How to Control Circumstances - Ursula N. Gestefeld - E-Book

How to Control Circumstances E-Book

Ursula N. Gestefeld

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Experience the life-changing power of Ursula N. Gestefeld with this unforgettable book.

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How to Control Circumstances

Ursula N. Gestefeld



How to Agree with One’s Adversary

Master or be Mastered

Time Individualism

How to be Rid of Poverty

Remission of Sins

How to Remove Impressions

Human Hens

You Live in Your Thought-World

The Paralysis of Fear

The Living Bridge

The Power of Impression

Haunted by Ghosts

The Time for Weaning

Making Things Go Right

How the World Comes to an End

How the Lord Provides

Unprofitable Companions

Mental Patterns

The Sin Against the Holy Ghost

Utilizing Energy

Natural and Controlled Old Age

The Use of Remedies

The Swing of the Pendulum



The effort to discern and develop inner resources, to adapt externals to internals as part of the discipline and endeavor of life, has necessary place in any plan for bet­terment of conditions. No one is yet at the height of his possibilities; everyone is embarked on the voyage of dis­covery.

These pages are offered both as a guide and a stimulus to those who are awake to the signs of the times, who feel the thrill of a new impetus toward results; the heritage of the many, though in past years discerned only by the few. The widespread state of awakeness to “the things of the Spirit,” that is displacing the long sleep of obliviousness, furnishes receptivity to declarations that would fall other­wise upon deaf ears, upon hearts deadened to responsiveness. Among the many, some there be to whom what is herein written may be a way-shower as they seek deeper realiza­tion of new-old truths and gird themselves for conflict with long-established habits of thought, word, and act.

It is tendered with the desire to show that within, rather than without, is found the Force of forces that trans­forms, renews, and regenerates human life, lifting it to the fair level of self-accomplishment and self-dominion. That self-discernment, self-effort, and self-attainment, for which we are primarily endowed, is the purpose to be fulfilled by our existence.

Though published originally in The Exodus, these chapters will be new to many, and may serve as companions at odd moments when we like to rest awhile with our books and draw fresh inspiration for “ trying again.”

Ursula N. Gestefeld.


“ Agree with thine adversary.”

At first that seems a queer statement, for an adversary is one who is opposed to us, who will work us ill; and why should we agree with such an one? Why not resist instead? That seems the natural thing to do^ for, surely, we must overcome an adversary if we would not have him overcome us. This is plain common sense.

But perhaps after experience has begun to open our inner eye we may discover that the best way to overcome an adversary is to agree with him. Does this mean to go over to his side utterly?

No. It means to maintain our own, but to find out the nature of the adversary, why he is such, and the way by which his nature and its action can be made to befriend instead of hurt us.

It means to find out the reason why, and from what source, we suffer, and through added knowledge to avoid such conse­quence.

All forms of ignorance and their progeny are adversaries for the soul that has a great destiny to fulfil. They stand in the way of that fulfilling, obstacles to be overcome. When they are attacked and fought by another form of ignorance they are not conquered, and continued strife and confusion result.

You, probably, are suffering from an adversary. Though “ his name is Legion99 you know his particular name for yourself. He stands squarely in your path, and look which way you will you see his threatening face. How shall you be able to get be­yond him and leave him behind? How shall you escape his power over you?

By ceasing to regard him as an adversary. By ceasing to fear and seeking to understand him. By gaining knowledge of his nature and why he confronts you; why he seems to have the power to cause you suffering. By coming into this agreement with him, the agreement which is understanding in place of ig­norance; understanding his relation to you, and the purpose he serves.

This understanding can not be gained so long as the Great Purpose is unseen. But you see it. You see that you are a living soul, not merely flesh, and that you have inherent possi-

bilities which are infinite. Yon see that you are to do your part in the development and actualization of these possibilities; that their grand fruition is impossible without your cooperation.

Seeing this, you know by logical inference that nothing which now seems an adversary can always successfully oppose you. There must be a limit to the power of all adversaries, if you, the living soul, are immutably destined to immortality.

Seeing the fact of logical limitation on the part of the ad­versary, and as logical survival on your own part, the next thing to determine is “ Can I find and prove the limitation of his power right now? ” And understanding answers “ You can.”

Now, how shall you agree with him? By believing that he can make you suffer in spite of yourself? No. By seeing, first, the naturalness of suffering, its place and uses in the journey of the soul. The souFs first teacher is sensation. The experience that involves sensation gives the first revelation. Sensation rouses resistance, a resistance which though at first blind, acts as an impetus forward for the soul.

