Hamlet Badly Acted - Cosmin-Stefan Georgescu - E-Book

Hamlet Badly Acted E-Book

Cosmin Stefan Georgescu

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An aphorism, a memorable phrase full of meaning. Often you don’t need many words to express a concept, you just need to find the right ones. Georgescu Cosmin-Stefan provides us with a series of useful aphorisms for every occasion, explaining life with the right words.

Cosmin Stefan Georgescu was born in Romania, on the 28th of December 1971. From an early age he was fascinated by words. He liked listening to his parents reading him bedtime stories, he used to learn a lot of poems by heart and recite them proudly. His first models were his parents, both of them teachers. However, Cosmin did not follow in his parents’ footsteps. He decided to become a doctor. He graduated from “Carol Davilla” Medical University in Bucharest in 1997. In 2001 he started working as a doctor in his hometown. In his free time, he worked for the local television, organized cultural and charitable events. 
In 2015 he went to France and ever since he has been living and working there.
He wrote and published the following books in Romania, UK and France:
“The Kiss that Severs Us” poems Publishing House Presco 1994;
“Advice I Would Give to No One” aphorisms Publishing House Litera Ortodoxa 2011;
“Aphorisms Made at Giurgiu” Publishing House Cronos 2015;
“The Tin Ring” poems Publishing House Rotipo 2019;
“Letters to God returned to sender” Publishing House Europe Books 2020 UK;
“Conseils que je ne donnerais à personne”- aphorismes - Les Editions Baudelaire 2020, France;
“The Maiorescunians”- novel Publishing House Europe Books 2021, UK;
“Full- moon above the Vosges” – novel Publishing House Europe Books 2021 UK;
“Animus in Anima” – novel Publishing House Europe Books 2021, UK;
“Full- moon above the Vosges” – novel (Romanian version) Publishing House Junimea 2021, Romania.
He has won the following awards: 
- Romanian Prize “Sentimental Twilight” Literary revue, aphorisms 2020; 
-The Critics’ Prize with the work “Letters to God return to sender” of the Switzerland Literary Prize 2021.

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Cosmin-Stefan Georgescu

Hamlet Badly Acted



© 2022 Europe Books| London www.europebooks.co.uk | [email protected]

ISBN 9791220120005

First edition: October 2022

Printed for Italy by Rotomail Italia S.p.A. - Vignate (MI)

Stampato presso Rotomail Italia S.p.A. - Vignate (MI)









Hamlet Badlay Acted




While waiting for your happiness you are standing. That is why you have the feeling it is late.

Where are the happy people coming back? I would like to go in that direction.

I have thousands of 'likes' but nobody loves me.

'Yes' may be a refusal if you do not keep your promise.

You cannot live with happiness in the same house, let alone in the same bed.

Peace, even when it comes after another peace, brings about joy.

Venus of Milo has no arms. Her legs are long enough, though.

The way you kill time is in fact, the way you kill yourself.

Life takes by surprise only those people who live it.

Life never gives us what we want, but it takes what we could have wished for.

If you try to preserve happiness, you lose it.

Unhappiness fights against oblivion better than happiness does.

Most men got inebriated with scent not wine.

We are not born immortal, but we can become.

Many people are not impressed by happiness, when it is other people's happiness.

The real victory is in what all the others have failed.

If an enemy fear you - you are your own enemy.

Love is a sheet music played with four hands, which in time it played on two pianos.

The After Life is made up of our unlived moments in this World.

Who wants to be happy in this world needs a soft pillow.

School does not teach you what to do, it teaches you what other people have done.

Interest is the mask of love.

The Time of Death is limitless. That is why it takes charge of glory.

We are only a part of what we should be.

Happiness is evanescent in order to avoid becoming dull/uninteresting.

Whoever wishes us, “Bon appetite” is the person who has cooked the meal.

Quite often, two people who love each other have different reasons for doing it.

When love grows old it moves from heart to brain.

Waiting with no hope is a waste of time.

When it comes to happiness, we are some vessels riddled with bullets.

Resignation is a mild version of failure.

We read less than people write but this is a big advantage.

