Cryptography Engineering - Niels Ferguson - E-Book

Cryptography Engineering E-Book

Niels Ferguson

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The ultimate guide to cryptography, updated from an author team of the world's top cryptography experts. Cryptography is vital to keeping information safe, in an era when the formula to do so becomes more and more challenging. Written by a team of world-renowned cryptography experts, this essential guide is the definitive introduction to all major areas of cryptography: message security, key negotiation, and key management. You'll learn how to think like a cryptographer. You'll discover techniques for building cryptography into products from the start and you'll examine the many technical changes in the field. After a basic overview of cryptography and what it means today, this indispensable resource covers such topics as block ciphers, block modes, hash functions, encryption modes, message authentication codes, implementation issues, negotiation protocols, and more. Helpful examples and hands-on exercises enhance your understanding of the multi-faceted field of cryptography. * An author team of internationally recognized cryptography experts updates you on vital topics in the field of cryptography * Shows you how to build cryptography into products from the start * Examines updates and changes to cryptography * Includes coverage on key servers, message security, authentication codes, new standards, block ciphers, message authentication codes, and more Cryptography Engineering gets you up to speed in the ever-evolving field of cryptography.

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Table of Contents


Title Page




About the Authors

Acknowledgments for Cryptography Engineering

Acknowledgments for Practical Cryptography (the 1st Edition)

Preface to Cryptography Engineering


Example Syllabi

Additional Information

Preface to Practical Cryptography (the 1st Edition)

How to Read this Book

Part I: Introduction

Chapter 1: The Context of Cryptography

1.1 The Role of Cryptography

1.2 The Weakest Link Property

1.3 The Adversarial Setting

1.4 Professional Paranoia

1.5 Threat Model

1.6 Cryptography Is Not the Solution

1.7 Cryptography Is Very Difficult

1.8 Cryptography Is the Easy Part

1.9 Generic Attacks

1.10 Security and Other Design Criteria

1.11 Further Reading

1.12 Exercises for Professional Paranoia

1.13 General Exercises

Chapter 2: Introduction to Cryptography

2.1 Encryption

2.2 Authentication

2.3 Public-Key Encryption

2.4 Digital Signatures

2.5 PKI

2.6 Attacks

2.7 Under the Hood

2.8 Security Level

2.9 Performance

2.10 Complexity

2.11 Exercises

Part II: Message Security

Chapter 3: Block Ciphers

3.1 What Is a Block Cipher?

3.2 Types of Attack

3.3 The Ideal Block Cipher

3.4 Definition of Block Cipher Security

3.5 Real Block Ciphers

3.6 Exercises

Chapter 4: Block Cipher Modes

4.1 Padding

4.2 ECB

4.3 CBC

4.4 OFB

4.5 CTR

4.6 Combined Encryption and Authentication

4.7 Which Mode Should I Use?

4.8 Information Leakage

4.9 Exercises

Chapter 5: Hash Functions

5.1 Security of Hash Functions

5.2 Real Hash Functions

5.3 Weaknesses of Hash Functions

5.4 Fixing the Weaknesses

5.5 Which Hash Function Should I Choose?

5.6 Exercises

Chapter 6: Message Authentication Codes

6.1 What a MAC Does

6.2 The Ideal MAC and MAC Security

6.3 CBC-MAC and CMAC

6.4 HMAC

6.5 GMAC

6.6 Which MAC to Choose?

6.7 Using a MAC

6.8 Exercises

Chapter 7: The Secure Channel

7.1 Properties of a Secure Channel

7.2 Order of Authentication and Encryption

7.3 Designing a Secure Channel: Overview

7.4 Design Details

7.5 Alternatives

7.6 Exercises

Chapter 8: Implementation Issues (I)

8.1 Creating Correct Programs

8.2 Creating Secure Software

8.3 Keeping Secrets

8.4 Quality of Code

8.5 Side-Channel Attacks

8.6 Beyond this Chapter

8.7 Exercises

Part III: Key Negotiation

Chapter 9: Generating Randomness

9.1 Real Random

9.2 Attack Models for a PRNG

9.3 Fortuna

9.4 The Generator

9.5 Accumulator

9.6 Seed File Management

9.7 Choosing Random Elements

9.8 Exercises

Chapter 10: Primes

10.1 Divisibility and Primes

10.2 Generating Small Primes

10.3 Computations Modulo a Prime

10.4 Large Primes

10.5 Exercises

Chapter 11: Diffie-Hellman

11.1 Groups

11.2 Basic DH

11.3 Man in the Middle

11.4 Pitfalls

11.5 Safe Primes

11.6 Using a Smaller Subgroup

11.7 The Size of


11.8 Practical Rules

11.9 What Can Go Wrong?

11.10 Exercises

Chapter 12: RSA

12.1 Introduction

12.2 The Chinese Remainder Theorem

12.3 Multiplication Modulo


12.4 RSA Defined

12.5 Pitfalls Using RSA

12.6 Encryption

12.7 Signatures

12.8 Exercises

Chapter 13: Introduction to Cryptographic Protocols

13.1 Roles

13.2 Trust

13.3 Incentive

13.4 Trust in Cryptographic Protocols

13.5 Messages and Steps

13.6 Exercises

Chapter 14: Key Negotiation

14.1 The Setting

14.2 A First Try

14.3 Protocols Live Forever

14.4 An Authentication Convention

14.5 A Second Attempt

14.6 A Third Attempt

14.7 The Final Protocol

14.8 Different Views of the Protocol

14.9 Computational Complexity of the Protocol

14.10 Protocol Complexity

14.11 A Gentle Warning

14.12 Key Negotiation from a Password

14.13 Exercises

Chapter 15: Implementation Issues (II)

