Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke: This Time I’m Gonna Tell Her How I Feel! Volume 10 - Rhythm Aida - E-Book

Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke: This Time I’m Gonna Tell Her How I Feel! Volume 10 E-Book

Rhythm Aida

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Slowe thought he left House Denning behind him when he chose to become the blackhearted Piggy Duke. He walked away from his family, his knights, his reputation—all for the sake of the girl he loved. Even so, those days feel like a distant memory as, driven by his feelings for Charlotte, Slowe has proven his merit time and again. Everyone regards him highly now, so at last, he can bury the Piggy Duke persona for good...

That is, until his past comes back to haunt him. The arrival of his sister and a new potential retainer is only the beginning. He’s also reunited with his father, Balderoy Denning, who drags Slowe into a new battle he can’t afford to lose—a battle that may win him true freedom should he emerge victorious. Freedom from the expectations of House Denning. Freedom to be with whoever he wants. Whether this is a blessing or a burden isn’t yet clear, but Slowe’s sure of one thing... He’s willing to wager everything he has for a place by Charlotte’s side, just like he once did many years ago.

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“The Piggy Duke was intelligent, strong, kindhearted, and sadly, too stubborn for his own good. From another perspective, the story of Shuya Marionette can be interpreted as his tragedy.”

—Director of Shuya Marionette

Prologue: End of the Respite

Pigs were hot on my heels.

“Oi... Oiiink!!!!!!!”

Gigantic pigs, their skin dark like charcoal, were chasing me.

“Oi-Oink! O-Oiiink!”

I was snorting, sure, but they were too. I knew what they were after too—the sizzling hot meat skewers in my hands. They panted heavily in anticipation, maybe because they hadn’t had a good meal in a long time. They sprinted as fast as their feet could carry them, so fierce looking that I feared they might gobble me up as a snack alongside the skewers.

“Oin! Oink! Ohhh noiiink!!!!!!!”

What could I do but run for my life?

The straight tunnel I ran down was dark and damp. Why in the world did past me come to a place like this?! Why the heck did you think it was a good idea to eat meat skewers right in front of those starving dudes?! Those dozens of pigs have crazed looks in their eyes! Shouldn’t it have been obvious that they’d come running after you?!

As I ran, I turned around and tossed the skewers over my shoulder. “Fine, take them! Stop chasing me already! See, I already threw them there!”

The food should’ve served as a distraction and an opening for me to escape. My plan seemed foolproof, but...

“Wait, Slowe,” a dignified voice boomed.

...what I didn’t see coming was the sight of my father riding on the colossal pig that headed full sprint at the pack.

“Ack! It’s you?!” I grimaced.

As they say, out of sight, out of mind. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d envisioned my father’s face in my head. My family had been making very frequent appearances in my dreams lately, and...I didn’t know why.

I hurriedly greeted him as I kept sprinting. “It’s been a long time, Father!”

Is it because I met Louis the Skeleton inside the Labyrinth of Cirquista? I wondered. My encounter with Louis had opened the rusty door to my memories of the past, and dreams of my childhood were the latest trend.

“Har har har!” my father barked out a hearty laugh. “You’ve been making a name for yourself recently, Slowe! Will you return to House Denning soon?”

Wait. Stop. My strict and old-fashioned father would never laugh like that!

“Knowing you,” he continued, “you likely feel too guilty and awkward to return to House Denning!”

The worst part of this nightmare was my figure. My body was as round and plump as a grape, like it’d been back in my blackhearted Piggy Duke days. Unfortunately for me, this body wasn’t built for sprinting.

“Stop! For once, I’m the one proposing a compromise! Don’t run away!” he shouted.

At that, I deliberately slowed my pace and let him catch up to me. I was curious about what my father would do in my dream. But he apparently didn’t have anything else to say, because he disappeared like smoke from the back of the giant pig.

My eyes cracked open.

“Seriously? He didn’t say anything?”

I realized I’d been dreaming. My heart pounded in my chest.

Letting out a sigh, I muttered, “You know, I honestly thought he’d tell me to become the head of House Denning or something.”

No words could accurately capture the hardships that came with the title of family head. They had to meet the queen’s expectations and had shouldered the burdens of the responsibilities that came with being one of the most influential nobles in Daryth. I wasn’t cut out for that job at all. Of course I had run away from such things, in real life and in my dreams, but... He’s not going to comment on that?

