A Year's Turning - Michael Viney - E-Book

A Year's Turning E-Book

Michael Viney

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Michael Viney and his wife Ethna lived in the city, had successful jobs in the media and had just turned forty when they made a life-changing decision: to give up everything for a self-reliant existence on a remote cottage farm in County Mayo, on the West Coast of Ireland. This enchanting chronicle of life on the land follows the highs and lows of one year in the Irish countryside. Since then, for sixty years, Michael Viney's weekly columns in The Irish Times have established his reputation as a uniquely compassionate and informed commentator on the natural world, and undoubtedly one of Ireland's greatest nature writers.

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First published in 1996 by The Blackstaff Press; this edition is published by New Island, 2022.

New Island Books

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10 Richview Office Park


Dublin D14 V8C4

Republic of Ireland


Text and illustrations copyright © Michael Viney, 1996

Foreword © Michael Viney, 2022

The right of Michael Viney to be identified as the author of this work and the author of the introduction, respectively, has been asserted in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000.

Print ISBN: 978-1-84840-854-8

eBook ISBN: 978-1-84840-856-2

All rights reserved. The material in this publication is protected by copyright law. Except as may be permitted by law, no part of the material may be reproduced (including by storage in a retrieval system) or transmitted in any form or by any means; adapted; rented or lent without the written permission of the copyright owners.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Quotations from ‘Poem in October’ by Dylan Thomas on page viii from Deaths and Entrances (Faber and Faber, 1946), ‘The Early Purges’ by Seamus Heaney on page 10 from Death of a Naturalist (Faber and Faber, 1966); ‘Carrigskeewaun’ by Michael Longley on page 54 from Poems 1963-1983 (Salamander Press, 1984; Penguin Books, 1985); ‘Cows’ by Eamon Grennan on page 102 from As If It Matters (The Gallery Press, 1991); ‘Song for a Corncrake’ by Richard Murphy on page 119 from High Island (Faber and Faber, 1974); ‘The Mayo Accent’ by Paul Durcan on page 125 from Daddy, Daddy (The Blackstaff Press, 1990); ‘Otters’ by Michael Longley on page 190 from Gorse Fires (Secker & Warburg, 1991); ‘Incident’ by Eamon Grennan on page 206 from What Light There Is (The Gallery Press, 1987); ‘Between Hovers’ by Michael Longley on page 214 from Gorse Fires (Secker & Warburg, 1991); and ‘The West Wind’ by John Masefield on page 68 from Salt-Water Ballads (Macmillan, 1916).

New Island Books is a member of Publishing Ireland.


















This is not a book from now, but from a passage of years in my family’s life that held a new, exciting purpose: to live somewhere beautiful, more simply and physically, and with experiments in self-reliance that would teach us new (and some very old) skills.

'Self-sufficiency' was a radical catchword of the 1970s and diverted the dreams of many city-dwellers feeling trapped in a consumer culture and urban ugliness. Its restless philosophy persists, now often married to new feelings for the natural world in what it means to be 'green'. Working with the soil and the sea helped tune us in to the myriad other lives with which we share the planet.

Much has changed in rural Ireland since the late decades of the twentieth century. Almost fifty years on from our first arrival, my wife and I are grown old and our daughter succeeds in the city. We look back on the mix of effortful activities that went into generating food, drink and warmth and rather marvel at their abundant, middle-aged energy.

Much of this was chronicled in 'Another Life', my weekly column for The Irish Times that began in 1977. This book, originally published in 1996, distils what was often an exhilarating, deeply-felt experience.

Michael Viney


O may my heart’s truthStill be sungOn this high hill in a year’s turning



In the south of County Mayo the coast road narrows between field-banks and dry-stone walls until, a mere tendril, it winds to a halt in the sands at the foot of Mweelrea Mountain. Thallabawn is one of the last townlands on this road, a stripe of hillside running down to a large and lonely strand.

One thorn-edged acre of Thallabawn has been the Viney homestead for almost twenty years. Ethna and I had turned forty; we were both successful in the media and had signed up our small daughter Michele for a good school, when gradually we became convinced of a need for much less in our lives — and much more. ‘Much less’ had to do with a notion then in the air of a self-reliant country life as the alternative to metropolitan complexity, consumption and frustration. This was before the general greening of the middle classes and ‘organic’ shelves in city supermarkets. ‘Much more’ had to do with freedom and beauty: freedom to experiment, to manage our own time, and every day to wake up in delight with where we were. The acre held our small holiday house, but also some of the best and warmest soil on the hillside: it dared us not to wait until we were too old.

