Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke: This Time I'm Gonna Tell Her How I Feel! Volume 5 - Rhythm Aida - E-Book

Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke: This Time I'm Gonna Tell Her How I Feel! Volume 5 E-Book

Rhythm Aida

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Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke: This Time I'm Gonna Tell Her How I Feel! Volume 5

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“The Piggy Duke was intelligent, strong, kindhearted, and sadly, too stubborn for his own good. From another perspective, the story of Shuya Marionette can be interpreted as his tragedy.”

—Director of Shuya Marionette

Prologue: A Mysterious Power

“Shuya, why are you afraid of some mere zombies?! Look at you! Remember the person you’ve set your sights on, and how much more powerful they are!”

It’s hot... It’s like I’m in boiling water...

When I breathe, this gross smell fills my mouth and nose. I feel like I’m going to be sick...

The heck is this? Ugh, I’m so dizzy. I might throw up at any moment...

Plus, there’re also those guys over there. Why are their bodies so warm even though they’re zombies...?

“Shuya, zombies do not die just because their heads have been blown off! Hey, are you even listening to me?!”

I gasped.

For a moment there, I had lost sight of who I was. That was close. Come on, get a grip!

Here, even one slipup would spell my doom. You know that very well now after all those battles, don’t you? I thought to myself. Now, brace yourself, and focus!

Right now, I wasn’t in my peaceful homeland. Nor was I at Kirsch Mage Institute, or even in the town of Yoram.

I was on a battlefield, and I was facing fearsome monsters. To be more precise, misshapen zombies made from bodies and materials from normal monsters.

“Shuya. Though this view before you may be of the battlefields you dreamed of joining when you were a child—”

I clenched my teeth. “I know, okay?! You’re so annoying, Eldred!”

When was it again? Way back when, there had been a time when I had a grand but vague dream of accomplishing something great on some battlefield. Back then, I’d loved learning about the wonderful achievements of adventurers or records of heroes who had forged and razed their own ways in the great wars of long ago.

A voice rang out. “There are some awfully agile zombies here! They’re evolved specimens! Be careful!”

Another voice quickly followed. “The Netherworld Scarlet Zylush adventurer party has arrived! Let’s make our comeback now! Don’t let any of them approach the city!”

“Get away from here at once, Shuya! The others are getting closer! If someone hears you, they would be suspicious!”

I had loved the old tales of normal, everyday people mustering their courage and defeating gale dragnas and man-eating apes all by themselves. I had drunk in the story of how a human, murdered in war, was revived into a suit of armor and eliminated a monster that had prowled around the continent for a long time.

That was why I had once shared my dream with my dad, Baron Newkern. I had told him proudly that when I grew up, I would do something great in a war and receive a medal from Daryth’s royal family. I had thought that he’d praise me and call me a remarkable boy, but a clenched fist had flown in my direction instead. Oh yeah. He shouted at me angrily that members of House Newkern wouldn’t become soldiers like those of ducal houses, didn’t he? My dad had wanted me to focus on studying and becoming a praiseworthy feudal lord instead, managing our own lands.

But...I had never, ever forgotten my dream from back then. That was why I had zero intention of running away from this battle.

“The condition for success for this city defense quest is that absolutely no zombies get inside!”

“Good news! I hear that Zylush is joining our ranks! Let’s make a great comeback!”

The stage was outside of the Dungeon City, Zenelaus. An army of zombies from the devastated wilderness, where no greenery could take root, was closing in on the city.

“Filth like these are slightly too insignificant to be worthwhile foes, but they might be just the right targets for our first blood!”

I paused, digesting those words. “You’re right, Eldred. It’s our first battle!”

At first, I had only fought the zombies that someone else’s barrage had missed. Acting like the novice adventurer I was, I had made sure that my actions wouldn’t get in the way of my more experienced elders. However, an endless stream of zombies relentlessly came and attacked Zenelaus every single day.

