Only for a wonderful world - Anna Frosali - E-Book

Only for a wonderful world E-Book

Anna Frosali

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This book has been written by a sensitive and the things she has foreseen have come true and are becoming true. The sensitive made her vision of the future coincide with the year 3000, but in reality she thinks that this future is much closer to us.

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Chapter I.

Chapter II.

Chapter III.

Chapter IV.

Chapter V.

Chapter VI.

Chapter VII.

Chapter VIII.

Chapter IX.

Chapter X.

Chapter XI.

Chapter XII.

Chapter XIII.

Chapter XIV.

Chapter XV.

Chapter XVI.

Chapter XVII.

Chapter XVIII.

Chapter XIX.

Chapter XX.







































First days of June 1999


From the parallel dimension. The city of Ideas























Anna Ironwill






"The works of artists and writers

they have a longer life than the exploits

of soldiers, statesmen and merchants.

Poets and philosophers go further

of historians. But the saints and the prophets

they are worth more than all the others

put together ”.

(A.J. Toynbee)


"You can come from anywhere in space and

time, wherever you want (...) 'said the old man (...)

(...) We are working on, until you get to the point where you are

able to fly into the past and into the future ... and then, later,

one is ready for the hard part ... One Ready

to fly to the highest levels. "


R. Bach Jonathan Livingston Seagull



"What is important is not seen-said the Small

Prince. -But you will look at the stars at night ...

My star will be for you one of the stars. Then all

stars will love looking at them. And all will be your friends. "



A.De Saint-Exupery Le Petit Prince


"What God sees the Mind maybe I see it "





This novel was written from Spring to Autumn of 1999.

Some historians and environmental data reported here relate to real events that took place in that period.

The vision of the writer extends much further than to books or science fiction movie, never seen or read, or more than a vague knowledge of computers, mechanized systems, computer networks of various kinds.

Because it is exactly what it is: a vision and so must consider the reader who does not know the person.

She is intimately convinced that she was helped by something else that does not know the limits and boundaries and can rightly be defined as entities probably another dimension: a Guide.



Chapter I.


36 ... 34 ... 32 ... 30 ... phew! Today it's warm with this heavy sweater ... 30! I put the key in the lock and open. Immediately i am assailed by the darkness of the gallery.

-Jonathan ... Hey! Jona! –i shout with the remaining breath.

-Eh? What is it ?? - The voice of my brother screeches like a bicycle brake, from above the ramp.

-Come turn on the light in the gallery! You can’t see a damn thing here! -Tric. On the magic a weak gloss widens on the scale. They’re thirty-five plus three steps in front of the attic door and today i also heavy backpack. On top of these shoes they are narrow and I make my feet hurt.

I went up to the attic to see some old books i had in junior high school, and i didn’t think to put down the backpack at home. But now i close the door and go back down right away, while the curly head of Jonathan faces barely beat type of eyelids and then disappears into the house. My brother is fifteen and a half and is a bad guy, after all. The fact is that it seems to have more to do a lot of things, one after another, which seems, however, things do not have time to wait for ever. In fact, the matters that interest him the most are without a doubt, one of the girls, two or maybe even first of these, the astronomy of which is crazy, if not out of "leader." I come into the house and soon Emma, our little sister comes over me literally screaming

-Anne, I'm hungry! Do you eat some good thing? -Then it sticks to my backpack like a climb rock type and is likely to pull me down.

-So, Emy! I weights on more books! -

The utility room is cluttered with all sorts of mismatched shoes. Immediately Emy slips my and her feet in an instant become those of a toy baby. Then she goes around unsteadily home.

-What time does Cosimo come back? –i ask to Jona, now lying legs hanging on the old sofa in the living room.

-Boh! At the tree ... I think! -

- Has Ètta prepared something? –I come in the kitchen and threw open the fridge. The door creaks and all these figurines of soccer players stuck over the years from my brothers, seem to put so many patches affixed to star on a home appliance that otherwise would fall to pieces.

-What is this stuff ?? – i open a plate where the float cooked bean

-mm ... disgusting! And in here, that ... is it? -

-There is the usual meat of yesterday! Jona-meets rebound, with shouldered air, from the top of its backrest.

-That the usual "slab"! - Now grumbles and then snorts.

-So? Do you want to eat, yes or no? And come to lend a hand ... obvious! -Jòna opens the belief, and it extracts a box for mashed potatoes.

-Come on, wash the salad, Jo, and i cook the mashed potato.-

-I’m hungry ... -cries Emy from living room.-

-While you’re waiting, play a bit with your Barbie, come that soon it is ready! -

But when, after a while, i enter the room to call her, there she’s on the carpet, asleep.

Sometimes it seems to me not to do it, to do all these things by myself, that is, to us, but then I know that I can now because they are used to it and I avoid saying some distasteful word.


Cosimo is the last to go home and Tinetta, we call it by name but it’s our mother, at three-thirty to be at the shop.

-Well guys, finish eating ... I am already tired ... Do you wash dishes, Anne? -

-Mm, okay! But even Còsi, but ... -

-No, I can’t! I'm leaving right away ... to the four we have the match ... -

-The usual excuses cabbage, I also would have something to do, though! –I snort, annoyed.

-So guys, get along, I'm going to prepare myself, is right? -

-Anne, help me to do my homework for Tomorrow! -asks Jona, the sing-song tone of occasions in favor.

-No! Anne helps me instead! She promised me ... -replies Emy with the little melodramatic air that wants all won. Fortunately, the phone rings, jumping from my chair i go to meet.

-Etta is for you! -Our mother comes out of the bathroom, made up and fragrant as a showcase doll.

-But ... do you make the order or poster advertising the store? –run away said by Cosimo and his sixteen and a half impertinent. She glares at him, before taking care of the phone to the ear.

Chapter II.