For the first decade or so, through my Saturday column in The Irish Times, we found ourselves acting out ‘other people’s dreams’. So our mailbag assured us, and callers to the gate. There were others, all too familiar with rural realities, who wondered what we thought we were trying to prove. I did have a few personal themes, among them the need to make choices, and the satisfaction of learning, with Henry Thoreau, ‘to want but little’. But mostly I was setting out to intrigue and entertain, thereby earning money for the electricity bills. It was the era of popular books about ‘self-sufficient’ lifestyles, typically with jokey titles: Bucketful of Nuts … Milk My Ewes and Weep. You could tell who had actually stayed the course by how carefully they wrote about their neighbours.

Then my column, ‘Another Life’, began to change. Partly this was to please a new editor, who felt readers might be tiring of so much talk about compost heaps and muck-shifting, partly because I was finding new meanings for beauty, new directions in what we were ‘trying to prove’. These had to do with our deeper responses to nature, our growing appetite for the insights of ecology.

Thallabawn has taught us a relationship with nature, open equally to science and poetry, that is the moving spirit of this book. Its chronicle of a year has many switches of focus, shifts through time, changes of mood and manner: it is a mosaic of all the years, each month an essay in remembrance. ‘January’ reaches back into my origins for clues to present passions and absurdities. The record of our many clumsy endeavours is a counterpoint to the competence of the wild lives around us — and, indeed, of the human ones. This is not, to their relief, a book about our friends and neighbours, but a little of what we owe them can be read between the lines.


The sky in the west was darkening on cue, the waves already panicky and jostling where the channel meets the sea. There was a gleam of borrowed light on the far swells, but beyond them the horizon had vanished in a smoky pall. It seemed time to batten down the hatches. The hens complained at being ushered to bed so early but better that, I thought, than try to round them up as errant shuttlecocks in the violent gusts promised by dusk. I cut enough logs with the bush-saw for two days and then took the hammer and a tin of four-inch nails and went around the windbreak fences, making firm. They were creaking and shifting in the wind like the timbers of an old boat.

In the event, we’d known worse, as winter storms go, and we didn’t lose the electricity until dawn. Then, venturing out between the hedges to visit the nest-boxes (three eggs, and they can’t have slept very much), I had the illusion of moving in a personal capsule of calm while the whine and rush of wind continued all around. But within the house, the great press of air on the walls and windows webbed the rooms with unfamiliar draughts. On the second night I stuffed my ears with cotton wool, so that the squalls rumbled and shook in the depths of my pillow. Ethna slept on imperturbably.

What made the storm memorable was the way it piled up the breakers at the mouth of the channel and then drove the sea ahead, drowning the duach in a silvery green flood, subsuming both lakes and swirling on through the reeds to mingle with the streams from the hill. The ebbing tide left the fences strung blackly with seaweed, and here and there the drag of water toppled a whole line of stakes. We needed waders to cross the ford on the boreen. A coppery flood from the mountain tugged at our knees and rolled the rocks from under our feet; the rush of water was giddying, so that we felt for our footholds without looking down.

The whole landscape, for that matter, was still shuddering and excited after the gale. The fences and briars were flying white pennants of wool, and sinister flags of black plastic torn from silage covers. At the channel from the lake there were waves around the stepping stones — waves from the wrong direction, from the land — and out on the beach the sand seethed in long, wintry skeins, like the snow in films about Antarctic explorers. Grains rattled on my boots and hissed through the banners of wrack. We had to lean to walk, as if hauling an invisible sledge.