“Not only that, but that dream took place at...” Kirsch Mage Institute.

What kind of nonsensical dream is that? It’s not like my father’s going to pay me a visit here or anything. Quite frankly, it’s a horrifying omen...

I sighed once again. “I have a, a whole laundry list of choice words for my father, as well.”

Specifically, I wanted to express my displeasure about the new betrothal between Alicia and me, which had been orchestrated without my knowledge or consent.

Our expedition to Cirquista had been so significant that even the most influential person in Daryth, Queen Eleanor Daryth, had to step in. If we considered only the amount of time it took for us to retrieve our target item and return to the surface, by all accounts, we had achieved the best result possible within an unimaginably short period. And my father should know about the success.

When I get to see him, I need to tell him to keep his nose out of my marriage affairs! I vowed to myself.

On that note... “Cirquista and Daryth are probably both going crazy at the moment,” I muttered.

I mean, this is the Binary Wand we’re talking about! A masterpiece crafted by Lectrikuhl, the Great Spirit of Light, and Holtgrace, the Great Spirit of Water, as a symbol of the friendship between Daryth and Cirquista.

The wand had long lost its power, but after it’d been snatched away by that magical-artifact-obsessed slime, the relationship between the two nations had deteriorated at an alarming rate. The two nations had entered a temporary alliance up until recently to combat a common enemy—the Dustour Empire—but we weren’t sure how long that would last.

Whatever. Worrying about stuff like this is the job of the big cheeses at the top, not the commonfolk.

I breathed out slowly, feeling the fatigue slam into me. “Ugh, I thought I already recovered, but it looks like I was wrong.”

My painful experience in that dungeon still weighed down my body like lead.

I was currently lying down, sinking into what felt like a soft, fluffy cloud—my bed. In a cliché story, this was about when I would start panicking in an unfamiliar room, but I did recognize this place. I’d been living here for the past few days after escaping the clutches of that hellish dungeon.

Indeed, I was in the Adventurers’ Guild Cirquistan branch, Arrowslitting Void, a stronghold built at the foot of a mountain range and right next to the Labyrinth of Cirquista.

Silk curtains draped across the windows, blocking out the light outside.

There was only one sound inside the darkness of my room. “A... Achooink!”

We’d fought a battle to the death down in the depths of the dungeon. I’d put my life on the line to give Alicia an opening to escape. We’d fought a ton of the monsters illustrated at the end of A Complete Guide to Monsters published by the Adventurers’ Guild—in the rare and dangerous category. I’d stood my ground with all my might, and...I danced with death.


So, uh, in short... I paid the price for my recklessness by catching a cold.

“Ah!” The door opened, and a girl with silver hair poked her head out from behind. “You’re awake.”

She was the one who had nursed me through my fever from exhaustion, and...

“Morning,” I muttered in a weak voice.

She frowned. “Master Slowe, you’re sweating. Are you all right?”

...she was my most precious girl and my retainer, Charlotte.

I shook my head hard to dispel the silhouette of my father, which still lingered at the front of my mind.

“I’m fine,” I reassured her. “I just had a slight nightmare.”

Wanting to stay by her side, I had once thrown away the life befitting a Denning descendant. Even if I could go back to the past, I would make the same choice without a second thought. But... I chewed on my lip. Having such a dream must mean that somewhere deep down, I still feel like House Denning is my home and family.

With a worried look, Charlotte leaned down to peer at my face. Her silky strands of silver spilled down and tickled my cheeks.

“How are you feeling? Have you recovered somewhat?”

“Oink...” I gave her a nod.

“Does anything feel off? Do your limbs still feel heavy?”

“I slept for too long and am feeling just a tad sluggish, oink.”

We were taking our time to recover at an inn run by the Adventurers’ Guild that sat close to the entrance of the labyrinth. The Arrowslitting Void settlement was big enough to be called a small city, and I had spent my days exploring or wandering around with Charlotte from time to time.

“You worked super hard, so please take all the time you need to rest! Lady Alicia also said that you looked after her a lot, so you must be exhausted.”

“Hey, Charlotte, do you think Alicia has arrived in Daryth City already?”

