Biblical Rhymes & Reasons - Stephen Maloney - E-Book

Biblical Rhymes & Reasons E-Book

Stephen Maloney

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Biblical Rhymes & Reasons is a book find for our times, full of energy and passion, to inspire both men and women.  From beginning to end and morning to night, rhythmic and proverbial words take you through a disciple's journey of real encounters with the Savior God, with both seriousness and humor.
Seven chapters full of deeply thoughtful and challenging expressions of mind, heart, and soul with battles between flesh and Spirit, keep both inquirers and disciples engaged through personal, relational, and cultural topics.
Author Stephen Maloney is both vulnerable and prophetic as a man and servant of God.
"Appearing as a dove above stream, inspired words rise from in between, the wings and the water. These are the words I knew and dreamed."

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Biblical Rhymes & Reasons

Biblical Rhymes & Reasons

An Inspired Collection of Personal Reflections

Stephen Maloney

Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

All of the characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

The opinions expressed by the author are not necessarily those of Publisher.

Book design Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved.

Scripture References from the New American Standard Bible

RWG Publishing

PO Box 596

Litchfield, IL 62056

Published in the United States of America

Table of Contents



A New Day

Begin Again

Rejoice Some

Morning Star


Faith Within

Enough Said

Never Alone

Saving the Moments

In the Wake

Glorious Hope

Morning News

Dawning of Age

Princes of the King


Dwelling Together

Striving to Be

Citadels of Men

Reflections of Innocence

Boy Duck

Even Seagulls Want

Broken Flesh

Struggling with Jim

Too Much Clucking

Balls of Fire

Don’t Happen on Holiness

Money Pit

Hate No Faith

Trust I Must



Pleasing Reason

Suffering Too

Mothers’ Loss

Mom’s Bing Cherries

Father’s Hub

Weathering Addiction

Torn in Two

Wholly Undivided

Time Tells


True Love Found

So This

Wanting to Know

If Following

Meat Eaters

Devil’s Schemes

No Fear

A Bowl of Courage

Surrounded Servant

Fall Witness

Seasonal Fun

A Rare Snowman

Considered Friend


Man’s Work

Avoidance Broken


Knowing Jesus Tested


Challenge to Authority


The Gator

Except the Babies

Glass Lands

Melting Pot

The Election

Border Rights

Realistic Idealistic

Progressive or Not

Lost Minds

Remedy for Tragedy

Humor Us

Love Her to Death

Land of Rap Opportunity

The War Within

The Wrong Prince


Watches in the Night

Now Still

Do Not

Spirit Calling

Spirit Living

New Inspiration

Dream On

Upon Me

Trumpet Players

The King’s Reward

Hide Me


Celtic Souls

Dear St. Patrick

Strength with You


The Thrill of His Will


The Inevitable

The Trading Clock

Eyes and Ears

Dark Under Light

Hardly Confusing


Beyond Words

Our Champion

When It Comes

That’s Gospel

Jesus Knew

Amazing Story


Healing Ground

Comes with the Gift


My Better Years


New Lifetime

Stop Watch


Wedding Bells

Visions of Heaven

Joyful Delight

Last Rites

ABOUT Stephen Maloney

A Prayer for Your Reading

“For this reason I too, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which exists among you and your love for all the saints,do not cease giving thanks for you, while making mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.”

Ephesians 1:15-19b

Thank you to my wife Maria,

Who encouraged me to start putting my little “snippets” together.

“A woman to be praised in the gates of the city”

“A blessing from God”


This book of rhyme and reason is replete with biblically themed poems and proverbs of various length and complexity, strength and sensitivity, appealing to both men and women of different ages. They are organized by theme into seven chapters that bring us through a journey of faith, and are categorized as: morning risers, personal struggles, following Christ, wise things to consider, the state of the nation, prophetic challenges, and the Good News message, all which recall many personal times of earnest searching prayer, insights, some common experiences, and many very real encounters with the One Triune God and Savior of the world, in the midst of daily life, family, work, and ministry in both the Church and the world, as a servant of God.

These inspirational writings connect with the battle between our human nature and divine callings. You will be drawn into the experiences, encouraged in your faith, challenged as a Christian disciple, strengthened in the truth of God’s Word, hungering more for wisdom, intrigued by insights, and even laughing at some

humorous puns which balance out the serious intensity of some of the selections, a few which may surprise you.