Trudging there, monitoring a tideline monotonously innocent of whatever it is I hope to find on these occasions, my mind skipped back forty years to winter days on Brighton beach, to the town’s fishermen strung out in silhouette against the surf beside the pier. They walked the wet shingle at this same angle, heads lowered, bellies bulging their jerseys, hands clasped behind their buttocks. They paced back and forth in a slow trance, ignoring each other, as if summoned there to consider some enormous problem on humanity’s behalf. But they were watching for money: for half-crowns, florins, shillings, sixpences. The coins, fumbled and rolling irrecoverably, sifted through the planks of the pier all summer, glinting briefly like fish in the waves. The sea rolled them landwards, burying them deep in the beach, and the winter gales, hammering at a shuttered promenade, dragged back the shingle to expose them. The fishermen descried them as of right, stalking, intent as herons, in the salt-mist beyond the hauled-up boats. No one else went near.

Half a lifetime has passed since my youth in that town. I have fetched up at a further shore, a deeper ocean, with no one to covet whatever it is that I watch for.

The strand, this particular arena, has played an odd part in our lives. It has obsessed us separately and together, like some echoing amphitheatre waiting for a pair of actors (for what use is one?).

In my first winter in Ireland, more than thirty years ago, I used to look across the bay from Connemara to this long, pale gleam of dunes below the mountain, so apparently remote and wild. I focused upon it all the yearning for what was unspoiled, all the young outsider’s fantasy of life in a simple, secret place. I did not need to go there with any urgency, simply to have it there in the distance, to store it up in the mind.

This was at a time when I had no future, in any settled sense. On the pretext of a ‘sabbatical’ year — painting, writing a book, whatever it took to feel free — I had come from a Fleet Street (the real Fleet Street) then sunk in one of its periodic bouts of ennui. England seemed a sullen, fearful place in 1961, with little to admire along the road from Aldermaston. I did not wait for London to start swinging, or for any sanction of ‘getting one’s head together’, but rode out for Connacht. My shiny new bicycle, with ten gears, spun through a landscape shorn and chastened by a hurricane.

At precisely this time, the young Ethna McManus was crossing Ireland the other way, ponytail bouncing in a skirl of decision just as sudden as my own. She closed the door of her chemist’s shop under the crumbling round tower of Killala and opened another door by signing on for Economics and Politics in the milling front hall of University College Dublin. She was an activist, a community development worker, before those terms were current. She was tired of being indulged by officials and thanked for her ideas; the degree might make a difference. On weekends at home in Westport, she drove out to the strand in her little Morris Minor, there to wade the channel and to walk and think along the tide’s edge. She would have seemed very small on that great apron of sand. I watch her today from our window: a brisk figure rounding the end of the dunes with a knapsack of seaweed, for the garden, on her back, and the dog Meg inscribing endless loops around her.

When we met, all those years ago in Dublin, we offered the strand to each other as a sort of guarantee of who and what we were. It is not a place to spread a rug and sit down idly; it is simply too big, and refuses any sort of prettiness. Soon after we married, we found a huge vertebra from the sperm whale that was washed up here fifty years ago; we dug it out of the sand and took it home to Dublin to stand among the daffodils in the garden. Now that we live here, we have another of these vertebrae propped inside the gate, where the farm dogs come and piss on it.

Between the convulsions of memorable storms, the strand seems to shuffle its grains into new contours every day. The wind scours it so fiercely that stones and shells are left perched on little stalks of sand, like a host of petrified mushrooms. Among the stones are plaques of polished, grey-green slate, embossed with intricate hieroglyphs in white: runic characters affixed by tube worms at the bottom of the sea. They look as if they have been squeezed out in icing sugar by a pastry chef, but they are hollow and calcareous and homes for the worms. The stones arrive ashore clutched in the rubbery claws of seaweed holdfasts; the weed rots and the stones remain, their white curlicues as crisp and enduring as the moulding on a Wedgwood teapot. Over several winters I have armoured the living room chimney breast with these decorative undersea doodlings, setting the slates into mortar as a mosaic. Once, carrying half a rucksack of them, I met a neighbour at the ford, and confided what was weighing me down. He rubbed at the proffered slate with his thumb and breathed my name softly several times in a baffled incantation. Finally: ‘It passes the time, I suppose.’ We all pass the time, in his sense, between the cradle and the grave.

A long run of westerlies hustles flotsam across the Atlantic: plastic milk crates from New Brunswick, plastic light-sticks from Florida (fluorescent undersea lures for fish and squid). And often, a scattering of plastic buoys, lost by the huge foreign trawlers in the deeps just over the horizon. Hard as billiard balls, bright as party balloons, the buoys are irresistible. We take them home, to brighten up the garden path in winter (the milk crates, too, to fill with geraniums).