“Yes” is a kind of no if you do not keep your promise.

Like all the people who are concerned about themselves, I am wasting my time, but I think otherwise.

Life is a race to death while hoping we arerunning away from it.

You are old when the lived years do not allow you to be young any longer.

There is a big difference between love at first sight and love at first glance!

Every day prove to yourself that you are still capable of loving!

Hares-both among hares and wolves-sleep light.

A circle and a sphere always complete for perfection.

If a begger no longer begs for himself/herself, it means that he/she has privatized.

I am universal. I love any human.

If you dismantle me - I am different.

If only injuries learnt from smile how to disappear.

I weep like a weeping willow.

Nothing of what our soul loves leaves us untouched.

Any happiness transforms into its opposite!

Happiness is like submerging. You cannot resist long like this.

All love declarations past midnight are indecent.

If happiness were contagious, I would accept to be vaccinated.

If they had had cameras when Vinci lived, Gioconda' s husband would have taken a photo of her.

Love! Someone will love you back!

We are the earthworms of some amateur fishers.

For some time even happy experiences have been the same.

In a competition it is not important what your position is when you start, only your finishing position.

Few are the people who are happy because other people are happy.

If you are patient any of your wishes will come true but much later for you than for the others.

People are like wells. You have to fill with water many buckets and lift them up before you could come across fresh water.

A man who loves a woman loves all the others. A woman who loves a man detests all the others.

When you ask for a divorce, you do not have to come with your wife. When you marry you must.

You cannot get a divorce every time you do not like the food. For love you should not make concessions.

If it were only for the honeymoon, one should still get married

I am the sultan asking Sherezade to get it over with the stories.

When we are in love, we call each other's first names so loudly that the porch churches resound.

If God forgives us, it does not mean us repeating the mistake.

Love is death with offspring.

Live on earth as you might be living in Heaven and both Earth and Heaven will thank you.

We can speak about happiness only when we do not know what it really is.

Judging by how much I love I could have become a cardiologist.

Poetry does not belong the paper, but the beloved person's heart.

When one writes, they should write for the illiterate people, too.

No happiness can make you happy twice.

We are more romantic when dressed up for the ball, but we are thinking about the pyjamas.

When we love we start with those who are not worthy of it.

A bride cries when she leaves her house, but she does not take with her all her belongings.

They drink as much wine both at a wedding reception and a funeral.

In autumn no flower can resist the temptation of dying.

All my watches have stopped. I look great wearing only one, though.

Never give up any of your loves! You never know which one of them will last.

Contemporary period does not mean the same time but the same ideas.

No flower blooms for itself.

Love for your enemy is narcissical.

Happiness without love is like rum flavour without cake.

A billet-doux without lyrics is just a good-bye letter.

Something that does not make you hurry gives you patience.

A volcano does not get extinct with water.

The moment you imagine life is only yours is the beginning of its failure.

When in doubt whether you live or dream - check whether you are wearing your pyjamas.

The only serious thing you can do with your life is to live it.

I - that side of me that has the veto right.

I have loved my life more than it has loved me.

Autumn is the season when each and every leaf tries to become a tree of its own.

Life never gives us what we want, but it takes away what we could have wanted.

Only those who experience Hell on Earth will be admitted to Heaven in the Afterlife.

There are limited places on earth, that is why we have to mate.

Life relies on what we live.

All your dreams come true when you dream.

The most beautiful way of making love with a woman is to think about her.

A stag cannot run through a dense forest because of its antlers. It has to stay and fight.

I am the most unstable /the ficklest of the mortals. I die every day /I keep dying every day.

I miss only one person. It is the child I used to be.

Death always makes the final remark.

Love is a commandment two people have to observe.

Reconciliations are sadder than separations.

Life is what is left for you to do before you die.

I do not take on the consequences of what I write as everyone can understand it in his/her own way.

The soul is a vacant lot where lilies grow.

Who fights for justice fights for the people.

When two people quarrel you do not know who started.

The happier people are the more disunited they get.

Happiness does not absolve you of its consequences.

