C# 10 and .NET 6 – Modern Cross-Platform Development - Mark J. Price - E-Book

C# 10 and .NET 6 – Modern Cross-Platform Development E-Book

Mark J. Price

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Extensively revised to accommodate all the latest features that come with C# 10 and .NET 6, this latest edition of our comprehensive guide will get you coding in C# with confidence.

You’ll learn object-oriented programming, writing, testing, and debugging functions, implementing interfaces, and inheriting classes. The book covers the .NET APIs for performing tasks like managing and querying data, monitoring and improving performance, and working with the filesystem, async streams, and serialization. You’ll build and deploy cross-platform apps, such as websites and services using ASP.NET Core.

Instead of distracting you with unnecessary application code, the first twelve chapters will teach you about C# language constructs and many of the .NET libraries through simple console applications. In later chapters, having mastered the basics, you’ll then build practical applications and services using ASP.NET Core, the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, and Blazor.

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C# 10 and .NET 6 – Modern Cross-Platform Development

Sixth Edition

Build apps, websites, and services with ASP.NET Core 6, Blazor, and EF Core 6 using Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio Code

Mark J. Price


C# 10 and .NET 6 – Modern Cross-Platform Development

Sixth Edition

Copyright © 2021 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.

Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Producer: Suman Sen

Acquisition Editor – Peer Reviews: Saby Dsilva

Project Editor: Amit Ramadas

Content Development Editor: Bhavesh Amin

Copy Editor: Safis Editing

Technical Editor: Aniket Shetty

Proofreader: Safis Editing

Indexer: Pratik Shirodkar

Presentation Designer: Pranit Padwal

First published: March 2016

Second edition: March 2017

Third edition: November 2017

Fourth edition: October 2019

Fifth edition: November 2020

Sixth edition: November 2021

Production reference: 4141022

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street


B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-80107-736-1



About the author

Mark J. Price is a Microsoft Specialist: Programming in C# and Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions, with over 20 years' experience.

Since 1993, he has passed more than 80 Microsoft programming exams and specializes in preparing others to pass them. Between 2001 and 2003, Mark was employed to write official courseware for Microsoft in Redmond, USA. His team wrote the first training courses for C# while it was still an early alpha version. While with Microsoft, he taught "train-the-trainer" classes to get other MCTs up to speed on C# and .NET. Currently, Mark creates and delivers training courses for Optimizely's Digital Experience Platform (DXP). Mark holds a BSc. Hons. Degree in computer science.

About the reviewers

Damir Arh has many years of experience with software development and maintenance; from complex enterprise software projects to modern consumer-oriented mobile applications. Although he has worked with a wide spectrum of different languages, his favorite language remains C#. In his drive toward better development processes, he is a proponent of test-driven development, continuous integration, and continuous deployment. He shares his knowledge by speaking at local user groups and conferences, blogging, and writing articles. He has received the prestigious Microsoft MVP award for developer technologies 10 times in a row. In his spare time, he's always on the move: hiking, geocaching, running, and rock climbing.

Geovanny Alzate Sandoval is a system engineer from Medellín, Colombia, and enjoys everything related to software development, new technologies, design patterns, and software architecture. He has 14+ years of experience working as a developer, technical leader, and software architect mostly with Microsoft technologies. He loves contributing to OSS, he has made contributions to Asp.Net Core SignalR, Polly, and Apollo Server to mention a few. He's also the co-author of Simmy, an OSS library for chaos engineering for .NET based on Polly. He's also a DDD lover and a cloud enthusiast. In addition, he's a .Net Foundation member and a co-organizer of MDE.NET community, which is a community for .NET developers in Medellín/Colombia. In recent years, he has been focused on building distributed and reliable systems using distributed architectures and cloud technologies. Last but not least, he strongly believes in teamwork, as he says: "I wouldn't be here if I wouldn't have learned that much from all the talented people I've worked with."

Geovanny currently works for Curbit, which is a US startup based in California, as Director of Engineering.

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Where to find the code solutions

Where to find the online chapters

What this book covers

What you need for this book

Get in touch

Share your thoughts

Hello, C#! Welcome, .NET!

Setting up your development environment

Choosing the appropriate tool and application type for learning

Pros and cons of the .NET Interactive Notebooks extension

Using Visual Studio Code for cross-platform development

Using GitHub Codespaces for development in the cloud

Using Visual Studio for Mac for general development

Using Visual Studio for Windows for general development

What I used

Deploying cross-platform

Downloading and installing Visual Studio 2022 for Windows

Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows keyboard shortcuts

Downloading and installing Visual Studio Code

Installing other extensions

Understanding Microsoft Visual Studio Code versions

Microsoft Visual Studio Code keyboard shortcuts

Understanding .NET

Understanding .NET Framework

Understanding the Mono, Xamarin, and Unity projects

Understanding .NET Core

Understanding the journey to one .NET

Understanding .NET support

Understanding .NET Runtime and .NET SDK versions

Removing old versions of .NET

What is different about modern .NET?