With the revelation of experience a wise, therefore a di­rected resistance follows; a resistance which is government in­stead of a running away from. Sensation is natural to the soul, always accompanies the soul, but changes in quality as the soul learns how to agree with its adversary. One kind is escaped only as another is cultivated.

Your adversary is named “ dyspepsia ” is he? And you are very much afraid of him, are you? You do not need to be. You have but to agree with him “ quickly, while thou art in the way with him.” As a soul moving forward in the ultimating of your own potentialities you are “in the way” where is found the consequences of ignorant use of Thought-Force; consequences which are overcome only by wise use of that force. And you now are able to use this force against your sensation instead of with it; for you know that dyspepsia is disorder and waste of energy.

You have been told from childhood that you had “ a delicate stomach ” and must be very careful what and when you eat; and this from being a dominant thought in your family has come to be a determining thought with you; and this thought is your adversary which appears threateningly before you every time you think of eating.

Or, as a business man you have been so intent on making a success in business that you have almost entirely overlooked making a success as a man—as a soul; and you have pushed and hurried, and hurried and pushed, giving yourself and your own requirements no time because you thought you had none to give. You have eaten and drunk, slept and dreamed business, directing your own energy and Thought-Force into that channel and di­verting them from where you have needed that nourishment which comes from cooperation with the Great Purpose.

This side of your nature has its rights and you have violated those rights in your haste to get rich and dazzle your fellows with your success. Look upon this adversary of yours, “ dyspep­sia,” and find his nature and meaning that you may agree with him. You can not help but agree as you trace the sequence of cause and effect. He is a consequence, and you have but to find the causes that have brought him and set Thought-Force to work to destroy them, to have him dissipate and disappear. Your pain­ful sensation incites desire for a better one, desire to seek for its cause as a way out of bondage to it.

Perhaps you thought you had found it and found also the truth that makes free; and you are surprised that the adversary still sometimes confronts you. Well, perhaps when you had that sense of distress in your stomach yesterday you did not agree with him quickly but let the sense-thought get in ahead; and so of course the judge delivered you to the officer and you were cast into prison.

This judge, you see, has no personal preferences and you can not be his special favorite, so escaping what otherwise he might impose on you. This judge is absolutely impartial. As the law of cause and effect it sentences you to the consequences of such causes as you permit to operate; and it delivers you to the officer of experience who casts you into the prison of sensa­tion, where you remain till you pay the uttermost farthing of your debt to the law.

To agree with your adversary by understanding his nature and relation to you is the first necessity, and the second is to agree quickly. Do not let the sensation-thought get in ahead of the truth-thought. Whatever your thought, Thought-Force in its ceaseless action tends to bring it to pass. Your own thought of tendency to and suffering from dyspepsia, added to the general current of like thought, draws that current into you as a channel for it to pass through and leave its deposits.

You must repel instead of attract it. You attract it by the sensation-thought, you repel it by the truth-thought; and the truth-thought attracts to you the great stream of truth, the living waters, as a channel through which it shall pass and leave its deposits.

You are the chooser, you determine, and if you agree with the adversary quickly while you are in the way with him—on the instant that the sensation-thought presents itself, you will escape being cast into the prison of suffering because the judge will not have to deliver you to the officer who executes that judgment. Your adversary, whatever his name, always delivers you to the judge. And because this judge is absolutely impartial, if you have understanding you know what the verdict will be and that it is just.

Take heed therefore to act—to think quickly whenever the sense or thought of evil, pain, sorrow or suffering of any kind presents itself. The prolongation of so many of our miseries comes from negligence in this respect. We are too apt to be lazy; it is so much easier to drift than to swim. We are so prone to excuse ourselves with the plea “ But, of course, I can not expect to be entirely free from these conditions till they are lifted from the race.”

How are they to be lifted from the race? Only by your doing your part. You are a member of the race. If each member does his part, the whole is done. You are accountable to the race as a member of it. It has a right to demand of you the best you can do for it. You are also a soul in which dwells the Power of the Whole. The Absolute demands of you the exercise of this power.

The tendency to excuse ourselves is a tendency to be dis­couraged, but with right understanding we shall be merciful to ourselves. That golden mean between indulgent indolence on the one hand and fanaticism on the other is the place where we need to stand. From this point of vantage we gain the best results. Here, the power of the individual soul over environment and tendencies is found, felt, and demonstrated. Here, the Power of the Whole can be put to practical use with the signs following.

You want power. You can have it by finding it, and you may find it within, for it is already there, waiting your recogni­tion to work for you.