“Well, considering how fast she sped off...” She paused. “She might have.”

“Figures.” I sighed before switching the topic. “I’m craving something sweet, oink.”

“I knew it! That’s why I brought some fruit with me!” Charlotte beamed as she took out a plate. With a spoon, she scooped up a piece of sweet melon and held it out. “Here, open wide!”

“I should’ve expected nothing less from you. You know me best, oink!”

Charlotte was such a competent girl, and I’d brook no argument otherwise.

I opened my mouth and she gently fed me.

As I chewed, I couldn’t help but marvel. “Yum, this is so good!”

I’d been utterly spent after my dungeon expedition, but simply having Charlotte by my side soothed my aching body, melting all the pain and exhaustion away like snow in spring. Charlotte took care of every little need I had, doting on me and spoiling me so thoroughly rotten that it left me utterly useless.

“Come on, Master Slowe. Have another.”

“Oink, oink, oink!” I snorted happily.

Retrieving the Binary Wand was no small accomplishment. It didn’t quite save the world, exactly, but to Daryth and Cirquista, the shock of its recovery was equivalent to learning that the sky had suddenly collapsed. Alicia was heading to Daryth’s capital in my stead; she apparently wanted to report directly to the queen about our dungeon expedition.

“Open wide!” Charlotte offered yet another piece of fruit to me.


You know what? I should just settle down here with Charlotte. I’m sure that here in Cirquista, people’s expectations of me must be lower than in Daryth. Here, I’m not Slowe Denning of House Denning—I can be just your average Slowe and lead a peaceful life.

But well, troublemakers always showed up unannounced.

A cool and sonorous voice lowered the temperature of the room instantly. “Brave indeed, to put on such an act before my eyes.”

Ugh, here she comes. The troublemaker who suddenly appeared yesterday.

“Slowe. Look at me,” she commanded.

Accompanied by a towering retainer, a woman with her face schooled into a stern expression walked into my room. It was my older sister, Sansa Denning, a tall woman with raven hair that flowed down her back like a long black cape. Her charms lay in her icy aura and her stunning features. Some people even considered her a step above Charlotte.

Her steely eyes focused on me. “I know what you’re like, Slowe. You made a full recovery a long time ago, didn’t you?”

She had taken me by surprise when she’d made her entrance, so I buried my head inside my sheets. It wasn’t exactly because I had anything against Sansa in particular; I just didn’t have a good impression of any of my family. A dream about my father had been enough to make me sweat buckets, or perhaps even a small waterfall. Compared to my father, my siblings weren’t as bad, but I was still intimidated by their presence.

“No, I am still far from it.” I swallowed nervously. “I think I need another week of rest...”

“Oh? Are you saying that you need even more time?”

I was self-aware enough to know that my family most definitely still held me in contempt. From what I’d heard, our soldiers seemed to have changed their impression of me after my recent feats, but that didn’t apply to those who shared my blood. They had been there to witness my wanton life for many years. Suffice it to say, all of them hated my guts.

“L-Lady Sansa!” Charlotte cut in, trying to defend me. “Master Slowe truly is still recovering from his fatigue!”

“Interesting... Is that so, hm?” my sister muttered in a standoffish tone.

Sansa had always been strict. Not just on other people, but on herself as well. Back in my blackhearted Piggy Duke days, she’d told me off so many times that I could still hear the echoes of her cool voice in my ears whenever I thought about her. I was probably a little traumatized.

“Another week of rest, hm?” she mused. “What nonsense are you spouting? Have you already forgotten how you snuck out last night to buy and snack on sweets? You even used magic to prevent my squad from discovering you.”

“Huh...?” I could hear confusion in Charlotte’s voice. “Lady Sansa, what are you talking about?”

Sansa addressed Charlotte. “I am aware of your close relationship with Slowe, but don’t place blind faith in him. He is a pig more devious than you think.” This time, she directed her ire at me. “Wake up already. You can’t fool me. I know full well how you make ridiculously swift recoveries. You’ve been that way ever since you were a child! Get up, Slowe!”

“Oiiiiiiiiiiink!” I cried in protest.