The gardener told me to mawn the lawn. I want your suggestion when you go to the Hairdresser’s.

The most beautiful memories are those you keep secret.

Retro-fashion is being released.

I think I have noticed something about you. Put on your clothes, so I can show you.

You are fabulous. You are always the same age.

Dress in a summary way! I will take care of the contents.

I am an impostor. I love both you and me.

Each flower reminds me of you, particularly this unpicked one.

Try to forget me, you will see how difficult this is.

I am your lover whom you have not met yet.

Do you still have patience with me? I don't.

What are you doing tonight? With whom?

You look better in your slim fit jeans than in your wedding dress. Keep your jeans on!

I have pawned my soul. With the money I have bought flowers for you.

If you are a virgin, don't be afraid. All flowers are like that at the beginning of spring.

Give me love, not flowers! Flowers fade.

As soon as I am happy, I get hold of a memory.

Don't turn halfway for any petty reason! If the cat is not black it does not foretell anything bad.

We are growing up. We should metamorphose instead.

If I were a painter, I would create some new colours.

I love you all. If I did not I could not look you in the eyes.

He who sets you free only loose the loop.

Words soon become an echo. Silence always does it.

When God gives you a helping hand someone has been praying for you.

I see the world through a field glass. The field glass is mine. The world is not.

If you are a gunpowder barrel, plunge into water not fire.

I am empathetic with me.

While I am waiting, I become dreamy not angry.

Once our homework was to fall in love.

I was kicked out of school. They were whitewashing it.

When I fell in love, I did not do it to see how it was like, I did it because I was loving.

If I were a pirate, I would ask whether there are books on the ship.

The way you make love defines you better than the way you hate.

When you are sleeping with a beautiful woman it does not mean you are an insomniac.

Do not deal with anything transient apart from the fruits of the earth!

In the justice you hope there is always a reward you think you deserve.

A nude is love's finery.

It is boredom not hatred that opposes love.

The moral of the Genesis is the following: you cannot do everything in one day.

You should consider yours even the happiness you did nor enjoy.

When you forget you get younger than your memories.

Peace is always a reason to feel happy even when it comes after another peace.

Gioconda is smiling because she has understood life. If she had defeated it, she would have laughed.

I do not have the strength to be happy, but I do have the weakness to admit it.

You cannot stop the Sun when the shade is an advantage to you.

When you start playing a game of cards do not boast with your readings, first ask how many aces there are.

Love your enemy. Even if he kills you, he will weepyour grave.

I am as weak as an ant but one day I will find the anthill.

We are more transient than the autumn leaves. That is why so many things can impress us.

Only one menagerie would not be enough to hold my wilderness.

Happiness is not what is happening to you, it is what is happening to the others while you believe it is happening to you.

I have nor had ambitions. Nevertheless, there have been people who called them so.

It is happiness itself that works against itself giving birth to melancholy.

On one dish of a balance lay your sorrows and satisfactions and on the other your soul. The scales will balance.

The light in your heart comes from your soul, too.

I am only that part of me that is invisible.

I was the first to abandon myself.

Only when you do not take the responsibility for a good deed it becomes a good deed.

I will not be happy. I will be as you people want me to be.

Do not count your wrinkles. It was not you who made them appear.

One cannot build a future out of memories.

We are weaker than our dreams although their texture is diaphanous.

Humans' patience is weaker than Gods and this leads to a conflict.

If you tiptoe you are not taller, you are more attentive.

I am a spider concerned with setting free what I catch in my web.

People who come back from a war are at war with those who did not participate.

Life is an island. By its end you have to learn how to swim.

There are many people here on Earth who pray to God hoping their prayer will be heard by those who could solve it.

I have made a pact with me to get on well with you.

In love one has to wait for nine months the longest.

When someone says they love you do not formalize.

You cannot get out of solitude by yourself.

The fiercer a feline is the fluffier/velvetier.

Life is a permanent disappointment to which you should not pay attention.

Waiting is the kindest death.

When you turn around, the road turns around with you.

The executioner arrives at the scaffold before the victim.

When you are in a hurry even eternity can make you angry.