Windows development

Web development

Database development

Themes of modern .NET

Understanding .NET Standard

.NET platforms and tools used by the book editions

Understanding intermediate language

Comparing .NET technologies

Building console apps using Visual Studio 2022

Managing multiple projects using Visual Studio 2022

Writing code using Visual Studio 2022

Compiling and running code using Visual Studio

Understanding the compiler-generated folders and files

Writing top-level programs

Adding a second project using Visual Studio 2022

Implicitly imported namespaces

Building console apps using Visual Studio Code

Managing multiple projects using Visual Studio Code

Writing code using Visual Studio Code

Compiling and running code using the dotnet CLI

Adding a second project using Visual Studio Code

Managing multiple files using Visual Studio Code

Exploring code using .NET Interactive Notebooks

Creating a notebook

Writing and running code in a notebook

Saving a notebook

Adding Markdown and special commands to a notebook

Executing code in multiple cells

Using .NET Interactive Notebooks for the code in this book

Reviewing the folders and files for projects

Understanding the common folders and files

Understanding the solution code on GitHub

Making good use of the GitHub repository for this book

Raising issues with the book

Giving me feedback

Downloading solution code from the GitHub repository

Using Git with Visual Studio Code and the command line

Cloning the book solution code repository

Looking for help

Reading Microsoft documentation

Getting help for the dotnet tool

Getting definitions of types and their members

Looking for answers on Stack Overflow

Searching for answers using Google

Subscribing to the official .NET blog

Watching Scott Hanselman's videos

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 1.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 1.2 – Practice C# anywhere

Exercise 1.3 – Explore topics


Speaking C#

Introducing the C# language

Understanding language versions and features

C# 1.0

C# 2.0

C# 3.0

C# 4.0

C# 5.0

C# 6.0

C# 7.0

C# 7.1

C# 7.2

C# 7.3

C# 8

C# 9

C# 10

Understanding C# standards

Discovering your C# compiler versions

How to output the SDK version

Enabling a specific language version compiler

Understanding C# grammar and vocabulary

Showing the compiler version

Understanding C# grammar




Examples of statements and blocks

Understanding C# vocabulary

Comparing programming languages to human languages

Changing the color scheme for C# syntax

Help for writing correct code

Importing namespaces

Implicitly and globally importing namespaces

Verbs are methods

Nouns are types, variables, fields, and properties

Revealing the extent of the C# vocabulary

Working with variables

Naming things and assigning values

Literal values

Storing text

Understanding verbatim strings

Storing numbers

Storing whole numbers

Exploring whole numbers

Storing real numbers

Writing code to explore number sizes

Comparing double and decimal types

Storing Booleans

Storing any type of object

Storing dynamic types

Declaring local variables

Specifying the type of a local variable

Inferring the type of a local variable

Using target-typed new to instantiate objects

Getting and setting the default values for types

Storing multiple values in an array

Exploring more about console applications

Displaying output to the user

Formatting using numbered positional arguments

Formatting using interpolated strings

Understanding format strings

Getting text input from the user

Simplifying the usage of the console

Getting key input from the user

Passing arguments to a console app

Setting options with arguments

Handling platforms that do not support an API

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 2.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 2.2 – Test your knowledge of number types

Exercise 2.3 – Practice number sizes and ranges

Exercise 2.4 – Explore topics


Controlling Flow, Converting Types, and Handling Exceptions

Operating on variables

Exploring unary operators

Exploring binary arithmetic operators

Assignment operators

Exploring logical operators

Exploring conditional logical operators

Exploring bitwise and binary shift operators

Miscellaneous operators

Understanding selection statements

Branching with the if statement

Why you should always use braces with if statements

Pattern matching with the if statement

Branching with the switch statement

Pattern matching with the switch statement

Simplifying switch statements with switch expressions

Understanding iteration statements

Looping with the while statement

Looping with the do statement

Looping with the for statement

Looping with the foreach statement

Understanding how foreach works internally

Casting and converting between types

Casting numbers implicitly and explicitly

Converting with the System.Convert type

Rounding numbers

Understanding the default rounding rules

Taking control of rounding rules

Converting from any type to a string

Converting from a binary object to a string

Parsing from strings to numbers or dates and times

Errors using Parse

Avoiding exceptions using the TryParse method

Handling exceptions

Wrapping error-prone code in a try block

Catching all exceptions

Catching specific exceptions

Catching with filters

Checking for overflow

Throwing overflow exceptions with the checked statement

Disabling compiler overflow checks with the unchecked statement

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 3.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 3.2 – Explore loops and overflow

