Sam - Ellias Aghili Dehnavi - E-Book


It's really simple! If you want to be loved, then love! Written by Seneca in the sixth of his letters to Lucilius, the phrase has a double interpretation: 'only loving souls can inspire love' and 'you cannot ask for love from those you do not love yourself. The New York Poetry Trilogy -and the related books to these series-, shed light on the complicated spiritual problems of modern men; in other words, (or let's say, better words!) emotional issues of the civilized society! The extreme levels of the rn Individualism have led to enormous internal problems which manifest themselves in "Social Behavioral Aberration".

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Elliai Aghili Dehnavi


© 2022 Ellias Aghili Dehnavi

Illustrated by: Mahdi Amini (

Typesetting & Layout: Mahdi Amini (

Typesetting by tredition, created with the tredition Text Designer

ISBN Softcover: 978-3-347-73093-9

ISBN Hardback: 978-3-347-73096-0

ISBN E-Book: 978-3-347-73097-7

ISBN Large print: 978-3-347-73101-1

Printing and distribution on behalf ofof the author:tredition GmbH, Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany

The work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. The author is responsible for the contents. Any exploitation is prohibited without his approval. Publication and distribution are carried out on behalf of of the author, to be reached at: tredition GmbH, department "Imprint service", Halenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany.

Si vis Amari Ama

To Sam, You will never die!

It’s really simple! If you want to be loved, then love! Written by Seneca in the sixth of his letters to Lucilius, the phrase has a double interpretation: ‘only loving souls can inspire love’ and ‘you cannot ask for love from those you do not love yourself’.

The New York Poetry Trilogy -and the related books to these series-, shed light on the complicated spiritual problems of the modern men; in other words, (or let’s say, better words!) emotional issues of the civilized society! The extreme levels of the Modern Individualism have led to enormous internal problems which manifest themselves in “Social Behavioral Aberration”.

“Sam” is an appendix to the book “Johannes” and an attribution to New York Poetry Trilogy; the book is the concretization of hidden feelings and suppressed emotions; like all the other similar works, the readers will feel the emotional tensions that the main characters experience.


Acta, non verba

This indeed is a story for all

When summer collapses into fall!

When the lovers die while they smile

When you hear their laughter from a thousand mile.

So this story happened at cold winter night

When Mr. Anderson missed his last minute flight;

Sometimes you miss in order to gain

Remember; so many things might not happen again!

Remember to hug and not to stab

To love and shine, not be grim and drab;

Remember, remember my child

Who respected your kindness and who defiled!

Sometimes you miss and never gain again;

This is the main reason for the worst ever pain

That mankind could experience and feel;

I don’t know why they love and like still!

The very moment that you do feel sure

That love has entered from a celestial door

Is the time that you break harder than ever

Hatred is smarter and cleverer!

Monsters are real and they live within us

You can smell their dead corpses even from Mars;

Monster have nothing to lose

Your love and soul they abuse!

So dears, the kids of the past dead years

Love is what Mr. Anderson fears!

But he lost his flight to stop the time

Feeling love for some moments isn’t a crime!

This banished Angel that flies with her broken wings

Could sparkle magic from the ordinary things;

Her name was Sam, strong and Wild;

Miracles happen, always remember, my child!

Like the Eden, like a never dying tree

Sam was vivid, forever free

And juvenile; maybe a little lost

Every good thing in life has a cost!

Banished as an angel disguised as a man

Appeared to the “LOST” spirits, like the Vatican

A lantern for the real pilgrims

Who make the best out of their catholic dreams!

So she froze the time but then left…

“And there be nothing but God left;

But, Iaone being blessed keep

Like some old rabbit to my cleft

And wait Him in a drunken sleep”

He wrote for her, save your soul

Let yourself to take control!

Grow wings and fly again Dance with me under the rain..

No one turned the lights on…..

Smoking kills

Not those crystal lives we had,

Heard about in ancient lore,

"We meant to live equally"

Me a man or coil down the core? Yes, I'm so abrupt right now,

My thoughts are on a stone,

Called" rummy a black sot,

Such a hapless for the lily-whites.

I'm asking you my fault,

For what crime I am censored?

Sim is red, black the night,

Against them why don't you fight?

I like to light my life,

As a tyke,

To play with my friend Mark,

But his parents glower.

Already have lit it up,

"Smoking kills" said a man,

Like race but a firm stand,

Extended his hand.

The Stage of Insanity

Broken hearts and the stage of insanity

That deep state of despair in life,

Disappointed faces in life and humanity

Do stab others with their betrayal knife.

We live in a world of words