Beginners' zoology - Walter M. Coleman - E-Book

Beginners' zoology E-Book

Walter M. Coleman

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Biology (Greek, bios, life; logos, discourse) means the science of life. It treats of animals and plants. That branch of biology which treats of animals is called zoology (Gr. zoon, animal; logos, discourse). The biological science of botany (Gr. botane, plant or herb) treats of plants.
Living things are distinguished from the not living by a series of processes, or changes (feeding, growth, development, multiplication, etc.), which together constitute what is called life. These processes are called functions. Both plants and animals have certain parts called organs which have each a definite work, or function; hence animals and plants are said to be organized. For example, men and most other animals have a certain organ (the mouth) for taking in nourishment; another (the food tube), for its digestion.

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© 2024 Librorium Editions

ISBN : 9782385746292



























CHAPTER II PROTOZOA (One-celled Animals)

The Amœba

The Slipper Animalcule or Paramecium



The Hydra, or Fresh-Water Polyp


The Starfish

The Sea Urchin

Other Echinoderms





The Grasshopper

Anatomy and General Characteristics of the Class Insecta


The Fresh-water Mussel






Study of a Turtle or a Tortoise





Biology (Greek, bios, life; logos, discourse) means the science of life. It treats of animals and plants. That branch of biology which treats of animals is called zoology (Gr. zoon, animal; logos, discourse). The biological science of botany (Gr. botane, plant or herb) treats of plants.

Living things are distinguished from the not living by a series of processes, or changes (feeding, growth, development, multiplication, etc.), which together constitute what is called life. These processes are called functions. Both plants and animals have certain parts called organs which have each a definite work, or function; hence animals and plants are said to be organized. For example, men and most other animals have a certain organ (the mouth) for taking in nourishment; another (the food tube), for its digestion.

Because of its organization, each animal or plant is said to be an organism. Living things constitute the organic kingdom. Things without life and not formed by life constitute the inorganic, or mineral, kingdom. Mark I for inorganic and O for organic after the proper words in this list: granite, sugar, lumber, gold, shellac, sand, coal, paper, glass, starch, copper, gelatine, cloth, air, potatoes, alcohol, oil, clay. Which of these things are used for food by animals? Conclusion?

Energy in the Organic World.—We see animals exerting energy; that is, we see them moving about and doing work. Plants are never seen acting that way; yet they need energy in order to form their tissues, grow, and raise themselves in the air.

Source of Plant Energy.—We notice that green plants thrive only in the light, while animal growth is largely independent of light. In fact, in the salt mines of Poland there are churches and villages below the ground, and children are born, become adults, and live all their lives below ground, without seeing the sun. (That these people are not very strong is doubtless due more to want of fresh air and other causes than to want of sunlight.)

Fig. 1.—Surfaces of a Leaf, magnified.

Fig. 2.—A Leaf storing Energy in Sunlight.

The need of plants for sunlight shows that they must obtain something from the sun. This has been found to be energy. This enables them to lift their stems in growth, and form the various structures called tissues which make up their stems and leaves. It is noticed that they take in food and water from the soil through their roots. Experiments also show that green plants take in through pores (Fig. 1), on the surface of their leaves, a gas composed of carbon and oxygen, and called carbon dioxide. The energy in the sunlight enables the plant to separate out the carbon, of the carbon dioxide and to build mineral and water and carbon into organic substances. The oxygen of the carbon dioxide is set free and returns to the air (Fig. 2). Starch, sugar, oil, and woody fibre are examples of substances thus formed. Can you think of any fuel not due to plants?

How Animals obtain Energy.—You have noticed that starch, oil, etc., will burn, or oxidize, that is, unite with the oxygen of the air; thus the sun’s energy, stored in these substances, is changed back to heat and motion. The oxidation of oil or sugar may occur in a furnace; it may also occur in the living substance of the active animal.

Fig. 3.—Colourless plants, as Mushrooms, give off no oxygen.

A green leaf, even after it is cut, gives off oxygen (O) if kept in the sun.

