Lovers of the Fifth Street - Ellias Aghili Dehnavi - E-Book

Lovers of the Fifth Street E-Book

Ellias Aghili Dehnavi



The Lovers of the Fifth Street" is filled with far-fetched repeated figures of metaphor and simile; though there are few direct references to some feasible modern issues that one can witness in our world, the main focus has been yet given to the use of figurative language; by doing so, the readers won't be bothered and confused; their minds will stay alerted and sensitive towards the hidden concepts while they play joyfully through the lines. The poetry has been built upon a modern scenery; the symbol of modernity (New York) is presented with a mixture of different concepts that reminds us all of the different facets of "vividness": art, culture and the coffeeshop dynamic culture. Since this book is the second volume of the "New York Winter Poetry Trilogy" the same atmosphere had to be reminded to the audience; but this time there has been a shift in the locations of events; new notions have been also added as the story line moves forward; the light has been shed on different and important slants; matters of racism, international interdisciplinary discriminations and the metamorphosis of human abstruse and complex relations; "Lovers of the Fifth Street" is now a more comprehensive work; a combination of social, humanitarian and international concerns.

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Lovers of the Fifth Street

With Much love dedicated to: Ahmed and Frida, whose love bridged From Pretoria to Stockholm to Roland and Anna: “Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori." Johannes and Regina: “O ego quam videor felix, immobile pectus pectoris immoti semper amantis amans." indication here

Lovers of the Fifth Street

New York Spring Poetry Trilogy


© 2022 Dr. Ellias Aghili Dehnavi, Pouria Aghababaei

Typesetting by tredition, created with the tredition Text Designer

ISBN Softcover: 978-3-347-63844-0

ISBN Hardback: 978-3-347-63845-7

ISBN E-Book: 978-3-347-63846-4

Printing and distribution on behalf ofof the author:

tredition GmbH, Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany

The work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. The author is responsible for the contents. Any exploitation is prohibited without his approval. Publication and distribution are carried out on behalf of of the author, to be reached at: tredition GmbH, department "Imprint service", Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany.

Lovers of the Fifth Street

If you are a fan of literature, you may know that it was a literature that shaped the face of history. From the very first written epic of the world to the book that was published yesterday, all and all are a part of what we call the history of humans. One of the main issues that literature carried through history was binary oppositions. From the very beginning, when we fought monsters of mountains and forests, there where binary oppositions. So, when there was good, there was bad; when there was day, there was night; and when there was war, there was peace.

What is peace?

In most cases when we want to define peace, we say: when there is no war, it is peace. The meaning of peace is so vast and active, that you may not find two people with the same definition of peace in mind. But for now, It is better to know that in general, we have two peace types, negative peace, and positive peace. The negative peace is the peace accomplished in the absence of war. Positive peace is when humans, aside from war, are looking for equality. As I mentioned before, peace is a dynamic term, but for now, whatever we said about peace is enough and we can head forward.

However, it is better to define the term in your mind and continue reading this article; this may help you to concentrate more on the literature of peace and its purposes and functions rather than the definition of peace itself.

What is the literature of peace?