This gift of a book can be appreciated on its own because of its richness or can serve as a prayer devotional supplement to bible reading, for quick inspiration, times of deep reflection, or even fun youthful rap. More than a work of Christian poetry and proverbs, “Biblical Rhymes and Reasons” takes you on the challenging soul-searching journey of one who is seeking God and following in His footsteps here on earth, as a man, walking by faith in and towards his heavenly calling to God, in and through His Son Jesus Christ, who also invites you to participate.

Appearing as a dove above stream,

Inspired words rise from in between, the wings and the water.

These are the words I knew and dreamed.

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star. The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes, take the water of life without cost.”

Revelation 22:16-17


A New Day

A new day,

Not just any day, but one that has never been before,

When there is possibility, unpredictability,

Already promised instore.

Should I not be anticipating,

Participating in what is about to occur?

Should I not be excited, feel invited, about finding new love?

Even for a day?

Begin Again

Like it was in the beginning, forming, rising up from the mud,

Taking a breath, perhaps a stretch, in order to find,

My strength, my vision, my reason in time.

Can I walk? Can I talk?  Am I not alone?

Whispers as I’m waking, thoughts arising too,

Some good, some bad, some I wish I knew.

Finding my way, still darkness before day,

I begin with prayer, because I begin to hear,

A calling, a purpose, a voice I know in my ear,

“Begin Again”.

Rejoice Some

It should arise, but for some, not so naturally,

Ever bearing, and for some, a difficult choice,

We will fly, but for some, not immediately,

Ever nearing, and for some, quick to rejoice.

Called to wait, the time effervescently,

Never fearing, and for some, difficult poise,

Called to state, the joy all enumerably,

Never tearing, and for some, quick to voice.

Morning Star

He’s there strong and bright from the moment I wake,

In His light I rise and bloom.

He lifts me up if I bend or faint,

In His love I am raptured and swooned.

When all seems dark, His light leads the way,

I follow after and I see,

The clouds disperse, His brightness reveals

All the colors heavenly!


Awakening to the truth that You love me,

Awakening to the reasons that You care,

Awakening to the faith that You are with me,

Awakening to Your Presence very near.

Awakening to the course that is beyond me,

Awakening to Your will that’s in my ear,

Awakening to the heart-felt night stirring,

Awakening to the Message in the air.

Awakening to Your love for those around me,

Awakening to Your safety over fear,

Awakening to Your desire for them to know You,

Awakening to Your purpose over there.

Awakening to the truth that it is finished,

Awakening to the call there’s more to bear,

Awakening to the news that still confounds me,

Awakening to the Gospel everywhere.

Faith Within

Searching for life and breath, reason and solitude, before motivation to move,

The Words on the pages, the gift of the Spirit, give me hope that I would,

Find the strength, the grace, the light of His face, the pleasure that soothes.

In the hour of need, seeking a measure of faith, before I start to bleed,

Having to endure in advance before I proceed,

somewhat joyfully,

Imperfect yet, struggling internally, to believe what is truly divinely good.

Reality forcing the steps ahead, so I cannot hide from what I falsely dread,

Still on my pillows, mysterious in bed, with the billows unclear before me,

Situations untrue, fight infatuations not new, but wanting victory instead.

Growing up sure, even before the door, a spark of courage to lighten,

The loads of the day, the needle in hay, within me, to stay and brighten,

Any ounces of gloom or warnings of doom, on the way, that may suddenly frighten.

Spirit groaning is true, but it also renews, the faith I had just forgotten.

Now more able to breath, what I know I believe, as I bravely press on and trodden,

The way that is planned, before me at hand, I am finally strengthened and gladdened.

Now much more secure, as my faith endures, in the Man who was surely enlightened,

I walk firmly towards, the snakes and boars, and bullocks all full of mocking.

The LORD builds it in, to lift up my chin, and to preach of all sins forgotten.

Faith speaks from within, of the Father’s win, eternal life through the Son Begotten.

Enough Said

Believe Him when he says He loves you.

Believe Him because you know He is good.