Exercise 3.3 – Practice loops and operators

Exercise 3.4 – Practice exception handling

Exercise 3.5 – Test your knowledge of operators

Exercise 3.6 – Explore topics


Writing, Debugging, and Testing Functions

Writing functions

Times table example

Writing a times table function

Writing a function that returns a value

Converting numbers from cardinal to ordinal

Calculating factorials with recursion

Documenting functions with XML comments

Using lambdas in function implementations

Debugging during development

Creating code with a deliberate bug

Setting a breakpoint and start debugging

Using Visual Studio 2022

Using Visual Studio Code

Navigating with the debugging toolbar

Debugging windows

Stepping through code

Customizing breakpoints

Logging during development and runtime

Understanding logging options

Instrumenting with Debug and Trace

Writing to the default trace listener

Configuring trace listeners

Switching trace levels

Adding packages to a project in Visual Studio Code

Adding packages to a project in Visual Studio 2022

Reviewing project packages

Unit testing

Understanding types of testing

Creating a class library that needs testing

Writing unit tests

Running unit tests using Visual Studio Code

Running unit tests using Visual Studio

Fix the bug

Throwing and catching exceptions in functions

Understanding usage errors and execution errors

Commonly thrown exceptions in functions

Understanding the call stack

Where to catch exceptions

Rethrowing exceptions

Implementing the tester-doer pattern

Problems with the tester-doer pattern

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 4.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 4.2 – Practice writing functions with debugging and unit testing

Exercise 4.3 – Explore topics


Building Your Own Types with Object-Oriented Programming

Talking about OOP

Building class libraries

Creating a class library

Defining a class in a namespace

Simplifying namespace declarations

Understanding members

Instantiating a class

Referencing an assembly

Importing a namespace to use a type

Understanding objects

Inheriting from System.Object

Storing data within fields

Defining fields

Understanding access modifiers

Setting and outputting field values

Storing a value using an enum type

Storing multiple values using an enum type

Storing multiple values using collections

Understanding generic collections

Making a field static

Making a field constant

Making a field read-only

Initializing fields with constructors

Defining multiple constructors

Writing and calling methods

Returning values from methods

Combining multiple returned values using tuples

Language support for tuples

Naming the fields of a tuple

Inferring tuple names

Deconstructing tuples

Deconstructing types

Defining and passing parameters to methods

Overloading methods

Passing optional and named parameters

Naming parameter values when calling methods

Controlling how parameters are passed

Simplified out parameters

Understanding ref returns

Splitting classes using partial

Controlling access with properties and indexers

Defining read-only properties

Defining settable properties

Requiring properties to be set during instantiation

Defining indexers

Pattern matching with objects

Creating and referencing a .NET 6 class library

Defining flight passengers

Enhancements to pattern matching in C# 9 or later

Working with records

Init-only properties

Understanding records

Positional data members in records

Simplifying data members in records

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 5.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 5.2 – Explore topics


Implementing Interfaces and Inheriting Classes

Setting up a class library and console application

More about methods

Implementing functionality using methods

Implementing functionality using operators

Implementing functionality using local functions

Raising and handling events

Calling methods using delegates

Defining and handling delegates

Defining and handling events

Making types safely reusable with generics

Working with non-generic types

Working with generic types

Implementing interfaces

Common interfaces

Comparing objects when sorting

Comparing objects using a separate class

Implicit and explicit interface implementations

Defining interfaces with default implementations

Managing memory with reference and value types

Defining reference and value types

How reference and value types are stored in memory

Equality of types

Defining struct types

Working with record struct types

Releasing unmanaged resources

Ensuring that Dispose is called

Working with null values

Making a value type nullable

Understanding nullable reference types

Enabling nullable and non-nullable reference types

Declaring non-nullable variables and parameters

Checking for null

Checking for null in method parameters

Inheriting from classes

Extending classes to add functionality

Hiding members

Overriding members

Inheriting from abstract classes

Preventing inheritance and overriding

Understanding polymorphism

Casting within inheritance hierarchies

Implicit casting

Explicit casting

Avoiding casting exceptions

Inheriting and extending .NET types

Inheriting exceptions

Extending types when you can't inherit

Using static methods to reuse functionality

Using extension methods to reuse functionality

Using an analyzer to write better code

Suppressing warnings

Fixing the code

Understanding common StyleCop recommendations

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 6.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 6.2 – Practice creating an inheritance hierarchy

Exercise 6.3 – Explore topics


Packaging and Distributing .NET Types

The road to .NET 6

.NET Core 1.0

.NET Core 1.1

.NET Core 2.0

.NET Core 2.1

.NET Core 2.2

.NET Core 3.0

.NET Core 3.1

.NET 5.0

.NET 6.0

Improving performance from .NET Core 2.0 to .NET 5

Checking your .NET SDKs for updates

Understanding .NET components

Understanding assemblies, NuGet packages, and namespaces

What is a namespace?