Fortunately for the animals, the plants oxidize very little of the substances built up by them, since they do not move about nor need to keep themselves warm. We notice that animals are constantly using plant substances for food, and constantly drawing the air into their bodies. If the sunlight had not enabled the green plant to store up these substances and to set free the oxygen (Fig. 3), animals would have no food to eat nor air to breathe; hence we may say that the sunlight is indirectly the source of the life and energy of animals. Mushrooms and other plants without green matter cannot set oxygen free (Fig. 3).

Experiment to show the Cause of Burning, or Oxidation.—Obtain a large glass bottle (a pickle jar), a short candle, and some matches. Light the candle and put it on a table near the edge, and cover it with the glass jar. The flame slowly smothers and goes out. Why is this? Is the air now in the jar different from that which was in it before the candle was lighted? Some change must have taken place or the candle would continue to burn. To try whether the candle will burn again under the jar without changing the air, slide the jar to the edge of the table and let the candle drop out. Light the candle and slip it up into the jar again, the jar being held with its mouth a little over the edge of the table to receive the candle (Fig. 5). The flame goes out at once. Evidently the air in the jar is not the same as the air outside. Take up the jar and wave it to and fro a few times, so as to remove the old air and admit fresh air. The candle now burns in it with as bright a flame as at first. So we conclude that the candle will not continue to burn unless there is a constant supply of fresh air. The gas formed by the burning is carbon dioxide. It is the gas from which plants extract carbon. (Beginners’ Botany, Chap. XIII.) One test for the presence of this gas is that it forms a white, chalky cloud in lime water; another is that it smothers a fire.

Experiment to show that Animals give off Carbon Dioxide.—Place a cardboard over the mouth of a bottle containing pure air. Take a long straw, the hollow stem of a weed, a glass tube, or a sheet of stiff paper rolled into a tube, and pass the tube into the bottle through a hole in the cardboard. Without drawing in a deep breath, send one long breath into the bottle through the tube, emptying the lungs by the breath as nearly as possible (Fig. 4). Next, invert the bottle on the table as in the former experiment, afterward withdrawing the cardboard. Move the bottle to the edge of the table and pass the lighted candle up into it (Fig. 5). Does the flame go out as quickly as in the former experiment?

If you breathe through a tube into clear lime water, the water turns milky. The effect of the breath on the candle and on the lime water shows that carbon dioxide is continually leaving our bodies in the breath.

Fig. 4.—Breathing into a bottle.

Fig. 5.—Testing the air in the bottle.

Oxidation and Deoxidation.—The union of oxygen with carbon and other substances, which occurs in fires and in the bodies of animals, is called oxidation. The separation of the oxygen from carbon such as occurs in the leaves of plants is called deoxidation. The first process sets energy free, the other process stores it up. Animals give off carbon dioxide from their lungs or gills, and plants give off oxygen from their leaves. But plants need some energy in growing, so oxidation also occurs in plants, but to a far less extent than in animals. At night, because of the absence of sunlight, no deoxidation is taking place in the plant, but oxidation and growth continue; so at night the plant actually breathes out some carbon dioxide. The deepest part of the lungs contains the most carbon dioxide. Why was it necessary to empty the lungs as nearly as possible in the experiment with the candle? Why would first drawing a deep breath interfere with the experiment? Why does closing the draught of a stove, thus shutting off part of the air, lessen the burning? Why does a “firefly” shine brighter at each breath? Why is the pulse and breathing faster in a fever? Very slow in a trance?

The key for understanding any animal is to find how it gets food and oxygen, and how it uses the energy thus obtained to grow, move, avoid its enemies, and get more food. Because it moves, it needs senses to guide it.

The key for understanding a plant is to find how it gets food and sunlight for its growth. It makes little provision against enemies; its food is in reach, so it needs no senses to guide it. The plant is built on the plan of having the nutritive activities near the surface (e.g. absorption by roots; gas exchange in leaves). The animal is built on the plan of having its nutritive activities on the inside (e.g. digestion; breathing).