Thus, I had decided to switch gears. I had wanted to fight with all my might as an adventurer in my own right, as one of those accomplished adventurers on the special city defense quest from the Adventurers’ Guild.

In terms of numbers, we would be easily overwhelmed. However, just like Eldred had said, the power of each individual zombie wasn’t anything to brag about.

On the first day, I had carried myself with caution. On the second, there had been a newfound certainty to my hunt, and I had become bold and determined on the third.

And just like I had expected, being in Zenelaus had completely turned my life around.

“Have you realized it yet, Shuya? The shortcut to strength you so craved is right here!”

“You’re right! This is what I had been yearning for! And more importantly, Eldred! What’s going on in the place I was at just a moment ago? Show me!” I yelled.

“Dismiss the vision quickly. If you don’t, you will deplete your stamina like before and worry that little girl again,” the voice warned.

“I know! But I’m concerned since that place had the most zombies, so please! Show me!”

Just as I finished saying that request, I heard a sigh of exasperation inside my head. In the next moment, a chaotic torrent of information blasted into my mind, and the scenery of that place materialized before me. This vision depicted a certain scene happening somewhere else, a short distance away.

Zombies pressed forward with weapons in their hands, and humans faced them off with weapons of their own.

There were many adventurers, and there were also people who hadn’t been there earlier. A certain man caught my attention. He was awfully gaudy and looked as if he had come here as one of the fresh reinforcements from Zenelaus. His long, chestnut-colored hair was tied behind his head.

“Hey, Zylush’s Zodd! Do me a favor and use that thing your leader has to take out these guys in one swoop! Since it’s your leader, I’m sure he’s capable enough.”

“Shut it with your nonsense!” the man shouted back with irritation. “Our leader just left for the west because of a request for aid there! And you’re trying to demand that he use Flamberge in a place like this?! Too many people would be caught up in the aftermath and there would be steep losses! How many adventurers do you think are here? That thing’s made for fighting against armies!”

I was able to see this through a mysterious power that allowed me a glimpse of a place I couldn’t see with my own eyes. This series of events was going on somewhere fairly close to where I stood.

It seemed that they had been able to fight on steady footing up until now, but slightly stronger zombies were starting to appear, and our side was losing ground. It’s a disaster in the making. The guild staff said that today, there were fewer adventurers than usual taking on the city defense quest, so...

A girl exclaimed, “Whoa, Zodd! Careful, the zombie behind you is still alive! Wait, look at your arm! You’ve been bitten! You should make a trip back to town and splash yourself with holy water right now.”

“Me? Dying from a zombie bite? Nalita, I’m not that weak!” the man hissed.

“Well, if you say so! But don’t forget that overestimating yourself can only lead to ruin!” she yelled back.

“Oh, stuff it! I’m a very experienced adventurer, thank you very much!” the man retorted.

Using this power to see this happen somewhere else was almost like hijacking someone else’s vision.

Compared to before, I no longer felt any discomfort when I used this. However, there was one thing that was kinda terrible about it. To be frank, this tires me out like crazy, so I can’t spam it... And, in the end, I’m not on the other side of this vision so I can’t do anything about anything I see. In times like this, though...

I hesitated for a moment. “Please,” I said.

“Just as always, you are far too soft. Shuya, these humans are stronger than you are yourself, you know that?”

I thought back to the crude, probably sharp-tongued man in the vision Eldred had shown me. Though I had never spoken to him myself, I knew very well that he was an adventurer of a higher level than me.

If I remember right, that man is a member of Zylush. That party is led by the Archflare, the high-ranking adventurer that I admire.

That fact wasn’t my only reason, but there was no way I could leave things be. Just now, a zombie with its head half-ripped off had looked for a chance to bite his neck. The woman who had warned him earlier was also absorbed in her own fight, and she didn’t seem like she would realize it in time. Everyone already had their hands full with the monsters closing in on them.

“Eldred, please,” I repeated my request.

The voice echoing in my head sounded somewhat peeved. “It’s not like you know him personally. Why care if that man gets injured?”