Understanding dependent assemblies

Understanding the Microsoft .NET project SDKs

Understanding namespaces and types in assemblies

Understanding NuGet packages

Understanding frameworks

Importing a namespace to use a type

Relating C# keywords to .NET types

Mapping C# aliases to .NET types

Revealing the location of a type

Sharing code with legacy platforms using .NET Standard

Understanding defaults for class libraries with different SDKs

Creating a .NET Standard 2.0 class library

Controlling the .NET SDK

Publishing your code for deployment

Creating a console application to publish

Understanding dotnet commands

Creating new projects

Getting information about .NET and its environment

Managing projects

Publishing a self-contained app

Publishing a single-file app

Reducing the size of apps using app trimming

Enabling assembly-level trimming

Enabling type-level and member-level trimming

Decompiling .NET assemblies

Decompiling using the ILSpy extension for Visual Studio 2022

Decompiling using the ILSpy extension for Visual Studio Code

No, you cannot technically prevent decompilation

Packaging your libraries for NuGet distribution

Referencing a NuGet package

Fixing dependencies

Packaging a library for NuGet

Publishing a package to a public NuGet feed

Publishing a package to a private NuGet feed

Exploring NuGet packages with a tool

Testing your class library package

Porting from .NET Framework to modern .NET

Could you port?

Should you port?

Differences between .NET Framework and modern .NET

Understanding the .NET Portability Analyzer

Understanding the .NET Upgrade Assistant

Using non-.NET Standard libraries

Working with preview features

Requiring preview features

Enabling preview features

Generic mathematics

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 7.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 7.2 – Explore topics

Exercise 7.3 – Explore PowerShell


Working with Common .NET Types

Working with numbers

Working with big integers

Working with complex numbers

Understanding quaternions

Working with text

Getting the length of a string

Getting the characters of a string

Splitting a string

Getting part of a string

Checking a string for content

Joining, formatting, and other string members

Building strings efficiently

Working with dates and times

Specifying date and time values

Globalization with dates and times

Working with only a date or a time

Pattern matching with regular expressions

Checking for digits entered as text

Regular expression performance improvements

Understanding the syntax of a regular expression

Examples of regular expressions

Splitting a complex comma-separated string

Storing multiple objects in collections

Common features of all collections

Improving performance by ensuring the capacity of a collection

Understanding collection choices






Collection methods summary

Working with lists

Working with dictionaries

Working with queues

Sorting collections

More specialized collections

Working with a compact array of bit values

Working with efficient lists

Using immutable collections

Good practice with collections

Working with spans, indexes, and ranges

Using memory efficiently using spans

Identifying positions with the Index type

Identifying ranges with the Range type

Using indexes, ranges, and spans

Working with network resources

Working with URIs, DNS, and IP addresses

Pinging a server

Working with reflection and attributes

Versioning of assemblies

Reading assembly metadata

Creating custom attributes

Doing more with reflection

Working with images

Internationalizing your code

Detecting and changing the current culture

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 8.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 8.2 – Practice regular expressions

Exercise 8.3 – Practice writing extension methods

Exercise 8.4 – Explore topics


Working with Files, Streams, and Serialization

Managing the filesystem

Handling cross-platform environments and filesystems

Managing drives

Managing directories

Managing files

Managing paths

Getting file information

Controlling how you work with files

Reading and writing with streams

Understanding abstract and concrete streams

Understanding storage streams

Understanding function streams

Understanding stream helpers

Writing to text streams

Writing to XML streams

Disposing of file resources

Simplifying disposal by using the using statement

Compressing streams

Compressing with the Brotli algorithm

Encoding and decoding text

Encoding strings as byte arrays

Encoding and decoding text in files

Serializing object graphs

Serializing as XML

Generating compact XML

Deserializing XML files

Serializing with JSON

High-performance JSON processing

Controlling JSON processing

New JSON extension methods for working with HTTP responses

Migrating from Newtonsoft to new JSON

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 9.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 9.2 – Practice serializing as XML