Cell and Protoplasm.—Both plants and animals are composed of small parts called cells. Cells are usually microscopic in size. They have various shapes, as spherical, flat, cylindrical, fibre-like, star-shaped. The living substance of cells is called protoplasm. It is a stiff, gluey fluid, albuminous in its nature. Every cell has a denser spot or kernel called a nucleus, and in the nucleus is a still smaller speck called a nucleolus. Most cells are denser and tougher on the outside, and are said to have a cell wall, but many cells are naked, or without a wall. Hence the indispensable part of a cell is not the wall but the nucleus, and a cell may be defined as a bit of protoplasm containing a nucleus. This definition includes naked cells as well as cells with walls.

One-celled Animals.—There are countless millions of animals and plants the existence of which was not suspected until the invention of the microscope several centuries ago. They are one-celled, and hence microscopic in size. It is believed that the large animals and plants are descended from one-celled animals and plants. In fact, each individual plant or animal begins life as a single cell, called an egg cell, and forms its organs by the subdivision of the egg cell into many cells. An egg cell is shown in Fig. 6, and the first stages in the development of an egg cell are shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 6.—Egg cell of mammal with yolk.

Fig. 7.—Egg cell subdivides into many cells forming a sphere (morula) containing a liquid. A dimple forms and deepens to form the next stage (gastrula).

The animals to be studied in the first chapter are one-celled animals. To understand them we must learn how they eat, breathe, feel, and move. They are called Protozoans (Greek protos, first, and zoon). All other animals are composed of many cells and are called Metazoans (Greek meta, beyond or after). The cells composing the mucous membrane in man are shown in Fig. 8. The cellular structure of the leaf of a many-celled plant is illustrated in Fig. 1.

Method of Classifying Animals.—The various animals display differences more or less marked. The question arises, are not some of them more closely related than others? We conclude that they are, since the difference between some animals is very slight, while the difference between others is quite marked.

Fig. 8.—Mucous Membrane formed of one layer of cells. A few cells secrete mucus.

To show the different steps in classifying an animal, we will take an example,—the cow. Even little children learn to recognize a cow, although individual cows differ somewhat in form, size, colour, etc. The varieties of cows, such as short-horn, Jersey, etc., all form one species of animals, having the scientific name taurus. Let us include in a larger group the animals closest akin to a cow. We see a cat, a bison, and a dog; rejecting the cat and the dog, we see that the bison has horns, hoofs, and other similarities. We include it with the cow in a genus called Bos, calling the cow Bos taurus, and the bison, Bos bison. The sacred cow of India (Bos indicus) is so like the cow and the buffalo as also to belong to the genus Bos. Why is not the camel, which, like Bos bison, has a hump, placed in the genus Bos?

The Old World buffaloes,—most abundant in Africa and India,—the antelopes, sheep, goats, and several other genera are placed with the genus Bos in a family called the hollow-horned animals.

This family, because of its even number of toes and the habit of chewing the cud, resembles the camel family, the deer family, and several other families. These are all placed together in the next higher systematic unit called an order, in this case, the order of ruminants.

The ruminants, because they are covered with hair and nourish the young with milk, are in every essential respect related to the one-toed horses, the beasts of prey, the apes, etc. Hence they are all placed in a more inclusive division of animals, the class called mammals.

All mammals have the skeleton, or support of the body, on the inside, the axis of which is called the vertebral column. This feature also belongs to the classes of reptiles, amphibians, and fishes. It is therefore consistent to unite these classes by a general idea or conception into a great branch of animals called the vertebrates.

Returning from the general to the particular by successive steps, state the branch, class, order, family, genus, and species to which the cow belongs.

The Eight Branches or Sub-kingdoms.—The simplest classification divides the whole animal kingdom into eight branches, named and characterized as follows, beginning with the lowest: I. Protozoans. One-celled. II. Sponges. Many openings. III. Polyps. Circular; cuplike; having only one opening which is both mouth and vent. IV. Echinoderms. Circular; rough-skinned; two openings. V. Molluscs. No skeleton; usually with external shell. VI. Vermes. Elongate body, no jointed legs. VII. Arthropods. External jointed skeleton; jointed legs. VIII. Vertebrates. Internal jointed skeleton with axis or backbone.[1]

1. This is the briefest classification. Animals have also been divided into twelve branches. The naming of animals is somewhat chaotic at present, but an attempt to come to an agreement is now being made by zoologists of all nations.

