Adventures Of Two Captains Volume II - Ellias Aghili Dehnavi - E-Book

Adventures Of Two Captains Volume II E-Book

Ellias Aghili Dehnavi



Let me start with this phrase: Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit, from nothing comes nothing! That is both logical and reflective in so many ways. For our Two captains, it is more like a prophecy to spread the divine message of Yimina from the Ysa land to the whole universe. These two protectors of light had to do something in order to reveal the hidden truth and the sinister intentions of the darkness' servants; but this time on Earth and not across the galaxies; truly, from divine efforts come divine results which they call a new age of "Enlightenment ". Adventures of two Captains volume II deals with the devilish entities which have been disturbed across the blue globe; they are in constant contact with their coward chieftain, the Prince of Darkness. It is their celestial duty to help their previous home by helping people see the truth; the green light, the most ancient magic which the universe has ever seen, is the key to truth. This book, enriched with Latin and literary phrases, can be used as a rich source for English poetry and creative writing courses; wait for the coming series! Amor et pax!

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Adventures of Two Captains Volume II

Dear Kimia Beheshti,

This historical achievement is dedicated to you; for when you smile the whole galaxy turns blue like the birth of a supernova; since your spirit gives life to the dark realms and because your hair and its twists reminds me of the most sophisticated Nebulas!

Your eyes speak the light, two lanterns in the chaotic galaxy of ours!

Copyright © 2020 Ellias Aghili Dehnavi, Professor Paul John Amrod

Publisher: tredition GmbH, Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany









Printed on demand in many countries

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Table of Contents

Preface: Introduction and Summary

Chapter One: Tutto l'amore e la pace

Chapter Two: The Dream Star

Chapter Three: The Diabolical Death Wish

Chapter Four: Forgotten Home

Adventures of Two Captains

Volume 2



We, the authors, Paul Amrod and Ellias Aghili have decided to continue our legacy in poetry. This legacy is reflected in this poem we have created hoping for a golden age of pluralism. With the synergy of Orion and his Protégé Captain A with the sage of Ysa Land Yimina will now bring them to a summit on Earth. The usage of radio telescopic communication becomes essential for the transmission of their philosophy which makes the Dorsay, the evil tribe of extraterrestrials nervous because it logically presents the great possibility of peace and the end of darkness in the hands of diabolical forces. Eventually they arrive through a return voyage into the Solar System to save Earth from its possible demise. Greed, permanent war and the defilement of the wonders of Earth itself will be annihilated. Yimina through the help of benevolent Earthlings will be presented on You Tube and this begins the dismantling of the ancient power structures which are so injurious to the human race.

ADVENTURES OF TWO CAPTAINS A MODERN EPIC POEM The Second Sequel- Return from Ysa Land to the Solar System.

The continuation of this poem begins with their adventures in the Paradise of Ysa Land.

Ellias begins once again


Ysá land is abounded with lights

from a thousand brilliant stars.

Lanterns of the dreadful nights

are dancing in leviathan quasars.

The poem is again a bastion of imagery and philosophy initiating a constant movement of images and actions. The style both poets blend in a way that creates a nice variable style. Paul wrote the even-numbered verses and Ellias the odd-numbered verses. Paul’s fourth verse starts as such

Then miraculously appeared the sage Yimina

who blessed all for their lust for adventure?

He spoke gently cantos to express and capture

the attention of every single being and Amina.

Plans were being discussed about further travel

Notwithstanding the fervor of Black Star’s arrival

The insatiable desire of Orion was to unravel

the mystery of enduring universal survival.

A wonderful descriptive text depicts the paradisal land of Ysa.

For the keepers of Ysá Land hold the essence of life.

They are the Fathers of the Higgs Boson, ancestors

of a chained creation that is omnipresent and rife

apparent since mankind became rampant and murderously killed and fired missiles and drones from their command centers.

Ysa Land is However, isolated because of its distance situated two parallel universes further away than the Milky Way. Therefore, King Burnett of Ysa Land and Captain A conjure a theory of bettering the radio telescopes with special minerals to stretch through parallel universes.

A stanza of Paul’s then says in the 8th Verse

All of sudden he deemed this to be simply corrected

by strengthening the baud of the original transmission.

Solving this problem would define the mobility of the Yesians in that they could express their theories and describe their mission.

As well in the 10th verse

Captain A experienced the generousity of each habitat

The ancient problem of being enclosed was to disappear.

The competence of their communitive powers as diplomats

would flourish bringing their philosophy to every ear.

The establishment of a field of radio telescopes

dispatching their direct intuitive messages

would be able to reach Semjase with the hope

of collaboration and a synergetic atmosphere.