15.1 Large Integer Arithmetic

15.2 Faster Multiplication

15.3 Side-Channel Attacks

15.4 Protocols

15.5 Exercises

Part IV: Key Management

Chapter 16: The Clock

16.1 Uses for a Clock

16.2 Using the Real-Time Clock Chip

16.3 Security Dangers

16.4 Creating a Reliable Clock

16.5 The Same-State Problem

16.6 Time

16.7 Closing Recommendations

16.8 Exercises

Chapter 17: Key Servers

17.1 Basics

17.2 Kerberos

17.3 Simpler Solutions

17.4 What to Choose

17.5 Exercises

Chapter 18: The Dream of PKI

18.1 A Very Short PKI Overview

18.2 PKI Examples

18.3 Additional Details

18.4 Summary

18.5 Exercises

Chapter 19: PKI Reality

19.1 Names

19.2 Authority

19.3 Trust

19.4 Indirect Authorization

19.5 Direct Authorization

19.6 Credential Systems

19.7 The Modified Dream

19.8 Revocation

19.9 So What Is a PKI Good For?

19.10 What to Choose

19.11 Exercises

Chapter 20: PKI Practicalities

20.1 Certificate Format

20.2 The Life of a Key

20.3 Why Keys Wear Out

20.4 Going Further

20.5 Exercises

Chapter 21: Storing Secrets

21.1 Disk

21.2 Human Memory

21.3 Portable Storage

21.4 Secure Token

21.5 Secure UI

21.6 Biometrics

21.7 Single Sign-On

21.8 Risk of Loss

21.9 Secret Sharing

21.10 Wiping Secrets

21.11 Exercises

Part V: Miscellaneous

Chapter 22: Standards and Patents

22.1 Standards

22.2 Patents

Chapter 23: Involving Experts



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Table of Contents

Preface to Cryptography Engineering

List of Illustrations

Figure 1.1

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

Figure 2.3

Figure 2.4

Figure 2.5

Figure 2.6

Figure 3.1

Figure 3.2

Figure 3.3

Figure 10.1

Figure 11.1

Figure 11.2

Figure 11.3

Figure 14.1

Figure 14.2

Figure 14.3

Figure 14.4

Figure 14.5

Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications

Published by

Wiley Publishing, Inc.

10475 Crosspoint Boulevard

Indianapolis, IN 46256

Copyright 2010 by Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier, and Tadayoshi Kohno

Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

Published simultaneously in Canada

ISBN: 978-0-470-47424-2

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To Denise, who has made me truly happy.

—Niels Ferguson

To Karen; still, after all these years.

—Bruce Schneier

To Taryn, for making everything possible.

—Tadayoshi Kohno


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About the Authors

Niels Ferguson has spent his entire career working as a cryptographic engineer. After studying mathematics in Eindhoven, he worked for DigiCash analyzing, designing, and implementing advanced electronic payment systems that protect the privacy of the user. Later he worked as a cryptographic consultant for Counterpane and MacFergus, analyzing hundreds of systems and designing dozens. He was part of the team that designed the Twofish block cipher, performed some of the best initial analysis of AES, and co-designed the encryption system currently used by WiFi. Since 2004 he works at Microsoft where he helped design and implement the BitLocker disk encryption system. He currently works in the Windows cryptography team that is responsible for the cryptographic implementations in Windows and other Microsoft products.

Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologist, referred to by The Economist as a “security guru.” He is the author of eight books—including the best sellers Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World, Secrets and Lies, and Applied Cryptography—as well as hundreds of articles and essays in national and international publications, and many more academic papers. His influential newsletter Crypto-Gram, and his blog Schneier on Security, are read by over 250,000 people. He is a frequent guest on television and radio, and is regularly quoted in the press on issues surrounding security and privacy. He has testified before Congress on multiple occasions, and has served on several government technical committees. Schneier is the Chief Security Technology Officer of BT.

Tadayoshi Kohno (Yoshi) is an assistant professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington. His research focuses on improving the security and privacy properties of current and future technologies. He conducted the initial security analysis of the Diebold AccuVote-TS electronic voting machine source code in 2003, and has since turned his attention to securing emerging technologies ranging from wireless implantable pacemakers and defibrillators to cloud computing. He is the recipient of a National Science Foundation CAREER Award and an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship. In 2007 he was awarded the MIT Technology Review TR-35 Award for his work in applied cryptography, recognizing him as one of the world's top innovators under the age of 35. He received his PhD in computer science from the University of California at San Diego.

Niels, Bruce, and Yoshi are part of the team that designed the Skein hash function, one of the competitors in NIST's SHA-3 competition.

Acknowledgments for Cryptography Engineering

We are deeply indebted to the cryptography and security community at large. This book would not have been possible without all of their efforts in advancing the field. This book also reflects our knowledge and experience as cryptographers, and we are deeply grateful to our peers and mentors for helping shape our understanding of cryptography.