Magic robbed me of the sheets that had offered me sanctuary from the outside world. Sansa was shrewd—she used magic instead of brute force like Charlotte would. She hadn’t changed at all. She navigated life skillfully with her intellect and talents, and nothing could stop her once she set her mind on something.

Though she acted humble about it, claiming that she was a jack-of-all-trades but a master of none, her abilities across all fields were nothing short of impressive.

“Gah ha ha!” The towering man behind Sansa was boisterous in his laughter. “Even our young master is docile and obedient in front of Master Sansa!”

He wore the robes of a monk, and his most defining feature was his stature. His size rivaled one of the smaller giants I’d met inside the Labyrinth of Cirquista. Kokto was his name, and he was Sansa’s bouncer—I mean, personal retainer. In other words, he and Sansa had a dynamic similar to Charlotte and me.

“Lady Sansa...” Charlotte wasn’t one to back down, though her voice was faltering a little. “Master Slowe still needs rest, and...”

Oh! You can do this, Charlotte! In a last, desperate act of resistance, I wound my arms around a pillow on the bed like a shield.

Sansa sent a sidelong glance in Charlotte’s direction. “Charlotte. I want to speak to him in private.”

“Y-Yes! Understood, ma’am! Please go ahead!”

Um... Wow, Charlotte surrendered so quickly. But I couldn’t fault her for it. Sansa was straitlaced and always took things seriously. She couldn’t tell a joke to save her life. Her dignity demanded that she never make mistakes no matter what situation she was in; she didn’t allow herself to. That was the reputation she had earned in Daryth.

After Charlotte excused herself, Sansa dropped into a chair and began talking at an unhurried pace. “Let me say this first, Slowe. Unlike you, I’m busy.”

I scowled. “Where did that come from? Just get to the point.”

My sister, however, continued on as if she hadn’t heard me. “This time, I left Daryth of my own accord and came to Cirquista. That is unforgivable for a person with responsibilities and status. I have better things to do.”

“What does that have to do with me? I didn’t beg you to come here.”

I could hear a hint of displeasure in her tone. “You should watch your mouth.”

The direct descendants of House Denning worked around the clock. On top of that, Sansa had earned herself the rank of general, a distinguished person who had command over the military. I couldn’t even begin to imagine the amount of work she had on her hands. Yet, after she’d heard that I’d headed to the labyrinth, she had come over of her own volition.

I’ll be honest. The Sansa Denning I remember wouldn’t ever do that. Who would’ve expected this from the straitlaced Sansa?

“But,” she continued, “Her Majesty the queen and our father have been benevolent enough to overlook my transgression. The official story is that I provided aid to your party when you retrieved the Binary Wand.”

“...Congrats, sister. You’ve added yet another achievement to your record.”

“Are you trying to make me angry?”

Until now, I’d avoided a confrontation with my family like the plague, because it was a whole can of worms I didn’t want to open. They’d only nag me until I was deaf if I did. Nothing could change the fact that my blackhearted Piggy Duke days had tarnished the brilliant reputation of House Denning.

Sansa’s tone turned even more solemn. “So, with that in mind, I have news for you.” I stared at her in silence, waiting for her next words. She continued, “There is a reason you suffered so much hardship recently.”

A reason? More like countless reasons. Going into the Labyrinth of Cirquista with such a tiny party is absurd to begin with.

“Do you know what it is?” she prompted.

“What?” I said impatiently.

What in the world is she going to tell me? I’m honestly a little scared. She can say the most outlandish things.

“I have chosen a new retainer for you at my own discretion.”

I stared at her dumbly, speechless. For a while, dead silence hung heavy between us.

She’s...going to change my retainer? She should know that’s impossible. We’ve already been together for over ten years. No matter when, no matter what, I was always with Charlotte.

“Slowe,” she began, “I understand that you place absolute faith in Charlotte, but after your expedition, I’m sure you’ve come to understand that your retainer’s abilities matter just as much. Even if Charlotte has awakened her talents in magic, her skills remain pitiful. She doesn’t stand a chance inside a place like the Labyrinth of Cirquista.”

Sansa’s proposal was out of the question. I wanted to laugh it off as a joke, but she looked completely serious about it. I mean, I have never seen her not be serious before, and I’m her brother!

“You should take on a new retai—”

I cut her off right away. “No. Charlotte is my only retainer and will always be my only retainer.”