-Emy ... Emy ... by wake up! It's seven ... -Emma greenhouse eyelids then sits on the bed and whimpering shows me her teddy bear ended up upside down on the carpet.

-I want Bobo ... –I open the rolling window. A March 20 drizzly, still hidden behind a light mist which can’t hold the first light, opens wide before my eyes sleepy, up where the gaze lingers beyond the beech forest on Arno. I pick my head from the balcony now wide awake: the air is crisp and I don’t want to catch a cold.

For some reason I immediately think that tomorrow will be my birthday.

Tomorrow, the first day of spring coincides with my fourteen, twenty-one in March nineteen ninety-nine. There is only one way to end the whole second millennium. Who knows what will be next ... Who knows. But I feel no particular emotions, I'm only sorry that, being a weekday, I will have to go to school as usual and I'll have to put off until Saturday afternoon my birthday party. Here Tinetta, with its beautiful canopy of carrot-orange hair, which faces the door to see where we stand.

It 's already up and dressed to the nines and sometimes I think that more than a mother, resembles to my sister's Barbie.

-Girls, it’s already half past seven! -

-I understand, I finish combing Emma ... -

No, let me do it. Rather, put to heat your milk, now.-Among the energetic protests of Emy, our mother quickly seizes the comb and unruly curls to any hand.

-Come Còsi, let me come, I quickly ... -I repeatedly knock to the bathroom door. Then facing me into the kitchen, where Jonathan impiastriccia the face with a pound of Nutella spread double.

-Do you want milk? –he mutters.

-Ok, thanks Jo.-Cosimo comes running, and throws backpack full like a suitcase near the entrance door.

-Anne, are there croissants with jam? I'm so hungry…-

-And look for it a bit to you, as well, I have to finish getting ready! -I lock myself in the bathroom, just in time to hear the commanding voice of Leo, our father, who umpteenth acute of Emma bursts in claiming the just and respectful silence "for a poor taxi driver in debt, forced to work two jobs to get things going! And so hard all day, even at night ... "I repeat mentally.

Leo has done in my opinion a big mistake, which is to leave Paris to come and live in Tuscany with Mom. And another, even bigger, when he had the happy thought of sharing the costs and revenues of the taxi with his friend, Barno. And then also the shifts and schedules, so when Barno goes around by taxi, daddy has to make do as an assistant at a petrol pump and so on. It has now become a grumpy life. Now Tinetta calls me before leaving.

-I go for expenses. Think you, the rest for today? True?-

-Yes, yes mum... Quiet! -

-Bye Bye…-

Sometimes Mom looks like a colorful insect dreaming, but I don’t think it was the air of Paris to make it so, because in that case, I should be like her, because I was born in this wonderful city, and instead i don’t look like her. As usual breakfast goes sideways, when as every morning, i arrive at this hour. Emy waits standing on the doorstep, and with his white apron and the green ribbon of first grade she makes tenderness.

-Let's go, Anne? -

-Yes. Did you put the snack in the backpack? Did you take the parasol? Come on, i better settle jacket. Well ... now we can go.-

Meanwhile Jona was stolen with his friend Tiberius and Cosimo jumped on the Mauro’s bike, of course, unknown to all.

-If Tinetta see you refreshes your ass ...! –I think.The Parini elementary school behind in high school where I go. For that Emma was entered there, so I can accompany every day.

Now it's raining less strong.

-Do you want to take the bus? –i ask her.

-No, Anne. Let us go walk ... For me it's okay ... -

Chapter III.


Where the river leaves behind the old bridges and curving tilts a bit, to form deep bend of the great Cascine Park and the southern part of the city, the largest island with its populous town in the countryside widens as an open hand, gathering in itself an entire neighborhood. Then it shuns away, between the houses, the trees, parks and other voices in the streets, to the roads leading to major highways. And in one of these inner side roads, from which you can see the edge of the river, dotted with tall plants and extending up to the wood stain, lengthen the two planes of our old house, and number of rooms is there a little narrow, but as it is put, I like very much: this is because, when the morning threw open the window, from here I can see the things you love most in the world and now they are an indissoluble part not only of my thoughts, but of my own existence. What will this rarity, this face value for Anne? You may ask. Simple and easy to understand: they are the trees. The elegant willows, white poplar trees with broad leaves, slender birches, alders and then the old oak trees and then chestnuts massive that thickens inside the park to thin out and lose where the river is to flow, under the last bridge when it leaves the city behind. And I from these trees I have learned many things: all the music of the wind and water, the changing seasons, the passage of time between the leaves and my young years, and then all that harmony of sounds that give them a perennial voice trills, warbles, whispers, squeaks, who they are with me all day, when I leave the house in the morning, the afternoon of the tasks at my desk, until the moment you turn off the light to sleep at night. And when Emma asks me

-And who is this, Anne? I recognize one by one on their side, the little friends of my days. "I really like little friends" I think.

-So, Cetti ... What are you so interesting to look at out the window?! - I collect and I stammer something.

-No, no prof ... it is not about that. It's just that…-

-What, math you are not very congenial, eh? –I feel face purple.

No, no ... And I watched the maple which is breaking new leaves and ... -A burst of laughter, more or less stifled, it is the best way to crown my keen powers of observation.

Skeptical says Professor Marini-you too feel the arrival of spring, eh? -The good faces of my fellow now they laugh openly.

-Guys, beware of! In a week we will take a written test and will be important ... not that you forgot is true? -It immediately called me to the blackboard to solve quite a polynomial.

At a quarter past four the phone rings.

-Hello, hello ... I'm Emy and I am doing the operations on squared notebook! Who are you? Oh yes! Do you want me to pass? All right bye. Anne! -I called.

-There Marinda your friend, keep-hands me the phone.