We thank Jon Callas, Ben Greenstein, Gordon Goetz, Alex Halderman, John Kelsey, Karl Koscher, Jack Lloyd, Gabriel Maganis, Theresa Portzer, Jesse Walker, Doug Whiting, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn, and Hussein Yapit for providing invaluable feedback on earlier versions of this book.

Part of this book was developed and refined in an undergraduate computer security course at the University of Washington. We thank all those students, teaching assistants, and student mentors for the course. We especially thank Joshua Barr, Jonathan Beall, Iva Dermendjieva, Lisa Glendenning, Steven Myhre, Erik Turnquist, and Heather Underwood for providing specific comments and suggestions on the text.

We thank Melody Kadenko and Julie Svendsen for all their administrative support throughout this process. We are indebted to Beth Friedman for all her work copyediting this manuscript. Finally, we thank Carol Long, Tom Dinse, and the entire Wiley team for encouraging us to prepare this book and helping us all along the way.

We are also indebted to all the other wonderful people in our lives who worked silently behind the scenes to make this book possible.

Acknowledgments for Practical Cryptography (the 1st Edition)

This book is based on our collective experience over the many years we have worked in cryptography. We are heavily indebted to all the people we worked with. They made our work fun and helped us reach the insights that fill this book. We would also like to thank our customers, both for providing the funding that enabled us to continue our cryptography research and for providing the real-world experiences necessary to write this book.

Certain individuals deserve special mention. Beth Friedman conducted an invaluable copyediting job, and Denise Dick greatly improved our manuscript by proofreading it. John Kelsey provided valuable feedback on the cryptographic contents. And the Internet made our collaboration possible. We would also like to thank Carol Long and the rest of the team at Wiley for bringing our ideas to reality.

And finally, we would like to thank all of the programmers in the world who continue to write cryptographic code and make it available, free of charge, to the world.

Preface to Cryptography Engineering

Most books cover what cryptography is—what current cryptographic designs are and how existing cryptographic protocols, like SSL/TLS, work. Bruce Schneier's earlier book, Applied Cryptography, is like this. Such books serve as invaluable references for anyone working with cryptography. But such books are also one step removed from the needs of cryptography and security engineers in practice. Cryptography and security engineers need to know more than how current cryptographic protocols work; they need to know how to use cryptography.

To know how to use cryptography, one must learn to think like a cryptographer. This book is designed to help you achieve that goal. We do this through immersion. Rather than broadly discuss all the protocols one might encounter in cryptography, we dive deeply into the design and analysis of specific, concrete protocols. We walk you—hand-in-hand—through how we go about designing cryptographic protocols. We share with you the reasons we make certain design decisions over others, and point out potential pitfalls along the way.

By learning how to think like a cryptographer, you will also learn how to be a more intelligent user of cryptography. You will be able to look at existing cryptography toolkits, understand their core functionality, and know how to use them. You will also better understand the challenges involved with cryptography, and how to think about and overcome those challenges.

This book also serves as a gateway to learning about computer security. Computer security is, in many ways, a superset of cryptography. Both computer security and cryptography are about designing and evaluating objects (systems or algorithms) intended to behave in certain ways even in the presence of an adversary. In this book, you will learn how to think about the adversary in the context of cryptography. Once you know how to think like adversaries, you can apply that mindset to the security of computer systems in general.


This book began with Practical Cryptography by Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier, and evolved with the addition of Tadayoshi Kohno—Yoshi—as an author. Yoshi is a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington, and also a past colleague of Niels and Bruce. Yoshi took Practical Cryptography and revised it to be suitable for classroom use and self-study, while staying true to the goals and themes of Niels's and Bruce's original book.

Example Syllabi

There are numerous ways to read this book. You can use it as a self-study guide for applied cryptographic engineering, or you can use it in a course. A quarter- or semester-long course on computer security might use this book as the foundation for a 6-week intensive unit on cryptography. This book could also serve as the foundation for a full quarter- or semester-long course on cryptography, augmented with additional advanced material if time allows. To facilitate classroom use, we present several possible syllabi below.

The following syllabus is appropriate for a 6-week intensive unit on cryptography. For this 6-week unit, we assume that the contents of Chapter 1 are discussed separately, in the broader context of computer security in general.

Week 1:

Chapters 2



, and



Week 2:

Chapters 5



, and



Week 3:

Chapters 8



, and



Week 4:

Chapters 11



, and



Week 5:

Chapters 14





, and



Week 6:

Chapters 18





, and



The following syllabus is for a 10-week quarter on cryptography engineering.

Week 1:

Chapters 1




Week 2:

Chapters 3




Week 3:

Chapters 5




Week 4:

Chapters 7




Week 5:

Chapters 9




Week 6:

Chapters 11




Week 7:

Chapters 13




Week 8:

Chapters 15



, and



Week 9:

Chapters 18






Week 10:

Chapter 21


The following syllabus is appropriate for schools with 12-week semesters. It can also be augmented with advanced materials in cryptography or computer security for longer semesters.

