Happiness - Kerstin Hack - E-Book

Happiness E-Book

Kerstin Hack



Do you want to be happy? Content, alive, passionate – simply happy? You don't have to leave your happiness to chance. It grows when you shape your life in a good way. This Microbook offers inspiration for attitudes and actions that will make you happier. It can be used as inspiration for your personal path to happiness or for conversations with friends, your partner or groups. For everyone who wants to be happy.

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What is happiness?
My happiness and I
Different kinds of happiness
1 Removing obstacles to happiness
2 Discovering happiness
3 Happiness in motion
4 Secure happiness
5 Happy together
6 Growing happiness
7 Preserving happiness
Specific goals
Help to find happiness



Kerstin Hack: Happiness. Inspiration for a rich life

Microbook No. 6

© 2021 Down to Earth · Laubacher Str. 16 II · 14197 Berlin


Design: www.michaelzimmermann.com

Photos: photocase.com - .daumenkino. (1), vonnypony (2), florianwimmer1 (9), hui-buh (11), x-over (15), kuse (17), Fritz (19), judithh (23), Endless Summer (25), Gerti G. (27); sxc.hu (7, 13)

ISBN: 978-3-86270-336-4


Scripture quotations are taken from the "New International Version" and the "New Century Version". Some verses are abridged.


Further books by Kerstin Hack and inspiration for your life


Happiness –

Inspiration for a rich life

Happiness is not a gift from the gods; it is the fruit of an inner attitude. —Erich Fromm

Everyone wants to be happy. We long for those intense feelings that fill us in moments of happiness. That’s why we respond eagerly to promises of happiness: "Buy this or that car, house, drink and you will be happy." Or: "Kiss the right woman or find an attractive man and you will gain eternal happiness." Even though we are constantly surrounded by these promises of happiness, we rarely meet people who exude contentment or even happiness.

Where can we find true happiness? This Micro-book summarizes the results of current happiness research, explains which ways of thinking and acting make us happy and offers specific inspiration to boost your own happiness.

What is happiness?


Happiness by chance?

Being lucky is not the same as being happy.

Many people believe that happiness is something that happens to them by chance: winning the lottery, meeting your dream girl, inheriting a countryside villa. Great luck does indeed bring happiness. But not for long. Those happy feelings normally don’t last for more than three months. After that the lucky fellows are just as (un)happy as before.

Learned happiness