However, an orb of fire suddenly appeared in my hand and slowly floated into the air. As it flew away, I knew this fire orb would travel to defeat the zombie that had been trying to grab the man.

The surrounding zombies probably thought I was giving them an opening and they gathered in my direction...but that spell wasn’t actually my work. Thus, I was still plenty able to focus on my own fight with them.

“Who was that?! Whose spell was it?! I didn’t ask anyone to help me!” he yelled.

“It’s a remote spell! Looks like some babe in the woods out there saved your bacon, Zodd!” the woman teased.

“Looks like there’s a cheeky brat out there somewhere. I suppose they want to curry favor with Zylush, huh?”

“Well, there’s also the chance that they want to join our party!”

With my intervention, the danger on the other side had passed. The members of Zylush made a fuss because they didn’t know what had happened, but they probably wouldn’t ever find out who had saved the man. I was all the way over here, after all.

Phew. Okay, now I need to concentrate on my own battle.

“Eldred, please dismiss the vision. I’ll focus on my own fight now.”

“I practically carried you through,”Eldred grumbled.

I paused. “Is that a bad thing?”

Eldred seemed to huff in fond exasperation. “You only rely on me when things aren’t going your way, Shuya.”

“Well, yeah. After all, you’re my teacher, aren’t you? I’m counting on you, Eldred.”

There was a certain crystal ball embedded in the glove on my left hand. This fellow, who apparently lived inside of it, had once announced that his name was Eldred. He didn’t have a shred of interest in playing the savior.

In the northern half of the continent, the colossal Dustour Empire went through wars one after another without pause. They had finally managed to unite the entire northern half and were now watching the southern half like a hawk, scheming to invade us too. Even children knew of the terrifying rumors nowadays.

In response to that, many of the major countries of the south quickly got friendly with each other and formed an alliance to prepare for Dustour’s invasion.

And now, rumors spread like wildfire that there would be a war between the south and the empire that had now conquered the north.

Knowing that war might be on the horizon...I had decided that I would join the army after I graduated from Kirsch, and I would protect my country.

However, in my current state, I hadn’t thought that I would be able to perform well against the thoroughly disciplined imperial troops. I had decided that in order to prepare, I would train myself from the ground up in Zenelaus.

“Eldred!” I yelled. “Where to next? What should I do?!”

On that night when monsters attacked us at Kirsch Mage Institute, I had realized a startling truth. Up until then, I had thought that I was a rather talented mage, but all of that had been a fantasy. I had always been under someone else’s protection, and I hadn’t actually done anything myself.

This thought was only amplified after Huzak, now that I could put a face to the faction I called the enemy.

“A large swarm is advancing from the left! Hit them with everything you have!”

“Got it!”

I had been inferior to that man in every single aspect: experience, power, talent, and conviction. If I’d had more power back then, I could have interrogated him about his goals. It could have been an opportunity to probe into the plans of the empire, but I had wasted that once-in-a-lifetime chance.

And after all of that, when I had awoken from my state...I had found myself in a horse-drawn carriage. Alicia had been crying next to me. According to her, I had slept for several days. She had said that she thought I might never wake up again.

I gritted my teeth. I had been powerless. Every single day, I had yearned for greater strength. One of those days was precisely when a male voice calling himself “Eldred” had echoed in my head. The voice had been the familiar one from my crystal ball that had always guided me onto the right path.

The mysterious voice had asked me whether I wanted to become stronger, and I had nodded on instinct.

And an opportunity to demonstrate this gifted power had immediately come to pass.

“There’s no time for you to catch your breath, Shuya! You wish to protect the city behind you, do you not? Or are you simply going to return?!”

“There’s no way I’d go back now!” I screamed. “Alicia, and everyone else, is in that city!”

“You value others above yourself, I see... I’ve been watching over you for a long time, but who would have thought it was to this extent? Like I thought, Shuya, you really are a silly man!”

An incident had happened a few days after I had arrived in Zenelaus. The renowned guild master had announced that the dungeon on the Easton Rock Mountain Range had been occupied by monsters from another region, headed by a lich.