On the shore are other floats of unfamiliar design, sausage-shaped affairs in fluorescent pinks and acid greens. Their gaiety is tropical — Caribbean, as I like to think. In any event, the swags of goose-necked barnacles anchored to their cordage speak of many months at sea. The Portuguese and Spaniards find these barnacles good to eat: they chew on the rubbery-looking stalk for ‘an exquisitely strong taste of the sea’. That’s Alan Davidson, whose seafood Penguin has an honoured place on our kitchen dresser. The barnacle flavour is, he insists, a ‘real revelation’. But though we have followed him gratefully into recipes for conger eel and ballan wrasse, the salty gristle of Pollicipes cornucopia is a treat we have foregone.

Waste not, want not: it rang through both our childhoods. Ethna in her lost Cavan valley, just over the mountain from the Protestants, I in my wartime backstreet next to the gasometers, were dinned with the basic instinct that makes such ardent beachcombers of us now.

Every few winters there comes a notable storm, one that sends the needle swinging downwards on the barometer and lifts the hand of God from the top of the sea. In these sudden plummetings of atmospheric pressure and the mighty risings and churnings that ensue, the ocean can deliver a strange harvest. To go down to the shore next morning may be to find, as one blinks away the wind-tears, a strand littered with washed-up fish, hundreds of them lying limp under a thin dusting of sand. Among them are conger eels a yard long or more, and drifts of little cuckoo wrasse like pink goldfish. In between, and all sizes, are the familiar whitefish of the fishmonger’s slab – ling, whiting, hake, pollack. There are oddities and surprises, too: the coal-black forkbeards, with button eyes, or a warty lumpsucker torn loose from its grip on an undersea rock. They are all rock species, living deep in the reefs among the islands. What kills them? Scientists I have asked talk of massive overturnings of water between the cold and warm layers of the sea. In the sudden change of temperature, the fish die of something like shock.

They are perfectly fresh – why leave them to the gulls? We go down with plastic bags and the wheelbarrow, and ferry away as many as the freezer has room for, not disdaining congers or even the wrasse. When the prime fish are gone, we experiment with fish cakes and bouillabaisse and feed the dog free for weeks.

My father would have approved; might also smile to see me picking up bits of cord from the tideline and coiling them for my pocket. I remember the galvanised chest in the yard in Brighton, where his carpenter’s tools were kept, and all the little rolls of string and wire, each neatly finished with a knot.

Harry Viney came from a Hampshire village, where he was apprenticed at twelve to the carpenter; my mother, Lily Carter, from a village in Oxfordshire. Both were from the older order of rural England, one remove from peasantry; Flora Thompson described their world in Lark Rise to Candleford. The First World War snatched them from a countryside of thatch and woodstacks and earth privies, entwined their lives and made townies of them. After the war (in which Harry joined the marines and saw Murmansk and Yokohama), they ran chips-with-everything cafés, first in the middle of London, then in Brighton, where Londoners took their kids for the day. The Second World War put a halt to the railway trippers and laced the beach with barbed wire and land mines. The café was closed, and Harry withdrew to the edge of town and the skills he began with: carpenter’s tools and housepainter’s brush. He was a whizz at graining front doors. He also mended our shoes (knife pulled expertly through leather, brads glinting in his lips). He made me trousers from old jackets of his own, confidently marking out the cloth with a disc of tailor’s chalk. He fed us well from the allotment, and grew tobacco there. He knew, remarkably, how to cure it with molasses, how to whip a long plug of it with cord, sailor-style, and shave it with a penknife for his pipe.

In the England of ‘Dig for Victory’, of ‘Make Do and Mend’, he was clearly the right stuff. The general fever of improvisation blurred lines of comparative income: with a show of ingenuity and skill, one could be quite hard-up without anyone noticing. But he also enjoyed reclaiming old crafts; he had a need for self-reliance. It was a value I did not always respect.