Exercise 9.3 – Explore topics


Working with Data Using Entity Framework Core

Understanding modern databases

Understanding legacy Entity Framework

Using the legacy Entity Framework 6.3 or later

Understanding Entity Framework Core

Creating a console app for working with EF Core

Using a sample relational database

Using Microsoft SQL Server for Windows

Downloading and installing SQL Server

Creating the Northwind sample database for SQL Server

Managing the Northwind sample database with Server Explorer

Using SQLite

Setting up SQLite for macOS

Setting up SQLite for Windows

Setting up SQLite for other OSes

Creating the Northwind sample database for SQLite

Managing the Northwind sample database with SQLiteStudio

Setting up EF Core

Choosing an EF Core database provider

Connecting to a database

Defining the Northwind database context class

Defining EF Core models

Using EF Core conventions to define the model

Using EF Core annotation attributes to define the model

Using the EF Core Fluent API to define the model

Understanding data seeding with the Fluent API

Building an EF Core model for the Northwind tables

Defining the Category and Product entity classes

Adding tables to the Northwind database context class

Setting up the dotnet-ef tool

Scaffolding models using an existing database

Configuring preconvention models

Querying EF Core models

Filtering included entities

Unicode characters in the Windows console

Filtering and sorting products

Getting the generated SQL

Logging EF Core using a custom logging provider

Filtering logs by provider-specific values

Logging with query tags

Pattern matching with Like

Defining global filters

Loading patterns with EF Core

Eager loading entities

Enabling lazy loading

Explicit loading entities

Manipulating data with EF Core

Inserting entities

Updating entities

Deleting entities

Pooling database contexts

Working with transactions

Controlling transactions using isolation levels

Defining an explicit transaction

Code First EF Core models

Understanding migrations

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 10.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 10.2 – Practice exporting data using different serialization formats

Exercise 10.3 – Explore topics

Exercise 10.4 – Explore NoSQL databases


Querying and Manipulating Data Using LINQ

Writing LINQ expressions

What makes LINQ?

Building LINQ expressions with the Enumerable class

Understanding deferred execution

Filtering entities with Where

Targeting a named method

Simplifying the code by removing the explicit delegate instantiation

Targeting a lambda expression

Sorting entities

Sorting by a single property using OrderBy

Sorting by a subsequent property using ThenBy

Declaring a query using var or a specified type

Filtering by type

Working with sets and bags using LINQ

Using LINQ with EF Core

Building an EF Core model

Filtering and sorting sequences

Projecting sequences into new types

Joining and grouping sequences

Joining sequences

Group-joining sequences

Aggregating sequences

Sweetening LINQ syntax with syntactic sugar

Using multiple threads with parallel LINQ

Creating an app that benefits from multiple threads

Using Windows

Using macOS

For all operating systems

Creating your own LINQ extension methods

Trying the chainable extension method

Trying the mode and median methods

Working with LINQ to XML

Generating XML using LINQ to XML

Reading XML using LINQ to XML

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 11.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 11.2 – Practice querying with LINQ

Exercise 11.3 – Explore topics


Improving Performance and Scalability Using Multitasking

Understanding processes, threads, and tasks

Monitoring performance and resource usage

Evaluating the efficiency of types

Monitoring performance and memory using diagnostics

Useful members of the Stopwatch and Process types

Implementing a Recorder class

Measuring the efficiency of processing strings

Monitoring performance and memory using Benchmark.NET

Running tasks asynchronously

Running multiple actions synchronously

Running multiple actions asynchronously using tasks

Starting tasks

Waiting for tasks

Using wait methods with tasks

Continuing with another task

Nested and child tasks

Wrapping tasks around other objects

Synchronizing access to shared resources

Accessing a resource from multiple threads

Applying a mutually exclusive lock to a conch

Understanding the lock statement

Avoiding deadlocks

Synchronizing events

Making CPU operations atomic

Applying other types of synchronization

Understanding async and await

Improving responsiveness for console apps

Improving responsiveness for GUI apps

Improving scalability for web applications and web services

Common types that support multitasking

Using await in catch blocks

Working with async streams

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 12.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 12.2 – Explore topics


Introducing Practical Applications of C# and .NET

Understanding app models for C# and .NET

Building websites using ASP.NET Core

Building websites using a content management system

Building web applications using SPA frameworks

Building web and other services

Building mobile and desktop apps

Alternatives to .NET MAUI

Understanding Uno Platform

Understanding Avalonia

New features in ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core 1.0

ASP.NET Core 1.1

ASP.NET Core 2.0

ASP.NET Core 2.1

ASP.NET Core 2.2

ASP.NET Core 3.0

ASP.NET Core 3.1

Blazor WebAssembly 3.2

ASP.NET Core 5.0

ASP.NET Core 6.0

Building Windows-only desktop apps

Understanding legacy Windows application platforms

Understanding modern .NET support for legacy Windows platforms

Structuring projects

Structuring projects in a solution or workspace

Using other project templates

Installing additional template packs

Building an entity data model for the Northwind database

Creating a class library for entity models using SQLite

Improving the class-to-table mapping

Creating a class library for a Northwind database context

Creating a class library for entity models using SQL Server

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 13.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 13.2 – Explore topics