Not only that, but he had followed up that declaration with an announcement that a horde of monsters led by the lich would soon attack Zenelaus. To fight back, the Adventurers’ Guild had recruited adventurers to participate in city defense.

At first, everyone had laughed the news off as ridiculous. However, the advancing swarm of the undead spoke for itself. Those who could fight jumped into the fray with weapons in hand, and the city witnessed the approach of an overwhelming mass of zombies.

The words of that guild master, Eye of the Crimson Lotus, had come true. In other words, Zenelaus was under attack.

“What is the guild master doing?! S-class adventurers exist for times like this, don’t they?!” someone shouted.

“I heard that the Eye of the Crimson Lotus was wounded during a fight with the lich a few days ago!”

The whole situation might seem similar to Kirsch’s horde invasion, but in reality, these were two completely different things. Whenever night fell, the zombies controlled by the lich would return to the Easton Rock Mountain Range in the wilderness. They were being actively managed by the lich in charge.

“Eldred, I thought we went over this. I need to fight by myself so I can grow, and it’s your job to stop others from approaching, right? So why are there so many people around me now? I didn’t even notice!”

“A change of plans. You overdo it when you’re by yourself. It is much safer for there to be someone else around.”

Eldred, the voice echoing in my head, had given me a few new abilities. My expansion of vision from earlier was one of them.

The first time I had used it, I had nearly jumped out of my skin. Of course I would’ve been shocked. I was able to see another battlefield in my mind, after all!

However, Eldred had given me mysterious advice from inside the crystal for a long time. In those moments, he had sometimes mentioned what someone was doing elsewhere at the same time, and, well...

I had felt like smacking myself in the forehead for never once thinking that that fact was odd up until now.

“Hey, Eldred! Can’t I talk to you directly in my mind like you do? I can hear your voice in my head, but isn’t it silly that you can’t hear me unless I talk out loud?”

“Now then, no further conversation is allowed. Shuya, be discreet.”

“Yeah, whatever. Sorry for asking you the same thing so many times!” I said sarcastically.

As for the reason why this guy lent me his real powers... Apparently, it was because I desperately wished to become more powerful.

However, it was best that people didn’t spot me conversing with Eldred. To talk with him, I needed to speak out loud. Alicia often calls it creepy too. It’s obviously a strange sight to see someone muttering nonsense to themselves as they fight...

“Kid, get out of here!” a man shouted to me. “The Archflare’s gonna fire off his sword! Don’t get caught in it!”

“Um!” I perked up. “Wait, are you possibly talking about Flamberge?!”

There was appalled silence on Eldred’s end.

“Exactly! The power of the famous Archflare!” the man said proudly. “But if you don’t want to become collateral damage, go back to the city! The sun has already set, so the Archflare’s going to bid the zombies farewell with a big attack!”

There were many notable adventurers in Zenelaus. The guild master, the S-class adventurer Eye of the Crimson Lotus, was a cut above the rest, but the Archflare also had much fame to his name.

Huh, so even that great adventurer is participating in the city defense effort now. If that man takes it seriously, he can probably take out weak pickings like zombies in one swoop.

That’s right, I thought. To become as strong as him, I need experience on battlefields.

Alicia had proposed we evacuate from Zenelaus before we got hurt, and she had a very good point, but opportunities like these were very rare. If I returned to my homeland, to Daryth, and back to Kirsch Mage Institute...I would return to being a mere student, living a life where adults protected me.

That was why I was now truly glad, from the bottom of my heart, that I had come to Zenelaus. After all, I was able to participate in the city defense every day, and I could feel myself getting stronger as time passed.

“Whoa!” I exclaimed as my knee suddenly buckled and I nearly lost my balance.

A zombie clung to my waist from behind me. I attempted to twist and shake it off, but before I could do any more, a floating fireball struck the zombie. It let out an anguished scream as it burned away into nothing.