Week 1:

Chapters 1




Week 2:

Chapters 3




Week 3:

Chapters 5




Week 4:

Chapter 7


Week 5:

Chapters 8




Week 6:

Chapters 9

(continued) and



Week 7:

Chapters 11




Week 8:

Chapters 13




Week 9:

Chapters 15




Week 10:

Chapters 17




Week 11:

Chapters 19




Week 12:

Chapter 21


This book has several types of exercises, and we encourage readers to complete as many of these exercises as possible. There are traditional exercises designed to test your understanding of the technical properties of cryptography. However, since our goal is to help you learn how to think about cryptography in real systems, we have also introduced a set of non-traditional exercises (see Section 1.12). Cryptography doesn't exist in isolation; rather, cryptography is only part of a larger ecosystem consisting of other hardware and software systems, people, economics, ethics, cultural differences, politics, law, and so on. Our non-traditional exercises are explicitly designed to force you to think about cryptography in the context of real systems and the surrounding ecosystem. These exercises will provide you with an opportunity to directly apply the contents of this book as thought exercises to real systems. Moreover, by weaving these exercises together throughout this book, you will be able to see your knowledge grow as you progress from chapter to chapter.

Additional Information

While we strove to make this book as error-free as possible, errors have undoubtedly crept in. We maintain an online errata list for this book. The procedure for using this errata list is below.

Before reading this book, go to

and download the current list of corrections.

If you find an error in the book, please check to see if it is already on the list.

If it is not on the list, please alert us at

[email protected]

. We will add the error to the list.

We wish you a wonderful journey through cryptography engineering. Cryptography is a wonderful and fascinating topic. We hope you learn a great deal from this book, and come to enjoy cryptography engineering as much as we do.

October 2009

 Niels Ferguson  Redmond, Washington  USA  

[email protected]

 Bruce Schneier  Minneapolis, Minnesota  USA  

[email protected]

 Tadayoshi Kohno  Seattle, Washington  USA  

[email protected]

Preface to Practical Cryptography (the 1st Edition)

In the past decade, cryptography has done more to damage the security of digital systems than it has to enhance it. Cryptography burst onto the world stage in the early 1990s as the securer of the Internet. Some saw cryptography as a great technological equalizer, a mathematical tool that would put the lowliest privacy-seeking individual on the same footing as the greatest national intelligence agencies. Some saw it as the weapon that would bring about the downfall of nations when governments lost the ability to police people in cyberspace. Others saw it as the perfect and terrifying tool of drug dealers, terrorists, and child pornographers, who would be able to communicate in perfect secrecy. Even those with more realistic attitudes imagined cryptography as a technology that would enable global commerce in this new online world.

Ten years later, none of this has come to pass. Despite the prevalence of cryptography, the Internet's national borders are more apparent than ever. The ability to detect and eavesdrop on criminal communications has more to do with politics and human resources than mathematics. Individuals still don't stand a chance against powerful and well-funded government agencies. And the rise of global commerce had nothing to do with the prevalence of cryptography.

For the most part, cryptography has done little more than give Internet users a false sense of security by promising security but not delivering it. And that's not good for anyone except the attackers.

The reasons for this have less to do with cryptography as a mathematical science, and much more to do with cryptography as an engineering discipline. We have developed, implemented, and fielded cryptographic systems over the past decade. What we've been less effective at is converting the mathematical promise of cryptographic security into a reality of security. As it turns out, this is the hard part.

Too many engineers consider cryptography to be a sort of magic security dust that they can sprinkle over their hardware or software, and which will imbue those products with the mythical property of “security.” Too many consumers read product claims like “encrypted” and believe in that same magic security dust. Reviewers are no better, comparing things like key lengths and on that basis, pronouncing one product to be more secure than another.

Security is only as strong as the weakest link, and the mathematics of cryptography is almost never the weakest link. The fundamentals of cryptography are important, but far more important is how those fundamentals are implemented and used. Arguing about whether a key should be 112 bits or 128 bits long is rather like pounding a huge stake into the ground and hoping the attacker runs right into it. You can argue whether the stake should be a mile or a mile-and-a-half high, but the attacker is simply going to walk around the stake. Security is a broad stockade: it's the things around the cryptography that make the cryptography effective.

The cryptographic books of the last decade have contributed to that aura of magic. Book after book extolled the virtues of, say, 112-bit triple-DES without saying much about how its keys should be generated or used. Book after book presented complicated protocols for this or that without any mention of the business and social constraints within which those protocols would have to work. Book after book explained cryptography as a pure mathematical ideal, unsullied by real-world constraints and realities. But it's exactly those real-world constraints and realities that mean the difference between the promise of cryptographic magic and the reality of digital security.

Practical Cryptography is also a book about cryptography, but it's a book about sullied cryptography. Our goal is to explicitly describe the real-world constraints and realities of cryptography, and to talk about how to engineer secure cryptographic systems. In some ways, this book is a sequel to Bruce Schneier's first book, Applied Cryptography, which was first published ten years ago. But while Applied Cryptography gives a broad overview of cryptography and the myriad possibilities cryptography can offer, this book is narrow and focused. We don't give you dozens of choices; we give you one option and tell you how to implement it correctly. Applied Cryptography displays the wondrous possibilities of cryptography as a mathematical science—what is possible and what is attainable; Practical Cryptography gives concrete advice to people who design and implement cryptographic systems.

Practical Cryptography is our attempt to bridge the gap between the promise of cryptography and the reality of cryptography. It's our attempt to teach engineers how to use cryptography to increase security.

