All Life Is Yoga: Forget Your Difficulties - The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother - E-Book

All Life Is Yoga: Forget Your Difficulties E-Book

The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother



From the time of Her final coming to Pondicherry and establishment of Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1920, the Mother constantly received a chain of devotees, Ashramites and visitors from all over the world who had conversation with Her and asked questions also on all aspects of life. Mother always very lovingly replied to them in the simplest possible language, at the same time containing profound and penetrative wisdom, guidance and direction. This publication presents gems of helpful guidelines from the loving Mother – a book of valuable reference and guidance in day to day life, spurring towards nobler aspiration and higher consciousness.

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“All life is Yoga.” – Sri Aurobindo

Forget Your Difficulties

The Mother



PublisherAURO MEDIAVerlag und FachbuchhandelWilfried SchuhGermany

eBook Design


ALL LIFE IS YOGAForget Your DifficultiesSelections from the Works of the MotherFirst edition 2022ISBN 978-3-96387-104-7

© Photos and selections of the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother:Sri Aurobindo Ashram TrustPuducherry, India

Flower on the cover:Myrtus communis. White.Spiritual significance and explanation given by the Mother:To live only for the DivineThis means to have overcome all the difficulties of the individual life.

Publisher’s Note

This is one in a series of some e-books created by SRI AUROBINDO DIGITAL EDITION and published by AURO MEDIA under the title All Life Is Yoga. Our effort is to bring together, from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, simple passages with a practical orientation on specific subjects, so that everyone may feel free to choose a book according to his inner need. The topics cover the whole field of human activity, because true spirituality is not the rejection of life but the art of perfecting life.

While the passages from Sri Aurobindo are in the original English, most of the passages from the Mother (selections from her talks and writings) are translations from the original French. We must also bear in mind that the excerpts have been taken out of their original context and that a compilation, in its very nature, is likely to have a personal and subjective approach. A sincere attempt, however, has been made to be faithful to the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. These excerpts are by no means exhaustive.

Bringing out a compilation from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, which have a profound depth and wideness unique, is a difficult task. The compiler’s subjective tilt and preferences generally result in highlighting some aspects of the issues concerned while the rest is by no means less significant. Also without contexts of the excerpts the passages reproduced may not fully convey the idea – or may be misunderstood or may reduce a comprehensive truth into what could appear like a fixed principle.

The reader may keep in mind this inherent limitation of compilations; compilations are however helpful in providing an introduction to the subject in a handy format. They also give the readers a direct and practical feel of some of the profound issues and sometimes a mantric appeal, musing on which can change one’s entire attitude to them.

The excerpts from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother carry titles and captions chosen by the editor, highlighting the theme of the excerpts and, whenever possible, borrowing a phrase from the text itself. The sources of the excerpts are given at the end of each issue.

We hope these compilations will inspire the readers to go to the complete works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and will help them to mould their lives and their environments towards an ever greater perfection.

“True spirituality is not to renounce life, but to make life perfect with a Divine Perfection.” – The Mother

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Title PageCopyrightPublisher’s NoteFORGET YOUR DIFFICULTIESQuotation1. Always be Kind2. Do You Believe in Luck?3. Be Like A Flower4. Complementary Halves of Humanity5. Develop Your Will Power6. Prayers to be in Tune the Whole Day7. Do the Right Thing8. Faith9. Offering10. Food11. Prayer12. Silence13. A Perfect Gift14. How to give One’s Love15. Give Everything16. How to Abolish the Ego?17. How to Sleep18. How to Listen19. How to Work Well20. Orderly Work21. A Guiding Rule22. Action in Silence23. How to Live in Peace with Others24. Happy is He who Possesses Nothing25. Keep a happy Heart26. The Marvellous Magician27. One Hour a Day28. Relation between the Employer and the Employee29. Remain at Your Best30. Find Interest in Whatever You do31. Cheerful Citizen32. Discipline Necessary in Work33. Speech34. Follow a Physical Discipline35. Transformation36. Stories of Courage37. True Courage38. A Story of Self-Control39. You have a Special Aim Which is Your Very Own40. What is Fear?41. Why dies one feel afraid?42. How to Conquer Fear?43. “Microbe” of Cure44. Working with Others45. When You Have A Little Time46. When I Was a Child47. What You Must Be48. The Supreme Purity Within49. Your Place50. Begin Today51. The Mother’s Guidance in Daily LifeAPPENDIXReferences


CoverTable of ContentsStart Reading


Forget your difficulties. Think only of being a more and more perfect instrument for the Divine to do His work and the Divine will conquer all your difficulties and transform you.

With love and blessings.

– The Mother

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Chapter 1

Always be Kind

Always be kind and you will be free from suffering, always be contented and happy, and you will radiate your quiet happiness. It is particularly noticeable that all the digestive functions are extremely sensitive to an attitude that is critical, bitter, full of ill-will, to a sour judgment. Nothing disturbs the functioning of the digestion more than that. And it is a vicious circle: the more the digestive function is disturbed, the more unkind you become, critical, dissatisfied with life and things and people. So you can’t find any way out. And there is only one cure: to deliberately drop this attitude, to absolutely forbid yourself to have it and to impose upon yourself, by constant self-control, a deliberate attitude of all-comprehending kindness. Just try and you will see that you feel much better.

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Chapter 2

Do You Believe in Luck?

Sweet Mother, is there anything like good luck and bad luck, or is it something that one creates for oneself?

There is nothing that can truly be called luck. What men call luck are the effects of causes they do not know.

Nor is there anything that in itself is good or bad luck; each one characterises circumstances as good or bad depending on whether they are more or less favourable to him; and this estimation itself is very superficial and ignorant, for one must already be a great sage to know what is truly favourable or unfavourable to oneself.

Moreover, the same event may be very good for one person and at the same time very bad for another. These estimations are purely subjective and depend on each one’s reaction to contacts coming from outside.

Finally, the circumstances of our life, the surroundings in which we live and the way in which people regard us are the expression, the objective projection of what we ourselves are, within and without. So we may say with certainty that what we carry in ourselves in all our states of being, mentally, vitally and physically, is that which constitutes our life objectified in what surrounds us.

And this is easily verifiable, for in proportion as we improve ourselves and advance towards perfection, our circumstances also improve.

Likewise, in the case of those who degenerate and fall back, the circumstances of their lives also worsen.

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Chapter 3

Be Like A Flower

When I give flowers, it is an answer to the aspiration coming from the very depths of your being. It is a need or an aspiration, it depends upon the person. It may fill a void or else give you the impetus to progress, or it may help you find the inner harmony in order to establish peace. Do you understand?

Be like a flower. One must try to become like a flower: open, frank, equal, generous and kind….