Building Websites Using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages

Understanding web development

Understanding HTTP

Understanding the components of a URL

Assigning port numbers for projects in this book

Using Google Chrome to make HTTP requests

Understanding client-side web development technologies

Understanding ASP.NET Core

Classic ASP.NET versus modern ASP.NET Core

Creating an empty ASP.NET Core project

Testing and securing the website

Enabling stronger security and redirect to a secure connection

Controlling the hosting environment

Separating configuration for services and pipeline

Enabling a website to serve static content

Creating a folder for static files and a web page

Enabling static and default files

Exploring ASP.NET Core Razor Pages

Enabling Razor Pages

Adding code to a Razor Page

Using shared layouts with Razor Pages

Using code-behind files with Razor Pages

Using Entity Framework Core with ASP.NET Core

Configure Entity Framework Core as a service

Manipulating data using Razor Pages

Enabling a model to insert entities

Defining a form to insert a new supplier

Injecting a dependency service into a Razor Page

Using Razor class libraries

Creating a Razor class library

Disabling compact folders for Visual Studio Code

Implementing the employees feature using EF Core

Implementing a partial view to show a single employee

Using and testing a Razor class library

Configuring services and the HTTP request pipeline

Understanding endpoint routing

Configuring endpoint routing

Reviewing the endpoint routing configuration in our project

Registering services in the ConfigureServices method

Setting up the HTTP request pipeline in the Configure method

Summarizing key middleware extension methods

Visualizing the HTTP pipeline

Implementing an anonymous inline delegate as middleware

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 14.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 14.2 – Practice building a data-driven web page

Exercise 14.3 – Practice building web pages for console apps

Exercise 14.4 – Explore topics


Building Websites Using the Model-View-Controller Pattern

Setting up an ASP.NET Core MVC website

Creating an ASP.NET Core MVC website

Creating the authentication database for SQL Server LocalDB

Exploring the default ASP.NET Core MVC website

Understanding visitor registration

Reviewing an MVC website project structure

Reviewing the ASP.NET Core Identity database

Exploring an ASP.NET Core MVC website

Understanding ASP.NET Core MVC initialization

Understanding the default MVC route

Understanding controllers and actions

Understanding the ControllerBase class

Understanding the Controller class

Understanding the responsibilities of a controller

Understanding the view search path convention

Understanding logging

Understanding filters

Using a filter to secure an action method

Enabling role management and creating a role programmatically

Using a filter to cache a response

Using a filter to define a custom route

Understanding entity and view models

Understanding views

Customizing an ASP.NET Core MVC website

Defining a custom style

Setting up the category images

Understanding Razor syntax

Defining a typed view

Reviewing the customized home page

Passing parameters using a route value

Understanding model binders in more detail

Disambiguating action methods

Passing a route parameter

Passing a form parameter

Validating the model

Understanding view helper methods

Querying a database and using display templates

Improving scalability using asynchronous tasks

Making controller action methods asynchronous

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 15.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 15.2 – Practice implementing MVC by implementing a category detail page

Exercise 15.3 – Practice improving scalability by understanding and implementing async action methods

Exercise 15.4 – Practice unit testing MVC controllers

Exercise 15.5 – Explore topics


Building and Consuming Web Services

Building web services using ASP.NET Core Web API

Understanding web service acronyms

Understanding Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

An alternative to WCF

Understanding HTTP requests and responses for Web APIs

Creating an ASP.NET Core Web API project

Reviewing the web service's functionality

Creating a web service for the Northwind database

Creating data repositories for entities

Implementing a Web API controller

Understanding action method return types

Configuring the customer repository and Web API controller

Specifying problem details

Controlling XML serialization

Documenting and testing web services

Testing GET requests using a browser

Testing HTTP requests with the REST Client extension

Making GET requests using REST Client

Making other requests using REST Client

Understanding Swagger

Testing requests with Swagger UI

Enabling HTTP logging

Consuming web services using HTTP clients

Understanding HttpClient

Configuring HTTP clients using HttpClientFactory

Getting customers as JSON in the controller

Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

Implementing advanced features for web services

Implementing a Health Check API

Implementing Open API analyzers and conventions

Implementing transient fault handling

Adding security HTTP headers

Building web services using minimal APIs

Building a weather service using minimal APIs

Testing the minimal weather service

Adding weather forecasts to the Northwind website home page

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 16.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 16.2 – Practice creating and deleting customers with HttpClient

Exercise 16.3 – Explore topics


Building User Interfaces Using Blazor

Understanding Blazor

JavaScript and friends

Silverlight – C# and .NET using a plugin

WebAssembly – a target for Blazor

Understanding Blazor hosting models

Understanding Blazor components

What is the difference between Blazor and Razor?