There are so many saints around God-nevertheless, we all address Him.

We set our heart upon time hoping it is the same with eternity.

If happiness takes you by surprise, you do not deserve itI do not have wings but elytra.

Sorrow gives you the chance of being happy again.

Life is not what happens to others it is what happens to you.

Is that happiness real if it only belongs to you?

Health is when you tell a doctor to wear a scarf if he/she does not want to catch a cold.

A poem is a soul, a single soul, that is alone like a bird in a forest after migratory season.

When I was little, I used to do my homework. These days I have misplaced it.

People who read only good books complain that for a long time they haven't read anything.

Don't sacrifice anything to those who want you to be sacrificed.

People stopped going a-carolling and taking with them a whip.

I do hope that out of so manyhappy moments there is one only for me.

There is so much carelessness when we hope we will be able to forget.

When you defeat someone, you defeat them together with their mother, so you’d better ask them for forgiveness.

Not all people who tell the truth are right.

The Amazons are so exquisite that they don t have to have two breasts.

The more you love the more unfaithful you are to whom you loved first.

Your sufferings hurt me more than my own as I don't know how intense they are.

You’d better have no expectation. Enjoy the latest one!

Go on your path as long as no one else does it!

Only what you have experienced in your life gives it a meaning.

How many happy people does it take to make a country?

I left my country the same as I left my mother's womb.

You have a wonderful start in your life if your mother is a loving woman.

If you want God to hear your prayer and grant it, you must pray several times.

If you miss me, it is because I miss you.

When my sweethearts had a congress, I was elected vice-president.

If we want to be happy, we have to do our best in advance.

We owe life our life sentence.

Don't worry! Happiness doesn't last long either!

What happens to the mortals doesn’t happen to gods.

No other deception is greater than thinking you have overcome it.

Whether you remember a happy or a sad moment you feel regret all the same.

Soul is crazier than mind.

When I was young, I thought I was mature. Now I think the other way round.

If I told you how much I love you, but I am afraid you might love me more.

You don' t miss people you loved, you miss people you didn’t love enough.

Antum glory is just appreciation.

Whenever I made a mistake, I was young.

God banished us from heaven not because of what we did, but because of what we could have done.

Ancient Greeks believed that it was only destiny that was against you.

Our mind is our soul exiled outside our heart.

If fate loved us, we would stop loving each other.

If you dig a pit for someone else, don' t do it too deep! It is for you.

One can live well on holy water and communion bread in the After Life.

I began to feel happy when I realized I couldn't help it.

The difference between a mortal and an immortal is the way they worship a tomb.

The fruit of chance is always unripe.

The place of sacrifice is in the heart.

Every waiting is a procrastination.

I'm the manager of lost hopes. I won't accept them written on paper.

The more impressive your CV is, the sooner you'll disappoint the others.

I've tried so many things in my life that in the After Life I'll be bored stiff.

A mistress doesn't love you; she puts you to the test.

Flowers which bear fruit are the first to bloom.

      For a dying man eternity is tomorrow.

The same sun which blinds us gives us the light.

Man has only a few feelings, but he makes such a fuss about them!

Waiting, not moment is time's measuring unit.

I was asked to attend the conferences bringing with me all the books I have written. They have changed their mind and asked me to bring my Muses.

God forgives all your trepasses, but you don’t forgive your enemies’ similar one

I'm the manager of lost hopes. I won't accept them written on paper.

A mistress doesn't love you, she puts you to the test.

I've got more patience than time.

If you get bored while waiting, you are not waiting for something or someone you really want.

      I'm more falling than the star of o mortal man.

I sometimes feel like telling the truth for a change.

A writer starts speaking when he writes down.

He whose future is ensured doesn't live, he fills in a form.

I write a lot of balderdash to unburden myself.

I haven 't met immortal people who need a doctor.

I've always spoken too much. Now I write too much.

I 'd like to isolate myself on an island, but all of them are already continents.

Writing is my worst addiction. I have some more equally inexcusable.

Don't waste your time reading me! You'd better buy my books.

What will you do when you are busy if you read in your spare time?