-Thanks, Emy. Ah! Hello Mary. No, I'm working on art history. What surprise? Have you given your new computer? Yes, if you have the diskette come right away, so we study together ... ok, we meet after.-

-Jòna, I go to Mary to study on his new PC. Yes, I take my bike, so I first ... -

-Remember to buy bread for tonight! -shouts my brother.

-But can Cosimo not think to it? –i say irritated.

-So-is-already-out-to-visit-to-the Observatory! -

-So-tell-you-we-will-close-together-in-a-those-Zombie- mummified! What the hell! Here I always have to do everything myself! -

-Mm, mm ... -This time the door closes by itself.


Marinda lives two blocks away, crossed the avenue Canova. I head a crooked little road, a blossoming of low houses, planted around a small colorful library.

In a courtyard full of geraniums, the brothers Marinda playing with the ball. They’re Argentine, dark skin and an open and jovial.

Until the nineties their parents lived in extreme poverty because of the dictatorship.

Following from Sant Juan, where they lived, they came to work in Italy.

Ezina, Marinda’s mother, has prepared donuts with honey, but Mary takes me right away by the hand and leads me into the room she shares with his brothers to show, on his study table, as an unprecedented trophy, its new PC. Although sometimes used with computers in the school, I must say that for me this brand new computer is a matter ... just as new.

-Our is now so old that at times falls to pieces-I say, looking at the blank screen laying there motionless, waiting for a command that action.

-It’s really what its name promises ... - says Mary-an open window on the world. Then inserts the disk of matter that we must study and in a moment the history of ancient Greece has no more secrets for us than those that any three-dimensional trick Nintendo may have for our brothers.

-And then ... here it is easier to study because there are many more models of knowledge, compared to a normal school says Mary-text, and rightly so.

Sure, but ours is only a database used by Leo for the job and all in all I don’t need... -Marinda gives me a sympathetic look and then asks me a question I had not expected.

-Do you ... you keep a personal diary? -

-No, really I never thought ... I always have the same notebook where, as you know, sometimes, I write some poetry ... and stop! -

-Yes, and are beautiful ... really! -Says my friend with conviction.

-Why did you ask me?-

-Mm ... well ... I thought that with the computer you may also open your diary ... super -secret ... -

Sigh. Of course with someone like this, maybe ...

As she explained how, three wild kids burst into the room.

-Where's my toy box, Marinda? asked Moreno-First was below! -Mary put our heads in the beds, then by one pulls out a large container with photographs of stuck.

-Now I want to play! -Juanito launches on the box and throws away the lid without much ado. The fabulous quarrel with tears and fury, that both know so well, flutters here and there. But luckily the lady Ezina intervenes at the right time, giving all donuts and orange juice.

-Do you come my birthday party? –i ask to Mary.

-Sure! I have already prepared a present for you, do you want to see it now or wait for Saturday? -

-Wait for Saturday ... –i say unconvinced-I will not spoil the surprise! -And I smile, savoring a delicious donut.

Chapter IV.


-Tinetta you're a disaster! -

-And you're late! –Mom comes out of the bathroom with straight hair on the curlers, lipstick incredibly purple lips and the basket of the wash cloths, packed, leaning on her robe in his hands. -Help me, do not you see I'm about to fall! -

-I had told Jona to warn you ... I've been Mary to study on his new computer ...-

-Listen Anne, we've talked about, for now we can not afford to deal with other expenses ...! -

-But I ... I did not say anything ... -As usual, I feel like a walking mortification.

-Rather, did you buy bread? –I extract from the bag a loaf a bit stale and I put it on the table.

-Uff ... come on, we prepare something for dinner ... -

-Leo ...? –i ask, just to say something. The TV on in the dining room speaks for itself.

-Cosimo, help me set the table, if you do not bother you too! –i shout, and my brother's room echoes a kind of grunt. -You do not understand? I have to finish the algebra for tomorrow !! - says.

-So have I to do it?! - Jona finally gets rid of his monstrous video ventures and entry into the kitchen while Emy begins to whine about her sudden stomach ache. At this point even Leo gets up from the chair, for comment too loudly.

-But this is not a normal house! It 'a Dantesque! Pandemonium! That's it! And I'm sick and tired ...! - Tinetta not bat an eyelid, sits one of her curls and then sings in French "-Leo, Leo ... On a good boy, good boy ..." -a old French spiel addressed to a dog spiteful. At that point I am intruding. And they are in the attack phase.

-So give us a hand against you, noo !!- cry, just in time to dodge the trajectory of a slap.

Then an hour later, over a plate of spaghetti and fried chicken, we find a verbalness quieter.

-Today I carried around two American ... -comincia Leo.

-So have they paid you well ... huh ?? Dad -intervenes Emy, that is apparently not always know what you speak. But only in appearance.

-They made me crazy instead! First they asked where was the Piazzale, then the Ponte Vecchio then the Signoria, then the restaurant and back to Michelangelo, then again at Pitti. And I still always there, waiting ... never anything was fine and wanted to see it all in one day! -

-On the other hand the patience is like your job and you're not the only one forced to politely deal with customers-says mom, who works all day in a perfume shop fashionable and with the word "patience" always feels alive. But as I know her, she faces all in a superficial manner and her behavior in the store is like a script written by a director-set designer together. Sudden comes a thought.

Mmm ... about ... I work in my little ... something I do. Student’s work, especially good, can rightly be called a job, or not?! -

-Yes, yes ... -Etta watching me with a drop of curiosity ... thank goodness ...

-Here, I meant this ... -Maybe, I think, is not really the case, but I say the same ... -I would need a certain thing, just to the school and since tomorrow is my birthday, I would have thought ... -I appeal decided Leo that bites his fried chicken. But Cosimo doesn’t give time to a response of any kind.

-Oh, for that matter I certainly work better than you if i’m "almost" a step away from a diploma ... It actually has long wanted to broach the subject! -Now our father passes his eyes from one to another, the drawn expression.