In his sixties, widowed, forced off his housepainter’s ladder by dizziness and rheumatism, he went through a spell of feeling useless. I was a teenage apprentice reporter, indentured at sixteen to the local paper; only my older brother, Tony, was earning a proper wage. I came home to find my father chopping driftwood into kindling and tying it into bundles. He had found an old perambulator and picked up the driftwood from the beaches on the Undercliff Walk. Now he proposed to load the pram with his bundles and sell them from door to door. From the shaky pedestal of my scholarship education, my imminently upward mobility, I beseeched him not to do this, and eventually, he submitted. I have more or less stopped hating myself for this, and all the other ways in which I condescended to my father in his old age. Sometimes, sowing carrots or cabbages, I notice the way my finger and thumb work slowly together to let the seeds fall, one by one; how I save those left over by trapping them in a crease of my palm and trickling them back into the packet. It is Henry William Viney who seals the packet, scoring each tiny fold, a whole concertina of folds, with a chipped and grimy thumbnail.

What would he have thought of our mid-life decampment from the city? I heard his voice once, or some echo of it, in a question flung up to me as I stood high on a trailer of turf on the mountain bog road. I was catching the sods tossed up from the stack and building a croibhín, or capping on the load. It was a dismal day, at the end of a gloomy summer. The islands had vanished in another grey pall of rain. ‘Will you tell us, Michael’ – my neighbour’s tone was amiable, rhetorical – ‘what a man of your education is doing up there, with water running down his neck?’

The acre in midwinter has the melancholy of a rail-side allotment examined through the steamed-up window of a train waiting overlong at a signal: a glimpse of horticulture at its lowest ebb, husbandry as wasteland. Soil dug over last autumn has been hammered smooth and grey, like skin in a cold sweat. Leaves are grey, too, curled and desiccated by their burden of salt. The tool shed leans a little more. But the fuchsia windbreaks have held up well, and in their lee stand tattered squads of leeks and sprouts and winter cabbages.

The acre is bounded on all sides by a hedge-bank built of rocks and sods, and planted, originally, with hawthorn quicks. I have seen hawthorn hedges as they should be, regularly trimmed and laid into tightly woven walls (the ‘Presbyterian hedges’ of the North), but that is not what we came to. Every bush on this hillside is shaped by the salty winds — not, as you might think, in straining away from the gales, but from constant withering of the windward shoots. By the time we inherited our hedge its bushes leaned in from the bank like ballet dancers in mid-fall. I tried ‘laying’ them in winter, sawing the old, mossy boughs half-through and heaving them back against the bank. Most, indeed, survived this treatment and put out new growth. The reward is in shelter, in cascading blossom in May; above all in the birds – robin, dunnock, wren, stonechat, thrush – that make the hedge their home.

The gales find weak spots in the windbreak fences when the last generation of nails has rusted through: the gaps leave the hens free to wander through the garden, but they prefer to peck for grubs in the battered timbers of their stockade.

Hens are Gallus gallus, a species of junglefowl of the family Phasianidae, but sometimes they need reminding of their origins. After four thousand years on the road to the modern egg battery, it is a marvel that their wilder instincts have survived at all.

When we brought this lot home from the hatchery, at point of lay, they huddled in the doorway of the ark, gazing out at the puddles like refugees in a Nissen hut, listless and sceptical. If this was freedom, they were not at all sure they wanted it. In the poultry station there was at least a steamy warmth and close-pressed company; here, all was healthy and well-ventilated and chillingly cold. The pullets found themselves on straw, which they had never seen, and were offered a wooden perching rack they didn’t know to use. All ten of them spent their first night jammed together like wrens in one of the nest-boxes, while a rising gale roared about their heads. In the weeks that followed, storm after storm buffeted the ark, held down by ropes to concrete blocks. ‘The poor hens!’ murmured Ethna in the night.

But the nature of Gallus gallus will reassert itself, given any sort of chance. Even a hatchery hybrid, raised to point of lay in a cage of steel mesh, quickly learns that her big, strong feet and sharp claws were meant for scratching up the soil for seeds and insects. A chicken with a piece of the Earth to wander will scoop out a hole in some sheltered corner and settle into it, scratching the cool soil into her feathers and up under her wings to groom away her parasites. The sheltered and sunnier corners of the hen run are pitted with the hollows of these dust-baths, untidy testimony to the happiness of hens.