This was Eldred’s power. Besides the ability to show me visions of locations nearby, he also had his unique ways of attacking.

“Why are you just standing there?! Considering your abilities right now, you can’t leisurely get lost in your thoughts in a place like this!”

I gasped, snapping back into focus.

Eldred had mentioned that teaching me was his top priority at the moment, so he only gave bare minimum aid when it was needed.

Apparently, it was all for my own sake and for my future. I had complained inwardly that he should have just revealed his identity earlier if that had been the case, but he had claimed he hadn’t done that because I hadn’t truly craved power from the bottom of my heart.

Whenever a topic having to do with fighting came up, Eldred was like a nagging old grandpa, but as long as I obeyed him, I would definitely become stronger. I was sure of it.

Just as I thought that, a scorching wind brushed by my cheeks.

The zombies were engulfed in flames.

My spells could only burn down one zombie at a time, at best. However, the sudden inferno had incinerated a few hundred of them at once.

I took a moment to drink it all in. “Wow. So that’s the power of Flamberge.”

In the lower levels of a high-difficulty dungeon, it wasn’t too rare for there to be treasures that could fetch a price so high that one could live off the money without ever having to worry about it again. High-ranking adventurers could choose to either sell those artifacts or keep them for their own use. The magical artifact that brought forth this inferno was Flamberge, and the high-class adventurer Archflare had chosen to keep that sword for himself.

I hesitated. “I suppose that signals the end of the fighting for today, huh?”

That inferno was a sign that the battle had indeed concluded that day. Whenever the sun set, the zombies immediately lost their fighting spirit, and they would return to the Easton Rock Mountain Range.

This seemed to prove that the zombies were puppets under the control of the lich. What in the world is that lich thing thinking, anyway? I heard it’s very intelligent, but to suddenly occupy a dungeon... The rumors say that it has its eyes set on the priceless treasures stashed away in Zenelaus’s guild headquarters, but who knows for sure?

“Huh?” I muttered.

“What’s wrong, Shuya?”

“Uh, there’s a monster over there that isn’t a zombie...”

The monster stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd of zombies. It looks like...a dullahan. They say that those monsters are hollow inside their armor and that they won’t die even after their heads have been cut off. Apparently, it was important to make it admit defeat in order for it to die. It was a monster that required a strange strategy.

This was the first time I had seen one in the flesh, and...for some reason, I froze, as if I had been paralyzed. Even though it was supposed to be empty under the armor, something felt off, as if somebody were actually inside...

“Shuya,” Eldred said after a long stretch of silence. “If you want to stay alive, do not get involved with that thing at all costs.”

I had never, ever heard Eldred so on edge before.

Chapter 1: The Dungeon City, Zenelaus

“We’ve finally arrived, oink...” I groaned.

“Though it might not have been the most comfortable ride, no matter what kind of monster stands in our way, we shall escort our customers to their destinations safe and sound. That is our role, the role of this large-scale adventurer party, the Armed Convoy! Now, our wonderful customers, you may exit the vehicle! Behold, the imposing city standing in the wilderness is our long-awaited destination, the Dungeon City, Zenelaus!”

Now that I thought back on it, I had never traveled for pleasure. Since I was born into House Denning, it was all but certain that I would take command of the army one day, so my strict education was all towards that end.

Even when I left the country for the purpose of inspections, someone had always waited by my side without fail. I’d been hailed as one of the prodigies that would lead the country or something grand like that, and my schedule had always been filled to the brim. There was no way I had any free time.

“Our dear customers! When you feel like returning to Galland City, please don’t hesitate to call for the Armed Convoy! We have our regular service twice a day, but we also accept escort requests with a minimum of four people! If you hired shoddy adventurers as your guards just because they’re cheap, you would perish! This place is overflowing with zombies at the moment, and inexperienced adventurers are utterly useless. For those of you with deeper coffers, we even have a hellish course in which we rush through the wilderness in one night, so please, make sure to consider your options wisely!”