-What new fantasize, just today!? -

-Yes yes-presses Cosimo, - I have already sixteen and a half, almost all my friends have got the scooter ... well ... just like that ... I need a scooter for travel! -

-The only thing to which you will move quickly will that chair if you continue with this tone, but the scooter! For that there is time! -cries dad. Even Tinetta raised his voice and mumbles something in French, but we don’t understand each other perfectly. And while Cosimo doesn’t finish of replicating, bacause of agitation a clip curlers drop them into the pot. Choking back a laugh.

-If it comes to getting the deck ... I work, that cabbage! -Jona intrudes in spite of all is the echo of my thinks.-The second high school is not to be taken lightly! And indeed ... -Here shooting the first thing that springs to mind.-Actually ... I urgent need of a ... -

-I want a cat! I want to own a cat! –jumps on Emma with a mouth full of fried-potatoes ... because I need! –

Dad is highly irritable because of too busy, I might exaggerate saying that explodes always inappropriately. Anyway, it's exactly what he does at this moment: roars like a prehistoric over our heads, beginning to produce the immediate effect of remarkably silent morose, tense, in which however, no one has any idea to get up, leave the food in the pot and go to bed without supper, maybe, slamming the door of her room. Then I resume courage, shooting breath and whisper, so as to be the only one to hear my own voice.

-I'd like to have a new PC as Mary has to study better and then ... for other things and just wanted to say that ... because tomorrow is my birthday, I ...-

-But we'll have already bought a present, Anne, and also nice, as you’ll see.-

All quiet. And with this Tinetta puts an end and also the point on the discussion.



-Anne brought the pizzas and a Cola -Glauco ... takes a bag from his hands. Immediately Alex, Melandri and Roberto, Giulio comes forward to peer at the pizzas.

-Are you starving? Hands off of there!–they shout in one voice Sandra, Alessia, Mary and Claudia.

-Happy Birthday!-Telling all along-but ... do you celebrate today too?-

-Of course!-I exclaime, infatuated- today is my day X, on Saturday we are at my house, okay? -They pull me affectionately by the ear and give me a light kiss on the cheeks. The teacher of Letters, Ms. Prisca, enters the classroom and immediately detects a stir.

-Be calm, eh? Girls ... What happens now? -

-Nothing prof. is the birthday of ... Anne Claire ... -Deborah is the mouthpiece of the event and then we put ourselves seated with a cackle of chairs being moved.

-So ... Congratulations to our poet ... -

-Merci beaucoup ... –i say and become dark pink.

-Well, let's see ... who wants to start with our Promessi Sposi? -

-Come, Fulvio.-With the greatest reluctance Ricci picks up the book and goes to the chair. So begins another day of school.


Vale and Marinda turn for a moment to ask softly-Then ... what have gave you your parents? -

-The new bike. They had put in the garage, but I saw immediately.-

-It’s nice gift.-

-Yes but i don’t need much ... -

-Yeah, already-is their laconic comment. They know very well that when Emma is still at school in the afternoon is always the friend of my brother gives me a ride on a motorbike.

-On, girls shut up, please! -says the Prisca.

Mr. Manzoni calls us to duty.


-Let's do some street together! -Says Marinda. And we take the arm in groups of four and five. We laugh a bit of everything, then I say-I do not go home today. I thought to go in perfumery, as Tinetta.-

-But is the store hers?-asks Claudia with a hint of curiosity. Burst out laughing.

-Maybe! No, no, Mom does the job, of course, is bilingual and, long story short, this job ... she needs to pay the mortgage of our house. But at the same time she would like to buy a new one! -

-All the parents I know have real problems or invented ... -says Marinda, with a tight smile.

It's almost one o’clock, it's a beautiful sunny day and I can take the bus to the city center. When I get to the store mom she is going out with some co-workers.

Exalted as in a discussion about I do not know what brand of perfume, she does not notice me right away.

-Mum ... –i call her suddenly-Mum !! – she turns exhibiting now also one of his extravagant pettinature. Oh Anne-Claire …Happy Birthday, dear.-Her colleagues join the chorus of good wishes.

-For tonight we will send you a gift, Anne. Are you happy? -

-Yes, thanks you very much.-

-Mom, please do not speak French in front of your friends, i am also Italian, finally ... -

-I know, perhaps you would have preferred to be born in Australia? And call Anne, in English, then that is the same thing! -

Tinetta performs a dazzling smile, knows my passion for Australia.

-Finally mom, I was saying something else ... -

-There have sworn. You, the Australian steppe, kangaroos ... you are all one! Just see how you're dressed. Those jeans are wrinkled like a tent! - But she is very elegant with layers variously scattered jewelery on hands and wrists, neck and ears.

-Mom, Australia is a beautiful country, with wildernesses and ... could be a paradise for ecologists. I really like it!-

-Did it really fixed this nature eh! But in the meantime, we live in a city of art as there are few ... -

-So, Mom, I was saying another thing and that is that ... I belong to the earth, I feel like a citizen of the world, but they are also Italian. Do you understand what I mean? I –Meanwhile i push by hand the door of a large glass door.

-And now why did you bring me to the library? -

-I search for a book of Japanese poetry ... -

-And why do you study this stuff? -Mom looks at me stunned.

- We don’t study them, although I think it would be nice to know the works of certain writers eastern.-

-That is, I'd like to know. The reason is that the prof. Prisca told me that I write poems that sometimes resemble a little to those written by certain ... Japanese poets. So I want to know what it is ... -

-Well, Anne, but I unfortunately do not have time to keep you company ... -And now busy looking in the bag for the car keys.

-See you at home.-

-Ok ... hello ... -Then a thought goes through my head.


-What is it? -Tìn turns to look.

