Wake up Alan - Clemens Mander - E-Book

Wake up Alan E-Book

Clemens Mander



Alans Quest through the Darkness has made him doing horrible things. As part of a bigger meaning he got lost in the Labyrinth of horror. Silence covers his story. For over thirty years he is sitting in prison. Now he gets a chance to talk about his past. A Profiler can break down the walls of silence and free Alan out of his world of Phantasy. A well planned adventure within the psyche of a human being brings light into the darkness.

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The Awakening


Alans Crimes

Forgotten Days

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Sandy

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

The Awakening

It is a cold autumn night. Alan is sitting in front of his computer while he is writing his final report for the latest edition of the most successful journal in the world. Alan is co-founder of a journalistic empire called “Lights”, which is translated in over twenty-eight languages and released in over forty countries. Alan is quite a successful man who did interviews with every important person around the world.

His curiosity is, as Alan says, his biggest power which guided him since his childhood to even more new and intense experiences. Alan made it! He is successful, has a lot of money and he can do whatever he likes. And he loves what he likes. I love it, Alan thought to himself while he was writing his report: but as far as I can tell is that I recognize that we humans are trapped. Doing interviews and writing reports are my passion but over the years the content of the subject that I am dealing with became more and more the same. Everyone is talking about the same things which mostly are illusions. We are trapped by our own stories that often sound great, but they remain fictions. More and more we lose the consciousness of the things that really matter. Many people cannot separate reality from fiction anymore. I as a reporter am also responsible for keeping the daily illusions alive. I fed them with new horror scenarios and catastrophes one after another. I almost drowned in the ocean of power, and I almost suffocated by the foul breath of the money. Every time it is the same issue, the stories are repeating themselves repeatedly.

I am so fed up. All this nonsense is leading us to the destruction of our planet. Not only that most of the people in the world are not enjoying their life. Most of the people are suffering while we are getting closer towards extinction.

We are not taking care about the case itself but only about the imagination of something. We have separated us from ourselves that there is no turning back. The way back is not an option, it is the worst enemy. We are prisoners of our own stories. The imaginations and thoughts earlier generations are still echoing into the present. They destine our life’s. The imagination of God and religion are stories of our ancestors that are combined with magical ingredients and foreign world views to legitimize power. Suddenly Alan’s mobile rang. It is my sister, Alan mentioned as he was putting the phone on his ear. What! Alan shouted. What’s wrong Alan? I asked. Alan was in a hurry to put on his shoes and mentioned, I don’t know my sister said something about leaving the house. He went to the front door and opened it. It was dark outside but, in the garden, Alan could see a light flickering. Surprised of the existence of the light Alan got closer to it. As he was getting closer to the light suddenly a big noise was to hear behind him and with a tremendous sound Alan’s house collapsed. Alan was stunned. He turned around only to see his new, beloved, and expensive house collapsing on itself. Alan was shocked, with tears in his eyes Alan kneed down on the ground. He could see the debris of his house stacking the mass of destruction and bringing a dust cloud with it. The total house was crushed, fallen into pieces. Are you stupid? Alan yelled.

Why are you letting my house collapse, what kind of an idiot are you? How could someone write such things? Unbelievable the complete house is destroyed. Do you know how expensive it was?

Alan screamed desperately. Alan it wasn’t me. What do you mean it wasn’t you, you are the one writing the story don’t you? I am writing the story, but it was not my idea to destroy your house. Why should I destroy your house, Alan? I don’t know, Alan answered, because you are an idiot, and you want to play God? Absolutely not Alan. And why are you letting my sister call to warn me about the collapse? Is that a dramatic trick to make your book feel more exciting? I surely do not want to write a drama Alan and this discussion already annoys me. I didn’t even know that you have a sister. That is a lie, Alan shouted.

You are making this all up right now, but you pretend as if you are not and that it is not your fault.

Suddenly the debris of the house started to wiggle and to shake, the stones rattled together and created an enormous noise. The house which just collapsed seemed to rebuild itself and to gain its former shape. It looked like that every particle became alive to find their belonging spot which they have been before. It was incredible but in the next moment the house stood in front of Alan as nothing would have happened. Hello, Alan yelled again, what’s that all about? Why? I tried to rebuild your house. But there is no house, only this ruin here. I told you Alan I am not writing this story. I am only a writer who puts the words together, but I don’t create it. Hm, Alan responded. Ok one more tries, I answered. Hocuspocus, Abracadabra your house is not destroyed anymore, I said with waving arms. Screw you, Alan said while he started walking to his car.

At least my car is not broken, so I am going to go into a hotel to get wasted.

The house that just collapsed was worth a fortune. But Alan has so much money that he could afford dozens of these buildings. Still, it was a tragic occurrence. But maybe it’s not only about the occurrence itself. If there is such thing that must be accomplished, then it is a mission. The pieces must be put together to see the bigger meaning, to answer the questions that are not yet answered. It is time to see the light which is shining for such a long time. There is nothing better than what it means to be. But in times of uncertainty and fear, the glow blurs, and the light deviates from the darkness. When the shadows grow bigger there is not only the choice left to escape into the dreams and to hide from something that crawls into your inner being. In these moments the most important thing is to recognize and to realize who you truly are.

We are on a crossroad, on a point of no return. Sometimes the decisions that you must face are from such an importance, that you can hardly change the course afterwards. Alan is sitting in his super expensive sportscar on his way to the hotel.

The radio from the High End Soundsystem is playing the music loud, but he is shocked by the occurrence that was close to catastrophically. All the time he must think about that he could have easily died. His mind is spinning about his death and about the mysterious warning from his sister.

Alan takes his phone to call his sister. But the phone seemed to be switched off. Alan is almost glad that he could not reach his sister because he is only thinking about the cold whiskey which soon will slide down his throat. He doesn’t want to talk right now, he wants to forget, at least forget about the rage, the fear, and the pain of the incredible past hours. Alan gets in a state of cosiness, he feels like reborn and he wants to celebrate his almost lost life and his almost new life, to overcome the shock and to numb the experience with better ones. Alan arrives at the hotel, hands his keys over to Max the Portier and checks in. He enters the hotel, and his way leads him straight to the reception. For an uncertain time, Alan orders a room.

He gets the keys from Rosie the receptionist and walks to his room.

Alan wanted to freshen up before he gets totally drunk. In the hotel room Alan took a shower. After he was done showering, he puts back his phone into his pocket and went off to the bar. Alan opened the door as in the same moment the neighbour’s door opened as well. A woman came through and both said their greetings, by knowing that both had opened the door at the same time. How dare you also going to the bar, Alan thought. The woman went off, along the floor of the hotel and Alan also started walking, as Alan recognizes, that his mobile is not in his pocket. Alan was sure, that he had put his phone in his pocket. He always checks if his phone is where it should be. So, he got back in his room to search for his phone. When he looked in his bathroom, he saw his mobile lying beside the sink. With a sceptical look on his face Alan took his phone. He checked if this really was his phone because he was sure that he had put it in his pocket before he left the room. Alan you really put your phone into your pocket, I said. Alan? With his mobile back in his pocket he went to the bar. He has been there a couple of times before; it is a little bar with some tables and some chairs to sit on. Alan preferred the bar chairs because it was five of them. He likes odd numbers because there is a middle. As he finally enters the bar the place in the middle is already taken by a woman. A little bit disappointed he is taking the seat on the left chair beside the middle one. As he sits down both recognize each other.