The fox got the last batch. It happened at Christmas, always a perilous time for routine. There were visitors and afternoon glasses of wine; each of us thought the other had slipped out to close the ark. Next morning there were bodies all round the hen run and more little mounds of feathers up at the mountain fence. We blamed ourselves, not the fox. Even the excessiveness of it, while awful and provoking, seems easier to take when one knows that ‘surplus killing’ is not just the vice of foxes, but of most carnivores: mink and mongooses, even lions go in for it (and dogs, of course, among sheep). Birds that do not fly away as they should keep the fox’s murderous instincts firing until everything around lies still.

And we had, of course, conspired at it in other ways. In winter, foxes commute between the forestry on the mountain and the tideline of the shore, and on their way they check the security of hens in arks and geese in sheds. Their approach brings them over the mountain wall and down the grassy gullies of the streams. One of the streams dips under the road, debouches into The Hollow at a corner of our acre and plunges on through the thicket of alders and willows beside the hen run. Quixotically, we threw a fence around the thicket and made it a refuge for ‘wildlife’, by which we meant hedgehogs and songbirds, badgers and stoats. But wildlife is foxes, too.

In our first Mayo winter, we were walking the shore together on St Stephen’s Day and came upon a fox writhing in a gintrap. It had been gnawing at its one trapped paw and tufts of fur lay all around. I found a club of driftwood and ‘put it out of its misery’ with a wild, blind swing: which is to say that I funked letting it go. Today I am better prepared to be myself, to choose the other side from the one set out in Seamus Heaney’s lines:

‘Prevention of cruelty’ talk cuts ice in town

Where they consider death unnatural,

But on well-run farms pests have to be kept down.

It is not just in January that we can walk for miles along the shore, crossing long strands and cobbled beaches and the low, grassy cliffs in between, all without meeting a soul. This holds true for most of the year. The experience of solitude is part of what we came for; we never tire of it, separately or – as it were – together. The solitary experience of nature, the observations that come when walking quietly and alone, have become central to the chronicle of ‘Another Life’ and to my own, particular brand of romantic misanthropy. I may have overdone it, at least to the point of misleading the fantasy life of some of my readers. ‘But I thought you were halfway up the mountain! I didn’t expect all these houses!’ Thus, on occasion, their reproaches at the gate.

There aren’t that many houses really, but rather more than there used to be, and they are getting smarter and bigger all the time. From the bend where the road winds round the hill to disclose our ocean panorama, to its unexpected burrowing in the sand at the foot of the mountain, is about four miles. Strung out along this narrow road and its branching boreens are some thirty houses, half a dozen of them within Christmas-candle distance. Nowhere on this side of the hill, however, is there any gathering place, any village feeling: all that takes place miles away round the hill at Killadoon. And even there, the fields space out the post-office shop from the Beach Hotel and both from the crossroads church with its little row of sodium street lamps.

We don’t go to mass, draw the dole, play twenty-five for Christmas turkeys, or drink in pubs late at night. A lot of the time, when we are writing, we go to bed at nine and get up at five to sit at our separate word-processor screens like monks at matins. This ritual matches our mind-cycles – we are both bright as robins at that hour – and it is one that comes even more easily in the dark of winter mornings.

All this seals us off, though not by any special intent, from the social routines of our neighbours. We are all spaced out on our hillside stripes, with a good view of each other’s comings and goings and porch-lights and chimney fires. We see each other working, with dogs and sheep or on the land, and wave to each other across the ditches or when a tractor passes. But since we live to such a different rhythm, weeks can go by without us actually meeting or talking with our friends among the figures in the landscape.

Nor, nowadays, do I write about them much.

In the early days, when everything was new, I used to relate in my column how Fergus did this or Martin said that, all to give a colour to events and all, I hoped, tactfully done (usually, indeed, to make a point against myself). But the same Ferguses and Martins (names which do not, to my knowledge, belong to this townland) soon began to make their unhappiness clear. It was not, perhaps, what I actually wrote that worried them, but the jokes that could be spun at their expense from a casual phrase or adjective of mine. This became a pub sport, with its own little lurches into cruelty, and my careful vaguenesses about identity seemed no defence against it: they all knew at once who I meant. My neighbours decided they had no wish to figure in my unpredictable weekly chronicle of rural life, or as Fergus put it firmly at his gable: ‘You are not going to make a Tailor and Ansty out of this house.’ Regretfully, I took his point.