We're qualified to write this book because we're both seasoned cryptographers. Bruce is well known from his books Applied Cryptography and Secrets and Lies, and from his newsletter “Crypto-Gram.” Niels Ferguson cut his cryptographic teeth building cryptographic payment systems at the CWI (Dutch National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science) in Amsterdam, and later at a Dutch company called DigiCash. Bruce designed the Blowfish encryption algorithm, and both of us were on the team that designed Twofish. Niels's research led to the first example of the current generation of efficient anonymous payment protocols. Our combined list of academic papers runs into three digits.

More importantly, we both have extensive experience in designing and building cryptographic systems. From 1991 to 1999, Bruce's consulting company Counterpane Systems provided design and analysis services to some of the largest computer and financial companies in the world. More recently, Counterpane Internet Security, Inc., has provided Managed Security Monitoring services to large corporations and government agencies worldwide. Niels also worked at Counterpane before founding his own consulting company, MacFergus. We've seen cryptography as it lives and breathes in the real world, as it flounders against the realities of engineering or even worse, against the realities of business. We're qualified to write this book because we've had to write it again and again for our consulting clients.

How to Read this Book

Practical Cryptography is more a narrative than a reference. It follows the design of a cryptographic system from the specific algorithm choices, outwards through concentric rings to the infrastructure required to make it work. We discuss a single cryptographic problem—one of establishing a means for two people to communicate securely—that's at the heart of almost every cryptographic application. By focusing on one problem and one design philosophy for solving that problem, it is our belief that we can teach more about the realities of cryptographic engineering.

We think cryptography is just about the most fun you can have with mathematics. We've tried to imbue this book with that feeling of fun, and we hope you enjoy the results. Thanks for coming along on our ride.

Niels Ferguson

Bruce Schneier

January 2003

Part IIntroduction

In This Part

Chapter 1:

The Context of Cryptography

Chapter 2:

Introduction to Cryptography

Chapter 1The Context of Cryptography

Cryptography is the art and science of encryption. At least, that is how it started out. Nowadays it is much broader, covering authentication, digital signatures, and many more elementary security functions. It is still both an art and a science: to build good cryptographic systems requires a scientific background and a healthy dose of the black magic that is a combination of experience and the right mentality for thinking about security problems. This book is designed to help you cultivate these critical ingredients.

Cryptography is an extremely varied field. At a cryptography research conference, you can encounter a wide range of topics, including computer security, higher algebra, economics, quantum physics, civil and criminal law, statistics, chip designs, extreme software optimization, politics, user interface design, and everything in between. In some ways, this book concentrates on only a very small part of cryptography: the practical side. We aim to teach you how to implement cryptography in real-world systems. In other ways, this book is much broader, helping you gain experience in security engineering and nurturing your ability to think about cryptography and security issues like a security professional. These broader lessons will help you successfully tackle security challenges, whether directly related to cryptography or not.

The variety in this field is what makes cryptography such a fascinating area to work in. It is really a mixture of widely different fields. There is always something new to learn, and new ideas come from all directions. It is also one of the reasons why cryptography is so difficult. It is impossible to understand it all. There is nobody in the world who knows everything about cryptography. There isn't even anybody who knows most of it. We certainly don't know everything there is to know about the subject of this book. So here is your first lesson in cryptography: keep a critical mind. Don't blindly trust anything, even if it is in print. You'll soon see that having this critical mind is an essential ingredient of what we call “professional paranoia.”

1.1 The Role of Cryptography

Cryptography by itself is fairly useless. It has to be part of a much larger system. We like to compare cryptography to locks in the physical world. A lock by itself is a singularly useless thing. It needs to be part of a much larger system. This larger system can be a door on a building, a chain, a safe, or something else. This larger system even extends to the people who are supposed to use the lock: they need to remember to actually lock it and to not leave the key around for anyone to find. The same goes for cryptography: it is just a small part of a much larger security system.

Even though cryptography is only a small part of the security system, it is a very critical part. Cryptography is the part that has to provide access to some people but not to others. This is very tricky. Most parts of the security system are like walls and fences in that they are designed to keep everybody out. Cryptography takes on the role of the lock: it has to distinguish between “good” access and “bad” access. This is much more difficult than just keeping everybody out. Therefore, the cryptography and its surrounding elements form a natural point of attack for any security system.

This does not imply that cryptography is always the weak point of a system. In some cases, even bad cryptography can be much better than the rest of the security system. You have probably seen the door to a bank vault, at least in the movies. You know, 10-inch-thick, hardened steel, with huge bolts to lock it in place. It certainly looks impressive. We often find the digital equivalent of such a vault door installed in a tent. The people standing around it are arguing over how thick the door should be, rather than spending their time looking at the tent. It is all too easy to spend hours arguing over the exact key length of cryptographic systems, but fail to notice or fix buffer overflow vulnerabilities in a Web application. The result is predictable: the attackers find a buffer overflow and never bother attacking the cryptography. Cryptography is only truly useful if the rest of the system is also sufficiently secure against the attackers.

There are, however, reasons why cryptography is important to get right, even in systems that have other weaknesses. Different weaknesses are useful to different attackers in different ways. For example, an attacker who breaks the cryptography has a low chance of being detected. There will be no traces of the attack, since the attacker's access will look just like a “good” access. This is comparable to a real-life break-in. If the burglar uses a crowbar to break in, you will at least see that a break-in has occurred. If the burglar picks the lock, you might never find out that a burglary occurred. Many modes of attack leave traces, or disturb the system in some way. An attack on the cryptography can be fleeting and invisible, allowing the attacker to come back again and again.

