Appetizer - Juhani Reinikainen - E-Book

Appetizer E-Book

Juhani Reinikainen

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My old computer poetry is on a large scale still relevant even today. Those leads us into the future. Face is a collection of poems that gives a face for different things in our life, the seas face, humans face, times face. Everything has its appointed time, place and form. We lives in the time and watch its shapes, scents and feelings. Appetizer are inspired by Japanese haiku but they do not follow the syllable form. The form is free but follow the short form of three lines. The original of these poems are written in both Finnish and Swedish.

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Seitenzahl: 20

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TitelsidaThanksForewordMy old computer poetryDigital watchShadowData hornDNAThe bombComputer memoryA lifeIndustrial robotThe futureComputer worldMoonlightComputer freakThe data-busPolarized lightPuzzle piecesThe netUnknown worldsElectron worldSpamHour of the wolfThe dragons nightAltavistaThe scannerMelissaPredatorLongingPrimeval seaThe soldier of the timePluginCampfiresWeTiger leapThe discGPS timeHotmailBOE-chatterWindowsE-sadnessFACEPart IPart IIPart IIIPart IVPart VPart VIPart VIIPart VIIIPart IXPart XPart XIPart XIIPart XIIIPart XIVPart XVPart XVIPart XVIIPart XVIIIAPPETIZERPart IPart IIPart IIIPart IVPart VPart VIENDCopyright

To the reader

Unfortunately my English is not quite perfect


To all who have taken part in this e-book's creation


I have collected different kind of poems in this book

Also decided to translate them into English as an interesting experiment

My old computer poetry is on a large scale still relevant even today.

Those leads us into the future.

Face is a collection of poems that gives a face for different

things in our life, the sea's face, humans face, time’s face.

Everything has its appointed time, place and form.

We lives in the time and watch its shapes, scents and feelings.

Appetizer are inspired by Japanese haiku but they do not follow

the syllable form. The form is free but follow the short form of three lines.

The original of these poems are written in both Finnish and Swedish.

July 2019

Juhani Reinikainen

[email protected]

My old computer poetry

From 1980 to 1999is on a large scale still relevant even today. Those leads us into the future. 

Digital watch


not reflected

from the crystals of digital watch


go on

liquid crystals changes shape

becomes something else than before

i feel it’s cold cabinet

against my skin

metal against skin

skin against metal

metal skin