CHAPTER II PROTOZOA (One-celled Animals)

The Amœba

Suggestions.—Amœbas live in the slime found on submerged stems and leaves in standing water, or in the ooze at the bottom. Water plants may be crowded into a glass dish and allowed to decay, and after about two weeks the amœba may be found in the brown slime scraped from the plants. An amœba culture sometimes lasts only three days. The most abundant supply ever used by the writer was from a bottle of water where some oats were germinating. Use ⅕ or ⅙ inch objective, and cover with a thin cover glass. Teachers who object to the use of the compound microscope in a first course should require a most careful study of the figures.

Fig. 9.—Amœba Proteus, much enlarged.

Fig. 10.—Amœ, contractile vacuole; ec, ectoplasm; en, endoplasm; n, nucleus; ps, pseudopod; ps, pseudopod forming; ectoplasm protrudes and endoplasm flows into it.

Form and Structure.—The amœba looks so much like a clear drop of jelly that a beginner cannot be certain that he has found one until it moves. It is a speck of protoplasm (Fig. 9), with a clear outer layer, the ectoplasm; and a granular, internal part, the endoplasm. Is there a distinct line between them? (Fig. 10.)

Note the central portion and the slender prolongations or pseudopods (Greek, false feet). Does the endoplasm extend into the pseudopods? (Fig. 10.) Are the pseudopods arranged with any regularity?

Sometimes it is possible to see a denser appearing portion, called the nucleus; also a clear space, the contractile vacuole (Fig. 10).

Fig. 11.—The same amœba seen at different times.

Movements.—Sometimes while the pseudopods are being extended and contracted, the central portion remains in the same place (this is motion). Usually only one pseudopod is extended, and the body flows into it; this is locomotion (Fig. 11). There is a new foot made for each step.

Feeding.—If the amœba crawls near a food particle, the pseudopod is pressed against it, or a depression occurs (Fig. 12), and the particle is soon embedded in the endoplasm. Often a clear space called a food vacuole is noticed around the food particle. This is the water that is taken in with the particle (Fig. 12). The water and the particle are soon absorbed and assimilated by the endoplasm.

Fig. 12.—The Amœba taking food.

Excretion.—If a particle of sand or other indigestible matter is taken in, it is left behind as the amœba moves on. There is a clear space called the contractile vacuole, which slowly contracts and disappears, then reappears and expands (Figs. 9 and 10). This possibly aids in excreting oxidized or useless material.

Circulation in the amœba consists of the movement of its protoplasmic particles. It lacks special organs of circulation.

Feeling.—Jarring the glass slide seems to be felt, for it causes the activity of the amœba to vary. It does not take in for food every particle that it touches. This may be the beginning of taste, based upon mere chemical affinity. The pseudopods aid in feeling.

Reproduction.—Sometimes an amœba is seen dividing into two parts. A narrowing takes place in the middle; the nucleus also divides, a part going to each portion (Fig. 13). The mother amœba finally divides into two daughter amœbas. Sex is wanting.

Fig. 13.—Amœba, Dividing.

Source of the Amœba’s Energy.—We thus see that the amœba moves without feet, eats without a mouth, digests without a stomach, feels without nerves, and, it should also be stated, breathes without lungs, for oxygen is absorbed from the water by its whole surface. Its movements require energy; this, as in all animals, is furnished by the uniting of oxygen with the food. Carbon dioxide and other waste products are formed by the union; these pass off at the surface of the amœba and taint the water with impurities.

Questions.—Why will the amœba die in a very small quantity of water, even though the water contains enough food? Why will it die still quicker if air is excluded from contact with the drop of water?

The amœba never dies of old age. Can it be said to be immortal?