1.2 The Weakest Link Property

Print the following sentence in a very large font and paste it along the top of your monitor.

A security system is only as strong as its weakest link.

Look at it every day, and try to understand the implications. The weakest link property is one of the main reasons why security systems are so fiendishly hard to get right.

Every security system consists of a large number of parts. We must assume that our opponent is smart and that he is going to attack the system at the weakest part. It doesn't matter how strong the other parts are. Just as in a chain, the weakest link will break first. It doesn't matter how strong the other links in the chain are.

Niels used to work in an office building where all the office doors were locked every night. Sounds very safe, right? The only problem was that the building had a false ceiling. You could lift up the ceiling panels and climb over any door or wall. If you took out the ceiling panels, the whole floor looked like a set of tall cubicles with doors on them. And these doors had locks. Sure, locking the doors made it slightly harder for the burglar, but it also made it harder for the security guard to check the offices during his nightly rounds. It isn't clear at all whether the overall security was improved or made worse by locking the doors. In this example, the weakest link property prevented the locking of the doors from being very effective. It might have improved the strength of a particular link (the door), but there was another link (the ceiling) that was still weak. The overall effect of locking the doors was at best very small, and its negative side effects could well have exceeded its positive contribution.

To improve the security of a system, we must improve the weakest link. But to do that, we need to know what the links are and which ones are weak. This is best done using a hierarchical tree structure. Each part of a system has multiple links, and each link in turn has sublinks. We can organize the links into what we call an attack tree [113]. We give an example in Figure 1.1. Let's say that we want to break into a bank vault. The first-level links are the walls, the floor, the door, and the ceiling. Breaking through any one of them gets us into the vault. Let's look at the door in more detail. The door system has its own links: the connection between the door frame and the walls, the lock, the door itself, the bolts that keep the door in the door frame, and the hinges. We could continue by discussing individual lines of attack on the lock, one of which is to acquire a key, which in turn leads to a whole tree about stealing the key in some way.

Figure 1.1 Example attack tree for a vault

We can analyze each link and split it up into other links until we are left with single components. Doing this for a real system can be an enormous amount of work. If we were concerned about an attacker stealing the diamonds stored in the vault, then Figure 1.1 is also just one piece of a larger attack tree; an attacker could trick an employee into removing the diamonds from the vault and steal them once removed. Attack trees provide valuable insight as to possible lines of attack. Trying to secure a system without first doing such an analysis very often leads to useless work. In this book, we work only on limited components—the ones that can be solved with cryptography—and we will not explicitly talk about their attack trees. But you should be certain to understand how to use an attack tree to study a larger system and to assess the role of cryptography in that system.

The weakest link property affects our work in many ways. For example, it is tempting to assume that users have proper passwords, but in practice they don't. They often choose simple short passwords. Users may go to almost any length not to be bothered by security systems. Writing a password on a sticky note and attaching it to their monitor is just one of many things they might do. You can never ignore issues like this because they always affect the end result. If you design a system that gives users a new 12-digit random password every week, you can be sure they will stick it on their monitors. This weakens an already weak link, and is bad for the overall security of the system.

Strictly speaking, strengthening anything but the weakest link is useless. In practice, things are not so clear-cut. The attacker may not know what the weakest link is and attack a slightly stronger one. The weakest link may be different for different types of attackers. The strength of any link depends on the attacker's skill and tools and access to the system. The link an attacker might exploit may also depend on the attacker's goals. So which link is the weakest depends on the situation. It is therefore worthwhile to strengthen any link that could in a particular situation be the weakest. Moreover, it's worth strengthening multiple links so that if one link does fail, the remaining links can still provide security—a property known as defense in depth.

1.3 The Adversarial Setting

One of the biggest differences between security systems and almost any other type of engineering is the adversarial setting. Most engineers have to contend with problems like storms, heat, and wear and tear. All of these factors affect designs, but their effect is fairly predictable to an experienced engineer. Not so in security systems. Our opponents are intelligent, clever, malicious, and devious; they'll do things nobody had ever thought of before. They don't play by the rules, and they are completely unpredictable. That is a much harder environment to work in.

Many of us remember the film in which the Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge wobbles and twists in a steady wind until it breaks and falls into the water. It is a famous piece of film, and the collapse taught bridge engineers a valuable lesson. Slender suspension bridges can have a resonance mode in which a steady wind can cause the whole structure to oscillate, and finally break. How do they prevent the same thing from happening with newer bridges? Making the bridge significantly stronger to resist the oscillations would be too expensive. The most common technique used is to change the aerodynamics of the bridge. The deck is made thicker, which makes it much harder for the wind to push up and down on the deck. Sometimes railings are used as spoilers to make the bridge deck behave less like a wing that lifts up in the wind. This works because wind is fairly predictable, and does not change its behavior in an active attempt to destroy the bridge.

A security engineer has to take a malicious wind into account. What if the wind blows up and down instead of just from the side, and what if it changes directions at the right frequency for the bridge to resonate? Bridge engineers will dismiss this kind of talk out of hand: “Don't be silly, the wind doesn't blow that way.” That certainly makes the bridge engineers' jobs much easier. Cryptographers don't have that luxury. Security systems are attacked by clever and malicious attackers. We have to consider all types of attack.

