The Hearing Aids Book - Mirko Peters - E-Book

The Hearing Aids Book E-Book

Mirko Peters



The Hearing Aids Book is a short introduction to living with hearing aids. More you can Read under

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The Hearing Aids Book



Thе hеаring aid iѕ a dеviсе designed exclusively tо imрrоvе thе hеаring ԛuаlitу of реорlе ѕuffеring from a hearing loss. Thiѕ device fаvоrѕ the аuditоrу соnditiоnѕ, because thanks tо its аdvаnсеd tесhnоlоgу it аllоwѕ аdарting tо the hеаring nееdѕ of еасh раtiеnt. There аrе diffеrеnt ѕizеѕ аnd сhаrасtеriѕtiсѕ, ѕinсе each uѕеr hаѕ a diffеrеnt mоrрhоlоgу аnd nееdѕ. It is сurrеntlу thе bеѕt hеаring ѕоlutiоn fоr people whо hаvе lоѕt some degree of hеаring.

Thеѕе modern devices have аn accurate technology аnd сеrtаin соmроnеntѕ that allow thеir idеаl operation; thеу аrе еԛuiрреd, for example, with a lоudѕреаkеr, аn amplifier аnd a miсrорhоnе. In ѕhоrt, a bаttеrу of functions that mаkе thе hеаring аid thе solution mоѕt dеmаndеd bу thе uѕеr tо bеttеr реrсеivе thе ѕоundѕ оf thе еnvirоnmеnt аnd speech.

Hеаring aids allow you tо rесоvеr hearing hеаlth in a ѕimрlе аnd реrѕоnаlizеd way. Thanks to thеm, реорlе whо ѕuffеr frоm hеаring lоѕѕ can соmmuniсаtе аgаin with thе wоrld аrоund thеm.

Itѕ ореrаtiоn consists in rесеiving thе ѕоund thanks tо a built-in miсrорhоnе аnd converting it intо еlесtriсаl signals. In thiѕ wау thе amplified sounds аrе sent frоm thе middle ear to the innеr ear оr thе cochlea.

Thеrе аrе several tуреѕ оf hеаring аidѕ depending оn whаt thе patient nееdѕ. Thеу go frоm thе еаrеxtеrnаl tо thе аuditоrу canal. The саѕing thаt ѕurrоundѕ thе соmроnеntѕ оf the hеаring аid varies, whiсh is why it is ѕоmеtimеѕ made tо fit thе patient's еаr. Eасh tуре аlѕо оffеrѕ a series of different аdvаntаgеѕ dереnding оn thеir dеѕign.

The hеаring аidѕ are a highly rесоmmеndеd hearing ѕоlutiоn fоr cases оf hearing lоѕѕ, however, buying cheap оr fаkе hеаring aids far frоm аѕѕuming a hеlр fоr thе раtiеnt can саuѕе irreversible раthоlоgiеѕ in thе еаr. Thеrеfоrе, it is аdviѕаblе to buу them in authorized sites fоr sale аnd to bе advised bу еxреriеnсеd hеаring care professionals. It is essential thаt thе hеаring aid in question iѕ еndоrѕеd bу a lеаding brаnd.


How Is My Hearing?

1. What is hearing?

A hearing is related to sounds. There is a range of sounds: those we use to communicate (speak) and those that do not they are part of human communication. The sounds that we use to describe are the speech sounds of our language. If you have difficulty hearing speech sounds, it is You may have a hearing problem.

There are two technical aspects of the sound that you should know. One is the tone (or frequency), and the other is intensity (or volume). In a hearing test, the necessary intensity levels are evaluated to listen to a range of frequencies. The test determines the degree of intensity that sounds must have for you I can hear them. The information is recorded in a graphic called audiogram. The audiology specialist will show you the audiogram when I explain the results of the evaluation auditory.

Different symbols appear on the audiogram: The O represents the hearing levels in the right ear. The X represents the Hearing levels in the left ear. The numbers in part upper of the graph represent the tones or frequencies; usually, it is evaluated from 250 Hz (cycles per second) to 8000 Hz.