Things had only worsened after I had become the blackhearted Piggy Duke. When I had been living in the Denning lands back then, I had always been a hermit in my room and spent my time eating and sleeping the day away. Since I had been deemed the failure of House Denning, members of my family had been very against letting me outside.

Thus, my trip to Zenelaus could count as my first ever trip for pleasure.

“Wow, I’m in Zenelaus again! This brings back so many memories!” an adventurer gushed. “Back when we just started out as adventurers, we used to venture around here safely all the time, didn’t we?! How many years has it been since I last came back? Wait, I don’t remember this many monsters wandering around out in the wilderness, though...”

“It’s full of zombies,” a man remarked. “I haven’t heard of any new dungeons spawning, though...”

“Oink...” I snorted pathetically after a long pause.

But life never goes the way you want it to... I thought miserably. My stay in Huzak had been harsh, and I had prioritized haste above all else in my trip from Daryth to Zenelaus. I didn’t have any time to properly tour around places on the way.

I probably caused a lot of stress for my traveling companion too. I’m really sorry about this. I really am, I swear!

I felt a pair of glaring eyes drilling into my back.

I hesitated. “Um, Miss Charlotte?” I said carefully.

Of course, this pair of eyes belonged to a girl whom I knew very well. She was glaring at me because we had come here despite all of her objections.

“Charlotte,” I said weakly. “We’ve arrived in Zenelaus, you know?”

“Adventurers!” a voice boomed. “Work your hardest on our special quest to defend this city! The Adventurers’ Guild promises that we will support those who fight for this city as much as we can!”

The Freedom Union was located in the southeastern corner of the continent, while Daryth was located to the northwest in the middle of the continent. It was known as a country where merchants could sell their souls for money and flourish.

Huzak was between Daryth and the Freedom Union, and it was impossible to travel through it now. Thus, the journey from Daryth to the Freedom Union was a long one, taking nearly two weeks.

On top of that, if someone wanted to go to Zenelaus, the capital city of adventurers and the pride of the Freedom Union, the only option they had was to make use of the regular carriage services that departed from Galland City. Galland City was an industrial metropolis where smoke could be seen churning on in the sky endlessly every day.

However, the trip from Galland City to Zenelaus was a very brutal one. You never know what kind of monster you might bump into in the wilderness, so you need expert guides who know the wilds like the back of their hand.

“Only adventures of D-class and above are allowed to participate in the city defenses! Anyone below that can join in as support!”

“Zenelaus may be recruiting all kinds of adventurers, but we’re also recruiting guild staff at all times!”

Zenelaus was a smaller, isolated city that stood as a firm presence against the barren wilderness surrounding it, and was partially encircled by a desolate mountain range. The city itself was located in a barren area where it was impossible to find any green around. The streets were grimy, and its walls looked worn down. Even the paved streets looked chipped and cracked.

I had seen the city from the windows of the Armed Convoy’s carriage, driven by tamed monsters. Zenelaus had seemed so tiny and insignificant compared to the magnificent expanse of wilderness around it, but my impression completely changed once I was actually inside its walls.

“The Eye of the Crimson Lotus was just a hair’s breadth away from crushing that lich! However, a dullahan that was gushing out miasma appeared and got in his way at the last moment! The Eye of the Crimson Lotus didn’t actually lose!”

“City defense is the best! Even if I slack off, I get rewards! It’s not like the guild staff can keep track of everyone, after all. It’s way safer than exploring a dungeon and the pay’s good, so there’s no need to move to any other towns!” a man cackled.

The whole town was filled with vitality and vigor. Perhaps it was because more than half of the residents were adventurers who specialized in dungeon expeditions.

Monsters were on the prowl in the wilderness, and just getting to this city was a risk to one’s life. Yet, everyone was absorbed in their conversations with vibrant faces. Among them, I spotted some adventurers from the Armed Convoy, which had just brought a fresh crowd of merchants and adventurers to Zenelaus.

Everyone was devoted to gathering the latest information. I suppose I should have expected nothing less from a city of the Freedom Union, which loooves anything to do with money.