The adversarial setting is a very harsh environment to work in. There are no rules in this game, and the deck is stacked against us. We talk about an “attacker” in an abstract sense, but we don't know who she is, what she knows, what her goal is, when she will attack, or what her resources are. Since the attack may occur long after we design the system, she has the advantage of five or ten years' more research, and can use technology of the future that is not available to us. And with all those advantages, she only has to find a single weak spot in our system, whereas we have to protect all areas. Still, our mission is to build a system that can withstand it all. This creates a fundamental imbalance between the attacker of a system and the defender. This is also what makes the world of cryptography so exciting.

1.4 Professional Paranoia

To work in this field, you have to become devious yourself. You have to think like a malicious attacker to find weaknesses in your own work. This affects the rest of your life as well. Everybody who works on practical cryptographic systems has experienced this. Once you start thinking about how to attack systems, you apply that to everything around you. You suddenly see how you could cheat the people around you, and how they could cheat you. Cryptographers are professional paranoids. It is important to separate your professional paranoia from your real-world life so as to not go completely crazy. Most of us manage to preserve some sanity…we think.1 In fact, we think that this practical paranoia can be a lot of fun. Developing this mindset will help you observe things about systems and your environment that most other people don't notice.

Paranoia is very useful in this work. Suppose you work on an electronic payment system. There are several parties involved in this system: the customer, the merchant, the customer's bank, and the merchant's bank. It can be very difficult to figure out what the threats are, so we use the paranoia model. For each participant, we assume that everybody else is part of a big conspiracy to defraud this one participant. And we also assume that the attacker might have any number of other goals, such as compromising the privacy of a participant's transactions or denying a participant's access to the system at a critical time. If your cryptographic system can survive the paranoia model, it has at least a fighting chance of surviving in the real world.

We will interchangeably refer to professional paranoia and the paranoia model as the security mindset.

1.4.1 Broader Benefits

Once you develop a sense of professional paranoia, you will never look at systems the same way. This mindset will benefit you throughout your career, regardless of whether you become a cryptographer or not. Even if you don't become a cryptographer, you may someday find yourself working on the design, implementation, or evaluation of new computer software or hardware systems. If you have the security mindset, then you will be constantly thinking about what an attacker might try to do to your system. This will nicely position you to identify potential security problems with these systems early. You may not always be able to fix all of the security problems by yourself, but that's all right. The most important thing is to realize that a security problem might exist. Once you do that, it becomes a straightforward task to find others to help you fix the problem. But without the security mindset, you might never realize that your system has security problems and, therefore, you obviously can't protect against those problems in a principled way.

Technologies also change very rapidly. This means that some hot security mechanisms of today may be outdated in 10 or 15 years. But if you can learn how to think about security issues and have an appreciation for adversaries, then you can take that security mindset with you for the rest of your life and apply it to new technologies as they evolve.

1.4.2 Discussing Attacks

Professional paranoia is an essential tool of the trade. With any new system you encounter, the first thing you think of is how you can break it. The sooner you find a weak spot, the sooner you learn more about the new system. Nothing is worse than working on a system for years, only to have somebody come up and say: “But how about if I attack it this way…?” You really don't want to experience that “Oops” moment.

In this field, we make a very strict distinction between attacking somebody's work and attacking somebody personally. Any work is fair game. If somebody proposes something, it is an automatic invitation to attack it. If you break one of our systems, we will applaud the attack and tell everybody about it.2 We constantly look for weaknesses in any system because that is the only way to learn how to make more secure systems. This is one thing you will have to learn: an attack on your work is not an attack on you. Also, when you attack a system, always be sure to criticize the system, not the designers. Personal attacks in cryptography will get you the same negative response as anywhere else.

But be aware that this acceptance of attacks may not extend to everyone working on a system—particularly if they are not familiar with the field of cryptography and computer security. Without experience in the security community, it is very easy for people to take criticism of their work as a personal attack, with all the resulting problems. It is therefore important to develop a diplomatic approach, even if it makes it initially difficult to get the message across. Being too vague and saying something like “There might be some issues with the security aspects” may not be productive, since it may get a noncommittal response like “Oh, we'll fix it,” even if the basic design is fundamentally flawed. Experience has shown us that the best way to get the message across technically is to be specific and say something like “If you do this and this, then an attacker could do this,” but such a statement may be felt as harsh by the recipient. Instead, you could begin by asking, “Have you thought about what might happen if someone did this?” You could then ease the designers of the system into a discussion of the attack itself. You might also consider complimenting them on the remaining strengths of their system, observe the challenges to building secure systems, and offer to help them fix their security problems if possible.

So the next time someone attacks the security of your system, try not to take it personally. And make sure that when you attack a system, you only focus on the technology, you don't criticize the people behind it, and you are sensitive to the fact that the designers may not be familiar with the culture of constructive criticism in the security community.

1.5 Threat Model

Every system can be attacked. There is no such thing as perfect security. The whole point of a security system is to provide access to some people and not to others. In the end, you will always have to trust some people in some way, and these people may still be able to attack your system.