Believe Him when he says He is counting,

Every strand of a hair, under your hood.

Believe Him when he says He is sufficient.

Believe Him when he says He understood.

Believe Him when he says He’s always with you.

Remember every day, He said he would.

Never Alone

Never alone, and yet I am searching for you more.

Baiting, and hating the times I cannot find the oars.

Prying, trying to pull the nails up from the floor.

Faking, waking so I can continue to explore,

How you are with me, even now, and even more,

Then I can feel, or see, as I pass out through the door.

Never alone, and yet I am yearning for you more.

Waiting, and hating delays for the abode that is yours.

Sighing, fighting inside the lies that keep me bored.

Faking, taking what I can until I am sure,

That you are with me, even now, as well before,

That I could feel, or see, as I came home through the door.

Saving the Moments 

Every moment is gone, before it really begins,

Time slips by, without a “Hi”, missing you, missing Him, in everything.

So important it all seems, every else, every thing, in the moment that I’m in.

Busy day for the pay, always business here to stay,

Blocks the way, lost Today, missing you, missing Him, in every sin.

So important seems the pay, every penny, every day, in the business that I’m in.

Another weekend goes by, can’t I ever tell the time?

Will I learn, where’s my turn, missing you, missing Him, on a whim.

So important ideas seem, I forget, what I mean, in the mind that I’m lost in.

Many months slip by, every promise seemed a lie,

So, I said, went to bed, missing you, missing Him, once again.

So important though we wed, all the stuff, made it rough, in the time that we had then.

Numbered years fly by, now we’re wearing a disguise,

Overweight, had no dates, who are you, where is Him, to the gym,

So important we begin, forget else, take a win, for a moment,

sink or swim.

Anniversaries now a high, how we hate to say goodbye,

Without freight, our best day, glad for you, thanks to Him, sing a hymn.

So important we rescued, all the vows we promised to, now in view,


Now our life is old times, having pleasures by your side,

Cannot wait, hesitate, all with you, all with Him, every day the aim again,

So important that we win, nothing else, now ourselves, every moment

that we’re in.

In the Wake

In the wake of suffering and death,

In whom can I trust and confide?

The anguish of my broken heart,

Where is My Comfort and Guide?

The troubles of my mind do race,

It is hard to sleep and quell,

The pain and lack of warm embrace,

Of one I knew so well.

When will all the mourning go,

When will the grief subside?

It is not for me to have no hope,

But for death itself to die!

I look again to my Savior's morn,

The new first day of the week,

When I peak and glimpse at the breaking light,

And find joy in the midst of the bleak.

Glorious Hope

Only soberly can we truly appreciate how glorious it is for us to gaze upon the blazing light of the sun, warming and scorching simultaneously depending upon where and when you sit. It is placed far enough to not wholly burn, but close enough to love.

Of all God’s created bodies, it rises daily as a sign of promise to be known by everybody, more than just a rainbow for a few, a taste of heavenly glory that provides an eternal view. With it a warmth of soul arrives and draws us towards the Glorious One.

Now that the blessed revelation of the Son has shown upon us, the true light that displaces, now risen and ascended above us, through clouds and beyond our sight, we await our glorious hope that has overcome death and sin’s plight. He has entered into the Most Holy Place, brightening the face of all frightened ones.

We shall forever behold the Lamb on the Throne who will replace the forgotten sun, and so, we blaze ourselves around this hope until Revelation’s done. God has chosen us and has therefore won for us such a great salvation. So, now with soundness of heart and mind, we grow in warm appreciation.

Morning News

Every morning new provides,

More ways to justly glorify,

The King who once was slain.

To satisfy the ghastly cost,

Of all who once were sadly lost,

Made perfect and through pain.

To rectify ancestral sin,

Death rooted him and deep within,

Since man betrayed his God.

Accepting tempted evil thoughts,

From serpent who did cunning taught,

To rebel against, he prod.

To trust in human and in self,

While losing all God's higher wealth,

He embraced his foolish pride.

The first of holy childlike ways,

Lost with virgin innocent days,

The grave then opened wide.

God’s promise was revealed that day,

Perfect plan all timeless laid,

The Son of God would die.

Be risen on the third again,

Cause true love never truly ends,

Though flesh be crucified.