When you move a piece on a chess board, out of one thousand thoughts only one must be carried out. We feel closer to history which is outside us than to chemistry which is inside us.

When you are praised, it is like you borrow money with the highest interest rate.

      A divorce is in fact a separation before the others.

If your future were only yours, it would be unbearable.

When you believe in what you do is like you pray working.

The mirror of one's soul is another soul.

A word of love is not echoed.

Sadness seems greater in beautiful eyes.

When the thought is sad the word is in mourning.

If you are afraid of precipices, you are afraid of tall bridges, too.

No heart is roomy enough for a love.

Without blood we wouldn't know when we are wounded.

I live in the depth of an incomprehensible thought.

I am not what you can see.

I start a game of chess without the King.

You are forever in love with what you used to love.

You look great when you don't ask questions.

Women use lipstick between courses.

I have a problem: my girlfriends have very beautiful friends.

I'd give up writing if I knew what else I could take up.

Snails and I share the same unit of time.

When will our unlived experiences come to an end?

I fall in love easily. All I have to do is to look at myself in the mirror.

You can feed a giraffe from your hand only if it bows down its head.

I was expelled from school when I fell in love because they didn't know who I loved.

You are more likely to be in danger if you are prideless.

I was born in România but for a short time.

Curiosity has distorted the keyhole a lot.

I have been alone all my life, but I still haven't had enough of it.

They don't expel you from hell. You must run away from there.

If pride is on your side, it won't allow you to win.

There are a lot of lonely women in the street. All of them wear a wedding ring.

Nobody stands me with my ambitions. I can't stand myself without them.

My hope is that you all have, at least, one hope.

If you speak without being asked, no one listens to you.

Your friends are only the kids you played with, when you were little.

Happiness exemption is a right of mortals unanimously unclaimed.

If at least one of my hopes had come true, I would have given up on all the others.

Happiness is a way of wasting your time, but sadness doesn't give it back to you either.

If the lie told a single truth, it would compromise itself forever.

At a certain age it no longer matters how old you are. People give you what you ask them, God gives you what you deserve.

Good things are never enough, not even for those who deserve them.

I asked happiness to leave me alone and it allowed me to fall in love.

The soul surpasses the body. Any sail of a ship is worth one thousand rows.

I leave time alone, hoping it will do the same with me.

Buttetflies have to eat leaves, before they can land on flowers.

My sweetheart is not made out of one of my ribs but of my whole body.

I have given myself so many bad advice that I am glad I have followed none.

What happened to Adam and Eve happens to us again: we spend in heaven only the first part of our life.

There is a spring in the eyes, winter should take account of.

In vain can you fly if you cannot land.

Fashion shows you what is wearable not what clothes you should put on.

If you are impatient in the church, what will you do in the After Life?

I miss you in everything that happens to me.

It is so warm in my heart that you don’t have to put on your clothes.

If either Adam or Eve had stayed in Heaven, they wouldn't have brought the Hell on earth.

I wish I were a bit older to see what it is like to be young.

If you want to love the same man/woman all your life, you must fall in love with him /her every day.

Don't admit you failed until your next victory.

If you marry only at registry office, you are half divorced.

No one understands the world. I admit it.

I write for all those who can read.

Don't get ready for a long conversation with someone who doesn't know how to listen.

Give up writing not because they don't read you, but because you have run out of ideas.

The only person I’m impatient with, it’s me.

Communist queues taught me how to be patient in capitalism.

Life leaves you behind, and your deeds must catch up with it.

There are still several mistakes I didn’t make in my youth.

You are young because it becomes you, not because you intend to.

It takes much time to be unhappy.

Never believe the one who says is busy! Believe the one who is working!

The sun is up. See? It's important to knock on the door at night.

We are so happy when we are as if we have never been before.

You cannot be happy on your own.

How quickly people forget what they ought to remember!

The greatest mistake when you are in love is to believe you are loved.

Silence is not about saying nothing, but about understanding everything.

Powder your life if you want it to fit in a sandglass.

I had access to happiness. It was not mine.

      We make promises as if we intended to keep them.

Desire plays havoc among all the other feelings.