-In recent years, did you visit several works of art in this city -

-Mm? No, but ... I promise, as soon as I get a little free time, going to museums and everything else ... Okay? -She smiles.

-On sunday-I say.

With a quick hand greeting, mother runs away from the library.

Chapter V.


-What is this, Anne? -Emma was sitting at my desk.

-L'e-t-er-no-in-tem-po-accomplished properly.

-You are good, Emy, read carefully! -Happy, my sister continues-Anthology-of-poetry-Japanese ... What is Anne? -

-Is'what you said. One thing a little difficult to understand, for you.

- Must you study for school? -

No, no. I read it to me, in short, on my own. I have written poems that interest me ... -

-Can I see Anne? -

-Of course!-

Emy browses a few pages, but immediately closes the book. -There are no figures-she explains.

-So-i answer-patiently- while you go to your room and do your homework, I'll read a bit of this book, all right? -

-Yes, well, hello ... -

-Hello, Emy.-


I put myself comfortable on the mat and open the front pages. A world that i don’t know, away, mysterious and secret unfolds before my eyes. Immediately read words never heard and incomprehensible to me, true poetry collections that resemble me a lot, full of deep meanings, sensitivity to the rhythms of time, the aspects of nature, emotions are also part of me, no that i am completely aware. As the ancient Japanese who did not use words to indicate the nature, I feel I belong to the earth and that the earth, in a way, mine.

This writing interests me a lot, it is a great poet of the '700 named Basho, who wrote:

"The inner time in tune with the rhythms of nature, is the essence of the poetic genre known as the "haiku" name. Compose a haiku means to express in words the light in which things will appear and the world (...). If you ask your inner feelings in harmony with external things the essence of your spirit will become haiku ".

I sigh and think that what I'm reading is simply sublime.

- Spring drizzle/ the immense smile / earth / above the Fields- Chiyoyo.

-Spring drizzle / drips from the roof of an old honeycomb. Basho

-First winter rain / even the monkey would take a mantellino / straw Basho


Sudden, another thought flashed through my head.

"Yes "quickly ponder. "The teacher. Prisca is right. "

"These poems resemble a little to those I write ... "-But right now Jona enters the room, with the Latin text in hand.

-Anne, help me for this version-snake? Eh ?? -

-Wait a moment Jona, I would satisfy myself before a thing.-Jona lies down on the bed of Emma, and put the book on his head.

Then begins to make verses of all kinds at the matter, the homework, the school and the whole world, as long as they speak of Romans and latin.

-UAH! What weight on the head! -

-How six blatant! For a poor version of a few lines! – i sketch a chuckle and while under a pile of notebooks inside the desk drawer he pulled out one with a blue cover.

-Sorry a moment-I say vaguely-I reread a moment things that I wrote ... - Jona rises on the bed.

-Can I see too? -

-Yes, why not ... –i open the notebook.

"Collect the sun "is written on the title page and read on.

Before slipping the clouds / here and there among the trees. The children collect the sun / down-on earth. Then ... The tree: like a green fan / beautiful tree.

Spring Star: I painted white universe / phosphorescent paint.

Spring: They loose laces / that tied the flowers ... -

-Uah! Ah! They are funny! But what do they mean? He exclaims my brother. Resentful i show him the open book on the "haiku" -Read these now! -E puff on his mocking smiles. Nearly the soak one slap.- They are similar! Where is plagiarism? -It gives me a quizzical look.

-But that "plagiarism" you say! I have written them before ... I mean no, I mean: have written before them, of course, do not see how they are attentive to the metric? -

-Eeehh? -My spite burst out laughing.

-How six dull, Jonathan ... -Felt smell of fuss, Cosimo enters the room and takes a certain enough in itself my notebook.

-Oh yes. I had already red the Miss poet! -

-That? Have you rummaged through my drawers? -

-It is not difficult ... There is no key and then ... what's wrong? I'm not a stranger! -

-There you're a spy, and woe to you! -I seriously threatened while he chuckles amused.

-Look, there's no need to disturb the Japanese ... I know by heart all the poems dell'italian Leopardi and he could also write "new"! - And immediately he leads airs fake immodest.

-Why don’t you recite in a Amleto with freckles? Eh? -Jòna laughs.

-With you can not talk about anything! And yes I thought you were so acute a bit ... But the only synapses that you have around your head, a rule must be gone on vacation! -Testily with those usual two, I go out, slamming the door.

Chapter VI.



This morning, before recreation, I had querying English, the subject literature. Result: good Dickens brought me luck and quite unexpected vote.

-But is your brother that helps you in school assignments? –Claudia asks knowing what Cosimo is good at languages, particularly English.

-Not at all! –i say and i shrug my shoulders. Cosimo has a lot to do, and he says so, and at home there is never. Think that begins to study in the late afternoon and sometimes after dinner until midnight! I do not know how he can do. It 's a monster !! And this is why I not ever ask anything and in any way our educational worlds never meet and I try to do everything myself, in a word, I arrange! -

Looking back, the word "arrange" is certainly the most apt, the one that best defines our large family.

-I arrange, you arrange, etc ... etc ... -the right declination. By the way, I have to run because Emy is going to get out of school.

-I go to pick up my sister! ...- I say, and my friends laugh.


Here Emy coming out from elementary Parini with his jacket buttoned askew and unlaced shoes. The green the backpack hanging from one shoulder, while she holds by the hand the hand of his friend, Lula. I notice that the red curls Emma are like a blade of sunlight on cloudy day.

-Do you know, Anne? Today I made a beau-ti-ful design! -Says exultant, while the reconnection of blue canvas shoes and red.

-Well, after we see it together, home-answer.

-Anne, I want a bagel with cream, I have a little hungry! -Sudden my sister, while we back home.

-Why, you have not you liked the food given at school today? -Emma jumps like a lively little dog and does "no" "no" with his head.