‘Good fences make good neighbours,’ says the man in Robert Frost’s poem, but neighbours in these parts seem rather to get by on a mutual lack of reproach. Only at the land’s first boundary, with the Atlantic, is there much of what the town-dweller means by a fence: an upstanding, shining palisade stretched evenly above the grass. It is shining because it is new, the storm-driven tides having bitten, yet again, inside the old line of posts, and it is straight because fencing is easier where the grass is a carpet over sand — machair land, as the Scots call it. But even here, very often, fences have a hand-me-down look, with each stake along the sheep-wire a separate gift from the sea.

As you walk up from the shore the fencing changes. The boreen runs between high sod ditches that make shelter, as well as boundaries, and then, as the land becomes rockier, the ditches give way to dry-stone walls. Ditches and walls are topped by a frieze of two-foot sheep netting or a couple of strands of barbed wire. Because so much of this wire is, so to speak, symbolic, deceiving the agile Blackface sheep by its mere continuity against the sky, it is renewed as seldom as possible. It holds together by the habit of its molecules, even when these are changed to rust.

The boreen is sheltered for part of the way by a high creggan of rock, and there, sun-warmed in a thicket of stunted hazels, the first and solitary wildflower of the year shone out today: Taraxacum officinale. I have a soft spot for the dandelion, weed or not.

The first flowers of my life were the weeds of a town back yard: tiny, scarlet stars of pimpernel, blue birds’ eyes of speedwell, the rosy lips of dead-nettle, all precariously rooted in the flint-walled alley behind the café. And the dandelion, with its big golden crowns, became, for a special reason, the flower of my street-urchin days.

In my mother’s dowry of skills was the art of wine-making, absorbed among the rhubarb and parsnips of Oxfordshire. She could have bought these in Brighton, and sometimes did, but it went against her culture: wine should be a sharing from a country harvest. Dandelions, for her favourite flower wine, were picked by tradition on St George’s Day, 23 April. On that date or thereabouts, I made trips with a bucket to the town’s oldest churchyard, at the top of the hill, and gathered dandelions – just the flower-tops — among the old white tombs. I remember the smell of the wine fermenting, the strange, acrid scent stealing out from the earthenware crock that seethed in the darkness of the cupboard under the stairs. Pissenlit, piss-a-bed … the dandelion’s folk-names were well suggested at this stage of the brew. But by Christmas, racked and sparkling, the wine spoke only of nectar and springtime.

Dandelion is not one of the wines in our own country cellar, because I wouldn’t know where to go to pick enough of them. In hill country, the yellow ‘dandelions’ along the roads are much more likely to be flowers of the hawkbit family. But dandelions do seize their chance among the vegetable beds of my well-dug acre, so, having admired their magnificent blooms at the start of the year, I sometimes panic and sneak up on the seed-heads with a lighted taper, to torch them before they can fly.

Those lacy globes are so exquisitely engineered, all of a piece with a plant that is full of invisible wheels and cogs and calculations. One set responds to changes in light, stretching the florets to the sun and tracking its course across the sky, or closing the head as soon as rain threatens; opening it, also, at sunrise and closing it at evening. Another set of pulleys keeps the plant the proper shape. Each year, the dandelion produces new leaves at the top of its rosette, and every now and then the taproot contracts to pull the rosette downwards. This keeps the new leaves spread at ground level, smothering any competing plants and conducting every raindrop straight to the centre of the rosette, and thus to the root. Being a man, my imagination runs more readily, perhaps, to machinery than to any sort of plant sentience or spirit, but the more we learn about plants (their ‘defensive strategies’, their ‘communication’), the more elaborate and sensitive the revelation of their lives becomes.

Even the naming of plants can be deeply mysterious. ‘Dandelion’ is a corruption of the French dent de lion, which in turn echoed its old Latin name, Dens leonis. In most of the languages of Europe the flower’s name means the same thing — the lion’s tooth. Yet what was it that suggested the image: the jagged shape of the leaf, the form of the individual florets in the head, the interior whiteness of the dark taproot? A whole continent of different peoples come to settle on a single, graphic metaphor — perhaps, I suppose, through the spread of the Romans. In Ireland, which Caesar never bothered with, plant names leaned more to the literal and utilitarian: caisearbhán is the stalk of bitterness.