When I finally admitted God was right, it was too late.

He had already proved it to me.

If I come back, it means I have never left.

In the beginning Heaven couldn't stand just two people, now it is ready to admit all of us.

The only being that detests himself/herself is the human.

I am patient but not a moment longer.

Only my memories succeeded in defeating me.

In time, to stay young is the only alternative.

I need me to be me or I need me to be complete.

What is strange is not that I have hopes but that they come true.

On the day you do nothing you fail to be happy.

If Zeus loves you, he puts pebbles in your sandglass.

Since Archangel Gabriel a good piece of news has been brought personally.

Love doesn’t teach you anything good but helps you forget bad things.

Doctors lose patience with healthy patients.

Vanity is pride without ambition.

God has created the world for a reason, but He didn’t tell us what it is.

Two days in a row without the night between them would be unbearable.

It is not enough to revolt, you must be right too.

You cannot lose something that didn't belong to you, but you can lose something you wish for.

Eternity is not a period of time, it is a memory.

It’s not enough to forgive your enemy, you must help him/her forgive himself /herself.

If all actors took their roles seriously, after each performance of the play "Hamlet" they would need a new cast.

No day is only yours.

The time for love should not be wasted on anything else.

When I succeed someone is happy and sad at the same time. My mother.

What I loved was not enough. The piece of evidence: I still love.

You must pray only when you are on your own, otherwise God is not present.

Nobody is contemporary with his/her own life.

Any mortal would give his/her immortality in heaven for an extra day on earth.

Even the optimist people need to be encouraged.

You should start fasting when you are hungry not full.

If the lioness had a mane, it would be the queen of animals.

Sunday is the shortest day.

Let me sleep where your longing takes a rest!

If you have decided to postpone, it’s better to wait.

Don't indulge yourself in being indifferent! Do something more!

God banished people from the Garden of Eden for them to make a new one somewhere else.

It is not illness that defeats us, but our fear.

Springs are so afraid of florist's shops.

I prefer words to moments of silence.

It is difficult to be alive and eternal at the same time.

The chance of my lifetime is my birth.

If I took my exams once again, I wouldn't get any prizes.

If you need more granite for the pedestal than for the statue, you are famous.

A divorce is successful if the two parties exchange their addresses.

When you receive a piece of news you don't know whether it is good or bad.

When I said, "Enough with happiness", I fell in love.

You age faster If you do nothing.

The voice of ignorance sounds louder than a clap of thunder.

If you have only one day to live, pray for one more.

If we want our soul to ascent to Heaven, we must love with it while on Earth.

You can be eternal, but it takes time.

As long as you are in Heaven, it no longer matters how you got there.

The snowdrops of my temples have bloomed. Spring plays havoc among my girlfriends.

It has taken me some time to live.

When your body cries do you still need your soul?

Love your enemies as long as you still have them!

The black widow has invited me to dinner.

No love is only yours.

I treasure the moment like a watch.

Hope doubles chances of implementation.

A soul is smaller than the love it contains.

Forgive before you forget!

Only what you hate is always yours.

People would rather believe historians than futurologists.

I've grown old. White beard takes longer to shave.

My only girlfriend knows I'm being unfaithful to her.

My guardian angel told me: "I'm taking a nap as long as you aren't showing off"

That's how I have been loving: by looking around.

If you are not in some memories, at least there is your memory.

We have almost succeeded in snowing. It' s a shame we fail its colour.

Let it snow over you! Something white will still persist.

Coffee hasn't tasted bitter since I gave up drinking.

I am as old as my memories are.

I haven't been unfaithful to you. You expected too much from me.

I've won. My girlfriend's name is not Eureka, though.

If you tell the truth to those who don't understand it, you harm him, and you harm them.

First of all, man spoils the world and then asks God for help.

The blood dripping from the time wounded by you is in fact yours.

Time has its share of guilt when we are late, but we are the guiltiest.

Time prefers life to death since the latter competes with it.

Time is the stopwatch which stops when we stop running.

Time makes an appointment with us whenever it suits it, as it is used to waiting

I'm afraid that my sweetheart comes to the Full Moon nights.