The Likeness of God—what does that mean? God is Abso­lute. You, as a living soul, are absolute to your sensations and sense-conditions. They are only relative to you and consequently they are the lesser while you are the greater. They are for time, you are for eternity. They dwindle and die, you increase and remain. Their possibilities are finite and limited, yours are in­finite and unlimited. You can understand them, they can never understand you.

Hence you must agree with them for they can not agree with you. You are eternally over and above them, you can not remain conformed to their pattern. Outstrip them you must, for the Divine Energy is constantly pushing you on. Whatever your adversary, however he is named, the name of the Lord is writ upon you, and the power of the Lord is within you. Your eter­nal Individuality is unaffected by any of the adversaries which confront you as a soul; and this is the resource from which you draw all that is needed for the overcoming of adversaries.

And the overcoming is through that agreement which un­covers their true nature and place, and strips them of the power ignorantly imputed to them; that agreement which checks what otherwise would be a consequence through imposition of a con­trary consequence.


Have you found by this time that as a living soul you are either to master or be mastered? Has this truth struck you so forcibly that you have awakened from the sense-sleep and set yourself to the work of mastery?

If so, you have ceased to read your fate in the stars and you are making endeavor to follow instead the line of destiny.

Perhaps you have been strongly inclined to think that “ the stars in their courses ” have marked out what you are and what you shall do and become; have settled your life experience so positively that there is no use in trying to work against them. If this has been the case, you have snapped a pair of handcuffs around your wrists and attached a ball and chain to your feet and crippled your own endeavors to accomplish anything higher and better than what you read in the stars.

Here, as in other directions, you have mistaken an indica­tion for a fixed reality, a suggestion for a positive truth, a letter for the spirit beyond it. In looking intently at the stars you have overlooked your own nature and possibilities; in reading the reg­ister of mortal fallibility you have failed to find and read the register of divine and eternal immutability. You have allied yourself with the lesser, whose nature and limitation you will have to discover through experiencing all that you read, when you might have allied yourself with that eternal push which nothing can withstand.

But to-day an opportunity is yours. You can choose which you will serve, the stars, or that which the stars themselves serve.

Standing on one of the thoroughfares of a great city you see a large car full of people moving along a track without any visible means of propulsion. That moving car has its point of departure and a terminus. That is all settled. If you board that car you will be carried to the terminus unless you get out before the car reaches it.

But this is your option as the individual, and when you give the signal to stop, the gripman knows how to bring the car to a halt though the cable underground is still moving, driven by the power at the power-house. The gripman is subject to your orders though the power still impels the cable. Your resolve, your mental motion, causes him to stop the car even though the cable does not cease moving; to do that which enables you to get out of the car at any moment though the other passengers are carried to the terminus.

And what is possible for you is possible for them. You would laugh at any one of them who was so ignorant as to believe that he had to be carried to the terminus of the road whether he wanted to go or not; and you would tell him that he had only to use his prerogatives as an individual to escape being carried there, if he did not want to go. More, you would show him that he could use that car as a means to help him to a certain point on the road instead of walking there, if he did not wish to walk; that he was master of the situation instead of a victim, if he chose to act as he was able to act.

Have you believed yourself to be a victim to that fate marked out for you by the stars, moving along to the terminus in spite of anything you could do to prevent it? Then it is time that you signalled to the gripman to stop the car and let you get out, and if it does shake you up a bit when the car comes to a halt no harm is done.

That cable moving along unseen underground has brought you to the point where you act as you choose, and it has served you well. If your fellow passengers are carried to the terminus it is because they do not know enough, or, knowing, do not choose to get out. They are being used, while you have used the same power. It carries them whether or no; it carries you only as far as you choose to go.

What is called fate, your future as indicated by the stars, can run the course indicated, carrying you along, a victim; or you can say Stop! The Zodiac is a book, a writing to be read; but the hand that wrote it and the soul that reads it must be greater than the writing. If the soul reads “ Finality! Inevita­bleness! ” it is carried along to the terminus of the mortal road. If it read “ Only mortal tendency! ” it rises in its strength and majesty to say “ Thus far shalt thou go and no farther.”

You do not want to be ruled by a tendency or any number of them. You do not want to be drawn down by gravity; you want to rise above tendency; and this is your possibility as the indi­vidual.

You are greater than visible nature. All that you see in this visible world says “ Come! read me! ” and if you, not understand­ing your birthright, are appalled and weakened by what you read, you suffer the consequence of your own ignorance. No star, or any number of them, has power to determine what you shall do, or what others shall do to you. Though you may read, if you know how, variety of human tendencies, the relation between them, and the effects which naturally follow causes, you have but to see and begin to apprehend your God-being to say “ Stop! you shall no longer rule me. With my divine birthright I will begin to rule you.”