Comparing Blazor project templates

Reviewing the Blazor Server project template

Understanding CSS and JavaScript isolation

Understanding Blazor routing to page components

How to define a routable page component

How to navigate Blazor routes

How to pass route parameters

Understanding base component classes

How to use the navigation link component with routes

Running the Blazor Server project template

Reviewing the Blazor WebAssembly project template

Building components using Blazor Server

Defining and testing a simple component

Making the component a routable page component

Getting entities into a component

Abstracting a service for a Blazor component

Defining forms using the EditForm component

Building and using a customer form component

Testing the customer form component

Building components using Blazor WebAssembly

Configuring the server for Blazor WebAssembly

Configuring the client for Blazor WebAssembly

Testing the Blazor WebAssembly components and service

Improving Blazor WebAssembly apps

Enabling Blazor WebAssembly AOT

Exploring Progressive Web App support

Implementing offline support for PWAs

Understanding the browser compatibility analyzer for Blazor WebAssembly

Sharing Blazor components in a class library

Interop with JavaScript

Libraries of Blazor components

Practicing and exploring

Exercise 17.1 – Test your knowledge

Exercise 17.2 – Practice by creating a times table component

Exercise 17.3 – Practice by creating a country navigation item

Exercise 17.4 – Explore topics



Next steps on your C# and .NET learning journey

Polishing your skills with design guidelines

Books to take your learning further

.NET MAUI delayed

Next edition coming November 2022

Good luck!

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Hello, C#! Welcome, .NET!

In this first chapter, the goals are setting up your development environment, understanding the similarities and differences between modern .NET, .NET Core, .NET Framework, Mono, Xamarin, and .NET Standard, creating the simplest application possible with C# 10 and .NET 6 using various code editors, and then discovering good places to look for help.

The GitHub repository for this book has solutions using full application projects for all code tasks and notebooks when possible:


Simply press the . (dot) key or change .com to .dev in the link above to change the GitHub repository into a live editor using Visual Studio Code for the Web, as shown in Figure 1.1:

Figure 1.1: Visual Studio Code for the Web live editing the book's GitHub repository

This is great to run alongside your chosen code editor as you work through the book's coding tasks. You can compare your code to the solution code and easily copy and paste parts if needed.

Throughout this book, I use the term modern .NET to refer to .NET 6 and its predecessors like .NET 5 that come from .NET Core. I use the term legacy .NET to refer to .NET Framework, Mono, Xamarin, and .NET Standard. Modern .NET is a unification of those legacy platforms and standards.

After this first chapter, the book can be divided into three parts: first, the grammar and vocabulary of the C# language; second, the types available in .NET for building app features; and third, examples of common cross-platform apps you can build using C# and .NET.

Most people learn complex topics best by imitation and repetition rather than reading a detailed explanation of the theory; therefore, I will not overload you with detailed explanations of every step throughout this book. The idea is to get you to write some code and see it run.

You don't need to know all the nitty-gritty details immediately. That will be something that comes with time as you build your own apps and go beyond what any book can teach you.

In the words of Samuel Johnson, author of the English dictionary in 1755, I have committed "a few wild blunders, and risible absurdities, from which no work of such multiplicity is free." I take sole responsibility for these and hope you appreciate the challenge of my attempt to lash the wind by writing this book about rapidly evolving technologies like C# and .NET, and the apps that you can build with them.

This first chapter covers the following topics:

Setting up your development environmentUnderstanding .NETBuilding console apps using Visual Studio 2022Building console apps using Visual Studio CodeExploring code using .NET Interactive NotebooksReviewing the folders and files for projectsMaking good use of the GitHub repository for this bookLooking for help

Setting up your development environment

Before you start programming, you'll need a code editor for C#. Microsoft has a family of code editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), which include:

Visual Studio 2022 for WindowsVisual Studio 2022 for MacVisual Studio Code for Windows, Mac, or LinuxGitHub Codespaces

Third parties have created their own C# code editors, for example, JetBrains Rider.

Choosing the appropriate tool and application type for learning

What is the best tool and application type for learning C# and .NET?

When learning, the best tool is one that helps you write code and configuration but does not hide what is really happening. IDEs provide graphical user interfaces that are friendly to use, but what are they doing for you underneath? A more basic code editor that is closer to the action while providing help to write your code is better while you are learning.

Having said that, you can make the argument that the best tool is the one you are already familiar with or that you or your team will use as your daily development tool. For that reason, I want you to be free to choose any C# code editor or IDE to complete the coding tasks in this book, including Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio for Windows, Visual Studio for Mac, or even JetBrains Rider.