-The teacher Eugenia said that the pasta with vegetables is so good, but to me the pasta with the vegetables do not like it at all! –We coast the gardens, where the belt is blooming hawthorn bunches of white frothy.

-What are those trees, Anne? -

-Are the elms, see? Their dark leaves also have small fruit ... -

-And those, Anne? -

-Those are the plane trees that have large leaves and all the same around the branch ... and that is our grove of maple trees ... -

-The trees of red hearts ...? -

-Yes-laugh-think that Japan consider them the poets trees. Did you see how beautiful they are? -

-They are won-der-ful! -spells Emy.

The chocolate is not very crowded, but at that time the donuts are pretty hot. While they preparing our coming out with the cream in desserts "wispy", my sister begins to sneeze like a goat.

-Emma, blow your nose on! It is not the case that you eat the candle instead of the donuts! -Immediately she begins to rummage in her apron pockets.

- Handkerchiefs ... They’re just down ...- she explains pulling on the wet nose. At this moment that, with donuts suspended in the hands, I realize that my sister is again in the throes of one of his incredible you think, where are the mishap to happen, they have neither place nor time. Just the way, which is hers. Thus, an incredible number of small things different in shape and color, extracted from the wide apron pockets, is projected on the waxed floor of the store from small and fast hands, and targeted with meticulous precision. Until, after what seems like the whole careful cleaning of both pockets, she extracts with satisfaction an indefinite consistency cartoccino.

-And those would handkerchiefs? Emy! What the hell are you doing? –They’re the only words that I can say, when after careful consideration of the floor strewn with fresh, I realize in horror that variegated forms in color and appearance are nothing more than pieces of short pasta, mixed with live ammunition of vegetables and meat, the disdained residues of the meal from my sister. Is not enough, tonal, to emphasize the whole scene, bits of colored pencils, sharpeners and Lego bricks, show the best of themselves, scattered corolla around food. Since I do not know where to put my face, I perform there and then, to persons at the store, the more idiotic smile imaginable. Amazed, then known that no one was disgusted that much and while the clerk of the pastry fast runs and returns with a canister vacuum cleaner, everyone in the shop bursts into an irrepressible laugh.





Chapter VII.



Around six-thirty in the afternoon begins our ... what to call it? ... huddle to four, that is, us four young Cetti.

For once we can count on the presence of Cosimo-event, he remained in his room studying all afternoon. Jonathan, deeply annoyed by not being able to participate in the volleyball final class, bored to home runs, and it should stay in bed because of fever and even some bubble suspect that the check here and there on the face. But never suspicious enough, according to him, take some insulation or the visit, and that did not even speak, our family doctor, Dr. Sorgi. I feel confident that Emy says to her Barbie her good intentions snack and eventually win both my resistance, and sit down nearby on my bedroom floor mat, full of chocolate chip cookies dish.

-Emy, are almost seven and if this is tea-time, explain to me what time is dinner? -With mouth full of cookies Emma answers-after or later ... After -Meanwhile, in the enterprise to get free from great boredom, Jona dangles up to my bed and he jumps up like a stone.

-Hey! You are sticking your stupid microbes! –I apostrophe resentful, trying unsuccessfully to throw it below. Out of spite Jona begins to cough and I run to open the window. In that, Cosimo faces away from the door, his face clouded. -What is now, people? I begin to get hungry! -I wonder if Tinetta has already prepared something grim and then I think my next task in the kitchen. Instead, I say. -Do you already forgotten our meeting today? -

-No of course! –says Cosi-But how do you get a head full of problems and ideas, not least dream of a quiche with ham? -

-Ah, ah! -Jona stride cries like an eagle- With Mom that stuff you can dream only in Paris ... -But I do not feel like a defeat cook.

No, listen ... –i explain my brothers-it takes? The well can also be prepared by us ... With the frozen puff pastry ... a few eggs ... no, perhaps best three ... and then we say ... the ham and a bit 'of salt? -

-What wonder dream! -Cosimo sprains the chair of the desk-Sure, guys, this group is not bad, to be so young! -

-What about group? -Probably in Jona fever is growing.

-Of the four of us, Einstein ... who else?! -

-If we are here for the "council" it means that we have to talk, "booby" - Remembers Cosimo.

-So we speak ... But give me a cookie, Emma? -

-No, you're sick! -Says Emy with dirty chocolate fingers. With mock pleading, Cosimo grabs a cookie and hands it to the weakling, then he takes one for himself and begins a conversation crunching.

-We come tu us, we really are a complete team ... do not you think? -

-For volleyball they would miss "two"! - Jo yawns.

-Who has been the silent bubbles, for pity's sake! – Cosimo threatens, chewing handfuls of his cookies. Without much ado, Emma pulls the plate away from the hands. So Cosimo ends of finger-licking-and continues -But we are rational, we come to the point! - I do not know if i have the antennas as aliens, but maybe I understand what he’s getting.

-So ... the four of us are we alone for most of the day, right? -

-Right.-I say, while Jona watches him now with some interest.

-No real-exclaims Emma, Barbie glued to the arm.

-I ... and she always -Indicates me-are alone because you and him- Jona and Cosimo indicates -you've never, here with us! -

-It’s true-Cosi defends-So but you must at least recognize that when there am "I", the servant of something! -

-It's true, the few times that I see you from a hand, admittedly, ha, ha! -My though I lose a chuckle. Cosimo is our older brother and i call it a really special person. Like me reserved for his private things, usually he does not miss information even under torture. But when he wants, why talk about the interests, not just says stuff sensible and even some intelligence, but it opens effortlessly to long debates a kilometer, such as those that take place in his high school, where they have already elected two sometimes the School Council. Not to mention his commitment to football which is his favorite sport and evenings with the group of friends, in which to vent, but not too much, to his innate sympathy. To my knowledge, he has not a steady girlfriend, and in any case I do not know where he would find to cultivate time, because generally the evening closes in his room studying late into the night and I think it has a nice temperament to sustain such a pace. Of the four of us, Cosimo is also the one that physically resembles me most, too tall, like me, of light hair and dark eyes. And now here we are all together to talk, as I believe, the practical things. In fact, I'm sure!