I had to admit, I had seen this coming. I wasn’t completely blindsided, and I had done what preparations I could in advance. After I’d turned over a new leaf, I had made many significant contributions to Daryth, and those were my bargaining chips. Thus, I turned her down firmly.

She nodded. “I assumed as much.”

Retiring Charlotte from being my personal retainer? Never, and that’s final. Oink.

What she said next, however, froze my thoughts in their tracks. “Thus, I have already arranged for a suitable candidate to travel to Kirsch Mage Institute. I have full confidence that I have arranged the perfect contender.”

Chapter 1: Retainer Candidate

A handsome carriage rattled down the main road, and inside it, I wallowed in despair.

“N-Nooooooooo!!!” I wailed.

“Master Slowe! Please calm down!”


Unlike the carriage we’d traveled to Cirquista in, this one was luxurious and eye-catching. The Denning crest gleamed from the exterior for everyone to recognize, and whenever we caught up to people and carriages going ahead of us, they respectfully made way for us to pass. Even in Cirquista, the influence of House Denning clearly held significant sway. Well, anyone would scoot out of the way if they saw all the Denning knights escorting this carriage!

“I wanna stay theeere!” I whined.

As you can see, my sister was bringing me back to Daryth from that stronghold. No, perhaps “bringing back” was too soft of a description. Dragging me away like a criminal was more accurate. My blood-related sister was treating me like a criminal.

Charlotte commented, “You must really like that place, Master Slowe.”

“No, that’s not it. I’m only complaining because my recuperation period ended way too early!”

Other than me, three people shared the same carriage. My sister Sansa sat across from me, and her retainer, Kokto, sat next to her. Finally, Charlotte sat ramrod straight in the seat next to me. Sansa ranked high in terms of status even within the prestigious House Denning, so Charlotte was a little jittery in her presence.

Sansa frowned ever so slightly. “Hey, Kokto. Though he is my brother in the flesh, this is unseemly. Hold him down.”

Kokto hesitated. “Are you sure, Master Sansa?”

“Don’t go easy on him. Use your full strength.”

“Understood, I shall.” Kokto nodded.

The burly man sitting diagonally across from me suddenly stood up from his seat. The next moment, he pulled hard on my arm.

“Wha— Ow!” I hissed in pain.

Hard wasn’t even enough to describe the brutal force he was using! I’d never been on the receiving end of such superhuman strength before, and all my will to resist was quickly snuffed out. He pushed my head against the ground, which was covered with soft and fluffy carpeting. Charlotte let out a small squeak.

“That hurts, you know?! Stop it already, Kokto!” I yelled. “Get off me!”

“I’m only obeying the orders of Master Sansa. Young Master, please bear with it.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Since I wasn’t getting through his thick skull, I called out to my sister instead. “Sansa, make him go away!”

“You just tried to escape from the window, Slowe. I say this is a rather benevolent punishment considering your actions.”

What else did you expect, huh?! I don’t deserve this! Why do I have to go back to Daryth this quickly?! I accomplished a feat that will go down in the history books! I earned my rest fair and square! Do you even know how many monsters fell by my hand?!

In the face of my indignation, Sansa crossed her legs haughtily and addressed me, sneering down at me on the ground. “If it were any of our other siblings in your shoes, they would see that as retirement rather than recovery.”

“It was clearly way too short considering what I pulled off! I retrieved the Binary Wand, for your information!” I reminded her. “The symbol of peace crafted by the Great Spirits of Daryth and Cirquista!”

Do these guys even realize how much I contributed to the peace of our homeland? As long as the Binary Wand was in the possession of either nation, peace between these two nations, at least, was good as gold. Yet Sansa was treating me like a dirty old rag she could toss around! Objection, firm objection! I even planned out Cirquista sightseeing routes I could go on with Charlotte, and all of that has gone to waste!

“Slowe!” Sansa said firmly, as if she’d had enough of my willfulness. “If Kokto had been with you instead, your mission to retrieve the Binary Wand would have been easier by far. Do you agree?”

“This again?! And hey, you’re crushing me, big guy! Kokto, get off me already! Sansa, even if I go back to Daryth, what am I supposed to do, sleep?!”