In the third edition of this book, I gave detailed step-by-step instructions for both Visual Studio for Windows and Visual Studio Code for all coding tasks. Unfortunately, that got messy and confusing quickly. In this sixth edition, I give detailed step-by-step instructions for how to create multiple projects in both Visual Studio 2022 for Windows and Visual Studio Code only in Chapter 1. After that, I give names of projects and general instructions that work with all tools so you can use whichever tool you prefer.

The best application type for learning the C# language constructs and many of the .NET libraries is one that does not distract with unnecessary application code. For example, there is no need to create an entire Windows desktop application or a website just to learn how to write a switch statement.

For that reason, I believe the best method for learning the C# and .NET topics in Chapters 1 to 12 is to build console applications. Then, in Chapter 13 to 19 onward, you will build websites, services, and graphical desktop and mobile apps.

Pros and cons of the .NET Interactive Notebooks extension

Another benefit of Visual Studio Code is the .NET Interactive Notebooks extension. This extension provides an easy and safe place to write simple code snippets. It enables you to create a single notebook file that mixes "cells" of Markdown (richly formatted text) and code using C# and other related languages, such as PowerShell, F#, and SQL (for databases).

However, .NET Interactive Notebooks does have some limitations:

They cannot read input from the user, for example, you cannot use ReadLine or ReadKey.They cannot have arguments passed to them.They do not allow you to define your own namespaces.They do not have any debugging tools (but these are coming in the future).

Using Visual Studio Code for cross-platform development

The most modern and lightweight code editor to choose from, and the only one from Microsoft that is cross-platform, is Microsoft Visual Studio Code. It can run on all common operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and many varieties of Linux, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Ubuntu.

Visual Studio Code is a good choice for modern cross-platform development because it has an extensive and growing set of extensions to support many languages beyond C#.

Being cross-platform and lightweight, it can be installed on all platforms that your apps will be deployed to for quick bug fixes and so on. Choosing Visual Studio Code means a developer can use a cross-platform code editor to develop cross-platform apps.

Visual Studio Code has strong support for web development, although it currently has weak support for mobile and desktop development.

Visual Studio Code is supported on ARM processors so that you can develop on Apple Silicon computers and Raspberry Pi.

Visual Studio Code is by far the most popular integrated development environment, with over 70% of professional developers selecting it in the Stack Overflow 2021 survey.

Using GitHub Codespaces for development in the cloud

GitHub Codespaces is a fully configured development environment based on Visual Studio Code that can be spun up in an environment hosted in the cloud and accessed through any web browser. It supports Git repos, extensions, and a built-in command-line interface so you can edit, run, and test from any device.

Using Visual Studio for Mac for general development

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 for Mac can create most types of applications, including console apps, websites, web services, desktop, and mobile apps.

To compile apps for Apple operating systems like iOS to run on devices like the iPhone and iPad, you must have Xcode, which only runs on macOS.

Using Visual Studio for Windows for general development

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 for Windows can create most types of applications, including console apps, websites, web services, desktop, and mobile apps. Although you can use Visual Studio 2022 for Windows with its Xamarin extensions to write a cross-platform mobile app, you still need macOS and Xcode to compile it.

It only runs on Windows, version 7 SP1 or later. You must run it on Windows 10 or Windows 11 to create Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps that are installed from the Microsoft Store and run in a sandbox to protect your computer.

What I used

To write and test the code for this book, I used the following hardware:

HP Spectre (Intel) laptopApple Silicon Mac mini (M1) desktopRaspberry Pi 400 (ARM v8) desktop

And I used the following software:

Visual Studio Code on:macOS on an Apple Silicon Mac mini (M1) desktopWindows 10 on an HP Spectre (Intel) laptopUbuntu 64 on a Raspberry Pi 400Visual Studio 2022 for Windows on:Windows 10 on an HP Spectre (Intel) laptopVisual Studio 2022 for Mac on:macOS on an Apple Silicon Mac mini (M1) desktop

I hope that you have access to a variety of hardware and software too, because seeing the differences in platforms deepens your understanding of development challenges, although any one of the above combinations is enough to learn the fundamentals of C# and .NET and how to build practical apps and websites.

More Information: You can learn how to write code with C# and .NET using a Raspberry Pi 400 with Ubuntu Desktop 64-bit by reading an extra article that I wrote at the following link: https://github.com/markjprice/cs9dotnet5-extras/blob/main/raspberry-pi-ubuntu64/README.md.

Deploying cross-platform

Your choice of code editor and operating system for development does not limit where your code gets deployed.

.NET 6 supports the following platforms for deployment:

Windows: Windows 7 SP1, or later. Windows 10 version 1607, or later, including Windows 11. Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1, or later. Nano Server version 1809, or later.Mac