-So I also DO! And even more than him !! - Jona exclaims, angrily, and I know that with that red hair against my green pillow is like a poppy on a summer meadow.

-Hear ... don’t dream. This is not a "home" argument but, you know, life skills ... THAT IS OURS !! -

-And I think like you! At this point all we've learned, we've learned on your own and we are able to do a lot of things, but many that those who dished out the jelly all day, they dream! I -say, with some pride.

-Except Emy, who still has her good temper because she resembles ... is not true, Emy? -Our sister laughs, happily-A part of her, I said ... we are almost independent. Mom works every day and Leo returns home to eat, sleep, and when awake always talks about his cab, the gas station, the money is never enough and all debts to pay. And then ... blah, blah ... that would also serve us a new home! I'm sick of this story! None of us has a cell phone, and we have to always ask them ... but if we borrow, after they want we give them a new charging-

At these words I and Jo make a sad "yes" with the head.

-But I do not want a ... cellphone! I want a cat and without charging! -Says Emy, dreamily. And at this point we can not help but burst out laughing.

-In fact our problem is always money, and not be a burden TOO whole family! This contrasts with our independence in managing the whole house ALONE! -

-The scooter costs a figure! -

-It's also a decent pc -

-And also a modern telescope! -The feverish Jona ises abruptely on the bed. In our heads it came on a sudden a light bulb, no, a halogen lamp.

-Well, then we have to come up with something ... like ... i think a bit of ...

-Here you ! A sort of ... working now, for the satisfaction of our basic needs ...! No, I want to use the right words.

-Yes, that's what I wanted to say! -Cosimo is galvanized.-So let's do it and look for something.

-It's OK for me. I'll do homework after dinner ... And then the school is not as important as ... our basic needs, or NO ?? - says Jona, air finally satisfied. –

-And even volleyball? - then he asks softly, and this question brings along a face.

-But ... Leo and Tinetta ... have we to say it? -We look into doubt, not persuaded.

Then -NO CERTAINLY !! –we answer in turn. It seems the decision taken.

-So ... Well well! WE ARE OK! -Up to that point, we do not know, but the fighting spirit of young entrepreneurs in their first fight materializes, it seems to us, on our flushed faces. But in that, the ride of the keys in the door makes us jump up, to return to reality: Tinetta and Leo come for dinner. It’s past eight and we have not prepared anything ... US!





Chapter VIII.



-So, guys, have you understood it? -

We pronounced one another, exhausted-Yes, we get it! -

-At four o’clock , at pastry D'Frizzi, the cakes are ready, that are, pastries, cookies ... -

-And hazelnut cake ... mhmhm-Emma is licking his chops.

-And you Emy don’t have a bellyful otherwise you know how it ends ... -

-Sure-Emma says, unconvinced.

-Look it, Anne s'il te plait ... -

-Sure, do not worry Tìn.-

- Your friends think about sandwiches, do you? -

-Sure, take them ... –we say that after having reasoned a little together, we all agreed we found, the boys in my class would have thought of the sandwiches, prepared of course, from their mothers and my friends would rather put some money together for a gift to myself. I must say that both solutions were me just fine.

-Puah! For sandwiches of your friends i prefer french fries with ketchup! -

-Those you can find them in the fridge, Jona, or at Mc Donald, or potatoes you fry yourself! CHOOSE! And do not break! -

-For me it's late teens, I must go.-Etta pulled out of the bathroom with double chignon, high heels and ruby lipstick ... -Know-looking says before closing the door behind her-I would have wanted to stay for your festive treasure, but I can not really ask for permission just Saturday afternoon and all the tourists who are out there, you know me, do you, Anne? -And then-Hello-Hello ... enjoy! -

Just as well! -Says Cosimo with a sigh of relief.-I have to go now, and I'm not going to give any explanation and then Mauro if he needs me until closing, I'll be here for half past eight. Today is the first day and I do not feel like an idiot! -I do not believe that this is absolutely the work of Cosimo the first day in the sports shop of his friend, but I say the same.

-Think you how lucky you had, after only three days since we talked about it! Sure raving great. Then me and Jona go and prepare a few bottles of Cola, and other things absolutely no-alcohol, because if we had the idea to have a beer or some other bullshit Leo would kill us on the spot only after having forced with whips to breathe in face.

-Here, it's all right-i tell to Jona the Viking, as they call it in school his comrades.

-Listen Anne, we will find ourselves something to do, and as soon as possible! I already looked on newspaper classified ads. There are the demands of work, but I have not seen that for those of our age! -

-Sure, the law prohibits child labor, Jo ... -

-So we have to ask for a little around, I guess ... how to spread voice a bit of people ... friends, acquaintances and guys like ... -While I speak my brother opens the fridge and greedily snapping a sandwich with ham and ketchup.

-How are you going to swallow that crap? –I say wryly. Meanwhile, I reflect that I'll have to give me to do with some caution, because I think Leo and Tinetta would never ever the three of us we worked for our project. Then we'll see ... For the moment concern ourselves of the table in the dining room, large enough to hold drinks, cups and paper plates, napkins and containers for sweets. I played the old couch with a colorful towel and I and Jona gather all our strength to drag the padded sofa from the room of Emy games, when the doorbell suddenly croaks.

-Open the light on the stairs ... –say to Emma

Mary and Julia enter in home smiling and giving a slap on the cheek to Emma.

-Hi, Anne, we have come a bit for the help.-

-Holy thing!- exclaims Jona exhibiting an air of gallows.