“But with more and more adventurers showing up every minute,” someone argued, “won’t the rewards decrease sooner or later?”

“No way in hell! Look at how many zombies are loitering outside! No matter how many adventurers there are, the zombies will only increase unless we defeat the root of the problem: that lich!”

Outside Zenelaus, there were twenty-four dungeons in the wilderness that reflected the harsher side of nature.

These dungeons weren’t just the classic holes that led to the underground. Some of these were tunnels in the mountain range, and there were even paths to the peak of the mountain range that turned into dungeons. It was practically a theme park of assorted dungeons.

I finally spoke up. “Charlotte... You saw all those zombies roaming around the wasteland too, didn’t you? There were loads of them. The adventurers are fighting to prevent the zombies from invading the city.”

Charlotte did not reply.

I continued on awkwardly with forced cheerfulness. “See? I was right on the mark with my deduction that something abnormal was going on in Zenelaus. This city is currently in great danger. I-I’m so glad we were able to find out what’s really going on! I was worrying my head off about the situation in this place, you know?”

At the end of my poverty-stricken trip with Charlotte, we had finally, somehow, managed to arrive in Zenelaus, one of the prized capitals of the Freedom Union.

Charlotte’s tone was steady when she finally replied to me. “Master Slowe. May I make one comment?”

“G-Go ahead!”

“Indeed, there are many zombies outside, and I see why you said that this town is in great danger. But this place is practically celebrating the whole thing, isn’t it? You said that it was miserable and needed help, Master Slowe, but it doesn’t feel that way at all. Did we really need to go out of our way to come here?”

“Uh, I mean, you’re right, Charlotte. It doesn’t feel like they’re waiting for aid right now, but... S-Still!” I tried to argue.

“Even someone like me has heard that the dungeon in the Easton Rock Mountain Range is famous for having lots of tortoises that can be processed into precious stones. I know one could earn a fortune there. But even though the dungeon has been occupied by a fearsome lich monster posing a great danger to the city, these people are super cheerful, aren’t they?!”

“Uh, well...” I stammered. “I can’t really argue against that...”

The Easton Rock Mountain Range could be seen on the far side of the wilderness that surrounded Zenelaus. One of the twenty-four dungeons in the area was located there, and it was called the Carapace Temple.

Apparently, a lich had appeared out of nowhere and attacked, causing the dungeon to fall into the monster’s clutches. And now, the lich was probably creating its puppets inside of it. The wilderness was suddenly filled with zombies staggering about, even though they normally wouldn’t be in this area.

These zombies were originally humans, monsters, or a strange mixture of both, and they were all turned into undead puppets by the lich. Large groups of adventurers were currently surrounding the perimeter of the city, dealing with approaching monsters. They had all probably accepted the job from the guild.

No matter how you look at it, Zenelaus is in a very precarious situation, but uh... I faltered.

“That Archflare guy actually took out the elder zombies in one swoop!” a man shouted animatedly. “I was watching nearby, but that Flamberge isn’t anything to laugh about! It might be the luckiest dungeon drop found in these past few years!”

“The dungeon’s occupied by that lich, and the Adventurers’ Guild wants to get rid of that guy as soon as possible! That’s probably why they’re throwing money at the problem left and right! City defense right now can really earn us some great cash! Just defeating a few zombies outside the city brings money into our pockets, after all!”

“Did you hear that, Charlotte?” I asked. “This place is in a festive mood because it’s a city of adventurers. The Adventurers’ Guild seems to be handing out money like candy for some reason, so it’s probably quite the prosperous time... Ah, but I’m serious! This city really is in great danger!”

Charlotte’s silence was chilling.

“Word on the street is that there will be a special quest to fight the lich!” a man yelled. “Whoever takes down that lich will leap right up in rank! Someone even said that you could rise up to A- or S-class! A new S-class adventurer might come out of all this!” The man cheered heartily. “Excitement’s building for the final confrontation! Every day is so fun!”