The only thing that remains after happiness is its bitter aftertaste.

We have been given sleep to behave ourselves at night.

I dialled the number of that pink phone you used to answer, when you were taking a bath.

I know the shapes, but not the size.

Since no one would accept us embraced, we are walking hand in hand.

My hatred for you is our love's mystery.

I'd stay awake a whole night in your soul.

All the flowers I've unoffered my girlfriend, have taken roots inside her.

I buy a flower for my girlfriend every day. When she comes I'll offer her a herbarium.

One's soul can be dressed only by a good designer.

The coldness you love me with, honours me.

Beauty and Grace are one step apart.

Procrastination delays good things.

The only thing I have borrowed from Beauty is the right to not comprehend.

Beauty is never found where you have left it.

I owe it only to Love.

My glory is to take my time.

We'll be winners when we have no more enemies.

Don't stop where Destiny has abandoned you!

Judge what happens to you, but don't implement the sentences!

Allow me between you and me! There is enough room.

Announce your birth! Let it be done through someone else's voice though.

God would rather you obeyed Him, than prayed Him for something.

Not only is life short, but it also skips certain stages.

When Heaven gates open, they creak and it terrifies the devils.

When a hungry man asks for food, he speaks softly.

If your prayer is listened and granted, it was not God but the evil one who heard you.

Too much patience makes you forget what you are waiting for.

If Venus had had hands, the Louvre guard would have been reinforced.

What you still have after you share is sweeter.

Truth that disturbs is necessary.

I have all the defects associated with my age but no wisdom.

A single unrequited love is enough to compromise all the others.

It is worth taking picture of everything the heart cannot develop.

The number of happy moments cannot be counted, but they can make a whole day.

A school goes on living if its disciples, become mentors of other disciples.

The more sections the Hell has, the more it seems to be Heaven -like.

Happiness cannot be compared.

We live in a horizontalized sandglass.

The eyes cry. The cheeks get the worst of it.

We share the guilt of falling in love.

I'm the fall of snow turned into tears, by the Time it has touched the ground.

I got drunk with dozens of unopened bottles of wine in the galley in order to save the raft, useful in case of a shipwreck.

Allow being snowed, an extra angel keeps the drought away.

Love is the heart still beating long after we have left this world.

Only what doesn't happen will be considered novelty.

I am a Sun that no sunset leaves indifferent.

If they give you as an example, it no longer matter whether it is good or bad.

Your glory lasts as long as the others claim it.

Alas those who don't need Angels and have found devils who listen to them.

In everyday life happiness stays in your way.

No priority should be only yours!

Forgive the offender, stop the one who is about to trespass.

Mother-the icon in her children's eyes.

Spring starts when flowers pluck up courage.

If you want to be eternal, don't forget eternity started several millennia before you.

People didn't know what to do with Happiness, so they exchanged it for Love.

You need one single day to remember all the others.

You must like the deli before you taste it.

None of my girlfriend has proposed to me to be her boyfriend.

Of all my girlfriends, none of them has proposed to me to be her boyfriend.

I still have a long way to go before I become a sacred monster. I am just a monster.

It is not commendations I'm short of, but of sincere praises.

If you've got used to death, it means you have many more years to live.

No traitor works on his/her own.

Style is a moving grace.

If you want to teach someone, you must love him/her first.

Peace lasts until weapons are perfected.

I bet on future. The past catches up with you, no matter what.

One friend may leave you in need, but it is not right if all of them leave you.

Chance, in its turn, has its destiny.

People take the right to property for the right to happiness.

We've run out of questions; we keep rephrasing the same ones. The answers are different though.

Justice which hurts is unjust.

Only mean people impress when they are being good.

If you don't know what to do with your freedom, you are not free.

If you want to get younger, at a certain age you have to subtract the years you should add.

No matter what you feel, never lose your smile.

There are several ways of idling/ wasting your time.

The most effective one is to start working.

Happiness takes advantage of us not to get bored.

I've left my youth to those who still want to love me.

Don't wait at a door beyond which they are having a meeting!