According to the definition of a cell (Chapter I), is the amœba a unicellular or multicellular animal?

Cysts.—If the water inhabited by a protozoan dries up, it encysts, that is, it forms a tough skin called a cyst. Upon return of better conditions it breaks the cyst and comes out. Encysted protozoans may be blown through the air: this explains their appearance in vessels of water containing suitable food but previously free from protozoans.

The Slipper Animalcule or Paramecium

Suggestions.—Stagnant water often contains the paramecium as well as the amœba; or they may be found in a dish of water containing hay or finely cut clover, after the dish has been allowed to stand in the sun for several days. A white film forming on the surface is a sign of their presence. They may even be seen with the unaided eye as tiny white particles by looking through the side of the dish or jar. Use at first a ⅓ or ¼ in. objective. Restrict their movements by placing cotton fibres beneath the cover glass; then examine with ⅕ or ⅙ objective. Otherwise, study figures.

Shape and Structure.—The paramecium’s whole body, like the amœba’s, is only one cell. It resembles a slipper in shape, but the pointed end is the hind end, the front end being rounded (Fig. 14). The paramecium is propelled by the rapid beating of numerous fine, threadlike appendages on its surface, called cilia (Latin, eyelashes) (Figs.). The cilia, like the pseudopods of the amœba, are merely prolongations of the cell protoplasm, but they are permanent. The separation between the outer ectoplasm and the interior granular endoplasm is more marked than in the amœba (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14.—Paramecium, showing cilia, c. Two contractile vacuoles, cv; the macronucleus, mg; two micronuclei, mi; the gullet (Œ), a food ball forming and ten food balls in their course from gullet to vent, a.

Fig. 15.

Nucleus and Vacuoles.—There is a large nucleus called the macronucleus, and beside it a smaller one called the micronucleus. They are hard to see. About one third of the way from each end is a clear, pulsating space (bb. Fig. 15) called the pulsating vacuole. These spaces contract until they disappear, and then reappear, gradually expanding. Tubes lead from the vacuoles which probably serve to keep the contents of the cell in circulation.

Fig. 16.—Two Paramecia exchanging parts of their nuclei.

Feeding.—A depression, or groove, is seen on one side; this serves as a mouth (Figs.). A tube which serves as a gullet leads from the mouth-groove to the interior of the cell. The mouth-groove is lined with cilia which sweep food particles inward. The particles accumulate in a mass at the inner end of the gullet, become separated from it as a food ball (Fig. 14), and sink into the soft protoplasm of the body. The food balls follow a circular course through the endoplasm, keeping near the ectoplasm.

Fig. 17.—Vorticella (or bell animalcule), two extended, one withdrawn.

Reproduction.—This, as in the amœba, is by division, the constriction being in the middle, and part of the nucleus going to each half. Sometimes two individuals come together with their mouth-grooves touching and exchange parts of their nuclei (Fig. 16). They then separate and each divides to form two new individuals.

Fig. 18.—Euglena.

We thus see that the paramecium, though of only one cell, is a much more complex and advanced animal than the amœba. The tiny paddles, or cilia, the mouth-groove, etc., have their special duties similar to the specialized organs of the many-celled animals to be studied later.

Fig. 19.—Shell of a Radiolarian.

If time and circumstances allow a prolonged study, several additional facts may be observed by the pupil, e.g. Does the paramecium swim with the same end always foremost, and same side uppermost? Can it move backwards? Avoid obstacles? Change shape in a narrow passage? Does refuse matter leave the body at any particular place? Trace movement of the food particles.

Draw the paramecium.

Which has more permanent parts, the amœba or paramecium? Name two anatomical similarities and three differences; four functional similarities and three differences.

The amœba belongs in the class of protozoans called Rhizopoda “root footed.”

Other classes of Protozoans are the Infusorians (in the broad sense of the term), which have many waving cilia (Fig. 17) or one whiplike flagellum (Fig. 18), and the Foraminifers, which possess a calcareous shell pierced with holes (Fig. 19). Much chalky limestone has been formed of their shells. To which class does the paramecium belong?