Here is where you get out of the car and move on your own feet in any direction you choose.

You say “ I see operative law and what it naturally brings* therefore now I can use the law which has hitherto used me, and I will use it to the ruling and overcoming of the natural ten­dencies which are pictured to me in this great World-Bible, the Zodiac. I will no longer be the servant, I will be the Son who puts all things under his feet.”

To consult the stars every time you contemplate an action to see what they will tell you about it is to strengthen a tendency which should be outgrown; which can be outgrown only as its nourishment is withdrawn. By this course you keep it strong because you keep feeding it and thus give yourself more work to do eventually.

The kingdom is in you, not in the stars. You say Lo! here! and Lo! there! when you should see the throne of power in yourself. You overlook the greater to fasten yourself to the lesser and be carried along to the terminus of the road. You will never be truly individual till you act as the individual—the Son rather than the servant. Because of your relation to Almighty God you have all the privileges of that relation—sonship; and you prostitute that relation and those privileges when you bend the knee to any lesser power.

You are to be crowned King, for you are the heir-apparent. Why should you crown a natural tendency as king and permit fate, instead of destiny, to rule you? Why should you bow be­fore that which should bow to you—which will bow to you if you assert your right to rule?

The natural man is the sum of tendencies which are strong and forceful. The spiritual man is the ruler of those tendencies who makes their very strength serve higher purposes; who sees and works according to that destiny compelled by origin and conquers the fate incidental to human ignorance of divinity. Why prolong the merely natural, when the greater waits to be appropriated? Why look to the future for what you can begin to accomplish to-day?

Oh! how much we need to learn that we are in eternity now and that time is of our own making, its duration dependent upon ourselves! How much we need to learn this in order to live in the present, instead of in the past or future!

We are apt to live mainly in the has been, or the to be, over­looking that present which is all we will ever know, and so over­looking what is possible now. In our eagerness to grasp the two birds in the bush we let from our hand the bird of the now. In our desire to succeed in whatever we undertake W? let g° the*

very means we need for success and accept, instead, that which “ gendereth to bondage.”

Cease looking to the stars to see if they are propitious and look instead to that Lord of all their hosts which is your own God-being, in which is all that is needed for the work you have to do and the success which is for you. “ Look unto me and be ye saved.”

A sign of the times to-day is the inclination of the people to look outside the theological fences for knowledge. This is good. It shows a desire for understanding and enlightenment; but one can tell the degree of progress reached by observing where the seeker looks to find what he needs. In proportion to the real enlightenment will attention be withdrawn from the ex­ternal world and concentrated upon the human Soul till its slum­bering divinity awakens to become Master.

Whether stones or stars, each tells a story; but the reader of the story is greater than they.

To claim the birthright is to be done with the has been and ready for the to be, through possession of, not subjection to, the present.

Will you get out of the car or be carried to the end of the road?

Try to feel that comparative good and evil are but the temporary aspects which existence wears to the soul that is on its way from the Adam to the Christ. The way is of God; what the soul finds in the way is of its own making, first ignorantly and afterward intentionally. Through all that to it is good or evil runs the thread of absolute good that knows no opposite, the thread of manifestation of God. Positive, good; comparative, better; superlative, best. These degrees are for the soul which finds and experiences one after the other, till it joins itself to the best and knows the lesser no longer. The difference between a limited and the unlimited good is what it must experience in order to know the best, and volitionally unite with it—to dwell forever at the right hand of God. From the level of sense- consciousness evil is a terrifying reality. From the ethical standpoint there is something better. From the spiritual, there is the best that is all. On the plane of sense-consciousness the soul is a common servant; on the plane of ethics it is an upper servant that would like to be a ruler instead, but does not know how to become one; on the spiritual plane it becomes ruler through knowing its own sonship.


“ What shall save me from affliction? ”

True individualism.

Shall we look for the meaning of that answer?

Until we awaken to the truth of our being—while we are sleeping the deep sleep of Adam—we are subject to the experi­ences natural to that sleep. Awakening is the remedy, but Oh! how we cling to the dream, loath to let it go, even while we ex­claim, “ If only I could be rid of this suffering!;;

First, we must awaken from the belief and get rid of the idea that God arbitrarily inflicts anything upon us. This is one of the most stupendous errors that has ever dominated mankind. It is the natural outgrowth of that view of God, that makes him a being to be addressed as one that had it in his power to help or harm us, and that was likely to harm, if we did not hasten to placate him.