've got an Unhealthy Gut List of Acid, neutral and alkaline foods   Maximize your overall health and beat acidity with the alkaline diet!

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Alkaline Diet for Beginners

Understand PH, Eat Well and Reclaim Your Health with Easy Alkaline Diet Recipes.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Alkaline Diet for Beginners: Understand pH, Eat Well and Reclaim Your Health with Easy Alkaline Diet Recipes.


How an Alkaline Diet works

Alkaline Diet Benefits

List of Acid and Base Foods

Some of the habits that can cause acidity in your body








Tamara White

Copyright © 2018 Tamara White

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


What really is Alkaline Diet?

What exactly is the meaning of “pH level”?

Testing Your PH for Alkaline Balance

Saliva and Urine PH Testing

How to test Urine PH

How an Alkaline Diet works

Signs You’ve Got an Unhealthy Gut

Alkaline Diet Benefits

List of Acid and Base Foods

Alkaline water

Benefits Of Alkaline Water

Food to make your Body Alkaline

Alkaline Forming Foods

Acidic Forming Foods

Some of the habits that can cause acidity in your body


Toasted Sprouted Bread Avocado

Friendly Quinoa Bowl

Simple Chia Seed Pudding

Seed Muesli And Soaked Almond

Easy Breakfast Marinated Mushrooms

Quinoa Breakfast Burrito Dish

Pistachios, Brussels Sprouts and Lemon

Early Sunrise Muesli Recipe

Morning Avocado Salad

Alkaline Blended Juice

Coated Sprout Salad

Mashed Kale Chickpea


Jive Green Lentil Smoothie

Smooth Alkaline Super Green Shake

Cucumber Soy Shake with Coconut

Green Power Cocktail

Alkaline Blackberry Smoothie

Seasonal Greens Smoothie

Mixed Cucumber Smoothie

Fine Herbs With Green Smoothie

Green Biggie Smoothie

Mixed Berry Smoothie


Alkaline Roasted Broccoli

Easy Alfredo Alkaline Pasta

Mashed Cauliflower Potatoes

Quinoa With Lemon And Apple

Quinoa Sweet Potato With Carrot

Zucchini Spinach With Lemon Pesto

Avocado Papaya Arugula Salad

Mixed Vegetables With Pumpkin Dressing

Vanilla Quinoa Porridge

Spiced-up Sprouted Stir-Fry

Vegetables Roast

Avocado-Adzuki Bean Stuffed Lettuce Cups

Easy Alkaline Risotto

Alkaline Cauliflower Rice With Vegetable Curry (Anti-Cancer)

Haricots Verts With Herbs And Shallots

Special Season Broccoli Brussels Sprouts

Spaghetti Squash Quinoa Stuffed

Roasted Cauliflower And Coriander, Turmeric with Mint

Broccoli with Cashew Cream Salad

Artichoke & Kale, Hemp Pesto


Cucumber Bites with Tuna Mix

Apple Collard Coconut vinegar Wrap

Alkaline Tasty Raw Chili

California Chia Pudding

Alkaline Tasty Jalapenos Poppers

Tuna And Kale Stuffed Avocado

Alkaline Mashed Avocado Wraps

Alkaline Pumpkin Fries

Gallant Grilled Veggies

Alkaline Kohlrabi Carrot

Alkalizing Green Pasta

Winter Indoor Timely Pasta

Perfect Marinated Zucchini Squash


Creamy Citrus- Cilantro Dressing

Spinach Broccoli And Ginger Soup

Kale Soup With Creamy Red Lentil

Chilled Avocado, Watercress Soup

Curry Powder Carrot Soup

Healthy Healing Soup

Broccoli-Creamy Avocado Soup

Fresh Harvest Vegetable Soup

White Bean With Pumpkin And Sage Soup

Cauliflower-Swiss Emmenthal-Soup

Greek Lentils Flaky Soup

Easy Alkaline Porridge

Cucumber- Avocado Sushi Rolls


Avocado Cole Slaw Dressing

Avocado Apple Sesame Salad

Healthy Brussels Sprouts

Healthy Fresh Vegetable Salad

Tofu Broccoli Salad

Carrot-Fennel With Pomegranate Salad

Alkaline Almond Celery- Salad

Alkaline Special Salad

Alkaline Intercontinental Salad

Avocado Wild Garlic Salad


Alkaline Avocado Chocolate

Alkaline Raw Chocolate Pudding

Alkaline Luxury Figs

Pineapple Slaw With Kale

Almond with Macademia- Fresh Cherries

Alkaline Avocado Tomato Soup

Quinoa Mango Salad With Asparagus And Nuts


What really is Alkaline Diet?