Protozoans furnish a large amount of food to the higher animals.


Suggestions.—In many parts of North America, fresh-water sponges may, by careful searching, be found growing on rocks and logs in clear water. They are brown, creamy, or greenish in colour, and resemble more a cushion-like plant than an animal. They have a characteristic gritty feel. They soon die after removal to an aquarium.

Fig. 21.—Fresh-water Sponge.

A number of common small bath sponges may be bought and kept for use in studying the skeleton of an ocean sponge. These sponges should not have large holes in the bottom; if so, too much of the sponge has been cut away. A piece of marine sponge preserved in alcohol or formalin may be used for showing the sponge with its flesh in place. Microscopic slides may be used for showing the spicules.

Fig. 22.—Section of fresh-water sponge (enlarged).

The small fresh-water sponge (Fig. 21) lacks the more or less vaselike form typical of sponges. It is a rounded mass growing upon a rock or a log. As indicated by the Arrows, where does water enter the sponge? This may be tested by putting colouring matter in the water near the living sponge. Where does the water come out? (Fig. 22.) Does it pass through ciliated chambers in its course? Is the surface of the sponge rough or smooth? Do any of the skeletal spicules show on the surface? (Fig. 21.) Does the sponge thin out near its edge?

Fig. 23.—Eggs and SPICULES of fresh-water sponge (enlarged).

The egg of this sponge is shown in Fig. 23. It escapes from the parent sponge through the osculum, or large outlet. As in most sponges, the first stage after the egg is ciliated and free-swimming.

Marine Sponges.—The grantia (Fig. 24) is one of the simplest of marine sponges. What is the shape of grantia? What is its length and diameter? How does the free end differ from the fixed end? Are the spicules projecting from its body few or many?

Fig. 24.—Grantia.

Where is the osculum, or large outlet? With what is this surrounded? The osculum opens from a central cavity called the cloaca. The canals from the pores lead to the cloaca.

Buds are sometimes seen growing out from the sponge near its base. These are young sponges formed asexually. Later they become detached from the parent sponge.

Fig. 25.—Plan of a sponge.

Commercial “Sponge.”—What part of the complete animal remains in the bath sponge? Slow growing sponges grow more at the top and form tall, simple, tubular or vaselike animals. Fast growing sponges grow on all sides at once and form a complicated system of canals, pores, and oscula. Which of these habits of growth do you think belonged to the bath sponge? Is there a large hole in the base of your specimen? If so, this is because the cloaca was reached in trimming the lower part where it was attached to a rock. Test the elasticity of the sponge when dry and when wet by squeezing it. Is it softer when wet or dry? Is it more elastic when wet or dry? How many oscula does your specimen have? How many inhalent pores to a square inch? Using a probe (a wire with knob at end, or small hat pin), try to trace the canals from the pores to the cavities inside.

Fig. 26.—Bath Sponge.

Do the fibres of the sponge appear to interlace, or join, according to any system? Do you see any fringe-like growths on the surface which show that new tubes are beginning to form? Was the sponge growing faster at the top, on the sides, or near the bottom?

Fig. 27.—Bath Sponge.

Fig. 28.—Bath Sponge.

Burn a bit of the sponge; from the odor, what would you judge of its composition? Is the inner cavity more conspicuous in a simple sponge or in a compound sponge like the bath sponge? Is the bath sponge branched or lobed? Compare a number of specimens (Figs. 26, 27, 28) and decide whether the common sponge has a typical shape. What features do their forms possess in common?

Fig 29.—Skeleton of a glass sponge.

Sponges are divided into three classes, according as their skeletons are flinty (silicious), limy (calcareous), or horny.

Some of the silicious sponges have skeletons that resemble spun glass in their delicacy. Flint is chemically nearly the same as glass. The skeleton shown in Fig. 29 is that of a glass sponge which lives near the Philippine Islands.

The horny sponges do not have spicules in their skeletons, as the flinty and limy sponges have, but the skeleton is composed of interweaving fibres of spongin, a durable substance of the same chemical nature as silk (Figs. 30 and 31).