The healing waves of a sympathetic scope

would enhance the comprehension of sages

who further the philosophy which adheres?

the tribes of Ysá Land through the rock of ages.

A beautiful picture of Ysa Land is painted by Ellias as they begin to fly to assemble rare mineral to strengthen the telescopes.

The vast evergreen farms in this paradise breathe

and dance while an inter-solar wind gently kisses them.

From the great Black Star, we witness deeply beneath

the scenery, where there is imagery, a stage of slumber called rem!

Later on, Captain Orion and James then spoke

with Captain A regarding the answers from Burnett he received.

He conferred explaining the parameters of the whereabouts and uncloaked

the positions where the cherished minerals were to be retrieved.

Beneath them they then viewed larger farms of ancient oak embedded in very dense woodlands forming a gigantic knot.

Then Paul ends the first chapter with this stanza

The precious stones were all gathered and ready for loading Very sturdy sacks were brought along for the proper hauling. James returned firstly to Black Star to record the coding of each unearthed treasure discovered for immediate recalling.

Now the communication was sent out and received by the Pleiadians and as well the Dorsay was outraged at the potential of Yimina and Orion’s mastery of the Word.

This event was the preparation for an English translation to be sent

through the powerful radio waves past black holes to cluster Pleiades.

There Semjase would graciously welcome them as the first recipient

of the new philosophical phrases which would exciting forge pathways

of compassion, solitude, and empathy encircling all with a heartfelt testament

Please unite and persevere the angelic purpose of our existence.

Holding the hands of the fearful as they crave to nurture

the slaves of the elite who dominate our quintessence.

The rebirth of our culture is at hand as we praise our Nature which holds us in balance perceiving our presence.”

Chapter Two depicts a wonder star of youth which gives the immortality that Yimina possesses.

Then they successfully reach their friends they met on their journey to Ysa Land Queen Dalina, Princess Anne and the others.

With expedience the entourage with Queen Dalina was emblematic

of the credence and trust Orion received depicting the solidarity

necessary for the omission of zealousness with an absence of frenetic

behavior exchanging constructive concepts omitting the chaotic.

Orion wished to win the earnestness of Derlon for clarity.

Also, in Chapter Three we confront a tragedy of Hector in Xavica with Princess Anne.

Therefore, James aware of their tendencies wished to mount an intelligent defense

with a three hundred and sixty grade circumference putting into place

a warning system which would be detecting every movement of obvious aggression.

James and the Captains have had the tradition and experience to erase

the dangers of unexpected calls of battle in gradual steps of succession.

However, Yimina rematerializes Hector on Ysa Land where he assists the glorious journey with King Burnett. Chapter Four is the culmination of the great assemblage of all benign extraterrestrials in the asteroid belt.

The arrival in the Solar System.

With the help of hidden radio telescopes in the land of Ardean they successfully, although being confronted from evil forces, reach the asteroid belt and they communicate directly with Earth. The compatriot was Daniel a worker at Owen Valley’s telescope park who worked with James Turell the light magician to confront the authorities secretly on Earth.

The first message was sent to Daniel Smith who from Owen Valley relayed the essence

to Houston notifying NASA. This breaking news was suddenly confirmed and the stage

was set for the raising of the white flag. The result was alarmingly effective and immediately

the other space authorities of Russia, China and England then rashly and obediently

followed suit being caught with little knowledge of this incredible development.

This sequel is so exciting that I wish not to reveal more about this epic poem. We wish you all much pleasure with each passing stanza.

Chapter One

Tutto l'amore e la pace



Ysá land is abounded with lights

from a thousand brilliant stars.

Lanterns of the dreadful nights

are dancing in leviathan quasars.

No signs of caustic remarks

of the mundane way of life.

Instead there's Glasir’s sparks

and the shepherds’ sound of the fife.

In center stand the Ysá's halls

fulgent and great.

Its bulwarks taller than the Vallhall's walls

Tranquility their nature does create.

Smaller halls with trees are filled

like a choir singing the song of peace.

Mystic birds fly over the field

A worldly niceness they do release.

Antheia shines with glory

Giving life to its evergreen home

Complaining about the life so gory

when our spirits are sadly alone.

Replete with an elixir of joy

as the green bushes sang

No signs of felons, the victims decoy

the serpents and their fang.


"All love and peace"

whispered Captain Orion calmly

Not a single sign of earthly caprice

while all stood jovially and jolly.

Who would the constable meet?

in this land of wonders?

Maybe a group of wizardry elite,

the owners of the raining thunders.