“Have you already forgotten what I told you? Slowe, your new retainer is waiting for you at Kirsch Mage Institute.”

“Have you already forgotten how many times I told you that’s not happening?!” I snapped. “Charlotte is my only retainer, end of story! Can you listen to me for once?!”

That’s right. A new retainer was waiting for my arrival at Kirsch despite the many times I had rejected the idea. Sansa was being way too persistent.

“I have heard reports about Charlotte, and I know that her diligence is respectable. However, there are some gaps that diligence alone cannot bridge. That matters because she is in a position of responsibility as a personal retainer of House Denning. Even if a powerful beast is willing to do her bidding, you know our rules—we place emphasis on personal power.”

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. It’s not a powerful beast that’s willing to do her bidding, but a spirit with a strength that makes people mistake them for a monster!

“Don’t make me repeat myself, Slowe,” my sister said. “Charlotte stepping down from her position doesn’t mean you two have to part ways. Charlotte will be... Well, your personal maid instead. She can serve you like she always has.”

“That’s not the point!” I hissed. “I’m telling you to stop deciding my life for me without my consent!” And don’t bring that topic up here!

“Oh...” Charlotte whispered, shriveling up like a dying flower.

See?! You made Charlotte sad! I hadn’t told Charlotte about Sansa’s proposal, but out of the blue, my sister had shoved me into this carriage today with the declaration that we were heading back to Daryth. That was when she had suddenly started discussing the matter of changing my retainer. It’d put Charlotte on the brink of tears, and I had felt like I was dying inside.

Furthermore, the grumpy cat that usually sat on Charlotte’s lap wasn’t just a formidable monster—far from it, in fact. They were a Great Spirit. Haaah. Sansa doesn’t care about how I feel at all.

My sister shrugged slightly. “Changing retainers isn’t anything unusual though. Kokto, for example, is my third.”

Like Sansa had said, it was a common practice in House Denning to change retainers. I alone was the exception, insisting on having Charlotte as my retainer. Anyone else was unthinkable.

“But Father hasn’t changed his retainer either,” I argued.

She inclined her head. “Father’s retainer was special. One would be hard-pressed to find a substitute for someone of Lord Glace’s caliber.”

“Oh, I see what’s going on. I produced some results, so you’re trying to give me a retainer of your choice to keep me in check, is that it?” I scoffed. “In that case, it’s a lost cause. Changing a retainer can’t change me.”

“Having Kokto as my retainer opened doors for me. You should know how vital talented retainers are for our future prospects.”

Kokto let out a cheerful laugh. “I’m very honored to receive such words from a celebrated personage such as yourself, Master Sansa.”

She was right. After assigning Kokto as her retainer, Sansa had begun achieving dramatic feats on the battlefield. In the south, the pair of Sansa Denning and Kokto was a legend among those who took pride in their prowess in combat.

“But Master Sansa,” Kokto said, “the young master is a big name in Daryth at the moment, and the entire nation places high expectations on him.”

“The real Slowe Denning is the furthest person from the word ‘dignified,’” Sansa sniffed in warning. “Don’t expect too much from him. He’s rotten to the core.”

“You’re as strict as always, even to your own family,” Kokto commented.

The guy was still on top of me. No, in fact, this old chap was even sitting on my back as if it were a chair. Ugh, the nerve of him! Just you wait, I’ll make you pay once we get back to Daryth.

Kokto was a weirdo who, out of blind faith in Sansa, had gone out of his way to travel south from the northern half of the continent. Family standing was regarded as important in House Denning, but he had climbed to the position of personal retainer despite that fact, because his extraordinary abilities had made up for what he lacked in background.

“Um... Lady Sansa...” Charlotte spoke up for the first time during this conversation. “What...kind of person is this candidate for Master Slowe’s new retainer, if I may ask?”

I had never brought up this new person even once, wanting to avoid all mention of them. Charlotte, however, seemed very curious about the candidate House Denning had selected for me.

The arrival of night brought with it a sharp drop in temperature. I borrowed a coat from one of Sansa’s subordinates and waited restlessly for dinner to be ready.

“Lady Sansa!” I heard a knight’s crisp voice ringing out. “Can I put in all the prized meats we obtained in Cirquista as well?! Young Master Slowe looks like he can’t wait any longer, so let’s cook them all in one go!”