It is very important to know what you are trying to protect, and against whom you wish to protect it. What are the assets of value? What are the threats? These sound like simple questions, but it turns out to be a much harder problem than you'd think. Since there's really no such thing as perfect security, when we say that a system is “secure,” what we are really saying is that it provides a sufficient level of security for our assets of interest against certain classes of threats. We need to assess the security of a system under the designated threat model.

Most companies protect their LAN with a firewall, but many of the really harmful attacks are performed by insiders, and a firewall does not protect against insiders at all. It doesn't matter how good your firewall is; it won't protect against a malicious employee. This is a mismatch in the threat model.

Another example is SET. SET is a protocol for online shopping with a credit card. One of its features is that it encrypts the credit card number so that an eavesdropper cannot copy it. That is a good idea. A second feature—that not even the merchant is shown the customer's credit-card number—works less well.

The second property fails because some merchants use the credit card number to look up customer records or to charge surcharges. Entire commerce systems have been based on the assumption that the merchant has access to the customer's credit card number. And then SET tries to take this access away. When Niels worked with SET in the past, there was an option for sending the credit card number twice—once encrypted to the bank, and once encrypted to the merchant so that the merchant would get it too. (We have not verified whether this is still the case.)

But even with this option, SET doesn't solve the whole problem. Most credit card numbers that are stolen are not intercepted while in transit between the consumer and the merchant. They are stolen from the merchant's database. SET only protects the information while it is in transit.

SET makes another, more serious, mistake. Several years ago Niels's bank in the Netherlands offered a SET-enabled credit card. The improved security for online purchases was one of the major selling points. But this turned out to be a bogus argument. It is quite safe to order online with a normal credit card. Your credit card number is not a secret. You give it to every salesperson you buy something from. The real secret is your signature. That is what authorizes the transaction. If a merchant leaks your credit card number, then you might get spurious charges, but as long as there is no handwritten signature (or PIN code) there is no indication of acceptance of the transaction, and therefore no legal basis for the charge. In most jurisdictions you simply complain and get your money back. There might be some inconvenience involved in getting a new credit card with a different number, but that is the extent of the user's exposure. With SET, the situation is different. SET uses a digital signature (explained in Chapter 12) by the user to authorize the transaction. That is obviously more secure than using just a credit card number. But think about it. Now the user is liable for any transaction performed by the SET software on his PC. This opens the user up to huge liabilities. What if a virus infects his PC and subverts the SET software? The software might sign the wrong transaction, and cause the user to lose money.

So from the user's point of view, SET offers worse security than a plain credit card. Plain credit cards are safe for online shopping because the user can always get his money back from a fraudulent transaction. Using SET increases the user's exposure. So although the overall payment system is better secured, SET transfers the residual risk from the merchant and/or bank to the user. It changes the user's threat model from “It will only cost me money if they forge my signature well enough” to “It will only cost me money if they forge my signature well enough, or if a clever virus infects my PC.”

Threat models are important. Whenever you start on a cryptographic security project, sit down and think about what your assets are and against which threats you wish to protect them. A mistake in your threat analysis can render an entire project meaningless. We won't talk a lot about threat analysis in this book, as we are discussing the limited area of cryptography here, but in any real system you should never forget the threat analysis for each of the participants.

1.6 Cryptography Is Not the Solution

Cryptography is not the solution to your security problems. It might be part of the solution, or it might be part of the problem. In some situations, cryptography starts out by making the problem worse, and it isn't at all clear that using cryptography is an improvement. The correct use of cryptography must therefore be carefully considered. Our previous discussion of SET is an example of this.

Suppose you have a secret file on your computer that you don't want others to read. You could just protect the file system from unauthorized access. Or you could encrypt the file and protect the key. The file is now encrypted, and human nature being what it is, you might not protect the file very well. You might store it on a USB stick and not worry if that USB stick is lost or stolen. But where can you store the key? A good key is too long to remember. Some programs store the key on the disk—the very place the secret file was stored in the first place. But an attack that could recover the secret file in the first situation can now recover the key, which in turn can be used to decrypt the file. Further, we have introduced a new point of attack: if the encryption system is insecure or the amount of randomness in the key is too low, then the attacker could break the encryption system itself. Ultimately, the overall security has been reduced. Therefore, simply encrypting the file is not the entire solution. It might be part of the solution, but by itself it can create additional issues that need to be solved.

Cryptography has many uses. It is a crucial part of many good security systems. It can also make systems weaker when used in inappropriate ways. In many situations, it provides only a feeling of security, but no actual security. It is tempting to stop there, since that is what most users want: to feel secure. Using cryptography in this manner can also make a system comply with certain standards and regulations, even if the resulting system isn't actually secure. In situations like this (which are all too common), any voodoo that the customer believes in would provide the same feeling of security and would work just as well.

1.7 Cryptography Is Very Difficult

Cryptography is fiendishly difficult. Even seasoned experts design systems that are broken a few years later. This is common enough that we are not surprised when it happens. The weakest-link property and the adversarial setting conspire to make life for a cryptographer—or any security engineer—very hard.

Another significant problem is the lack of testing. There is no known way of testing whether a system is secure. In the security and cryptography research community, for example, what we try to do is publish our systems and then get other experts to look at them. Note that the second part is not automatic; there are many published systems that nobody has even glanced at after they were published, and the conference and journal review process alone isn't sufficient to preemptively identify all potential security issues with a system prior to publication. Even with many seasoned eyes looking at the system, security deficiencies may not be uncovered for years.