Maybe the harbingers of a galaxy

or some ancient clan

could correct the world's fallacy

and save lives with a cosmic plan.

A rich laconic speech

was given by our sage.

Being grateful for he did reach

Ysá, there all pains he would assuage.

Now are gathered all the clans

All the friends of light

Emerther and Egarot with their wands of pecans

As well the council of five chanted in delight


The chorus song echoed all over the place

Still singing some unknown verse,

Signs of wonder on Captain A's face

as in this ballade he did immerse.

Captain Orion bristled with joy

as he received a message from Semjase.

Thanking the skippers for they were not coy

and mentioned that helping us she does enjoy.

A message from Johannes was sent

Delivered via the spirit of the night

Orion opened to read the content

with eyes all glowing with light.

Lord of Nurembia congratulated

the captains for reaching their goal.

By his kindness the crew was saturated

truly the Nurembic couple was given a noble soul.

All of a sudden, the song's tone changed

and a cool breeze from the main hall blew!

Everything was well arranged

Who would come out of the chamber? No clue!


Then miraculously appeared the sage Yimina

who blessed all for their lust for adventure?

He spoke gently cantos to express and capture

the attention of every single being and Amina.

Plans were being discussed about further travel

Notwithstanding the fervor of Black Star’s arrival

The insatiable desire of Orion was to unravel

the mystery of enduring universal survival.

Avoiding the transient passing to a quasar

he conceived a theory of the youth of stars.

Always concentrating on an inborn intensity

reflecting the concept of an inert revival.

Hence, he analyzed the movement of drifting colors,

whether blue or red, focusing on density.

Captain A was also fascinated at the diverse

possibilities to meet various engaging avatars.

These spirits could view through Brahma years

to detect the age of any particular universe.

All galaxies were expanding or contracting

nearing the necessity of rebirth enacting.

These principles seem to always adhere

while Ysá land seemed to resonate permanence

causing the usual circumstance to disappear

reflecting its incredible balance and Godly providence.

Perhaps a microcosm of an ethereal substance

can truly bind its matter to be acting

in a constant manner of rejuvenation in spheres

of the inexplicable with peace transacting.


Ysá land possesses eternity and denies time

and its galaxy has thoroughly intimidated the darkness.

It has confined many a pugnacious crime

and many offensive and scurrilous allegations

resulting in the circumstance of absolving the mess.

For the keepers of Ysá Land hold the essence of life.

They are the Fathers of the Higgs Boson, ancestors

of a chained creation that is omnipresent and rife

apparent since mankind became rampant and murderously killed

and fired missiles and drones from their command centers.

Their essence of life was known as Perpetuus lucem

which is being guarded by masters and guardians

who were currently anointing the Yesians,

the inhabitants of Ysá Land they’ve gently monitored.

Their ethereal existence is present when Ysá Land is entered.

Through meditation these Fathers communicated with translucence

contacting Semjase from the protective race of Pleiadians.

Under her umbrella she lends her helping hand with every gesture.

Ysa Land’s never-ending light did refresh

timelessness and its entire galactic life since

there existed no history or process

nor a trace of the despicable dark prince.

Its rays of peace were used to reflect upon all worlds

before the wicked darkness rose from an abyss.

The propagators then promulgated blasphemy before the Lord with an interminable attack, disguising every form of bliss.

Nevertheless Master "Yimina" stood towering majestically from the main hall

He was magnificently surrounded by an ancient glowing light

This brilliant beam came from past lives that never did perish or fall

and encompassed the Master of all guardians, our sage, appointed as Ysá's knight.


Yimina, this noble knight conceived concepts of rejuvenation.

With the constant renewal through selflessness and sympathy he received sovereignty, devotion and an unwavering inspiration

which opened new avenues of thought full of openness and empathy.

Through the courageousness of our Captains he wished to share

his discoveries which supported the contagiousness of idealism

where typical logical processes were challenged and compared with a quantum physics which bewilders the imagination.

Shuffling through waves, matter and the eleventh dimension, with the integration of Shiva the mystic God of destruction, will commence a Higgs field describing the transience and tension

which pull the lyre’s strings reverberating a collision at every junction.

The acceleration of instinctual energy through eclectic synergism

will reawaken the marvelous capacity of masterminding making us aware

of replenishment through accomplishment with a fantastic futurism.

The unyielding mammoth impulses of pulsars will be born to overbear.

The movement of energy will not dissipate but brings transformation

igniting Yimina to concur with Orion inaugurating their conjunction

to collaborate with the help of Birgantia to formulate their intention.

This will firstly be experimental nonetheless based on solid cohesion.