The knights preparing our food were chucking one ingredient after another into a big pot, and it was clear that they were all experts at cooking. They worked efficiently and were full of spirit. Their supervisor must have been excellent at training troops. Charlotte was helping out too. I felt bad about sitting back and watching, so I decided to help with dinner as well. But...

“Young Master, please take it easy and rest over there. We can take care of the cooking!” a knight called out to me.

Yep. The moment I make the motions to stand up, someone stops me.

“Uh, Denilo, Sansa’s glaring daggers at us...” I muttered.

“Oh, that is just her default expression!” Denilo reassured me. “Please don’t take it to heart.”

I recognized some of the knights Sansa had brought along. After all, before I’d gone off to Kirsch, I had lived in the main manor at the Denning lands ever since I was a child. I was familiar with many of our people.

Denilo was a knight around five years my senior. Even during his trainee knight days in the Denning lands, he had always been a social person who livened up the atmosphere, and he hadn’t changed one bit. To my surprise, the knights were quite friendly to me even though I had been the black sheep of House Denning.

“Oi, Denilo!” Sansa barked. “Don’t spoil Slowe.”

“Lady Sansa!” Denilo greeted my sister immediately. “But you were the one who said we should let Lord Slowe rest, my lady!”

“I don’t remember saying anything like that.”

Denilo grinned. “Please don’t underestimate the amount of time we have spent with you, my lady! We can tell from your aura.”

Though I was a member of House Denning, I wasn’t the one with the highest authority around here. The stern woman who joined the knights in their work was the big boss. She gave brisk, concise instructions to the tough-looking men as she walked around with confident strides. Yes—that was my sister, Sansa. Though it probably didn’t sound convincing when I was the one saying it, she was one of the most brilliant people I knew.

As I sat down again, I muttered, “How much longer is this going to take? I’m starving.”

Various cuts of meat and a variety of vegetables were being thrown into the massive pot. The knights were toiling away, stirring the pot with simmering liquid, and a delectable aroma drifted my way. I felt my endurance wither away.

I sat all alone on a tree stump, waiting for dinner to be served. There was a growl. Oh, I think that was my stomach, actually.

“Master Slowe, you don’t have to be so restless. The food isn’t going anywhere,” Charlotte chirped. “It’ll be ready very soon.”

“The pot might grow legs,” I muttered. “Someone might be hungry and eat my portion.”

I heard Charlotte’s exasperated sigh. “It really won’t run away.”

I’d dealt with Shuya’s pressing problems a while back, so there weren’t any big obstacles on the horizon. Charlotte had even returned my feelings for her, so my heart was content, allowing my stomach’s protests to take over.

“Master Slowe, here is your dinner.” Charlotte hurried over to me. “Whoa! You don’t have to be so rushed; nobody is going to take your food!”

I blew hard on my food to cool it and swallowed a big spoonful of stew. Good, the savory flavor of the meat has permeated the broth perfectly. Next, I used a silver fork to pick up some meat on the plate and had a bite.

It wasn’t just meat either. Leafy vegetables, potatoes, carrots... It had a good balance of everything. With every bite, I could feel the fantastic cocktail of flavors melting on my tongue.

“Charlotte, seconds!” I said happily.

“What?! You’re already done?! That was an entire plateful!”

“Charlotte, seconds!” I repeated like a parrot.

I was sitting on the stump, and Charlotte was sitting right next to me.

The Great Spirit wasn’t around. They had lent a hand during our battle in the dungeon, and that apparently went against their principles. For some reason, they were rather dejected afterward. They had declared that they would take some time to do soul-searching in Cirquista.

From our spot, I could hear the sonorous voice of my sister. “Denilo, eat.”

“Lady Sansa, why am I the only one who has so many vegetables? Hey, Mister Kokto, don’t just laugh, help me out here! My lady, I saw you piling up Young Master Slowe’s plate with meat. This is discrimination!”

“Think twice before you talk. And stop being such a fussy eater!”

Harmonious banter echoed over the clearing. On our journey to Cirquista, our carriage had been the target of thugs along the border, but we didn’t have to worry about that now. The Denning crest gleamed conspicuously on our carriage, and all our knights wore the signature cape that showed off their status as Denning knights. No one in the world was foolish enough to attack us.