Even right at that moment, the adventurers were laughing at ease with each other, boasting about the effortless money they had earned by beating up zombies.

I mean, I knew this would be the case, but seriously? Even in the anime, there were tons of people who enjoyed the fight with the zombies, so I expected this... But is this kind of uproar an everyday occurrence to these guys? Being attacked by a lich’s army? Really?

“You know, Master Slowe...” Charlotte began. “You were muttering in your sleep that Zenelaus had it bad and that it was going to be destroyed. On top of that, you even stopped eating properly... Because of all that, I thought this was important enough that I let you come here without returning to the capital! But look at the people here! They’re having the time of their lives! It’s written all over their faces that being attacked by monsters is just another normal day in Zenelaus!”

Like Charlotte said, after I heard that something bad was going on in Zenelaus, I lost my appetite entirely. I had realized that the events of the anime were proceeding steadily even though I had driven Rooney back to where he came from, and it had been too much.

“Charlotte, shush!” I hissed with panic. “Careful, everyone can hear you!”

“The promise you made wasn’t just with any girl, you know! A promise with Princess Carina is a promise with the royal family! It’s essentially a promise with the queen herself!”

I tried to somehow pacify my infuriated little retainer. “I was completely in the wrong. I am sorry.”

If I consider what’s unfolding in Zenelaus right now, though, it’s way more important than my promise with Princess Carina.After all, the conflict in this city is the trigger that will lead to an outbreak of war with the Dustour Empire...

“When we arrived in Zenelaus, the Great Spirit of Wind said they would go off exploring and then wandered off somewhere... How are we going to make ends meet now...?” Charlotte wailed. “Master Slowe, do you understand the gravity of the situation? We’re broke!”

To be honest, I didn’t want to bring Charlotte with me. However, considering that certain future which lay in wait in Zenelaus...I had to depend on the power of the Great Spirit of Wind. This time, my power alone might not be enough to seize command of the situation. I could say that I had brought Charlotte along so that I could borrow the power of the Great Spirit.

I know, I’m a scumbag who always troubles Charlotte for my own selfish reasons. I’m a big bad Slowe who can’t even keep my promise.

“Ah, you’re ignoring me again with that complicated look on your face... I mean, I’ve gotten used to it, but still...”

But, honestly...I’m getting sick and tired of this role I have to play. I’m the only one who knows how important these events are, so I need to shoulder the burden all on my own. Jeez, I’m not a volunteer who works for free, you know? Someone, please take this job off me, thanks! Surely there’s someone with a stronger sense of justice out there!

Charlotte was oblivious to my thoughts, and her ire only grew in momentum... Wait, why’d she freeze like that?!

“Master Slowe! I came up with the most brilliant idea!” Charlotte declared.

“All right, let’s hear it. Charlotte, feel free to say anything you want. I want to take your opinions into consideration as much as I can.”

“I get the feeling that you haven’t given much weight to my opinion up until now, but...that’s in the past,” Charlotte muttered. “So, I was thinking that since we’re here in Zenelaus anyway...we might as well become adventurers!”

The most outlandish proposal known to man came out of her mouth.

“I’ve managed to awaken my magic properly now, and you’re a super-duper strong mage!” Charlotte exclaimed. “We could make a great living as adventurers. We’d go off into dungeons, earn money like there’s no tomorrow, and we can simply move to this country! Luckily, the Freedom Union doesn’t care about one’s origins at all, so it’s perfect for people like us, who broke our promise with Princess Carina, and...”

“Charlotte, the life of an adventurer is really tough, you know?”

“But that’s probably the only choice we have left...” Charlotte muttered dejectedly.

A loud voice cut into our conversation. “There is no need to fear a lowly lich!!! We have the Eye of the Crimson Lotus on our side! The hero who has so many great feats under his belt has our back!”

“Charlotte, be quiet for a moment,” I said.

Charlotte pouted in displeasure.

I listened to the man making a speech. He spoke passionately with a loud voice to inspire the, the adventurers here in the city.