-This kind of chair ... we do not know exactly where to put it! -A ten minutes later another bell make us jumping on the sofa we fixed the better by the window and on which we immediately sat down to catch his breath.

-There are Vale, Sandra, and Glauco ... -I think ... -informs Emy hopping.

A second later my teammates look out the door and Vale says

-We decided to come a bit before thinking that you could have needed a hand!-

-You are gold! –i say grateful.

-And these gifts ... for you ... where do we put them? -asks Mary for all.

-On the desk or on the bed in my room ... -Emma is galvanized, jumps and dances alone.

-Do we discard together, right Anne? -

-Of course, but no later than ... -

-These here we listen to them in stereo ... oh well that you like classical music, but also now give ear to our! -Glauco and other tumbler all kind of cd on the small table by the window. I read: Aqua, Cramberries, U2, Five, Oasis ...1-The dance craze spreads through the house, mingling with the bell ring. Then about four Jona and his friends Tiberius and Edo, entered at that time into right perspective of things, ranging fired to withdraw the cakes in the bakery. In my room the presents are scattered a bit everywhere, and my closest friends, sessions with Emy on the carpet, assist the operation scrap of bundles: various packages by size and color, gaudy wrappers, pass between hands other up to my, I try to guess wrong and then, between the general laughter. But in the end are the hands of my sister, who unceremoniously they turn, and tear "overcrowded" ...

-Look Anne, a bracelet with colored stones! -And I send a kiss to Vale and Sandra.

-Thank you! It 's wonderful! -The Marinda package is, evidently, something that has to do with a tape and my collection of CDs of Mozart. I ship also to her a kiss on the fingertips. Then, from a voluminous package wrapped in pink and white paper, a Emy absolutely rapt, extracts the most adorable stuffed animal, that can exist-gray and pink, with lively round eyes and big pink ears.

-What comes directly from Australia! -say Julia and Claudia, while Emy hugs him ecstatic. I already know that delicious koalas will rise from my bed to her. But no matter, also today Emy must have her own piece of happiness. Meanwhile, Alex and Cris dancing arrive at the door.

-We do a little rap?-tell moving jerkily. But this is the time when Jona and his friends are back from outside and their very expressive faces reveal what is their last concern, that dance rap, in fact. If only fat is not any of the three, however, reveal a very interesting look, and greedy fat promises, while as Kings open a triumphant passage to the dining room, carrying in her arms sweet and fragrant trays and as large as farmyards. It occurs to me that rather than to the Magi, resemble the Three Little Pigs, and immediately make it known to all, including the irrepressible laughter of my friends.

Around eight starts what seems like the whole counter-exodus. For about an hour there and we're lying sprawled here and there, on chairs and carpets sofas, quiet group counsels or meditate on our bellies too full. Even our resistance futile arguments find ready ears to listen and talk while the boys giggling about girls, football and sport in general and even girls, us girls are confident there again on beautiful -blond-blue eyes unlikely friends and impossible to our luck, boyfriends or husbands! It 's almost pointless to try to open eyes or brains to reason lost on thoughts, sandwiches and sweets. Meanwhile Emma yawns, with my pillow behind her head, and in fact her stomach has been very successful and she was quite upset for her young years.

-Anne, it hurts here! -I wanted to say that you don’t resume ... I go to the kitchen to prepare a chamomile and meanwhile my friends begin to swarm on.

-Hello, it was just a good party! -

-Hi, Anne ... do you come Monday at school? -

-What questions! –i laugh.

-Less bad that tomorrow is Sunday -sighes Vale-I believe that I will not eat all day! -

-I too! I exclaime, laughing.-But where is chamomile? ...-

-And your brothers what did they give you? - asks Julia, as she puts the vest.

-This is a surprise for me! I'll have to wait for later when Cosimo arrives...-

-Yeah, didn’t your brother show up today, why? - I figured Giulia, who likes Cosimo a long time, she immediately noticed his absence. Then comes naturally to me to tell her and Mary the history of the family company for the "achievement of our basic needs" more or less as we baptized three of us.

-It’s exceptional team you are! -Says Mary with shipping-And perhaps ... we could help and switch voice ... You never know, right girls? -

-You are the friends but ... top secret with parents and relatives varied, ok? -

- All right ... -Then, while Emy sipped her chamomile, Cosimo arrives and breathing only a strong-I hope ... –he directs like a rocket into the dining room.

-Is there something left to eat ...?- he concludes thrusting into his mouth a sandwich filling.

-So what happened, amid all the sports stuff? –I hint a smile, but I can not continue, because in this moment Jona peeping through the door, along with Tinetta.

Towards half past eleven i am on the bed, my head spinning and my daydreams.

Cosimo comes with Jona, while Emy sleeps hard for at least two hours.

-Do we wake up or not? -asks Jo to Cosimo, softly.

-What need is there? –i say, disbelief.

-No, it is that ... she also wanted to be here, when we gave you this ...-my brother takes away from a blue pajama pouch pocket with silver edge.

-And ... what? –i ask, but I know it is their gift to me. Emy hears us and wakes up, it's as stunned. Then, overcome by a quick thinking, sits the shutter on the bed, red curls tousled over her nightgown. At the table lamp light seems one of her Barbies, but prettier.

-Keep, Anne. This-says with a smile-is for you-. And suddenly I seem to be in a fairy tale, where small blond gnomes offer you the grace of their gift at midnight.

The case opens with the slight jerk of a spring. Inside is the finest branded pen I've ever had. I'm speechless. They will have to fund their meager weekly pocket money because this certainly a figure coast.

-We have taken for you ... because-Emy says, rubbing his eyes-because ... -

-Why you can always write your poems ... Jona -says laughing and even Cosimo laughs.

"And that yours "-I think silence “is the best I could write ..."