Sansa seemed to be having a pleasant time with the knights in her squad. Among the members of House Denning, Sansa was exceptional in her popularity with the soldiers, and honestly, I could see why. How do I explain this? Sansa’s the type who’s sharp and focused when she’s on duty, but she also knows how to relax when she’s off duty. Just between you and me, a lot of the older knights and soldiers see her as their own daughter.

I fell into contemplative silence as I watched Sansa chat with her knights. A memory of my past floated to the surface of my mind. Once, I had lived just like her. Though I hadn’t had as many knights, my two personal knights had always kept me company—Claude and Silva. In my childhood, I used to always talk the night away with those two and Charlotte in our tight-knit circle of four.

Perhaps... In a world where I hadn’t diverted from the rails of a proper Denning, I might be living a life like Sansa right about now.

“Lady Sansa is so popular,” Charlotte observed.

“Hey, Charlotte. Be honest with me. Who do you think is more popular with the soldiers, Sansa or me?”

She went silent, seeming to think hard about that question.

I let out a wry smile. “You don’t even have to pause to think. It’s Sansa, obviously. It’d be nice if she becomes the next family head as Duchess Denning. She wouldn’t have any free time to be concerned about me...”

But before Charlotte could offer a reply, a familiar voice called out to me. “Young Master! Um... I don’t want to waste this precious opportunity, so may I challenge you to a duel here?”

He was a Denning knight who wore our signature crimson cape—Denilo, who got an earful from Sansa about his pickiness whenever mealtime came around.

A moment of hesitation was all it took for me to make up my mind. “Sure. I’m also curious about the caliber of Sansa’s subordinates.”

“I knew I could count on you, Young Master! Okay, let’s move over there, away from Lady Sansa’s watchful eyes...”

Oi, Denilo, don’t say that. Sansa’s golden ears definitely won’t miss— Oh dear, see? Here she comes.

“Slowe!” she yelled. “Did you just agree to a skirmish with Denilo?! Don’t act so thoughtlessly!”

I shrugged. “I’m not the one who started it, Sansa.”

The Denning knights began crowding around us. All the ones present answered directly to Sansa, and she’d brought them along on her journey to the Labyrinth of Cirquista. They must all be mighty warriors in their own right.

Sansa saw the excitement among her knights and gave up on stopping this little exhibition match. As their superior, it was her duty to provide them some entertainment every so often.

Denilo and I distanced ourselves and faced each other.

Thus, the battle began.

“Let’s see whether you live up to your reputation!” Denilo announced as he brandished his wand. A Fire Blade surged out of the tip of his wand, flickering with the wind.

Denning knights mostly engaged in melee combat, a stark contrast to normal mages, whose offense was based around long-ranged spells.

I observed his Blade. That’s a very refined spell. Shuya’s fire spells don’t hold a candle to him. Even if a mage attacked Denilo with spells, at his proficiency level, he would be able to stop the blow with his Blade.

“Young Master! Why are you just spacing out over there?!”

“Oink? Well, I’m not exactly under pressure.”

“Oh, you’re on! I’ll take this seriously too!”

The fire swelled and flared up, growing to a length many times Denilo’s height.

My eyes grew wide, and my face paled. “Hold on. Wasn’t this just for fun?” How am I supposed to be calm in front of that pillar of flames?! Weren’t we just playing around?! That Blade is strong enough to cremate everything in a straight line, be it the enemies or the environment!

“Well, an opportunity to face you off in battle is very precious!” Not a second later, wind began coiling around his body as well, intertwining with the flames he conjured. “This is a duel with Slowe Denning! Turning it into a game...would be such a waste!”

As soon as he finished that sentence, Denilo lunged forward, closing the gap between us as he swung his Blade with all his might. What had started off as a sword of fire had been transformed into a deadly combination of fire and wind. The wind fanned the flames, boosting its force as it inched closer and closer to my body.

It wasn’t a big deal, however. A water barrier, fire’s natural enemy, was sufficient to stop it in its tracks.

“That’s a destructive Blade you’ve got there, Denilo!” I was rather impressed. “The last time I saw you, you weren’t able to cast spells like these!”

“Now that’s what I expect from our young master! You weren’t perturbed in the slightest!”