The limy sponges have skeletons made of numerous spicules of lime. The three-rayed spicule is the commonest form.

Fig. 30.—A horny sponge.

Fig. 31.—Section of horny sponge.

The commercial sponge, seen as it grows in the ocean, appears as a roundish mass with a smooth, dark exterior, and having about the consistency of beef liver. Several large openings (oscula), from which the water flows, are visible on the upper surface. Smaller holes (inhalent pores—many of them so small as to be indistinguishable) are on the sides. If the sponge is disturbed, the smaller holes, and perhaps the larger ones, will close.

The outer layer of cells serves as a sort of skin. Since so much of the sponge is in contact with water, most of the cells do their own breathing, or absorption of oxygen and giving off of carbon dioxide. Nutriment is passed on from the surface cells to nourish the rest of the body.

Reproduction.—Egg cells and sperm-cells are produced by certain cells along the canals. The egg cell, after it is fertilized by the sperm cell, begins to divide and form new cells, some of which possess cilia. The embryo sponge passes out at an osculum. By the vibration of the cilia, it swims about for a while. It afterwards settles down with the one end attached to the ocean floor and remains fixed for the rest of its life. The other end develops oscula. Some of the cilia continue to vibrate and create currents which bring food and oxygen.

The cilia in many species are found only in cavities called ciliated chambers. (Figs. 22, 32.) There are no distinct organs in the sponge and there is very little specialization of cells. The ciliated cells and the reproductive cells are the only specialized cells. The sponges were for a long time considered as colonies of separate one-celled animals classed as protozoans. They are, without doubt, many-celled animals. If a living sponge is cut into pieces, each piece will grow and form a complete sponge.

Fig. 32.—Microscopic plan of ciliated chamber. Each cell lining the chamber has a nucleus, a whip-lash, and a collar around base of whip-lash. Question: State two uses of whip-lash.

That the sponge is not a colony of one-celled animals, each like an amœba, but is a many-celled animal, will be realized by examining Fig. 32, which shows a bit of sponge highly magnified. A sponge may be conceived as having developed from a one-celled animal as follows: Several one-celled animals happened to live side by side; each possessed a threadlike flagellum (E, Fig. 32) or whip-lash for striking the water. By lashing the water, they caused a stronger current (Fig. 25) than protozoans living singly could cause. Thus they obtained more food and multiplied more rapidly than those living alone. The habit of working together left its impress on the cells and was transmitted by inheritance.

Cell joined to cell formed a ring; ring joined to ring formed a tube which was still more effective than a ring in lashing the water into a current and bringing fresh food (particles of dead plants and animals) and oxygen.

Few animals eat sponges; possibly because spicules, or fibres, are found throughout the flesh, or because the taste and the odour are unpleasant enough to protect them. Small animals sometimes crawl into sponges to hide. One sponge grows upon shells inhabited by hermit crabs. Moving of the shell from place to place is an advantage to the sponge, while the sponge conceals and thus protects the crab.

Special Report: Sponge “Fisheries.” (Localities; how sponges are taken, cleaned, dried, shipped, and sold.)


The Hydra, or Fresh-Water Polyp

Fig. 33.—A Hydra.

Suggestions.—Except in the drier regions of North America the hydra can usually be found by careful search in fresh-water ponds not too stagnant. It is found attached to stones, sticks, or leaves, and has a slender, cylindrical body from a quarter to half an inch long, varying in thickness from that of a fine needle to that of a common pin. The green hydra and the brown hydra, both very small, are common species, though hydras are often white or colourless. They should be kept in a large glass dish filled with water. They may be distinguished by the naked eye but are not studied satisfactorily without a magnifying glass or microscope. Place a living specimen attached to a bit of wood in a watch crystal filled with water, or on a hollowed slip, or on a slip with a bit of weed to support the cover glass, and examine with hand lens or lowest power of microscope. Prepared microscopical sections, both transverse and longitudinal, may be bought of dealers in microscopic supplies. One is shown in Fig. 39.

Fig. 34.—Forms assumed by Hydra.