The numbers on the left side of the graph represent the hearing evaluation regarding volume or intensity. The higher the number of decibels, the more significant the amount of the sound so you can hear it. The classification general is the following:

If your hearing is between:

0-25 decibels his hearing is normal

25-40 decibels have a "light" hearing loss

40-70 decibels have a "moderate" hearing loss

70-90 decibels have a "severe" hearing loss

Greater than 90 decibels have a "profound" hearing loss

The designation of a "light" hearing loss can give the feeling that there is no hearing problem significant. It is important to consider to what extent a hearing loss causes problems in situations of daily communication. Even a "light" hearing loss can cause difficulties and influence the ability to Communicate easily. It is also essential to have in account that, in an educational environment, children may have problems with hearing levels of 15 or 20 decibels.

The intensity of the speech is shown in the graph of speech sounds of environmental sounds and speech. Compare the graph with your personal audiogram. You can see to what extent you can be raised the sound coming from: a motorcycle, a bus, jet plane or birdsong. Is by We insist on the need to protect against noise excessive.

2. Is hearing loss a common problem?

Recent polls show that 31.5 millions of people in the United States claim to have a hearing problem. Approximately 30% of the People over 65 have a hearing loss. Yes, You have a hearing problem, you are not alone.

The incidence of hearing loss increases as we get older, but this disorder affects people of all ages.

3. What are the causes of hearing loss?

While there are several causes of hearing loss, both The main factors are aging (presbycusis) and exposure to noise. Other factors are certain medications, inheritance, colds and other diseases (especially that are accompanied by high fever). You can talk about the possible causes of the healthcare professional who takes care of hearing.

4. What other problems can arise as a consequence of hearing loss?

Affected people may feel fear, anger, shame or anxiety due to the repercussion that the hearing loss has In their lives. Some people feel isolated from their family and friends or have been left out of the environment because of hearing loss. Some behaviors that seem like "confusion" because of the decline can be caused by hearing loss. The hearing loss is a family problem but, working together, we can help People with hearing loss to integrate into the environment daily.

5. What is the difference between deafness and deficiency auditory?

These terms describe different degrees of disorders sensory Hearing impairment can describe any degree of hearing loss. Usually, the words of light, moderate, severe or profound indicate the severity of the damage.

Deafness refers to the profound or total loss of hearing for which hearing aids may not help.

6. What are the types of hearing loss?

We usually refer to three categories of loss of hearing:

Neurosensorial:This is the most common type of loss auditory in adults. Among the causes are the aging, diseases with high fever, medications, exposure to noise and inheritance. The "deafness of the nerve "is a term that has been used to refer to the sensorineural hearing loss.

Conductive:This type of loss occurs when speech and other sounds cannot pass through the outer ear and medium to the auditory nerve. Among the causes of the loss conductive are the middle ear infections, the excess wax in the sensory and various canals diseases. Conductive hearing losses can be correct often without hearing aids.

MIXED:It may be the case that people have a loss that is neurosensory and conductive at the same time. It is necessary to identify the hearing loss to Determine the proper approach to your treatment.

7. How does hearing loss influence conversations every day?

If your loss is:

Light:You can listen to most conversations, but it will seem to you that some people speak between their teeth, Especially if there is background noise.

Moderate:You'll probably have to work hard to hear.

Severe:You may not be able to listen adequately in most conversations.

Deep:You probably will not hear anything unless someone scream

8. What sounds would you have trouble hearing if Had a hearing loss at high frequencies?

You may have trouble hearing speech sounds composed by the letters (s), (ch), (f), (t) and (z) because they are high-frequency sounds. For example, you might not be able to distinguish between the words "juice" - "sumo" - "smoke." If you suffer from hearing loss at high frequencies, you could say: "I listen, but I do not understand all the words." Might also have difficulty listening to the song of the birds or the voices of young children (since these sounds are from high frequencies).

9. What sounds would you have trouble hearing if you had a hearing loss at low frequencies?

You may have trouble hearing vocal sounds, as (i), (o) and (u). Conversations may seem subdued not to speak very loudly.

10. Why do I listen better to the voices of men than those of women or young children?

The voices of men tend to have a lower tone, while those of women or young children usually have a high tone. Many men with hearing loss have more difficulty listening to high-frequency sounds, which would explain why they say their wives (or other women) do not speak clearly. They can also have problems looking to children.

11. Why it seems that there are more men than women with hearing problems?

Men are more likely to be exposed to intense noises, as when doing military service, they hunt or use lawnmowers or power saws. Without However, this seems to be changing in our society due to a greater diversity of jobs.

12. How are sounds and speech heard?