The indicators of the source of their perception and deductions will be entirely grasped under the solemn watchful eye of Yimina.

His greatest vision is held as sacred within Ysá Land where all instruction

conveys the profound values of infinitude until an ultimate ascension.


The complicated discoveries of the knight

would help the universe to renew again.

Changing faulty paths and giving delight

correcting futile errors so inane.

The eclectic synergism is of course a golden key.

Hence the future can be read as well

Peaceful thoughts will all be free

Forever on worthy planets they may dwell.

Yimina then confessed one important thing

His theory was not completed yet

Since then he has shared with a king

his valuable information, named Burnett.

Burnett has formed a device

that does keep the energies of

twenty suns, magnifying energies twice

"Voio mikka giminia Burnett soila velaf"

said Yimini in Yesian with a heart full of love.

(Burnett and I will meet in behalf of this)

Since all the Yesians need their plants to carefully form

they are not able to abandon them and travel abroad.

So Yimina asked the Captains to please inform

personally, Burnett to measure their radio wave’s baud.

For unknown reasons they actually could not

communicate through the wave’s lights.

Maybe this was because of a natural dark spot or some devilish pugnacious darker knights.

Captain A to Orion then whispered

"May this Yesian theory bring enduring peace?"

Orion smiled and said: “Trust in what you heard!

Your doubts and fears may soon decrease.”

Yimina then handed a magical scroll

to the Captains of the Black Star.

This green knight of ours was given a blessed soul

powerfully great not resembling a czar!


Within this ancient scroll was another sacred Map.

Yimina spoke with Orion and Burnett regarding directions.

Captain A, who was specialize in radio waves recapped

his diagnosis of the interferences to the Yesian connections.

He estimated the frequencies as being strangely reflected

against some outer perimeters from larger water planets.

Through the heating of the hydrogen from a blue star he detected

the possibility of the radio waves disappearing as time elapsed.

All of sudden he deemed this to be simply corrected

by strengthening the baud of the original transmission.

Solving this problem would define the mobility of the Yesians in that they could express their theories and describe their mission.

Orion and Yimina congratulated the protégé and legions of Yesians applauded his knowledge. He was considered a guardian

for delivering a solution for this dilemma that effected the region’s

ability to develop their wonders through Yimina and the Pleiadians.

The comprehensibility of the theories of our knight wasn’t taken for granted.

The accessibility of his jargon was for a well-schooled scholar selected

and needed to be conscientiously and contemplatively dissected.

Burnett was the translator of his concepts reviewing all decisions.

Now their interaction with other races and species wasn’t handicapped

and could flourish in the future bringing their virtues with ambition

to universes far and beyond as each Yesian dreamed perhaps one golden halcyon day all Greys would exceed their tradition.


Now the communication could run

smoothly without a respite.

The only thing needed to be done

was to meet Lord Burnett with his wave sender device.

Once they receive the device, forthwith

the waves could reverberate

throughout the galaxies the Yesian's myth.

This will be sent, to all congenial friends and mates.

The Ysá Land realms are so massive and vast

including many mystical lands.

Ordinary people could seldomly outlast

the powerful magic of the wizards named "Grands".

The Grands are as well Yesian guardians of light

whose magic is ubiquitous all around the place.

The presence of their power in Ysá is a common sight

Being not of the honest sort their magic can be a menace.

Burnett, their lord dwells in the "Vindura" territory

of Ysá land. Crazy contraptions are what they

are famous for. Usually in process, preparatory

to create something novel in one fresh day!

Burnett has taught the mystic ways of the Grands

so, he can manifest tranquility and peace.

With his mind and spirit besides his hands

he will end wars and bloodshed can cease.

An internal adventure to Vindura calls

the captains of the Black Star.

Maybe on the way the captains experience a windfall.

Some mystically enthralling events, in Vindura, afar!


Captain A experienced the generousity of each habitat

The ancient problem of being enclosed was to disappear.

The competence of their communitive powers as diplomats

would flourish bringing their philosophy to every ear.

The establishment of a field of radio telescopes

dispatching their direct intuitive messages

would be able to reach Semjase with the hope

of collaboration and a synergetic atmosphere.

The healing waves of a sympathetic scope

would enhance the comprehension of sages

who further the philosophy which adheres

the tribes of Ysá Land through the rock of ages.

A utopia of magnanimous cooperation evokes

the interest of other extraterrestrial species

who strive for self-expression to uncloak

the mysterious workings of the Yesian theses.

Hence the two Captains ardently blend their talents

with Yimina as well as with Burnett to deeply invoke

an industrious nature to construct a pioneer