An alkaline diet — also called the alkaline acid diet, alkaline ash diet, acid alkaline diet, acid ash diet, and also called the pH diet — it assist in balancing the PH level of blood concerning the body fluids, including your urine and blood. Your pH is determined partially by the gravity of mineral properties of foods you eat. Every life forms and living organism rely on maintaining a proper pH levels, as the saying goes that there cannot be disorder and disease in a body with balanced PH.

The concept of acid ash assumption assist in making up the alkaline diet precept. Regarding research by Bone and Mineral expert, “The hypothesis of the  acid-ash  insinuates that grain and protein foods, having little potassium, generates a net acid excretion (NAE), let out calcium from the skeleton, generates more urine calcium, and diet acid load, which leads to osteoporosis.

The aim of the alkaline diet is the prevention of this kind of happening through consideration food pH levels, an effort to reduce dietary acid intake. Although this statement is not widely accepted by some experts, more than half all recognize that it is required by human life to have a tight regulated blood pH level of about 7.365 to 7.4.

Your pH can stay with the range of 7.35 to 7.45, it all depends on your diet, what you ate last, what time it is and time you went to the bathroom last. 

What exactly is the meaning of “pH level”?

Potential of hydrogen (pH).This is a way of measuring acidity and alkalinity in the body. A measurement done on a scale of 0 to 14. If a solution is high in acidic, then the lower in PH. A higher alkaline, will result in a higher number. A PH of 7.4 is considered healthy, a PH of 7 is regarded as neutral, though PH levels are not all the same throughout the entire body, with the most acidic region being the stomach.


Any small alteration in the pH level of any organisms can pose a real challenge. For instance, as a result of increase deposition in the Carbon dioxide, the ocean' PH has reduced from 8.2 to 8.1 which is greatly affecting various ocean life forms. The pH level is very important to grow plants, hereby affecting the mineral composition of the foods we eat.

Minerals in the human body, soil and ocean, are used as enhancer to maintain maximum pH levels, so a rise in acidity, results in a fall in minerals.

Testing Your PH for Alkaline Balance

Our major focus here is pH of your saliva, urine, and blood. Your blood must be tightly regulated at a constant pH of 7.365 and never changes.

Note: The purpose of this is not because you want to change your blood PH. When you test saliva or urine, the PH you get is for the fluid that your body eliminate and not the PH of your internal environment. Its needful that your body maintains a narrow range of PH of 7.365-7.45.Although there might be differences between the range you find in your saliva and urine as the body discharges plenty acids, which is a good thing for maintaining your internal PH. It might be more convenient to test your saliva than urine but urine reflects a better process of what the body undergo to eliminate acid from the body.

Saliva and Urine PH Testing

It’s a very easy process testing your PH, at least it a good way to boost motivation and track your progress.

The saliva

Your saliva PH range is expected to be between 7.0 and 7.5

How to test Saliva PH:

Its best immediately you wake up in the morning before anything else or you can wait two hours after teeth brushing of food. Start by holding saliva in your mouth, swallow it and repeat a few times just to be certain your saliva is clean. Afterwards place some of the spit on a PH stip. A chart will be provided at the back of the kit, different shades of color reflects alkaline or acid state. Jot down the date, time and number to keep track of your progress.

How to test Urine PH

It shows the working performance of the body towards maintaining a proper PH blood. It reflects the body’s effort, through the kidneys, lungs and adrenals in regulating PH by excretion of acids, and minerals like, sodium, calcium, potassium. Your urine PH range is expected to be between 6.5 and 7.5. A Ph of below 6.5 may indicate a system overwhelming.